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  1. #1
    carguy_z28's Avatar
    carguy_z28 is offline Banned
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    Calgary Alberta Canada

    blowing some steam.

    dont know what to do, Im just venting on here really. I was asking on here what to do about the ex girlfriend and this nurse I met not long ago. So I tok the advice, and went with the nurse. It ended up not beingeverything I thought it would be. Sh wanted to be free to date other guys, and I wouldnt have any of it. So to make a long story short, I am no longer with her. And to make matters worse, I ended up in a fight with another soldier because I went to work in a shitty mood, and this guy is one of those loud mouths that cant shut that hole in his face he calles a mouth. So I got tossed in the holding cell for 3 days, not that I care, its a joke really, sitting there and doing nothing. But Im just always in a shitty mood now. Im not working out, Im not eating properly, I go out and drink all the time, and I know Im going to be told to suck it up and move in, but its just Im so f*cking tired of " moving on" And I am afraid that my temper is going to get me in a lot of shit one of these days. So anyways, Im off to get drunk now, thanks for reading my rant.

  2. #2
    Rye_guy's Avatar
    Rye_guy is offline Member
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    shit man, but thats cow town for you. in a city where women out number men 4-1, its almost to be expected. I lived there for years and I lost my girlie of 3 years when we moved there cause she wanted to slut it up. lol

    no worries though, theres alot of pretty ladys in that city. just dont get yourself into a self destructive mode, get outta that, go hit the weights, eat your face off! you;ll get over it bro! its no the end of the world.

    Oh hey, your in the military? I have just submited an applicatoin with the armed forces, mind if I pm you some time to ask you a few things regarding enlistment? theres a few questions in kinda iffy on, and its been 30 years since my father was in the army.

    anyway, hope all works out for you man, keep yer chin up!

  3. #3
    carguy_z28's Avatar
    carguy_z28 is offline Banned
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    Sep 2006
    Calgary Alberta Canada
    sure man, any questions you have ask them, Ill answer to the best of my knowledge. You going reg force or reserves?

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