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  1. #81
    STYLE74's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg
    Sure we all did stupid stuff Beast, but I think what some people are getting at is how ungrateful and blind he is to his good fortune. Sour grapes? Maybe. I know he doesn't rub anything in or sneer but CSAR is right he is very ignorant in many ways. Aw well, two pence worth.
    I find it funny how people think at 18 this kid should know everything there is to know about life and how to appreciate things. I'm 32 and still don't have it all figured out. Fosk needs to grow up and make mistakes so he could learn from them and you nor csar can say he doesen't appreciate what he has because you don't even know him. Remember we were all 18 once and nobody is perfect except perfect beast.........
    Last edited by STYLE74; 01-10-2007 at 03:58 PM.

  2. #82
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    im perfect

  3. #83
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Lets have an "intervention" like on tv. We can start it something like this "fosk we have all gathered here today because we are concerned with your threads, they make no sense"

  4. #84
    CSAR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    shame. He's just a kid! god didn't any of you do stupid stuff when you were 18!! I sure did!
    Of course people do stupid things when they're 18. People do stupid things at every age, but who does as many foolish things as he supposedly does (and then posts for AR members to read) on a daily basis? 18 is the legal age of manhood in many countries, but from his posts alone I would agree that he's just a kid...who's not really 18. Most 18 year olds I know don't break their door and then lie to hide the fact from mommy. I'm not even sure I'd qualify him as a "young man." Clearly he doesn't respect his mom enough to even tell her the truth about a simple door.

    I don't know about you guys, but I stopped lying to my mom a long time before I turned 18. And when I did do stupid things (like ride my dirt bike naked w/ a pumpkin on my head at Halloween when I was 16) I was mature enough to take responsibility for my actions.

    Quote Originally Posted by STYLE74
    Fosk needs to grow up.

    Quote Originally Posted by STYLE74
    and you nor csar can say he doesen't appreciate what he has because you don't even know him.
    Sure I can, because his posts are proof enough that he takes what he has for granted. In fact I believe I already did. And learning from mistakes implies acknowledgement of mistakes. Fosk doesn't even do that - he either lies to cover them up or makes excuses to justify them.

    For the record, I don't hate Fosk. I wouldn't even say that I dislike him. However, I am tired of having to wade through his nonsense every time someone posts information that is actually worth reading and I'm rather fed up with his "I'm gonna be Mr. O" nonsense (and no, he's not joking). This is a prime example of his immaturity in that he doesn't even recognize the difference between an achievable goal and a childish dream. Jay Cutler saying, "I'm gonna be Mr. O" when he got his pro card was stating an achievable goal. 18-19 year old males who train for, compete in, and win teenage bodybuilding contests saying, "I'm gonna be Mr. O" are stating achievable goals. But Fosk isn't a competitive teenage bodybuilder, he doesn't even look like he lifts weights, he doesn't take competitive bb'ers up on their offers of free advice, and he makes excuses for his physical shortcomings (I'm only've done 3 cycles and I've never touched a needle...I broke my fishtank doing curls and my mommy had to get a bucket).

    Seriously, I don't think he's 18 and I'm willing to bet his voice cracks worse than Peter Brady singing "Time to Change" on the Brady Bunch.

    Mean? Well, if injecting a dose of much needed honesty and giving ol' Fosk a reality check are mean, then call me Ty Cobb.

  5. #85
    beuleux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR

    Seriously, I don't think he's 18 and I'm willing to bet his voice cracks worse than Peter Brady singing "Time to Change" on the Brady Bunch.
    Ha Ha I remember that episode, Fosk wasnt even born then... Lighten up man youre taking him too seriously, I doubt he anylizes posts as much as you just did.

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    Lets have an "intervention" like on tv. We can start it something like this "fosk we have all gathered here today because we are concerned with your threads, they make no sense"
    lets do it.

  7. #87
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by donniebrasco
    lets do it.
    Fosk stands up while we are all sat in circle on plastic chairs.

    "my name is Fosk and i am a post whore"

  8. #88
    Booz's Avatar
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    who really gives a shit where hes gone?????????????????

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  9. #89
    STYLE74's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beuleux
    Ha Ha I remember that episode, Fosk wasnt even born then...
    Lighten up man youre taking him too seriously, I doubt he anylizes posts as much as you just did.
    Way too seriously..............LOL!!

  10. #90
    beuleux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR

    Seriously, I don't think he's 18 and I'm willing to bet his voice cracks worse than Peter Brady singing "Time to Change" on the Brady Bunch.
    LOL.... I could resist it... doesnt little Fosky look cute with his headphones on

    Dang Ma Brady was hot... wonder what the girls are doing now?

  11. #91
    Timm1704's Avatar
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    personally i like fosk, yes he posts sopme shit sometimes/most times, but he always takes things on the chin and doesnt bitch. have fun in amsterdam sir

  12. #92
    STYLE74's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR
    Of course people do stupid things when they're 18. People do stupid things at every age, but who does as many foolish things as he supposedly does (and then posts for AR members to read) on a daily basis? 18 is the legal age of manhood in many countries, but from his posts alone I would agree that he's just a kid...who's not really 18. Most 18 year olds I know don't break their door and then lie to hide the fact from mommy. I'm not even sure I'd qualify him as a "young man."
    Clearly he doesn't respect his mom enough to even tell her the truth about a simple door.
    How do you know he is not just saying this to us but he really did tell his mom?

    I don't know about you guys, but I stopped lying to my mom a long time before I turned 18. And when I did do stupid things (like ride my dirt bike naked w/ a pumpkin on my head at Halloween when I was 16) I was mature enough to take responsibility for my actions.


    Sure I can, because his posts are proof enough that he takes what he has for granted.
    In fact I believe I already did. And learning from mistakes implies acknowledgement of mistakes. Fosk doesn't even do that - he either lies to cover them up or makes excuses to justify them.

    For the record, I don't hate Fosk. I wouldn't even say that I dislike him. However, I am tired of having to wade through his nonsense every time someone posts information that is actually worth reading and I'm rather fed up with his "I'm gonna be Mr. O" nonsense (and no, he's not joking). This is a prime example of his immaturity in that he doesn't even recognize the difference between an achievable goal and a childish dream. Jay Cutler saying, "I'm gonna be Mr. O" when he got his pro card was stating an achievable goal. 18-19 year old males who train for, compete in, and win teenage bodybuilding contests saying, "I'm gonna be Mr. O" are stating achievable goals. But Fosk isn't a competitive teenage bodybuilder, he doesn't even look like he lifts weights, he doesn't take competitive bb'ers up on their offers of free advice, and he makes excuses for his physical shortcomings (I'm only've done 3 cycles and I've never touched a needle...I broke my fishtank doing curls and my mommy had to get a bucket).

    Seriously, I don't think he's 18 and I'm willing to bet his voice cracks worse than Peter Brady singing "Time to Change" on the Brady Bunch.

    Mean? Well, if injecting a dose of much needed honesty and giving ol' Fosk a reality check are mean, then call me Ty Cobb.
    Posts are proof enough? You believe everything you read? I sure as hell don't! Fosk could just be posting telling us that he doesen't tell his mom what he does when in reality he does. I'm not saying that he is lying, all i am saying is that nobody on this board really knows anybody well enough through posts to say he doesen't appreciate what he has. He could just be trying to look cool in front of us wich goes back to my original post about him needing to grow up.

  13. #93
    CSAR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by STYLE74
    Posts are proof enough? You believe everything you read? I sure as hell don't! Fosk could just be posting telling us that he doesen't tell his mom what he does when in reality he does. I'm not saying that he is lying, all i am saying is that nobody on this board really knows anybody well enough through posts to say he doesen't appreciate what he has. He could just be trying to look cool in front of us wich goes back to my original post about him needing to grow up.
    So then why do you believe he needs to grow up? Obviously something about his posts has brought you to the conclusion that he is immature. And you're asking me if I believe everything I read? For future reference, there's only one e in doesn't and an h in which.

    I don't know if you're aware, but there are tools for written text analysis, determining emotional quotients, profiling, etc. Anyone with a basic background in linguistics could understand that Fosk believes what he is posting (whether or not it is actually true). Hell, I'm considering using Fosk's posts next semester in my linguistics class. I'll let the students perform an emotional quotient analysis on them, triangulate with my own EQA and a conversation analysis.

    Fosk - if you're reading this, can I have permission to analyze your posts, use them in my class, and seek publication in a peer-reviewed journal? I'll even change your handle for an additional layer of anonymity.

  14. #94
    shrpskn is offline Anabolic Member
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    This thread is shit! Garbage.

    Dudes getting all bent out of shape over Foskamink...lmmfao!

    Let this shit die.

  15. #95
    STYLE74's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR
    So then why do you believe he needs to grow up? Obviously something about his posts has brought you to the conclusion that he is immature. And you're asking me if I believe everything I read?
    For future reference, there's only one e in doesn't and an h in which.
    I don't know if you're aware, but there are tools for written text analysis, determining emotional quotients, profiling, etc. Anyone with a basic background in linguistics could understand that Fosk believes what he is posting (whether or not it is actually true). Hell, I'm considering using Fosk's posts next semester in my linguistics class. I'll let the students perform an emotional quotient analysis on them, triangulate with my own EQA and a conversation analysis.

    Fosk - if you're reading this, can I have permission to analyze your posts, use them in my class, and seek publication in a peer-reviewed journal? I'll even change your handle for an additional layer of anonymity.
    It's pretty obvious that he needs to grow up. Thank you for the spelling lesson, i would expect that from a professor.

  16. #96
    dhriscerr's Avatar
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    I just cant stop lauging when you refert to fosk as the kid that broke the fishtank!!! Thats awsome!, I was alittle pissed when he said shit about my picture but then I decided whatever man, just one dude, and I have way more than 10lbs on that kid. The only threat I see him causing is to new members that dont know him. Some new kid comes here and see's Fosk has 2500+ Post and thinks he is this super book of knowlege and cycle experience and he gives them some bunk advice I don't want someone to get hurt! To keep it in the lounge is one thing just make sure it doesnt spill into reall educational threads or atleast have him super mornitored!!!! my .02 as a new guy

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhriscerr
    I just cant stop lauging when you refert to fosk as the kid that broke the fishtank!!! Thats awsome!, I was alittle pissed when he said shit about my picture but then I decided whatever man, just one dude, and I have way more than 10lbs on that kid. The only threat I see him causing is to new members that dont know him. Some new kid comes here and see's Fosk has 2500+ Post and thinks he is this super book of knowlege and cycle experience and he gives them some bunk advice I don't want someone to get hurt! To keep it in the lounge is one thing just make sure it doesnt spill into reall educational threads or atleast have him super mornitored!!!! my .02 as a new guy
    if you saw the way he looked you wouldnt of been so pissed

  18. #98
    CSAR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by STYLE74
    It's pretty obvious that he needs to grow up. Thank you for the spelling lesson, i would expect that from a professor.
    Not meant to be a spelling lesson or nitpicking at all. Your spelling is rather good and I enjoy debating with you as you're obviously educated and you've brought up some interesting issues. It was just odd that you spelled mid-level vocabulary (e.g., appreciate) correctly, but misspelled lower-level vocabulary.

    It seems one of the core issues here is: How trustworthy are AR members and the information that is posted? I'd like to think that while there are some exaggerations, people are basically honest. Whether Fosk is telling the truth or not, I can't say. But his posts and responses to those who critique indicate that he believes so. Regardless, I absolutely agree with you that he has some growing up to do.

    I agree with dhriscerr about the association of knowledge that is attached to the number of posts a member has. And someone actually taking advice from Fosk is too scary to contemplate. I'm wondering if we shouldn't all just have the title "Member" and leave the specialized titles to the monitors, moderators, and vets.

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR
    Not meant to be a spelling lesson or nitpicking at all. Your spelling is rather good and I enjoy debating with you as you're obviously educated and you've brought up some interesting issues. It was just odd that you spelled mid-level vocabulary (e.g., appreciate) correctly, but misspelled lower-level vocabulary.

    It seems one of the core issues here is: How trustworthy are AR members and the information that is posted? I'd like to think that while there are some exaggerations, people are basically honest. Whether Fosk is telling the truth or not, I can't say. But his posts and responses to those who critique indicate that he believes so. Regardless, I absolutely agree with you that he has some growing up to do.

    I agree with dhriscerr about the association of knowledge that is attached to the number of posts a member has. And someone actually taking advice from Fosk is too scary to contemplate. I'm wondering if we shouldn't all just have the title "Member" and leave the specialized titles to the monitors, moderators, and vets.
    hey i like being an "anabolic member"

  20. #100
    beuleux's Avatar
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    CSAR thats interesting stuff are you seroius about using his posts because you should post a link to the results if you do it would be a good read with the good Fosks permission of course... Btw I dont think he gives "advice" as such.

  21. #101
    Foskamink's Avatar
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    CSAR i didnt read any of ur posts too long and a waste of my time.

    guys yeh i quickly ran from those scumbags, cant really talk about it on AR. but way too ****ed up, i have a big mouth aye. leaving today for rotterdamn, before they or me end up in a box.

    but i meet alot of really good people here, and im really going to try and plan my departure from home. i have alot of really good connections here now.
    bounchers, bartenders and restaurant workers, i can get a job here.
    really going to sit down a make a plan when i get home, no clue what i will do with the rest of my life, but there is a billion common interest in oppertunity that i have found from great people.

    sure i was with scumbags but i didnt know at first, ran as soon as i could.
    its the 21st century cant afford to be afraid of people i give them a chance when i meet and see them then make my decision, dont judge what you dont know.

    ill give everyone the full crazystorys ect when i get home take far too long.

    Last edited by Foskamink; 01-12-2007 at 06:41 AM.

  22. #102
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    hey check this out, people are so uptight, ive had a harder life then alot of people and i am honest and take peoples word. because im a big liar ill take a picture,

    my naked ass standing on the hood of my car, with new suede nike airs. some ripped jeans and a g star tshirt, hey ill throw my pimp hat on. includeing the number plate of my car and a amsterdamn sign or some sort in the background to prove to you that you who are sad with life. how im doing.
    hell my mates got a really good camera, you might see the scratch marks on my ass from the spanish chick i smashed last night. oh and my new tattoo on my neck i got a few days ago.

    i want somthing in return for this photo, so think what you will give me for your peice of mind and santiy.

  23. #103
    CSAR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    CSAR i didnt read any of ur posts too long and a waste of my time.
    You should because you just might learn a thing or two from people who've had it worse than you.

    I have two simple questions for you Fosk:

    1) Can I use your posts for research purposes? Just answer "Yes, you have my permission to use my posts for your research," or "No."


    2) For the record...are you stating that your posts are fully accurate and honest?

  24. #104
    STYLE74's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR
    Not meant to be a spelling lesson or nitpicking at all. Your spelling is rather good and I enjoy debating with you as you're obviously educated and you've brought up some interesting issues. It was just odd that you spelled mid-level vocabulary (e.g., appreciate) correctly, but misspelled lower-level vocabulary.

    It seems one of the core issues here is: How trustworthy are AR members and the information that is posted? I'd like to think that while there are some exaggerations, people are basically honest. Whether Fosk is telling the truth or not, I can't say. But his posts and responses to those who critique indicate that he believes so. Regardless, I absolutely agree with you that he has some growing up to do.

    I agree with dhriscerr about the association of knowledge that is attached to the number of posts a member has. And someone actually taking advice from Fosk is too scary to contemplate. I'm wondering if we shouldn't all just have the title "Member" and leave the specialized titles to the monitors, moderators, and vets.
    I enjoy your posts as well Csar. You bring up many good points about his posts and if you do end up using his posts for you're studies/classes i would like to read them, it's a very interesting topic.

  25. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by italianplayboy09
    if you saw the way he looked you wouldnt of been so pissed
    My point exactly I didnt know who he was at the time but he had like 1500 post so I figured he knew what he was talking about!!! Thats what scares me about him, I tihnk there should be some kind of test or answer some questions from some monitors on some of the basics. Not saying that people cant give help or opinions, but just to earn a titile. Just my .02

  26. #106
    Hunter's Avatar
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    Foska, I do not think your ready to move out at all. If you where going to a college dorm it would be different. Your just not mature enough and I dont think you could handle the responsibilities. You lived on your own and was evicted not a great way to start your independence. I would say put moving out on hold and go get your highschool dimploma

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