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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    The show "The Apprentice" my thoughts

    I dont watch much of TV, but I caught part of this a few minutes ago and I think it's a crock of ****ing shit. They have these pussy brats come on this show, and it turns into a shouting match at the big last supper table about who should go and who should stay. These little dipshits had a carwash to run, they're on this show getting so ****ing over-dramatic about it "You left to use the bathroom when we had customers!!! Mr. Trump I will work hard for you, he should go, not me!!" This one little brown noser, I swear this guy needs to be punched in the mouth, I dont know how Donald Trump hasn't lost it and told him to shut the **** up for 2 seconds and let somebody speak. They let these kids sell lemonade and or set up golf tournaments or some bullshit, and make it out to be rocket science. If I was on that show I'd probably lose it and say something to Mr. Trump like "You know what asshole, maybe the people just weren't thirsty for ****ing lemonade, maybe we should sell some beer?" That's all that is on anymore is this reality television B.S. I can't stand it. My wife was watching some show earlier about people who want to audition to be in the play "Greese" on broadway. First off, I hate this ****ing movie, it's every chicks favorite movie and it's ****ing shitty. Ok, here is my hatred towards these type of shows. They allow fat bitches, weeinie boys, and old bastards to audition, when they know they're not going to make the cut. Then they try to say shit like" We just can't picture you playing this...oh, but your great, keep doing what your doing! How about "Bitch, your 300 lbs, ugly as sin, and how the hell did you get on this audition to begin with?" Then I'd fire the audition picker guy after I snuffed him in his grille, ****ers.

  2. #2
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    You're fired.

  3. #3
    beuleux's Avatar
    beuleux is offline Banned
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    I agree all reality TV is BS if you want a top notch employee the last thing you do is call the TV company and get them to audition as many ass-wipe egomaniacs as they can find, you go to an emplyment agency like normal companies do.... and as for these talent show jokers... what a bag of shite, weve got enough overpaid celebreties as it is without generating more each year just so Simon Cowell can insult them and take the piss out of the deluded freaks who turn up for auditions those losers need therapy not public humiliation.

    That said... wasnt Joe Millionaire a scream, he boned that girl cos she thought he was loaded the stupid fcuking slag did you see her face when he told them he was broke really.

  4. #4
    Chemical King's Avatar
    Chemical King is offline Anabolic Member
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    yeah but in the end didnt it turn out that if she stayd wif him even though he was skint, then they really did get the money ??

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