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  1. #1
    Anastasia's Avatar
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    Angry Guys I need your Feedback

    I am in a process of buying a house, everything went smooth till I had the home inspection. There's 11 repairs that needed to be done in the house. Most of them are just basically minors that I can just fix it on my own. Exception of the roof and the caulking ( There's about 5 or 6 things that needs to be caulked in the house) My friend said that the caulking is nothing at all and it's inexpensive to fix .

    Anyways here's my problem:

    I had picked three repairs that I considered major for the sellers to repair. ( Roof, AC ( needs a secondary drain pan) and the caulking.) I mean common three repairs out eleven. I wouldn't think they would have a problem with agreeing to it.

    Well to my surprise . They had agree to fix the roof and the AC but not the caulking. My realtor said I can keep on pushing them to do the caulking.

    The Risk is though: They are not going to sign the agreement if the caulking is included in it. ( So what are they trying to say that they wouldn't sell the house to me because I had asked them Only fix three out of eleven repairs )

    What freaking idiots! Am i being unreasonable here or do I let them get their way and buy the house? what do you guys think?

  2. #2
    getpaid's Avatar
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    How bad do you want the house?

  3. #3
    Anastasia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by getpaid
    How bad do you want the house?

    I'll say 7.5 ,I am not planning to buy a dream house yet. That would be later!

    My friends say that I should buy the house, the price has already been reduced.

  4. #4
    G-1000's Avatar
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    They can not back out of the contract if you past the review.

    You can just get them to give x amount of $$ off for the caulking.

    If they give you a problem. Dont make a big deal just let it go till closeing. The at closeing tell them you will not sight till they take off the diff.

  5. #5
    getpaid's Avatar
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    I would say go ahead and bite the bullet and just do the caulking yourself..It sucks that the seller's are being pricks but there are alot of people out there like that...Trust me I know, I'm a mortgage broker and my wife is a realtor and this kind of thing happens all the time..I think some people like to just make life difficult..But anyways if you feel that you are getting a good deal on this house I wouldnt let something as small as caulking stop you IMO..

  6. #6
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Keep in mind a seller is not going to back out of a sale at closeing over a few bucks.

  7. #7
    getpaid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr
    Keep in mind a seller is not going to back out of a sale at closeing over a few bucks.
    You would be surprised!!!
    There are some weird ****ers out there..

  8. #8
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by getpaid
    You would be surprised!!!
    There are some weird ****ers out there..
    That is true.

  9. #9
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Were is the caulking that needs to be fixed?

  10. #10
    Anastasia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr
    They can not back out of the contract if you past the review.

    You can just get them to give x amount of $$ off for the caulking.

    If they give you a problem. Dont make a big deal just let it go till closeing. The at closeing tell them you will not sight till they take off the diff.

    what do you mean by this? >>> They can not back out of the contract if you past the review. ( You meant the final day of the contract right, well there's still 1 day remaining)

    Well I think they already know how much it would cost them to hire someone to do the caulking because my realtor mention the cost to me.

    Exactly what I am planning to do.. >> If they give you a problem. Dont make a big deal just let it go till closing. The at closeing tell them you will not sign till they take off the diff

  11. #11
    aadrenaline is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by getpaid
    You would be surprised!!!
    There are some weird ****ers out there..

    hahahaha sooooooooo true! and i HATE it

  12. #12
    ACE24's Avatar
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    As a custom home builder, what needs to be caulked? Why is it such a big deal? Are the sellers trying to hide something? Do they know something that you did not see?

  13. #13
    Anastasia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr
    Were is the caulking that needs to be fixed?

    hairline cracks mortar in the stone veneer, hairline mortar in windows, trim joints in window, back of the house and back window. There's probably even more because some of the furniture are still there. ( The inspector doesn't have the right to move it) Oh God hopefully not.

    I was thinking of just pushing them to do the caulking however I do not want to lose the house at all. Get this they are moving out from their house before closing. So I was thinking if they are really serious about selling their house then they would agree on fixing the caulking. I think they are just testing me out on how far I would go. Freaking Bastards!

  14. #14
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Did they buy a new home? Do they have to get out of the house your looking at buying.

    If so they will be dumb not to fix it for you.

  15. #15
    Benches505's Avatar
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    How many days was the house on the market prior to your offer?

    How close to the asking price was your offer?

    These two things will determine what you can do

  16. #16
    StoneGRMI's Avatar
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    As a Realtor myself, I would stop all negotiations now. Since they would not do what you asked the contract can be void. Have your Realtor show you other homes. Their Realtor (I assume they have one) will be calling yours within 3 days after you stop negotiations I guarantee. Also, if you're not in love with the home why get into something that can't pass a SIMPLE inspection?

  17. #17
    Anastasia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr
    Did they buy a new home? Do they have to get out of the house your looking at buying.

    If so they will be dumb not to fix it for you.

    Seems like it, they already have a set date to move out.

    My though also! >If so they will be dumb not to fix it for you.

  18. #18
    Anastasia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benches505
    1.How many days was the house on the market prior to your offer?

    2. How close to the asking price was your offer?

    These two things will determine what you can do

    1. About a month
    2.They had take my price offer for the house.

  19. #19
    Anastasia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StoneGRMI
    As a Realtor myself, I would stop all negotiations now. Since they would not do what you asked the contract can be void. Have your Realtor show you other homes. Their Realtor (I assume they have one) will be calling yours within 3 days after you stop negotiations I guarantee. Also, if you're not in love with the home why get into something that can't pass a SIMPLE inspection?

    I love the house is just that I am sick of them dragging my feet. This whole process is like a roller coaster. They are just a complete idiots! Anyways as for them having a realtor, they do not have one at all.

  20. #20
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anastasia
    I love the house is just that I am sick of them dragging my feet. This whole process is like a roller coaster.

    They are just idiots! Anyways as for them having a realtor, they do not have one at all.

    I'm in the same boat and feel the same way. I lost the last town house i bid on. Now i'm going to make a bid on a new one Monday. Joy i get to play that game all over again. HAHA but i love to low ball people just to be a dick. There asking 435k for the home. I'm going to offer 380k

    They say buying a home is fun. I have yet to find that to be true. Maybe years ago when you bought a home for 30-40k it was fun.

  21. #21
    Anastasia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr
    I'm in the same boat and feel the same way. I lost the last town house i bid on. Now i'm going to make a bid on a new one Monday. Joy i get to play that game all over again. HAHA but i love to low ball people just to be a dick. There asking 435k for the home. I'm going to offer 380k

    They say buying a home is fun. I have yet to find that to be true. Maybe years ago when you bought a home for 30-40k it was fun.

    435 to 380 ok that's sound unreasonable... lol!

  22. #22
    Benches505's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anastasia
    1. About a month
    2.They had take my price offer for the house.
    With only 30 days on the market the sellers are still confident their house can sell quickly. If it's a good home in a nice area just snap it up and get the caulking done yourself.

  23. #23
    Anastasia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benches505
    With only 30 days on the market the sellers are still confident their house can sell quickly. If it's a good home in a nice area just snap it up and get the caulking done yourself.

    They said they would do the caulking but afraid that if I did another reinspection and did not meet my requirement that were going to back out of the house.Well shit I would if they keep on ****ing around! Anyways if they are really smart and want to sell the house they would do it. Because I have the option of backing out off the offer and they dont.
    Last edited by Anastasia; 02-04-2007 at 01:50 PM.

  24. #24
    StoneGRMI's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anastasia
    I love the house is just that I am sick of them dragging my feet. This whole process is like a roller coaster. They are just a complete idiots! Anyways as for them having a realtor, they do not have one at all.

    Are they up For Sale By Owner or is your Realtor representing both sides?

  25. #25
    Anastasia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StoneGRMI
    Are they up For Sale By Owner or is your Realtor representing both sides?

    My realtor only represent me.

  26. #26
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anastasia
    435 to 380 ok that's sound unreasonable... lol!
    you never know what there lowest price is if you dont hit below it.

  27. #27
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Caulking isn't a big deal. The inspectors are supposed to find any little possible defect or problem. Its probably rare if they find nothing at all. If you like the house i wouldn't not buy it over this. But i would follow gsxxr's advice about the closing.

  28. #28
    Anastasia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    Caulking isn't a big deal. The inspectors are supposed to find any little possible defect or problem. Its probably rare if they find nothing at all. If you like the house i wouldn't not buy it over this. But i would follow gsxxr's advice about the closing.

    For sure

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