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  1. #1
    LawMan018's Avatar
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    Need Some Personal Input Guys

    Well, life right now seems dull, I don't feel I'm living it like I want too... I party a lot but that's getting boring and deep down really isn't me. Before I met my ex girlfriend I had planned on joining the corps and well I fell in love and that screwed a lot of my plans up...
    Here I am now a few months since the break up and am not happy with my place in life. I go to college, I did well in my first semester, but now am kind of lagging behind and suffering from it. I want to move out and travel but do not have the money or anything.
    Now to my main point... I was thinking of joining the corps again. I want a job that I can enjoy and be recognized as doing something good for my country. I don't wanna worry about all this drama and shit that has followed me from highschool to college, I just wanna go out and live a little.
    What are your guys's thoughts? I mean, do you think it would be good to join now despite what's happening in Iraq? I don't plan on choosing infantry, but well i don't know... I just want to know what you guys think of it and everything?

  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Dude the decision you make now will affect the rest of your life so just remember that with whatever advice you are given here. You know how important a colledge education is. Is it really that bad ? What are you studying. I think if there is any chance that you will graduate I would take that over joining any part of the Military. I dont mean any disrespect to anybody in the military but I think you would have to agree the Colledge is probably a better life long alternative.
    Last edited by Kale; 02-24-2007 at 02:23 AM.

  3. #3
    LawMan018's Avatar
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    I know, I didn't say I wouldn't come back to college, I just wanna have fun and a nice job that'll give me some spending cash... Plus unless I can pull it out of my ass I'm not going to have the money to transfer to a 4 year university.... I just wanna travel, have fun, and enjoy life and learn a lot of valuable stuff cuz right now I just feel like I am a nuisance to my parents, I wanna make something of myself

  4. #4
    chest6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Dude the decision you make now will affect the rest of your life so just remember that with whatever advice you are given here. You know how important a colledge education is. Is it really that bad ? What are you studying. I think if there is any chance that you will graduate I would take that over joining any part of the Military. I dont mean any disrespect to anybody in the military but I think you would have to agree the Colledge is probably a better life long alternative.

  5. #5
    Bruce000's Avatar
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    I Know how you feel mate. Left school went into college, had enough of living off my parents and volunteered for the Army. I regret it and I don't. I grew up a lot in the Army.
    But don't fool yourself once you leave college you will find it very difficult to return. Trust me I am 34 and its taken me 17years to get to where I am. If I had a college education it would have taken me half the time. The Problem with us guys is that we want to grow up too quickly.At the end of the day the decision is yours. I wish you all the best Bro.

  6. #6
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    He goes to college. I am wondering what he is doing there

  7. #7
    STYLE74's Avatar
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    Where are you from lawman? Are there no Jobs you can find that pay good?

  8. #8
    wascaptain5214 is offline Senior Member
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    college or the no this is your or iraq. i wouldnt trade my days in the corps for anything.....but i sure do wish i had a would pay off for me now......even after you muster out the corps, you still have a brother hood, and former marines look out for one another esp when hiring.

  9. #9
    NightTrain's Avatar
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    whoring it up
    well i aint a marine but i can tell you that i have been in the service (army) fr 16.5 years now and i love it, but i didnt join up while we where in a war.... make no mistake about it if you join the srevice you will spend time in Iraq, i promise you this. and the pay is not good, i make decent money but ive been doing it for a long time and i an rather high in the enlisted ranks. i will tell you what i tell all my Soldiers that are balancing between re enlisting and getting out, you have to love it, if not and you can go back to college and get an deucation than do it...... go back to school, get an education.

    ok now that being said i also truely believe every male should do altleast one enlistment in the service..... FREEDOM ISNT FREE

  10. #10
    MFT81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NightTrain
    well i aint a marine but i can tell you that i have been in the service (army) fr 16.5 years now and i love it, but i didnt join up while we where in a war.... make no mistake about it if you join the srevice you will spend time in Iraq, i promise you this. and the pay is not good, i make decent money but ive been doing it for a long time and i an rather high in the enlisted ranks. i will tell you what i tell all my Soldiers that are balancing between re enlisting and getting out, you have to love it, if not and you can go back to college and get an deucation than do it...... go back to school, get an education.

    ok now that being said i also truely believe every male should do altleast one enlistment in the service..... FREEDOM ISNT FREE
    And it costs a heavy fvckin fee!

    Hey Law how old are you?
    Last edited by MFT81; 02-24-2007 at 09:26 AM.

  11. #11
    stacked566's Avatar
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    I would highly recommend graduating. I'm assuming you're going to a community college right now since you said you probably wouldn't have the money to transfer to a 4 yr university. Firstly, for money you have lots of options. You can get student loans and grants from every place imaginable to not only cover tuition, books, living expenses, but throw a little ching in ur account on top of that. Shoot, after my scholarships and bright flight, i had an extra 3500 from the state/school. My little brother joined the marines after HS, just like my dad. He hates it and has NO money, and he's going to be deployed in the next 6 months. Now getting a degree and going into the military wouldn't be as bad of an idea.

  12. #12
    LawMan018's Avatar
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    I'm 19, taking general ed courses in college, I have no idea what I wanna do. I kind of get interested in something then end up losing interest and get interested in something else, it's an endless cycle for me. The problem is I don't want to end up like my uncle, who I am very much like. I love him to death but he's like me and he finally got a college degree at age 40 something and before that was heavy into drug use and all sorts of bad crap...

  13. #13
    king6's Avatar
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    I'm glad I joined the Marines, kind of wish I had stayed in. The Marines actually pays pretty well. But choose your job wisely, there are a lot of shit jobs in the Marines. I got lucky and had the best job. I was aircrew on C-130's. Got to travel all of the time. Fly to cool places and party it up, got promoted fast, and got flight pay, and per diem. I made enough money to buy 2 sports cars, and still have a large chunk in my savings account. But the decision is up to you, you are still young and have time to decide. I was 18 when I went in, almost 19.

  14. #14
    chest6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    He goes to college. I am wondering what he is doing there
    my bad...I was doin that because he didnt answer your question, and I wanted to know too

  15. #15
    ILuvTestEn's Avatar
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    I'm currently in the Corp and I have to say that if your thinking about the joining the military then you really need to sit down and think about what your getting into.No matter what job you pick you will end up in Iraq and I can almost promise you that you will end up in Iraq. Talk to someone who's been in recently and really get a feel for what your getting in. I joined because I wasn't ready for college and the Corp has really helped me get a hold on my life. Whatever you choose just remember that the decision is yours and yours alone.

  16. #16
    dhriscerr's Avatar
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    I just got out of the Marines in August, and dont regret being in it at all, I was in the Infantry too, 2 tours to Iraq, and I wouldn't trade those experiences for anything, Not to mention the Montgomery GI Bill pays me 1225 a month to go to college, Thats 44,100 Dollars. My fist year of Community college was 2300 bucks so I have got paid over 5,000 these 2 semester to go to college. And the pay really isnt that bad. I took home about 1200 every 2 weeks but I was married. However you have to remember that you don't pay for housing, and alot of shit is free. Seriously though its a decision you have to make, I had alot of people try to talk me out of it, and my mom offered to pay my school if I didn't go in. But no one could talk me out if it. Did I hate it when I was in? Yeah alot of the times I did, but now that im done I'm more proud of that than anything and it has earned me alot of respect from alot of people. Not that I need it, but it feels good to have people thankful for what you did. You will never have closer friends anywhere though, I can 1000% garuntee that, you might think you have some close boys now but you have no Idea what its like to have friends that would die for you. If you got any questions pm me man.

  17. #17
    KAEW44's Avatar
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    If you still beleive going to Iraq is in anyway helping your country or helping any country then thats where you are making your first bad decisions.
    Stay in college, take classes with friends if that will make them encourage you to go and work, your at the begining man i loved first two years of college cause they were easy classes! Stick with it.

  18. #18
    dhriscerr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KAEW44
    If you still beleive going to Iraq is in anyway helping your country or helping any country then thats where you are making your first bad decisions.
    Stay in college, take classes with friends if that will make them encourage you to go and work, your at the begining man i loved first two years of college cause they were easy classes! Stick with it.
    At first you might think of it as helping and serving your country but in the end if you do join and you do go you will realize its really all just about watching your buddy's back. People are appreciative of what you do, but if you only want to join because you think its serving your country than you need to rethink why you are doing it, This is My personal opinion and some might really view it as serving your country, to those Im not trying to piss you off.

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