View Poll Results: What profession do you think has a higher use of anabolics?

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  • Law Enforcement

    32 74.42%
  • Fire fighters

    7 16.28%
  • Teachers

    1 2.33%
  • Doctors

    3 6.98%
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Results 41 to 44 of 44
  1. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04
    people with muscle mass are less likely to get ****ed with

    If juice helps officers come home to their wife and kids and one piece rock on

    Just dont arrest me for trying to be a bodybuilder, productive member of society
    all the muscle in the world won't stop a bullet...unless your the incredible hulk..

  2. #42
    Texsun is offline Junior Member
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    You are right to a point, thegodfather. Law enforcement officers do at times have discretion on what laws we do and do not enforce, mainly in the form of issuing warnings for minor traffice infractions. Like I said earlier in my previos post, the only real way I wouldn't feel hypocritical in using AAS is if I had a prescription. And even though I think AAS laws are completely bogus, I would also feel like I wouldn't be doing my job if I happend to discover some on a traffic stop or what have you. Granted, I could just throw them down the gutter, but that would probably be caught on my patrol car's camera lol. It definitely becomes a slippery slope when officers begin choosing which laws they do or do not enforce.
    Last edited by Texsun; 07-09-2007 at 10:59 PM. Reason: spelling mistakes

  3. #43
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    Quote Originally Posted by Texsun
    You are right to a point, thegodfather. Law enforcement officers do at times have discretion on what laws we do and do not enforce, mainly in the form of issuing warnings for minor traffice infractions. Like I said earlier in my previos post, the only real way I wouldn't feel hypocritical in using AAS is if I had a prescription. And even though I think AAS laws are completely bogus, I would also feel like I wouldn't be doing my job if I happend to discover some on a traffic stop or what have you. Granted, I could just throw them down the gutter, but that would probably be caught on my patrol car's camera lol. It definitely becomes a slippery slope when officers begin choosing which laws they do or do not enforce.

    I would just expect you to see them and keep on going about your business. Theres one officer that works here locally, he looks like he just walked off stage of the Olympia and into a police uniform. If he had ever stopped me and gave me a hard time about juice, God would probably strike him dead with a lightning bolt. I get pissed when the cops in the town that I pay taxes to harass me about menial shit, like ****ing window tint.

  4. #44
    scaramouche's Avatar
    scaramouche is offline Senior Member
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    a while back i was stopped for no seatbelt,the officer could see i was a busy man and in a rush through no fault of my own so he just said "dont forget it next time now sod off before i change my mind" the guys not a hippocrite imo just exercising discretion instead of arse licking and getting as many convictions as he can however minor

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