View Poll Results: What profession do you think has a higher use of anabolics?

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  • Law Enforcement

    32 74.42%
  • Fire fighters

    7 16.28%
  • Teachers

    1 2.33%
  • Doctors

    3 6.98%
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  1. #1
    skr0w's Avatar
    skr0w is offline Associate Member
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    A Taboo question: Law enforcement and Juice!

    I have a question and i'm not sure im in the right forum. I have a friend who is a state cop and he takes tons of juice he kind of reminds me of ronnie coleman. My question is are there a lot of cops out there that take juice and if so how in the hell do they get away with it???

  2. #2
    Kimo27's Avatar
    Kimo27 is offline Associate Member
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    i say that its either down to cops or firefighters, but if i had to choose one if would def be firefighters

  3. #3
    skr0w's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kimo27
    i say that its either down to cops or firefighters, but if i had to choose one if would def be firefighters
    Fire fighters were my second choice. I think it's a little easier to get away with in that profession.

  4. #4
    scaramouche's Avatar
    scaramouche is offline Senior Member
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    i know cops who juice but no firefighters

  5. #5
    skr0w's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scaramouche
    i know cops who juice but no firefighters
    How in the hell do officers get away with it?

  6. #6
    skr0w's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scaramouche
    i know cops who juice but no firefighters
    How in the hell do officers get away with it?

  7. #7
    trulbfan3 is offline Member
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    b/c they donget arrest themselvess....kinda like how they dont arrest themselves

  8. #8
    trulbfan3 is offline Member
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    u know like they dont get tickets for speeding

  9. #9
    2009camaro's Avatar
    2009camaro is offline New Member
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    the newjack cops that start out workin at the jails are all juiced up...they all got somethin to prove to the OG cops before they can go out on the street...

  10. #10
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Cops who juice are the purest form of a living, walking, breathing hypocrite. Their whole career and profession is focused around upholding and enforcing the law. Talk about a total waste of existence.

  11. #11
    lastrep1 is offline Banned
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    Dont confuse beat cops/city patrol cops with the dea, city cops rarely pursue steroid charges, i have buddies that have been street cops in NYC for there entire lives they never had a steroid bust, there busy with hard drugs and crimes---95% of roid busts are federal----

  12. #12
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastrep1
    Dont confuse beat cops/city patrol cops with the dea, city cops rarely pursue steroid charges, i have buddies that have been street cops in NYC for there entire lives they never had a steroid bust, there busy with hard drugs and crimes---95% of roid busts are federal----
    interesting point

  13. #13
    wascaptain5214 is offline Senior Member
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    i know alot of fireman that juice and i know alot of cops who juice. i know a couple doctors who juice. and i know one teacher whos juiceing
    Last edited by wascaptain5214; 06-01-2007 at 03:03 AM.

  14. #14
    bigcut77's Avatar
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    Last edited by bigcut77; 09-27-2007 at 12:21 PM.

  15. #15
    bigcut77's Avatar
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    And to answer the how the hell do they get away with it is it is generally not tested!!!! Steroid Urinalysis cost substantally more than othe UA's. Not to mention I would assume that the mentallity of supervisors is that it probably makes a better cop and why bother and make the ***artment look bad. They just test for the common drugs.

  16. #16
    bigcut77's Avatar
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    Last edited by bigcut77; 09-27-2007 at 12:21 PM.

  17. #17
    scaramouche's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skr0w
    How in the hell do officers get away with it?
    same as the rest of us,they keep it under thier hats

  18. #18
    CSAR's Avatar
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    I think steroids are not as looked down upon as are recreational drugs and they're more expensive to test for. Unless a law enforcement officer was having some serious roid rage /anger management problems, I don't think they'd even bother to test.

  19. #19
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    Here's the answer:

    Statistically speaking (from studies), law enforcement has the highest incidence of steroid use , illegally, second only to professional bodybuilding.

  20. #20
    skr0w's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
    Here's the answer:

    Statistically speaking (from studies), law enforcement has the highest incidence of steroid use, illegally, second only to professional bodybuilding.

    Is that really true? Where did you get that statistic from?

  21. #21
    thetank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastrep1
    Dont confuse beat cops/city patrol cops with the dea, city cops rarely pursue steroid charges, i have buddies that have been street cops in NYC for there entire lives they never had a steroid bust, there busy with hard drugs and crimes---95% of roid busts are federal----
    thats a very good point..and i understand the moral irony with police taking steroids ..but i also see a glaring lack of physical requirement to be a cop. i mean whats the standard? there should be an annual, strict physical if you want to be a police officer. you dont pass, your meter maide, or get yourself a nice deskjob untill you CAN pass. ive dealt with cops that were too fat to touch their own feet...put them in any physical situation where they dont have time to reach for thier pepper spray, and they are completely ****ed...and to me, that is a complete ****ing joke, cosmically beyond the irony of a police officer using an illegal substance that when it comes down to it, probably makes them better at thier job. cops deal with crazy shit, and good cops, are ****in heros..sometimes they are put in very volnurable positions, where if they arent in elite physical condition they are gonna be hurt, or even killed. not every cop has the genetics to be a monster..but if theres something illegal they can use, that doesnt hurt anyone, and will help them do thier job...i can understand why it happens. doin a little law bending that hurts no one, to better protect the laws that keeps us safe..makes a little sense doesnt it?
    and i ***ends on the person and the reasoning...i mean ronnie coleman being a juiced up chemical experiment in a uniform is obviously a ridiculous example..but when they are used properly, and for the right reasons, by level headed people..i can understand and maybe even support the idea in some cases...i dont know, just something to think about.

  22. #22
    RA's Avatar
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    A lot of law enforcement agencies are starting to test when you go for an interview but they dont test after that. Theres only one cop I know personally that juices.

  23. #23
    Superhuman's Avatar
    Superhuman is offline Banned
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    I know SO MANY cops on juice it's insane

  24. #24
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    I think the big usage of juice is among the Correctional officers in jails and prisons.
    Last edited by Tony Bologna; 06-01-2007 at 07:09 PM.

  25. #25
    brewerpi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small
    Cops who juice are the purest form of a living, walking, breathing hypocrite. Their whole career and profession is focused around upholding and enforcing the law. Talk about a total waste of existence.
    actually cops don't write the laws they enforce them-so the purest form of hyprocrite would be a legislator or congressperson who used aas.

  26. #26
    Superhuman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brewerpi
    actually cops don't write the laws they enforce them-so the purest form of hyprocrite would be a legislator or congressperson who used aas.
    yeah, **** those juiced up Congressmen! ...wait, have you ever seen a Politician in great shape besides Jesse "The Body" Ventura or Arnold?

  27. #27
    MFT81's Avatar
    MFT81 is offline Senior Member
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    I think it would be bad ass to be a "bad cop" like Denzel in Training Day,

    Id cruise around in a lowered monte carlo, juiced up, and pull random people over and confiscate there drugs.


  28. #28
    skr0w's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tony Bologna
    I think the big usage of juice is among the Correctional officers in jails and prisons.
    I agree those guys don't give a ****.

  29. #29
    ebjack's Avatar
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    Back in the mid 80's..I had firefighters buy unmentionable drugs from my friend stay up all night

  30. #30
    skr0w's Avatar
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    It's sad, the one of the biggest guys at my gym is a doc. Guess he gives himself perscriptions.

  31. #31
    Texsun is offline Junior Member
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    To answer the question of how do cops that juice get away with it... I guess many just get a prescription. Also in reference to the ethical aspect of officers using AAS, I can understand why one would think it hypocritical for a police officer to use steroids . I am a police officer myself and have contemplated getting on a cycle. The only way I would consider it is if I got a script. But with many online pharmacies getting busted, the risk is getting higher. For me, using AAS would merely be another tool for my job. My number one priority is getting home in one piece at the end of my shift, and if using AAS would help me be in the strongest, fittest shape possible...then I guess the ends justifies the means.

  32. #32
    sooners04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
    Here's the answer:

    Statistically speaking (from studies), law enforcement has the highest incidence of steroid use, illegally, second only to professional bodybuilding.
    Law enforcement has higher AAS use than NFL? Doubt it! Cops get away with it because NOBODY tests for it. It does help their job and city cops RARELY come in contact with AAS on the street.

  33. #33
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skr0w
    It's sad, the one of the biggest guys at my gym is a doc. Guess he gives himself perscriptions.
    Doctors do not write themselves prescriptions, its unethical, and I doubt the pharmacy would even fill it for them, probably call the AMA on them.

  34. #34
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Texsun
    To answer the question of how do cops that juice get away with it... I guess many just get a prescription. Also in reference to the ethical aspect of officers using AAS, I can understand why one would think it hypocritical for a police officer to use steroids . I am a police officer myself and have contemplated getting on a cycle. The only way I would consider it is if I got a script. But with many online pharmacies getting busted, the risk is getting higher. For me, using AAS would merely be another tool for my job. My number one priority is getting home in one piece at the end of my shift, and if using AAS would help me be in the strongest, fittest shape possible...then I guess the ends justifies the means.
    Although I do agree with what you said in bold, I also dont agree with the principal of your statement. I dont want to get into specifics, or start a big argument, but there are so many other instances of breaking the law where the "ends could justify the means," what makes it anymore 'OK' for you to break the law than me? I needed to get to a meeting on time, so I guess doing 30mph over to get there is really justified in that case. See where Im going with this?

  35. #35
    Big's Avatar
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    There is a motorcycle cop here in the city I live in that is so huge and cut he looks like he should be on stage, he's freaky big. I always wondered how he gets away with it.

  36. #36
    Renesis's Avatar
    Renesis is offline Anabolic Member
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    Umm TheGodFather, him juicing won't end in the death of a persons life (unless you are the media) and you going 30mph over can certainly kill a lot more people than yourself.

  37. #37
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    people with muscle mass are less likely to get ****ed with

    If juice helps officers come home to their wife and kids and one piece rock on

    Just dont arrest me for trying to be a bodybuilder, productive member of society

  38. #38
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Renesis
    Umm TheGodFather, him juicing won't end in the death of a persons life (unless you are the media) and you going 30mph over can certainly kill a lot more people than yourself.
    Well, according to law makers, his juicing could lead to more agressive behavior which could result in more serious injury or death to someone he's trying to detain. You missed the obvious point, we dont get to pick and chose which laws we want to obey today. If the law is in place, and you break it, then your subject to the consequences no matter how serious or how minor the infraction might be. J-walking to Murder.

    The hypocrisy that exists from a police officer who is sworn to uphold the law (and ****in abide it just like the rest of us) is sickening. Suppose an officer decides that the end justifies the means and thinks that a recreational drug will make him better in the field, do you still feel the same way about it? The point of it is, police officers are not above abiding by the laws the rest of us are forced to and they should not think they are or try to justify it.

    Heres a stupid issue that will better outline the hypocrisy of such things. In my town, Im constantly harassed by the police for having front window tint. I just keep paying the tickets because I dont give a **** and I can afford to. The main reason I wont take it off, I know several of the officers who give me the tickets have darker tint than me on their personal vehicles. Sounds like a stupid issue, but its really the principle behind it that you can apply to other situations.

  39. #39
    scaramouche's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    Although I do agree with what you said in bold, I also dont agree with the principal of your statement. I dont want to get into specifics, or start a big argument, but there are so many other instances of breaking the law where the "ends could justify the means," what makes it anymore 'OK' for you to break the law than me? I needed to get to a meeting on time, so I guess doing 30mph over to get there is really justified in that case. See where Im going with this?
    i see wher ur going but there is breaking the law and there is breaking the law,for example its not ok for u to break the law by gunning down ppl in a shopping mall but its ok for me to break the law by stealing a loaf of bread to feed my hungry family both r against the law but one crime is more acceptable than the other and carries a fraction of the sentence

  40. #40
    SomeGirl's Avatar
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