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  1. #1
    unclemoney's Avatar
    unclemoney is offline Senior Member
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    Dec 2003
    TRUE knowledge, THE light

    Fvcking army pisses me off

    We just got a new unit attached to ours in our prep for ***loyment and I used to be in 1st platoon 1st sqd and had the best people in the squad ever and a really awesome team//sqd ldr and platoon sgt that did their job great and they were all laid back you could bs and joke around all you wanted...

    But then we get this new unit and they just switched me and a couple other people outa 1st platoon into this new platoon. Our sqd ldr's//plt sgt's didn't have a choice it was made by higher ups but this new platoon sux... there not laid back or chill like my other platoon and the plt sgt acts like he has a stick up his @$$ and is stricter than hell and is a real stiffler on stupid sh!t.

    Man I was close with my old squad... every1 was, we easily had the best squad out of the whole unit. But now, I'm in this shit platoon

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    where u bein ***loyed

  3. #3
    unclemoney's Avatar
    unclemoney is offline Senior Member
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    Dec 2003
    TRUE knowledge, THE light
    the sandbox

  4. #4
    Musicman's Avatar
    Musicman is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2003
    in your military career youll go thru alot of this. if i were you id use this situation to your advantage. if your in a platoon of fng shitbags it should be that much easier to stand out. as for the new plt sgt, let him settle in, establish himself as a leader, he will eventually loosen up. if youre infantry and your pt score in the 300's you could always try out for lrrsd, youll get 1st pick for schools there as well as superior training. i was lrrsd with 10th mountain, they got me sotic, my short tab, and into rip. 1st bat for a year before ocs then off to 3rd bat, now waiting on o-2p to go green. just keep your head up and take the good with the bad.

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