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  1. #1
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    Hornets, bees etc

    When I got in to my place thsi afternoon I found like 4 hornets or whatever they are flying around my kitchen and obviously running into the lights and what not. They are all black with like a black sack attached to their asses. I know they arent just those regular bee's cuz they dont have any yellow on them at all. I saw one on the door so i flung it open and rattled the door so it flew out. I hit another with my anatomy book and killed it.

    But Im afraid maybe there is a nest or something. Anyone have any home "remedies" for killing these thiongs ro setting traps or something. I called my landlord but no one is picking up so I cant get an exterminator prolly until at least tomorrow and I dont want these things attacking me when Im sleeping or something.

    Right now there is one sittign in my sink and Im afraid to go after it, I dont wanna get stung. Plus I know when you kill certain types of bee's they release pheromones so their buddies will all come and try to kill me.

  2. #2
    Stock's Avatar
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    Anything with petroleum distillates(sp) in it will suffocate them. WD40, Brake cleaner, etc. But you could go to walmart and get some bee & hornet spray

  3. #3
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    Just be glad it isn't one of these:

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  4. #4
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    The stinger of the Asian giant hornet is about a quarter-inch (6 mm) in length, and injects an especially potent venom that contains, like many bee and wasp venoms, a cytolytic peptide (specifically, a mastoparan) that can damage tissue by stimulating phospholipase action,[1] in addition to its own intrinsic phospholipase.[2] Masato Ono, an entomologist at Tamagawa University near Tokyo, described the sensation as feeling "like a hot nail being driven into my leg."[3].

    If a person is stung by the giant hornet and is allergic, he or she may die from a reaction to the venom, as with any strong allergic reaction; however, there is also a neurotoxin, called mandaratoxin,[4] which may potentially be lethal in a large enough dose (relative to body weight of the victim). About 70 people die each year in Japan after being stung by giant hornets.[5]

    A few interesting notes on Vespa mandarinia's venom and stinger:

    The venom contains at least eight distinct chemicals, some of which damage tissue, some of which cause pain, and at least one which has an odor that attracts more hornets to the victim.
    The venom contains 5% acetylcholine, a greater concentration than is present in bee or other wasp venoms. Acetylcholine stimulates the pain nerve fibres, intensifying the pain of the sting.
    Vespa mandarinia uses its large crushing mandibles, rather than its sting, to kill prey.
    The venom of the Asian giant hornet is more toxic than that of most other bees or wasps, giving this species one of the greatest lethal capacities per colony.
    Like all hornets, V. mandarinia possesses a barbless stinger, allowing it to sting repeatedly.
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  5. #5
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    OK I killed the one that was hiding in my sink with cooking spray. It was just tryin to get outta the sink but couldnt fly so then I turned on the water as hot as possible until it was steaming and I think that burnt his ass. Now he dead.

    But Im worried about where the hell they are coming from.

    And yes Murilo thank god I am not living with Giant Asian Hornets...I would honestly sleep outside if I saw those in my house.

  6. #6
    WEBB's Avatar
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    you might wanna look for the source, like some fruity or sweet...and i dont mean your ass...they are possibly attracted to something to put there little stinger in, again, prolly not your ass...

    Brake cleaner works great but is harsh for you as well, look for a nest outside and a crack that they are coming in at....attack the source...

  7. #7
    crazycrab is offline Associate Member
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    Use some hair spray or just crush it.

  8. #8
    Renesis's Avatar
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    Any cleaner sprays will kill those lil suckers. Hornets,bees not only look for sweet things, but they also see vibrancy (like the flowers). Look for something bright that resembles flowers as well.

  9. #9
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    Webb man you know Im on my period. Why you gotta get all personal during this emotional time for me. Asshole.

    Thanks for the input everyone. Like I said I killed one with cokking spray. I got rid of at least 3 and havent found a nest so lets hope they are all gone.

  10. #10
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Any cleaner sprays will kill those lil suckers.
    HAHAH bino thats hilarious u got one with cooking spray, i didnt know that could kill...

    i found that not all cleaners work lol...couple wks ago 2 got in from the screen and i used Lysol on em for 5-6 minutes continuous spray! then i tried windex...that didnt work....but Resolve carpet cleaner annihilated them with one spray


  11. #11
    WEBB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    Webb man you know Im on my period. Why you gotta get all personal during this emotional time for me. Asshole.

    Thanks for the input everyone. Like I said I killed one with cokking spray. I got rid of at least 3 and havent found a nest so lets hope they are all gone.

    Your always on your period you whiny b1tch, get over yourself...god...

  12. #12
    Receiver84's Avatar
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    Those types of wasps never have more then 20 individuals to a nest and that is a high number for this early in the year ***ending on where you live. It won't take you long to knock them all off and they are not going to chase you around the house or attack you in your sleep. Wiffle ball bats are awesome for whacking those things in mid air. Anyhow, don't sweat it too much. I highly doubt this will be a reoccuring issue for you. If you're finding them all in the kitchen just try to seek out how they are getting in and plug the hole. If they are all in the Kitchen they are getting in through the Kitchen somewhere. Start with light fixtures. The ceiling to fixture joint is the first place I would look. Any gaps??? tape them shut. then go from there. Seal the cracks and your problem is solved.

  13. #13
    WEBB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Receiver84
    Those types of wasps never have more then 20 individuals to a nest and that is a high number for this early in the year ***ending on where you live. It won't take you long to knock them all off and they are not going to chase you around the house or attack you in your sleep. Wiffle ball bats are awesome for whacking those things in mid air. Anyhow, don't sweat it too much. I highly doubt this will be a reoccuring issue for you. If you're finding them all in the kitchen just try to seek out how they are getting in and plug the hole. If they are all in the Kitchen they are getting in through the Kitchen somewhere. Start with light fixtures. The ceiling to fixture joint is the first place I would look. Any gaps??? tape them shut. then go from there. Seal the cracks and your problem is solved.
    I thought we ruled out his ass...

  14. #14
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    ***No source checks!!!***

  15. #15
    WEBB's Avatar
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    why you still posting pics of me and Bino's illegitamate love child....

  16. #16
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Because Tai said he was "cute".
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  17. #17
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    I also think it should be your avatar for awhile, or Bino needs to have it as his for awhile.
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  18. #18
    WEBB's Avatar
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    i just tried to make it my avie and it is to big of a file....

    Tai is right though, our kid is one sexy freak....

  19. #19
    cj1capp's Avatar
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    C-Bino Im surprised that a big strong man like your self is freaking out over 3 or 4 little bugs. Man up and learn to live with them, Just kidding C those fackers scare me to death. I was attacked by a nest when i was 8 years old and I will never forget it. Good luck I hope you get them all.

  20. #20
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB
    i just tried to make it my avie and it is to big of a file....

    Tai is right though, our kid is one sexy freak....

    Here you go:

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  21. #21
    WEBB's Avatar
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    there ya go man...i like it

  22. #22
    stocky121's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB
    there ya go man...i like it


    thats awsome webb
    no open source posting
    keep all source request's to PM'S please

    someone once said to me a clever man learn's by his own mistake's. But a wise man learn's by the mistake's of other people.

    detailed detection times
    at least 45 day's active use and 100 posts for a source check
    unsure about the rule's please read up
    thread for first cycle choices


  23. #23
    lpicken's Avatar
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    I was doing some yard work this weekend and stepped into a yellowjacket nest on the ground. I got stung about 6 times. Luckily I did not have an allergic reaction. Bugs, heat and humidity are the downsides of summer I guess. Women wearing less clothes is certainly one of the upsides.

  24. #24
    WEBB's Avatar
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    its all Muriloninja's fault, he found the pic of Bino's and my love child....i must finally admit that our one night of passiion has left me with a beautiful if i could just get some child support from that deadbeat dad....

  25. #25
    lightwaytbaby's Avatar
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    lmfao at webbs avy!!!

  26. #26
    CSAR's Avatar
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    This has to be the funniest thread ever.

    Webb and Bino creating a love child - free.
    Killing a hornet with cooking spray - $2.53 (for the cooking spray).
    Muriloninja's pic of the Webb/Bino love child - PRICELESS!

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