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  1. #1
    doolo's Avatar
    doolo is offline Associate Member
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    May 2007
    BC, Canada

    Sex Hormone testing

    Anyone know if i can get hormone tests at any old lab in BC, Canada? Is it free? Do i need a doctor to say i need the test?

    The reason i ask is because i think i might have high estrogen because i had puberty enduced gyno and I store fat in my tits and thighs much more then gut and back.

    I also have natural bacne and a good sex drive, im aggressive and i put muscle on fairly easy so i doubt its low test.
    Last edited by doolo; 06-13-2007 at 02:43 AM.

  2. #2
    doolo's Avatar
    doolo is offline Associate Member
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    May 2007
    BC, Canada
    Anyone? maybe a canadian?

  3. #3
    dano_85 is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2006
    Kingston Ontairo
    just go to your family doc and let him know what you are concerned about and im sure he\she will lead you in the right direction !

  4. #4
    SnaX is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    you could try anti estrogens, clen ?

    What I'm thinking is, if your body has lots of estrogen... then I'd say your body converts test into estrogen quite easily.

    So putting MORE test into you probably won't solve anything. It's just more test to be converted I would think.

    So maybe anti estrogen.. or anti aromatize type things... with some clen..

    Could help you get rid of fat storage caused by estrogen.

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