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  1. #1
    celticd's Avatar
    celticd is offline Associate Member
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    i hate lazy fat people

    dont pick me up wrong on this cause obviously theres people who have medical conditions and pile on the weight helplessly,and of course i feel for them,but then we have the greedy fat wasters
    everyday i visit the shop to pick up my lunch and this fat couple are always there loading up on crisps, choc bars, lemonade and big fattening cream cakes,
    we all have our vices and believe me ive overcome some serious addictions in my time and im a sronger person mentally for doing so,its human nature to take it easy on youreself but i hate this lazy loser attitude
    in england recently there was an argument,of refusing people medical care who were flippant with there personal health,i think there point was why should we replace a persons lung who didnt care to stop smoking 60 smokes a day in the 1st place
    id love to get them pair of fatties on a treadmill and give them an electric shock every time they wana give up,they know there killing themselves but they refuse to care because it takes time and commitment to achieve results
    so wat u think am i right???

  2. #2
    dece870717's Avatar
    dece870717 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I feel disgusted by the people that become handicaped by CHOICE. You know, when they get so fat they can't even walk anymore and need those electric scooter things to get around.

  3. #3
    dupa95's Avatar
    dupa95 is offline Banned
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    Get um all a rascal

  4. #4
    LawMan018's Avatar
    LawMan018 is offline Senior Member
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    I'm with you brother... There was this really fat obese girl probably my age (19) who used to work with me and for lunch everyday she'd have a regular pepsi and like 2 chocolate cake thingies and some donuts... I just wanted to slap her!

  5. #5
    celticd's Avatar
    celticd is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018
    I'm with you brother... There was this really fat obese girl probably my age (19) who used to work with me and for lunch everyday she'd have a regular pepsi and like 2 chocolate cake thingies and some donuts... I just wanted to slap her!

    ye,i know wat u mean..i bet ye she ate with her mouth open too

  6. #6
    Lexed's Avatar
    Lexed is offline Anabolic Member
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    hey but fat girls make great lovers

  7. #7
    takedownII's Avatar
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    without fat people, and even average people, we wouldn't look as elite as we do as bodybuilders. so i guess i kind of appreciate these people for making me look that much better. if everyone looked like us, we wouldn't stand out like we do.

    i just don't like the fat people that claim they can't lose wait and they say they've tried everything. i can't stand that. but thats not just fat people. that goes for skinny bodybuilders who say they can't gain weight too no matter how much they eat.

  8. #8
    darr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lexed
    hey but fat girls make great lovers

  9. #9
    scaramouche's Avatar
    scaramouche is offline Senior Member
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    nope not tru they are too big to move about and certain positions r simply out of bounds

  10. #10
    ebjack's Avatar
    ebjack is offline Senior Member
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    Fat girls give good head...they have too

  11. #11
    celticd's Avatar
    celticd is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by scaramouche
    nope not tru they are too big to move about and certain positions r simply out of bounds
    sounds like you have tried it out afew times?? poor girls,wat positions could she not manage for ye..

  12. #12
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by takedownII
    without fat people, and even average people, we wouldn't look as elite as we do as bodybuilders. so i guess i kind of appreciate these people for making me look that much better. if everyone looked like us, we wouldn't stand out like we do.
    Exactly what I opened this thread to say!

  13. #13
    Prada's Avatar
    Prada is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    Exactly what I opened this thread to say!

    I second that, I love fat people.
    Just to be clear, Not to be mistaken by: I love Fat chicks.
    Now if only they had a fat tax wed be in Utopia.

  14. #14
    skr0w's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by celticd
    dont pick me up wrong on this cause obviously theres people who have medical conditions and pile on the weight helplessly,and of course i feel for them,but then we have the greedy fat wasters
    everyday i visit the shop to pick up my lunch and this fat couple are always there loading up on crisps, choc bars, lemonade and big fattening cream cakes,
    we all have our vices and believe me ive overcome some serious addictions in my time and im a sronger person mentally for doing so,its human nature to take it easy on youreself but i hate this lazy loser attitude
    in england recently there was an argument,of refusing people medical care who were flippant with there personal health,i think there point was why should we replace a persons lung who didnt care to stop smoking 60 smokes a day in the 1st place
    id love to get them pair of fatties on a treadmill and give them an electric shock every time they wana give up,they know there killing themselves but they refuse to care because it takes time and commitment to achieve results
    so wat u think am i right???
    Amen, good post

  15. #15
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    I used to be fat/obese when i was a teen, devouring anything in my path. Then inspiration found me unexpectedly at 16 when my dad suggested I go to a health retreat for a week and I lost like 8lbs in a week....the best part was, he went with me and did the program WITH ME, and that started a fire that's been burning in me ever since, not to mention gratitude.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that we should not look at fat people (by choice) with contempt just because we found inspiration and they didn't. They're typically caught up in a vicious cycle of been ridiculed in childhood, leading to ***ression, leading to eating, then becoming fat, being ridiculed some more...and the spiral keeps on going. Like me, sometimes you need a non-judgmental and compassionate hand on the outside to lift you out of a mental whirlpool you dont even know you're drowning in.

    I'm not trying to sit on some moral high horse but I can understand some of what they go through. The only crime they really commit is ignorance, which we all do in some area or the other in our lives. The only thing that disturbs me is that I know there's nothing I can do to help these people even if i yak on and on...they need to find their own epiphany...
    Last edited by InsaneInTheMembrane; 06-14-2007 at 10:58 AM.

  16. #16
    celticd's Avatar
    celticd is offline Associate Member
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    ^^^^^hear wat ur saying and fairplay to you,i reckon you would have got ure act together eventually irrespective of ure fathers input and guidance
    i dont think why; me, you and anyone else that had to overcome an adversary are unique or differ from anyone else who suffers from an iffliction
    you gotta say I HATE BEEN FAT OR I HATE BEEN A JUNKIE and change
    we all have it in ourselves if you want to find it and theres nothing better than to succeed at the goal you set youreself

  17. #17
    doolo's Avatar
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    I got a buddy who has a fatty for a women, and shes the type that bothers me. She pulls all that "you dont like me for me" crap when he asks her if she wants to go to the gym with him. Im thinking that the only reason he's still with her is cause he likes her for her :P. She's also one of these fat people that claims they cant lose weight cause theyre big boneded or "husky" but she doesnt understand that eating brownies before bed counters all the exercise she's done in her day. I shit you not she claims she cant lose wieght but he tells me she bakes brownies and all sorts of shit regularly. 22 years old and shes so ignorant its like she's fresh out the womb.

  18. #18
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  19. #19
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
    Dobie-BOY is offline Senior Member
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    I would just like to second that, "fat girls give good head". thats all
    i got to say.

  20. #20
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    i hate fat people in general,but,as i have said before,i hate fat lazy people who come up to me and ask how they can get in better shape.

    my bro in law actually tells fat people in lines at fast food places that they should be in the gym and not

    used to embaress me,now i just carry on ordering my food and ignore

  21. #21
    rubix6's Avatar
    rubix6 is offline Female Member
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    i agree with all of you. it is so discusting.

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