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    FranKieC's Avatar
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    The Sopranos ending explained

    I have been following this series from the beginning and this is what I make of it and so do alot of people...

    1. If you recall the first Episode this season, think back to when Tony and Bobby were on the boat. Bobby says to Tony "Do you think you hear it when it's coming?" Tony replies "Nope, Everything will just go black". Then if you recall episode 8 "The Blue Comment" when Tony is up in his room he has a flashback of when they said then in the boat.

    2. Now knowing all of this you should know that there were about 5 people on that diner that would have a reason to kill Tony. The guy who walked in who looked like a truck driver was the brother of the Driver Christopher killed when jacking the dvd's. The two black guys that walked in were the same guys who tried whacking Tony and clipped his ear. Then the last person was the guy at the counter who was Nikki Leotardo (Phils brother) and he prob had the main reason to whack Tony being Phil just got clipped.

    3. As the anxiety built up in the diner you keep seeing the camera focus on patrons in the room, this is from Tony's perspective. As the scene goes on you see Nikki leotardo slowly creep into the bathroom BEHIND Tony. As meadow walks in you focus on her from Tonys perspective, then BAM, a blank Screen.

    Now think back to the flashback when they said "You won't even hear it, everything will just go black"

    There is the end of the sopranos

  2. #2
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  3. #3
    Mike Dura's Avatar
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    I didn't see the last season but I loved the first three or four. So just to be clear your saying that it's implied that Tony was wacked and that's how it ends? Who else died in the last season?

    Quote Originally Posted by FranKieC
    I have been following this series from the beginning and this is what I make of it and so do alot of people...

    1. If you recall the first Episode this season, think back to when Tony and Bobby were on the boat. Bobby says to Tony "Do you think you hear it when it's coming?" Tony replies "Nope, Everything will just go black". Then if you recall episode 8 "The Blue Comment" when Tony is up in his room he has a flashback of when they said then in the boat.

    2. Now knowing all of this you should know that there were about 5 people on that diner that would have a reason to kill Tony. The guy who walked in who looked like a truck driver was the brother of the Driver Christopher killed when jacking the dvd's. The two black guys that walked in were the same guys who tried whacking Tony and clipped his ear. Then the last person was the guy at the counter who was Nikki Leotardo (Phils brother) and he prob had the main reason to whack Tony being Phil just got clipped.

    3. As the anxiety built up in the diner you keep seeing the camera focus on patrons in the room, this is from Tony's perspective. As the scene goes on you see Nikki leotardo slowly creep into the bathroom BEHIND Tony. As meadow walks in you focus on her from Tonys perspective, then BAM, a blank Screen.

    Now think back to the flashback when they said "You won't even hear it, everything will just go black"

    There is the end of the sopranos

  4. #4
    FranKieC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dura
    I didn't see the last season but I loved the first three or four. So just to be clear your saying that it's implied that Tony was wacked and that's how it ends? Who else died in the last season?

    Bobby got clipped, Phil, Christopher, Sil is in a coma

  5. #5
    FranKieC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by manwithin
    Don't just say no, Ellaborate..

  6. #6
    Mike Dura's Avatar
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    Sopranos was one of the most riveting and thought-provoking series I've ever seen. My ex had HBO and when we broke up that was it (I'm too frugal to splurge for HBO). But I'll have to check it out on DVD. I love psychological dramas.

  7. #7
    FranKieC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dura
    Sopranos was one of the most riveting and thought-provoking series I've ever seen. My ex had HBO and when we broke up that was it (I'm too frugal to splurge for HBO). But I'll have to check it out on DVD. I love psychological dramas.
    I feel ya bro, there are talks of a movie..

  8. #8
    TR'05's Avatar
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    Amazing analysis...shivers....I've watched from the start but I didn't put all that together. I tivo'd it...going to watch the end again...

  9. #9
    biglouie250's Avatar
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    it was a series that was on the slow and steady decline since season 3. people call david chase a genius with his artistic ending. personally i thought it was unimaginative and it wasnt even original. it the the same ending as jim carey's "the cable guy". the ending was a cop out because he didnt want to dissapoint with either killing or not killing tony so he left it up to the viewer to decide. which taken like that is total bullshit because if we wanted to interpret his piece of garbage ending he should have wrote a ****ing book. people dont subscribe to HBO for that crap.

    I garauntee the best show on HBO, Rome, wont have a piece of trash ending like that.

  10. #10
    Mike Dura's Avatar
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    In the earlier seasons, I loved the mother-son dynamic. In particular, the interpersonal cost of narcissism - mom was a narcissist and Tony was the poor affected child trying to develop "insight (for the viewers sake)" to his wounds. It's been a while but I'd love to go back and watch those earlier seasons again leading up to the end. Any student of psychology or philosophy would eat this stuff up.

  11. #11
    FranKieC's Avatar
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    I feel ya Louie..I think the ending was left up to the viewer, or maybe they left it like that to create curiousity for a motion picture?

  12. #12
    FranKieC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TR'05
    Amazing analysis...shivers....I've watched from the start but I didn't put all that together. I tivo'd it...going to watch the end again...
    Thank you, I think Chase left it open so we can all draw our own conclusions but that is what I took from it.

  13. #13
    biglouie250's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dura
    In the earlier seasons, I loved the mother-son dynamic. In particular, the interpersonal cost of narcissism - mom was a narcissist and Tony was the poor affected child trying to develop "insight (for the viewers sake)" to his wounds. It's been a while but I'd love to go back and watch those earlier seasons again leading up to the end. Any student of psychology or philosophy would eat this stuff up.

    well we can all agree that michael corleone and company would have destroyed tony and all his crew. im sorry but david chase really queered up the mafia.

  14. #14
    FranKieC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by biglouie250
    well we can all agree that michael corleone and company would have destroyed tony and all his crew. im sorry but david chase really queered up the mafia.

    They sure would have, wouldn't even have been fair!

  15. #15
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Thats a good perspective on the ending. I have also heard the one that he finally got what he had been longing for all this time. His family together again!!

    like you said, I think it was left open for our own interpretations or in case they decide to revive it for HBO or the big screen

  16. #16
    goodcents's Avatar
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    How do you make a movie when everyone except the main guy gets killed? btw love the sopranos

  17. #17
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    I can't afford cable (at least not to pay to watch commercials) so I wait till it comes out on netflix.

  18. #18
    Mike Dura's Avatar
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    Actually, I have a completely different take on that. Making the tough guys too stereotypically "tough" to me is more one dimensional than making sociopaths vulnerable. That's what I thought made it complex and interesting. Also, there's a larger metaphore as well. The mafia these days is not as tuff either because people are now squealing rather than taking the pinch as individuals. It's not like the old code that kept the mafia glued togehter.

    Funny thing is, I know a guy who seems pretty sociopathic on the one hand but really cool with me on the other. I work for him and we're not nice. It's a legit biz doing illegal things and innocent people get fuvked everyday. He tells me these stories and I have to say, he's hardcore and scary but in one year with him we've been good to each other. There's inherent risks for me though and I know that. You play with snakes and sooner or later you get bitten and I'm definately in bad faith with myself because I'm truly a nice person out of this job. Anyway, I digress.

    Quote Originally Posted by biglouie250
    well we can all agree that michael corleone and company would have destroyed tony and all his crew. im sorry but david chase really queered up the mafia.

  19. #19
    Titleist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranKieC
    I have been following this series from the beginning and this is what I make of it and so do alot of people...

    1. If you recall the first Episode this season, think back to when Tony and Bobby were on the boat. Bobby says to Tony "Do you think you hear it when it's coming?" Tony replies "Nope, Everything will just go black". Then if you recall episode 8 "The Blue Comment" when Tony is up in his room he has a flashback of when they said then in the boat.

    2. Now knowing all of this you should know that there were about 5 people on that diner that would have a reason to kill Tony. The guy who walked in who looked like a truck driver was the brother of the Driver Christopher killed when jacking the dvd's. The two black guys that walked in were the same guys who tried whacking Tony and clipped his ear. Then the last person was the guy at the counter who was Nikki Leotardo (Phils brother) and he prob had the main reason to whack Tony being Phil just got clipped.

    3. As the anxiety built up in the diner you keep seeing the camera focus on patrons in the room, this is from Tony's perspective. As the scene goes on you see Nikki leotardo slowly creep into the bathroom BEHIND Tony. As meadow walks in you focus on her from Tonys perspective, then BAM, a blank Screen.

    Now think back to the flashback when they said "You won't even hear it, everything will just go black"

    There is the end of the sopranos
    Fantastic. This is what I'm choosing to believe. Very nice Frankie.

  20. #20
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    either way no matter how it ends, i woulndt have been satisfied with it. I just didnt want it to end.

  21. #21
    FranKieC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Titleist
    Fantastic. This is what I'm choosing to believe. Very nice Frankie.

    Thanks bro

  22. #22
    FranKieC's Avatar
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    Then you could also think this..

    Tony's father Johnny boy was killed while his Daughter (Janice, tony's sister) was walking in to see him. You could look at it like history repeating itself by meadow seeeing Tony get whacked!

  23. #23
    TR'05's Avatar
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    I rewatched the episode with your "perspective" in mind. What I once thought was mediocre, at best, I know find outstanding. If this is what Chase intended...and I believe it was...brilliant.

  24. #24
    FranKieC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TR'05
    I rewatched the episode with your "perspective" in mind. What I once thought was mediocre, at best, I know find outstanding. If this is what Chase intended...and I believe it was...brilliant.

    Thanks bro!

    If you get a chance watch the first Ep and the one before the last over. I also think like this, If he didn't want us to focus on that one flashback, why not flashback to moments with sil? Sil was shot to..They wanted our attention on that flashback for a reason

  25. #25
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    yea actually that does make perfect sense. also probably why chase has been saying that he isn't going to make a movie. because he knows he ended it but most people probably havent gotten that perspective yet. good post!

  26. #26
    FranKieC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pgilligan10
    yea actually that does make perfect sense. also probably why chase has been saying that he isn't going to make a movie. because he knows he ended it but most people probably havent gotten that perspective yet. good post!


    I was reading the other post made about the final episode and people were saying it sucked! I figured they didn't really think about it.

  27. #27
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    yea i actually liked it. people expect to have all the answers but u dont get all the answers, thats life, thats chase.

  28. #28
    juicejunkie2's Avatar
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    Very interesting view on the ending .. I'll have to rewatch those two episodes. I originally thought that it was left to the viewer to decide what happened and also to realize that even if he didn't get whacked on that occasion, we would always wonder if the next situation he's in will be the one he'll get killed .. being in that "business" and all. Your take on the ending definitely makes it more acceptable because initially I hated it.

  29. #29
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranKieC
    I have been following this series from the beginning and this is what I make of it and so do alot of people...

    1. If you recall the first Episode this season, think back to when Tony and Bobby were on the boat. Bobby says to Tony "Do you think you hear it when it's coming?" Tony replies "Nope, Everything will just go black". Then if you recall episode 8 "The Blue Comment" when Tony is up in his room he has a flashback of when they said then in the boat.

    2. Now knowing all of this you should know that there were about 5 people on that diner that would have a reason to kill Tony. The guy who walked in who looked like a truck driver was the brother of the Driver Christopher killed when jacking the dvd's. The two black guys that walked in were the same guys who tried whacking Tony and clipped his ear. Then the last person was the guy at the counter who was Nikki Leotardo (Phils brother) and he prob had the main reason to whack Tony being Phil just got clipped.

    3. As the anxiety built up in the diner you keep seeing the camera focus on patrons in the room, this is from Tony's perspective. As the scene goes on you see Nikki leotardo slowly creep into the bathroom BEHIND Tony. As meadow walks in you focus on her from Tonys perspective, then BAM, a blank Screen.

    Now think back to the flashback when they said "You won't even hear it, everything will just go black"

    There is the end of the sopranos
    I have to say I got chills down my spine reading this. I only followed the last season and was completely unaware who the fvck all the ppl in the diner were. But I do remember the boat.
    If what you say is fact, its undisputable. And finally I have some fvcking closure to this movie.

    You rock bro! Seriously. Im memorizing word for word your post so I can regurgatate it back to people and look like I know what Im actually talking about when I tell them *I've figured it out =]

  30. #30
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    K I take back what I say lol.

    Frankie explain this for me: (written by a buddy of mine)

    That whole internet theory is null and void. Here's why.

    When Uncle Junior hired those two black guys to take Tony out in Season One... after the misque, Tony killed one of them.

    The other guy was credited simply as "Man At Bar" at the end of the episode.

    PLUS he was on the radio, and thats the guy THAT ACTUALLY OWNS the lunchonette where the final scene took place. [which is an ice cream shop in real life] He said he had no prior acting experience whatsoever.... and was asked to do that scene simply because he "looked the part" when they approached him about using his place. What a score, huh?

    Though that theory would make sense, AND IT MAY BE TRUE.... those characters arent who they're slated to be. And that my friends is fact.

    Now Im even more confused, all this back and forth shit is gonna make me take off the entire next week, watch every fvckn episode ever made and from my own hypothesis. Sooo confused still..

  31. #31
    brewerpi's Avatar
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    Johnny Boy wasn't whacked-he died from emphysema...

    Quote Originally Posted by FranKieC
    Then you could also think this..

    Tony's father Johnny boy was killed while his Daughter (Janice, tony's sister) was walking in to see him. You could look at it like history repeating itself by meadow seeeing Tony get whacked!

  32. #32
    brewerpi's Avatar
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    Rome ended...

    I didn't find the Rome finale all that great.

    Quote Originally Posted by biglouie250
    it was a series that was on the slow and steady decline since season 3. people call david chase a genius with his artistic ending. personally i thought it was unimaginative and it wasnt even original. it the the same ending as jim carey's "the cable guy". the ending was a cop out because he didnt want to dissapoint with either killing or not killing tony so he left it up to the viewer to decide. which taken like that is total bullshit because if we wanted to interpret his piece of garbage ending he should have wrote a ****ing book. people dont subscribe to HBO for that crap.

    I garauntee the best show on HBO, Rome, wont have a piece of trash ending like that.

  33. #33
    FranKieC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brewerpi
    Johnny Boy wasn't whacked-he died from emphysema...
    Acrually you're right, I was thinking of something else..My bad

  34. #34
    FranKieC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    K I take back what I say lol.

    Frankie explain this for me: (written by a buddy of mine)

    That whole internet theory is null and void. Here's why.

    When Uncle Junior hired those two black guys to take Tony out in Season One... after the misque, Tony killed one of them.

    The other guy was credited simply as "Man At Bar" at the end of the episode.

    PLUS he was on the radio, and thats the guy THAT ACTUALLY OWNS the lunchonette where the final scene took place. [which is an ice cream shop in real life] He said he had no prior acting experience whatsoever.... and was asked to do that scene simply because he "looked the part" when they approached him about using his place. What a score, huh?

    Though that theory would make sense, AND IT MAY BE TRUE.... those characters arent who they're slated to be. And that my friends is fact.

    Now Im even more confused, all this back and forth shit is gonna make me take off the entire next week, watch every fvckn episode ever made and from my own hypothesis. Sooo confused still..

    Def don't remember one of them getting clipped

  35. #35
    zimmy's Avatar
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    they were talking about it on the tv... director or something of the show was on there and talked about this theory. Said too bad they never said anything about going black. He said he left the ending open because tony's life was unclear and open.

  36. #36
    biglouie250's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brewerpi
    I didn't find the Rome finale all that great.

    it was the season finale, not the series finale....and it was still better then the sopranos, a so called "superior show".

  37. #37
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    I only watched up until season 3 i think on DVD a few years back..have not watched much since but i saw one episode last weekend and i could still follow it ok. It was the one where Bobby was gonna buy a train for his kid and got wacked.

    I always thought Tony and his "crew" weren't that tough and were kinda weak.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  38. #38
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    I hate to break it to you...

    Quote Originally Posted by biglouie250
    it was the season finale, not the series finale....and it was still better then the sopranos, a so called "superior show".

    Rome is NOT coming back.
    You can google it if you don't believe me.

  39. #39
    manwithin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranKieC
    Don't just say no, Ellaborate..
    None of those people have ever been in an episode prior to this one... The guy at the counter was not credited as Nikki Leotardo. Also you never mention the song Tony plays..... It’s "Don't Stop Believing" you have to think it has some importance no?
    Some will win, some will lose
    Some were born to sing the blues
    Oh the movie never ends
    It goes on and on and on and on
    Cut to Black

    So the series never ends...
    Tony goes to trial and like his lawyer said cases are meant to be won!

  40. #40
    FranKieC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by manwithin
    None of those people have ever been in an episode prior to this one... The guy at the counter was not credited as Nikki Leotardo. Also you never mention the song Tony plays..... It’s "Don't Stop Believing" you have to think it has some importance no?
    Some will win, some will lose
    Some were born to sing the blues
    Oh the movie never ends
    It goes on and on and on and on
    Cut to Black

    So the series never ends...
    Tony goes to trial and like his lawyer said cases are meant to be won!

    That is a great theory to! I didn't think of it from that angle.

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