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  1. #41
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    if i ever meet Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider i will make sure they know how much we appreciate their work

  2. #42
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by BigLittleTim
    "The Rules: Time-Tested Secrets for Capturing the Heart of Mr. Right" is a best-selling 1995 book co-authored by Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider.

    A successful "Rules Girl" displays her trophy to coworkers.The book's basic theme is that, in order to attract and marry the man of her dreams, a woman should play hard to get. The authors promise happy relationships and happy marriages to the readers who follow their 34 specific rules. A woman who follows "the rules" is called a Rules Girl. The underlying philosophy is that women should not aggressively pursue men, but ought to get the men to pursue them.

    The book generated much discussion upon its release. Some considered the book to be useful and motivational, while others dismissed it as outdated, or a how-to guide that teaches women to play games and manipulate men.

    Some example rules are:

    Don't accept a Saturday night date after Wednesday
    Don't talk to a man first (and don't ask him to dance)
    Don't call him and rarely return his calls
    Don't meet him halfway or go dutch on a date

    The follow up book "The Rules for Marriage: Time-Tested Secrets for Making Your Marriage Work" was published around the time Ellen Fein's marriage broke up.

    LOL ok
    so how do i RESPOND to those gay ass rules LOL
    tell her to eFF off and play in traffic? or keep calling or send her flowers w/ anthrax? im confused

  3. #43
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    LOL ok
    so how do i RESPOND to those gay ass rules LOL
    tell her to eFF off and play in traffic? or keep calling or send her flowers w/ anthrax? im confused

    Have some dignity and quit kissing her ass....makes you look desperate

    There are PLENTY of women out there for you, just go back and read ALL your weekly adventures with them on here and you will know that the next one is just a treadmill away !!!!!

    There is a meeting of the He Man Woman Haters club tonight, I will meet you there!!!!!! Right after I go see The Fantastic Whore.....I mean FOUR

  4. #44
    Mogamedogz's Avatar
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    I say call her like 47 x's in a row.... Until she picks up. Then say... "My bad, my service has been messed up, and i was just wondering if maybe the calls wernt going through"...


    Go to her house and ring her doorbell like 75x's in row... and keep sticking your eye through the peephole until she answers.

  5. #45
    Mogamedogz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    Before I respond, define "hit it off great" in more detail plzz..

    Girls will purposely take, write, and remember a mans # so when they see it on their caller id they KNOW not to pick up the phone.
    Just because it appears one way, doesnt mean it IS that way, but also doesnt mean its a "game".

    You could call it a "game" to ease your own confused mind. But its moreso a "ritual". Humans are just too smart for thier own good so they will trick themselves into thinking its something its not to try to understand what they presently CANT understand. Try to wrap your head around that last sentence.=] Like you think you understand whats going on by labeling it a "game". "ohh i get it shes playing a game" ... but you STILL dont get it.

    Ritual implies consitency, game implies randomness.

    A venusian artist seduces a women using rituals, or consitent patterns he's intuitively learned that ALL women respond too.
    Other men have to be taught or learn a less natural way to perform the ritual.

    Before I spew another useless rant though you need to type more than a few sentences about what gave you the idea "you hit it off". I want to just see where your logic is at.
    If Bojangles was like a 12 yr old kid who looked like Millhouse from the simpson's... it would without a doubt be the funniest shit in the history of life.

    just bustin' Bo... you the man playa!! keep'em cumming!

  6. #46
    Titleist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mogamedogz
    If Bojangles was like a 12 yr old kid who looked like Millhouse from the simpson's... it would without a doubt be the funniest shit in the history of life.

    just bustin' Bo... you the man playa!! keep'em cumming!

    Honestly though, It would be hard for me to take some of your girl advice without seeing if you're a pimp or not.

  7. #47
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Mogamedogz
    I say call her like 47 x's in a row.... Until she picks up. Then say... "My bad, my service has been messed up, and i was just wondering if maybe the calls wernt going through"...


    Go to her house and ring her doorbell like 75x's in row... and keep sticking your eye through the peephole until she answers.
    u know i actually thought bout the first one LOL
    but my finger got tired after 38 calls.. ><

  8. #48
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fenceguy
    The best thing you can do, is rub one out, and ignore her.
    Great advice!!

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  9. #49
    MrNice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    A venusian artist seduces a women using rituals, or consitent patterns he's intuitively learned that ALL women respond too.
    i had to google venusian artist to see where that came from,

    Is that where you learned this stuff?

    $2450 for a seminar! damn!

  10. #50
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    Great advice!!
    test +caber
    or test + bromo = rub one out.. boom 3minutes later back to where i was

  11. #51
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    so wtf do i do when she calls?

  12. #52
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrNice
    i had to google venusian artist to see where that came from,

    Is that where you learned this stuff?

    $2450 for a seminar! damn!
    I got involved through different routes at first (David DeAngelo like 2 years ago) and made MANY changes, tried GWM (Gunwitch Method) Juggler Method, and NEVER really had any success (although I have the upmost respect for most of the other guru's and what they teach) for a while untill I started learning the M3 model, and that was YES exactly where I started learning it in ***th.

    I never took an MM (Mystery Method) workshop cuz they are wayyyy to expensive but many professional men who thought $$ was the way to women, made some, than realized it wasnt, are most of the ppl particpating in thier seminars/bootcamps.
    This is *sort of what thier bootcamps are like. But theres like 8 other dvd's just to this ONE bootcamp and you can get an idea of the guys that take them.

    The M3 model is taught in Styles bootcamps too (a former PUG they call them or Pick Up Guru)
    A lot of the guys are actually really intellectual, smart, and professional men. They just dont *realize certain invaluable facts that can only be learned through insight, experience or exposure and reflection.

    Laugh all you want, when you master this shit, your ENTIRE life will change, NOT just your success with women, but in ways you could never possibly fathom.

    The reason a lot of guys dont get involved is simply because its TOO MUCH work or effort, or they're happy just getting "lucky" every now and than or just "settling" for what they can get and dont want to really put a lot of effort into something they've been taught their whole life should just happen naturally. Some ARE naturals, most men arent. Either one however has MASSIVE benefits to reap mastering the art, and once they do it usually becomes a lifestyle/addiction.

    This is mystery in field:

    Heres him plowing through shit tests:

    He's the inventor and cofounder of the M3 model. Everything he does is basically a structured ritual and the model is very complex but some guys on this board know it and will understand some of the deeper things hes doing like "prop locks" which is when he tries to put his hat on the other girls head. (theres a cut version of the same video of someone explaining EVERYTHING he does right on the right side, its the longer version of the same vid but somewhat annoying)

    So yeh that site is a subbranch of the main site which is the one mystery actually runs.

    The average person will miscontrue the purpose of the whole seduction community and things like the M3 model. Its NOT just for getting laid. Its learning how to master social dynamics to achieve what you want from the social world, which is essentially the ENTIRE world. A job promotion, a wife, a LIFE, ANYTHING.

    All I know is 3 years ago I COULDNT just go out and chat up a random hotty and pull her # and have something nice to do for the weekend.. now my cell is flooded with so many numbers I've forgotten many of the faces behind some of them. I have the *option to go out and chill with a great girl whenever I want.
    I'm still not looking for relationships because once you realize how many different women and personalities there really are out there you start becoming REALLY REALLY picky.
    One day Im sure I'll settle for something more long term, just now I'm having too much fun not whining and bitching about girl problems. I had to go through a lot of sacrifice and self doubt to get where Im at today, and I wouldnt trade that for ANYTHING in this world.

    Oh and David DeAngelo is great too, all though Im mainly M3 he'll always be #2. You cant make any sort of real judgement untill you've actually dedicated yourself to trying the model first.

  13. #53
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    so wtf do i do when she calls?
    You want the real answer?

    Dont pick up the fvcking phone and NEVER speak to this girl again untill you have MUCH more experience with women in general.
    Your about to develop a case of one-itis over some chick you just fvcking met and your obessing and analyzing every aspect of what you should and shouldnt do when real chances are no "Notebook" type of mutual infactuation is gonna blossom with this girl. (presuming from your online track record with women)

    FORGET about her. The second your mind starts going through this whole "what should I do" ritual thats a RED FLAG you DONT DO ANYTHING but moveone to something else because your taking this wayy to serious, your whole ego is on stilts with this chick, and your MUCH better off wiping the slate clean and trying something *outside your normal zone of comfort or character.

    If you dont want to change what you do with women than expect the SAME exact shit you've always got or that your getting now which is nothing but self manifested mind fvcks. Try something different for once. Forget her.
    Dont do it to play games and think your gonna pump her attraction for you. Just flat out FORGET THE GIRL.


  14. #54
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigLittleTim
    "The Rules: Time-Tested Secrets for Capturing the Heart of Mr. Right" is a best-selling 1995 book co-authored by Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider.

    A successful "Rules Girl" displays her trophy to coworkers.The book's basic theme is that, in order to attract and marry the man of her dreams, a woman should play hard to get. The authors promise happy relationships and happy marriages to the readers who follow their 34 specific rules. A woman who follows "the rules" is called a Rules Girl. The underlying philosophy is that women should not aggressively pursue men, but ought to get the men to pursue them.

    The book generated much discussion upon its release. Some considered the book to be useful and motivational, while others dismissed it as outdated, or a how-to guide that teaches women to play games and manipulate men.

    Some example rules are:

    Don't accept a Saturday night date after Wednesday
    Don't talk to a man first (and don't ask him to dance)
    Don't call him and rarely return his calls
    Don't meet him halfway or go dutch on a date

    The follow up book "The Rules for Marriage: Time-Tested Secrets for Making Your Marriage Work" was published around the time Ellen Fein's marriage broke up.

    LMFAO - This girl my brother is seeing is reading / has read this book, let me tell you it fackin works, the manipulative bitch has got him eating out of her hand - we need to find all copies of this evil publication and destroy them!

  15. #55
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    I got involved through different routes at first (David DeAngelo like 2 years ago) and made MANY changes, tried GWM (Gunwitch Method) Juggler Method, and NEVER really had any success (although I have the upmost respect for most of the other guru's and what they teach) for a while untill I started learning the M3 model, and that was YES exactly where I started learning it in ***th.

    I never took an MM (Mystery Method) workshop cuz they are wayyyy to expensive but many professional men who thought $$ was the way to women, made some, than realized it wasnt, are most of the ppl particpating in thier seminars/bootcamps.
    This is *sort of what thier bootcamps are like. But theres like 8 other dvd's just to this ONE bootcamp and you can get an idea of the guys that take them.

    The M3 model is taught in Styles bootcamps too (a former PUG they call them or Pick Up Guru)
    A lot of the guys are actually really intellectual, smart, and professional men. They just dont *realize certain invaluable facts that can only be learned through insight, experience or exposure and reflection.

    Laugh all you want, when you master this shit, your ENTIRE life will change, NOT just your success with women, but in ways you could never possibly fathom.

    The reason a lot of guys dont get involved is simply because its TOO MUCH work or effort, or they're happy just getting "lucky" every now and than or just "settling" for what they can get and dont want to really put a lot of effort into something they've been taught their whole life should just happen naturally. Some ARE naturals, most men arent. Either one however has MASSIVE benefits to reap mastering the art, and once they do it usually becomes a lifestyle/addiction.

    This is mystery in field:

    Heres him plowing through shit tests:

    He's the inventor and cofounder of the M3 model. Everything he does is basically a structured ritual and the model is very complex but some guys on this board know it and will understand some of the deeper things hes doing like "prop locks" which is when he tries to put his hat on the other girls head. (theres a cut version of the same video of someone explaining EVERYTHING he does right on the right side, its the longer version of the same vid but somewhat annoying)

    So yeh that site is a subbranch of the main site which is the one mystery actually runs.

    The average person will miscontrue the purpose of the whole seduction community and things like the M3 model. Its NOT just for getting laid. Its learning how to master social dynamics to achieve what you want from the social world, which is essentially the ENTIRE world. A job promotion, a wife, a LIFE, ANYTHING.

    All I know is 3 years ago I COULDNT just go out and chat up a random hotty and pull her # and have something nice to do for the weekend.. now my cell is flooded with so many numbers I've forgotten many of the faces behind some of them. I have the *option to go out and chill with a great girl whenever I want.
    I'm still not looking for relationships because once you realize how many different women and personalities there really are out there you start becoming REALLY REALLY picky.
    One day Im sure I'll settle for something more long term, just now I'm having too much fun not whining and bitching about girl problems. I had to go through a lot of sacrifice and self doubt to get where Im at today, and I wouldnt trade that for ANYTHING in this world.

    Oh and David DeAngelo is great too, all though Im mainly M3 he'll always be #2. You cant make any sort of real judgement untill you've actually dedicated yourself to trying the model first.
    This all conjurs up images in my mind of that Tom Cruise film Magnolia when he's on stage and says:

    "Respect the cock!


  16. #56
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    maybe it was you called not after at least 2 days after th date you called? who knows

  17. #57
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Quote Originally Posted by justinandrews7
    maybe it was you called not after at least 2 days after th date you called? who knows

  18. #58
    MrNice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall

    he said "maybe it was you called not after at least 2 days after the date you called? who knows"

    whats so hard to understand?

  19. #59
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrNice

    he said "maybe it was you called not after at least 2 days after the date you called? who knows"

    whats so hard to understand?
    Oh.... right.... I getcha!

  20. #60
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    I got involved through different routes at first (David DeAngelo like 2 years ago) and made MANY changes, tried GWM (Gunwitch Method) Juggler Method, and NEVER really had any success (although I have the upmost respect for most of the other guru's and what they teach) for a while untill I started learning the M3 model, and that was YES exactly where I started learning it in ***th.

    I never took an MM (Mystery Method) workshop cuz they are wayyyy to expensive but many professional men who thought $$ was the way to women, made some, than realized it wasnt, are most of the ppl particpating in thier seminars/bootcamps.
    This is *sort of what thier bootcamps are like. But theres like 8 other dvd's just to this ONE bootcamp and you can get an idea of the guys that take them.

    The M3 model is taught in Styles bootcamps too (a former PUG they call them or Pick Up Guru)
    A lot of the guys are actually really intellectual, smart, and professional men. They just dont *realize certain invaluable facts that can only be learned through insight, experience or exposure and reflection.

    Laugh all you want, when you master this shit, your ENTIRE life will change, NOT just your success with women, but in ways you could never possibly fathom.

    The reason a lot of guys dont get involved is simply because its TOO MUCH work or effort, or they're happy just getting "lucky" every now and than or just "settling" for what they can get and dont want to really put a lot of effort into something they've been taught their whole life should just happen naturally. Some ARE naturals, most men arent. Either one however has MASSIVE benefits to reap mastering the art, and once they do it usually becomes a lifestyle/addiction.

    This is mystery in field:

    Heres him plowing through shit tests:

    He's the inventor and cofounder of the M3 model. Everything he does is basically a structured ritual and the model is very complex but some guys on this board know it and will understand some of the deeper things hes doing like "prop locks" which is when he tries to put his hat on the other girls head. (theres a cut version of the same video of someone explaining EVERYTHING he does right on the right side, its the longer version of the same vid but somewhat annoying)

    So yeh that site is a subbranch of the main site which is the one mystery actually runs.

    The average person will miscontrue the purpose of the whole seduction community and things like the M3 model. Its NOT just for getting laid. Its learning how to master social dynamics to achieve what you want from the social world, which is essentially the ENTIRE world. A job promotion, a wife, a LIFE, ANYTHING.

    All I know is 3 years ago I COULDNT just go out and chat up a random hotty and pull her # and have something nice to do for the weekend.. now my cell is flooded with so many numbers I've forgotten many of the faces behind some of them. I have the *option to go out and chill with a great girl whenever I want.
    I'm still not looking for relationships because once you realize how many different women and personalities there really are out there you start becoming REALLY REALLY picky.
    One day Im sure I'll settle for something more long term, just now I'm having too much fun not whining and bitching about girl problems. I had to go through a lot of sacrifice and self doubt to get where Im at today, and I wouldnt trade that for ANYTHING in this world.

    Oh and David DeAngelo is great too, all though Im mainly M3 he'll always be #2. You cant make any sort of real judgement untill you've actually dedicated yourself to trying the model first.

    Everyone might be lau***ng but Bo also hooked me up with the Venusian art technic. and It works! I have been bustin my ass latley and its only getting better. in the beggining, opening sets for me (starting a conversation) was really difficult. I went out and got real drunk just so i had the balls to go open sets up with really hot girls... I mean 10's. And I got rejected my first night prob 6 or 7 times because i would screw up the routine, and I was drunk, but i knew where i was going wrong everytime, because I had a set routine

    Now after about a little over a month practice I can pick up almost any girl. I havnt perfected it, as i am not a "master of the venusian arts" yet. A master is defined as 5 for 5. If you can open up 5 sets, get 5 numbers and 5 make-out, and or 5 bangs... then you are considered an artist. I have done it 3 times in 1 night so far.

    Its real hard to believe, and hard to get comfortable with until you actully go out and open a set, and it works, and then your like hollysh*t, this stuff actully works, and then you get ADDICTED to it, and you want to perfect it.

    I agree with Bo that this information has truly changed my life for the better, Im confident enough to try and pick ANY girl, and my chances of picking her up have drasticly improved 10 fold.

    Just my 2 pennies

  21. #61
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    Everyone might be lau***ng but Bo also hooked me up with the Venusian art technic. and It works! I have been bustin my ass latley and its only getting better. in the beggining, opening sets for me (starting a conversation) was really difficult. I went out and got real drunk just so i had the balls to go open sets up with really hot girls... I mean 10's. And I got rejected my first night prob 6 or 7 times because i would screw up the routine, and I was drunk, but i knew where i was going wrong everytime, because I had a set routine

    Now after about a little over a month practice I can pick up almost any girl. I havnt perfected it, as i am not a "master of the venusian arts" yet. A master is defined as 5 for 5. If you can open up 5 sets, get 5 numbers and 5 make-out, and or 5 bangs... then you are considered an artist. I have done it 3 times in 1 night so far.

    Its real hard to believe, and hard to get comfortable with until you actully go out and open a set, and it works, and then your like hollysh*t, this stuff actully works, and then you get ADDICTED to it, and you want to perfect it.

    I agree with Bo that this information has truly changed my life for the better, Im confident enough to try and pick ANY girl, and my chances of picking her up have drasticly improved 10 fold.

    Just my 2 pennies

    Its not some secret magical thing. Its all about confidence. You said it and bo said it that you didn't have much confidence to go talk to a girl. Unless you were drink. so someone tells you they have this full proof way and its guaranteed to work. So now you think you you have soem secret and have more confidence.

    Maybe I'm lucky. But i've always been good with girls. But i never been afraid to go up to them and talk to them. perfect 10 girls are no different the 5's You just make them different because you get more nervous since they are so hot. The hotter the girl the easier she is to pick up IMO.

    Confidence is a big turn on to women and they can tell a mile away if you have it or not. Thats the real secret to women

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    Everyone might be lau***ng but Bo also hooked me up with the Venusian art technic. and It works! I have been bustin my ass latley and its only getting better. in the beggining, opening sets for me (starting a conversation) was really difficult. I went out and got real drunk just so i had the balls to go open sets up with really hot girls... I mean 10's. And I got rejected my first night prob 6 or 7 times because i would screw up the routine, and I was drunk, but i knew where i was going wrong everytime, because I had a set routine

    Now after about a little over a month practice I can pick up almost any girl. I havnt perfected it, as i am not a "master of the venusian arts" yet. A master is defined as 5 for 5. If you can open up 5 sets, get 5 numbers and 5 make-out, and or 5 bangs... then you are considered an artist. I have done it 3 times in 1 night so far.

    Its real hard to believe, and hard to get comfortable with until you actully go out and open a set, and it works, and then your like hollysh*t, this stuff actully works, and then you get ADDICTED to it, and you want to perfect it.

    I agree with Bo that this information has truly changed my life for the better, Im confident enough to try and pick ANY girl, and my chances of picking her up have drasticly improved 10 fold.

    Just my 2 pennies
    I wasnt lau***ng, you just pointed out how it works yourself:

    any thing that makes you leave your comfort zone and start approaching women is going to raise your confidence and increase your odds of being successful.

    Whereas before you never approached women and never had any success, now the program forced you to approach women and try it out, of course you're going to become better at it. You could have done it yourself just by forcing yourself out of your comfort zone. I'm not bashing the techniques they obviously work for people but its nothing you couldn't do by yourself just by forcing yourself to.

  23. #63
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrNice
    I wasnt lau***ng, you just pointed out how it works yourself:

    any thing that makes you leave your comfort zone and start approaching women is going to raise your confidence and increase your odds of being successful.

    Whereas before you never approached women and never had any success, now the program forced you to approach women and try it out, of course you're going to become better at it. You could have done it yourself just by forcing yourself out of your comfort zone. I'm not bashing the techniques they obviously work for people but its nothing you couldn't do by yourself just by forcing yourself to.
    Exactly. It's always some guy saying i wasn't having much luck or i couldn't talk to alot of women saying how great it is.

  24. #64
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    so wtf do i do when she calls?

    When SHE calls, feel free to talk to her but don't get all "why haven't you returned my calls" on her....

    act like "Whatever" DO NOT let her think you are worked up about it or that you even give a shit that she called or didnt' call.

    "Phone Rings"

    Tai- Hello

    Bitch- Oh hey Tai

    Tai- who is this?

    Bitch- Its me, the bitch , remember

    Tai- Oh hey, how's it going?

    Bitch- I am good, I missed you......

    Tai- Oh whats up?

    Bitch- Not much...just thought I would call and say HI

    Tai- Oh, Ok HI. I got to run...take care, have a nice day

    Bitch hangs up all confused....."damn, I thought I had him where I wanted him" Guess I will have to try harder, maybe he doesn't' want me anymore.....

    THE END !!!

  25. #65
    K.Biz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrNice
    I wasnt lau***ng, you just pointed out how it works yourself:

    any thing that makes you leave your comfort zone and start approaching women is going to raise your confidence and increase your odds of being successful.

    Whereas before you never approached women and never had any success, now the program forced you to approach women and try it out, of course you're going to become better at it. You could have done it yourself just by forcing yourself out of your comfort zone. I'm not bashing the techniques they obviously work for people but its nothing you couldn't do by yourself just by forcing yourself to.
    Its not that I wasnt confident. Its just that I didnt no what to talk about. this gave me some room to play around with, some things to use that i knew would work.. and it doesnt only help with women, but social dynamics in general.

  26. #66
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    When SHE calls, feel free to talk to her but don't get all "why haven't you returned my calls" on her....

    act like "Whatever" DO NOT let her think you are worked up about it or that you even give a shit that she called or didnt' call.

    "Phone Rings"

    Tai- Hello

    Bitch- Oh hey Tai

    Tai- who is this?

    Bitch- Its me, the bitch , remember

    Tai- Oh hey, how's it going?

    Bitch- I am good, I missed you......

    Tai- Oh whats up?

    Bitch- Not much...just thought I would call and say HI

    Tai- Oh, Ok HI. I got to run...take care, have a nice day

    Bitch hangs up all confused....."damn, I thought I had him where I wanted him" Guess I will have to try harder, maybe he doesn't' want me anymore.....

    THE END !!!
    You can simplify all this just by taking some advice from George Costanza and eating an apple while on the phone to her - nothing says "nonchalant" like munching an apple while on the phone!

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    Its not some secret magical thing. Its all about confidence. You said it and bo said it that you didn't have much confidence to go talk to a girl. Unless you were drink. so someone tells you they have this full proof way and its guaranteed to work. So now you think you you have soem secret and have more confidence.

    Maybe I'm lucky. But i've always been good with girls. But i never been afraid to go up to them and talk to them. perfect 10 girls are no different the 5's You just make them different because you get more nervous since they are so hot. The hotter the girl the easier she is to pick up IMO.

    Confidence is a big turn on to women and they can tell a mile away if you have it or not. Thats the real secret to women

    Preach brother 10's are easy because they have low ass self esteem Keys: Confidence, power (or at least fake it) and be fun to hang out with (nobody wants a boring date) looks help but chics are weird and will date a guy that you never thought had a chance

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    You can simplify all this just by taking some advice from George Costanza and eating an apple while on the phone to her - nothing says "nonchalant" like munching an apple while on the phone!

    I do that too Mostly because chics are so boring that I have to eat and try to pay attention at the same time. Apples are good when you are on a diet, so a bonus all around

  29. #69
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    lol im not telling :D
    well she was new to me, i have never dated a chick that didnt have atleast 3+ tattoos, and lotsa piercings i.e. nose,tongue, + many others..
    this chick didnt have a single one or any thing else besides her ears pierced.. she said she didnt like tattoo's and nipple piercings were "Ughh" i believe her exact phrase was? lol iono
    i want cake!

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    well she was new to me, i have never dated a chick that didnt have atleast 3+ tattoos, and lotsa piercings i.e. nose,tongue, + many others..
    this chick didnt have a single one or any thing else besides her ears pierced.. she said she didnt like tattoo's and nipple piercings were "Ughh" i believe her exact phrase was? lol iono
    i want cake!
    Right there should of told you what she was: Just another innocent, virgin slut. I have banged many of them and they put on such a show Best girls to have are the ones that just tell the shlt like it is.

  31. #71
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    ps, what time is the woman haters meeting?

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    perfect 10 girls are no different the 5's You just make them different because you get more nervous since they are so hot.
    If you practice gaming 5's and your not good with chicks (hypothetically) you will see a MAJOR difference in the way 5's act compared to 10's and the way they respond to sexual advances in general.

    10's have a much greater wall of resistance you must overcome BECAUSE 10's are getting hit on A LOT more than a 5. 5's rarely get hit on at all. Whether men are openly telling them they're beautiful, trying to start conversation with them, or covertly staring at thier ass, they realize they possess an obvious power 5's do not.
    If a 10 stopped and talked to every single guy who wanted to stop & speak to her she wouldnt have time to do ANYTHING with her life. Therefore they develop natural defenses to **** out the guys who have anything but superior genes (which is conveyed through a vibrant, energetic personality and an ironclad social saviness)
    10's DO act different. Thus they need to be treated differently.

    I agree with you however its all in the head of the man. But most men are triggered biologically to release certain chemicals in the presence of a beautiful woman, another reason one of those circuits exist to help us evolve as a species.
    Some men need to be desensitized to their own circuits by repeatedly facing these women and learning how to break down thier natural defenses towards men.
    Other men are just got genes from the right pool. Maybe you are one of them.
    Fvck I gtg run before it rains out ....
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 06-16-2007 at 03:27 PM.

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    If you practice gaming 5's and your not good with chicks (hypothetically) you will see a MAJOR difference in the way 5's act compared to 10's and the way they respond to sexual advances in general.

    10's have a much greater wall of resistance you must overcome BECAUSE 10's are getting hit on A LOT more than a 5. 5's rarely get hit on at all. Whether men are openly telling them they're beautiful, trying to start conversation with them, or covertly staring at thier ass, they realize they possess an obvious power 5's do not.
    If a 10 stopped and talked to every single guy who wanted to stop & speak to her she wouldnt have time to do ANYTHING with her life. Therefore they develop natural defenses to **** out the guys who have anything but superior genes (which is conveyed through a vibrant, energetic personality and an ironclad social saviness)
    10's DO act different. Thus they need to be treated differently.

    I agree with you however its all in the head of the man. But most men are triggered biologically to release certain chemicals in the presence of a beautiful woman, another reason one of those circuits exist to help us evolve as a species.
    Some men need to be desensitized to their own circuits by repeatedly facing these women and learning how to break down thier natural defenses towards men.
    Other men are just got genes from the right pool. Maybe you are one of them.
    Fvck I gtg run before it rains out ....

    i have the exact opposite experiences. I can pull 9-10's all day long. Its how you talk to the. Yes guys check them out a lot. But you would be surprised a lot of guys dont hit on them or if they do its so cheesy its ridiculous. They hotter they are the easier they are.

  34. #74
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    the mistake most guys make right off the bat with a dime is that they tell her how hot she is or compliment them. i like to find something and tease them about it in a joking way

  35. #75
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by juiceball44
    the mistake most guys make right off the bat with a dime is that they tell her how hot she is or compliment them. i like to find something and tease them about it in a joking way
    lol she said something kinda DUMB but it was kinda funny so i calld her a dork.. she laughed

    then i teased her about being over the hill since she is 26.. (the hill is 25 right?! lol)
    im put on friend status for life
    oh well
    she didnt even have a single tattoo or body piercing..

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    i have the exact opposite experiences. I can pull 9-10's all day long. Its how you talk to the. Yes guys check them out a lot. But you would be surprised a lot of guys dont hit on them or if they do its so cheesy its ridiculous. They hotter they are the easier they are.
    (I really didnt intend to veer off into a rant.. o well )

    Actually you come off like you already know this shit, seriously.

    You are right, its actually the 7s 8s and occasionally 9s who get hit on the most. BECAUSE most guys all assume the 10's are getting hit on all the time and assume it will be more work for them so the 7 & 8's in reality get hit on the most because all guys are assuming the same thing (except for the ones who really understand the logistics) and 10's are left only getting hit on by the real cocky/natural & sometimes narcissitic assholes.
    BECAUSE of this.
    There is a tendency that a certain breed of man will only approach 10's (when I'm talking 10 Im talking like Jenna Jamenson caliper chicks here) And it becomes a pattern that these ego-centered assholes are often the ones hitting on the REALLY good looking girls.
    THIS is a lot of what builds thier bitch shields towards all men in general.
    Another major factor is the way the rest of average men act towards them in general, either aloof, like they're not interested, nervous, wayy to nice, or basically amplifying specific personality traits (out of normal proportion) to indirectly trigger attraction from these women. (which we all know rarely works unless shes in the mood for tooling some fool)

    Like if you've ever been just friends with a really hot girl, or a couple for that matter. And you get to walk around with them for a while, you eventually realize the world is a VERY dangerous place for them.
    They see attractive women like themselves on the news getting raped and murdered, hear stories about their other hot friends who are getting restraining orders against thier obessive boyfriends. This shit is consistently happening thier ENTIRE lives.

    Or the time some guy grabbed thier ass at a rock concert and made them feel violated. This breed of women is ultimately whats biologically in demand when it comes to survival and replication. They KNOW or more accurately can FEEL that men have to deal with strong biological urges, they remember everytime they've had to push some slobering drunk off them or had to have a guy/girl friend pull some perv off/away from them.

    These more extreme situations happen MORE with 10's. When a guys on a date with a 7 or 8 and they're getting hot and heavy and she starts saying "No, Im not ready for this", its A LOT easier in the moment for the man to back off. If he's with a 10 however, theres this powerful biological circuit that has sprung inside him already, that basically triggers a "mate at all costs" system of behavoir.
    This even goes back thousands of years. Because women have no survival value, all they have is replication value in this world, thus sadly, but naturally, A LOT of thier real value in this world lies simply in the way they look.
    If we evolved from a more primal species, we would court women soley ***endent on who had the best hip to waist ratios, or most symetrical faces, biggest breast (for feeding offspring) or basically went after the BEST looking women.
    Alpha males were the ones who got to mate with these females. The beta males could literally put thier life on the line approaching women like this. Because DEATH was a real threat back in the day and we had to develop certain fear instincts to prevent death.
    Beta male approaches female the Alpha male desires. Alpha male kills off beta male, plus the women doesnt even want the beta males genes, so she encourages this behavoir. It oddly manifests itself in more camaflouged ways now in days.
    And odd how for some guys approaching an unknown pretty women can actually feel like death. (because this threat once really existed and they prob picked up more than thier fair share of beta genes)

    But simply put, the best suitors, in terms of females, are those who are the best looking because looks is a great way to convery health (disease doesnt come into the equation because fatal diseases have ALWAYS existed, thus they counter out themselves in both past & present)
    What I mean is even though we know certain good looking girls can be walking STD's, biologically we dont care.
    I'm catching myself off topic now and in some kind of rant, but my main point is 10's as reality *objectively exists face more DANGER in this world than any other breed of women, or than ANY human alive for that matter. Because even a beta male has more survival value than she does.
    THIS is WHY they have walls of resistance towards men. Because when a man is able to OVERCOME these walls of resistance, through displaying certain core gene attributes & values, than she knows she is safe.
    Because a true alpha male will protect a true alpha female in any origin of a species.
    Theres lots of exceptions to the rules, but Im speaking about *dominant patterns of human behavoir. So people can throw shit at me by the shadow of thier own doubt picking apart all the exceptions but its really not worth it in the end.. still if anyone feels the need to challenge my beliefs GO FOR IT.

    Also this is entertainment for me more than anything.. so just dont take things personal or get frustrated about what I write. (disclaimer for anyone)

    pc - Bo

  37. #77
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    You call too much and you put yourself one-down. She'll think you're needy and grasping and that lesson your market value. Instead, wait 3 days and give a call. If you get voicemail act cooly indifferent and say, Hey, just a quick call to thank you for a nice time. If you want to do it again give be a ring and we'll make plans. Next, wait and see if she calls but don't call her back again. If she doesn't call, then onto the next adventure. There's plenty of little babies out there just waiting for the opporutunity to meet the taibox. Don't get hung up on this particular one and don't put yourself one-down to a baby.....NEVER.

    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    i might be jumpin the gun as usual LOL
    but... any input on the female mind is appreciative.
    went on date yesterday and hit it off great
    next i calld 2x no answe and no returned call.. but when i calld the 2nd time it said "call waiting other party" which means she was on the fone.

    so? wats the deal is this a game chicks play? wtf am i suppose to do lol

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