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  1. #41
    scriptfactory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06
    Charitible funding could be better, yes. Making the government in charge of it is not the answer they make things worse not better.

    The social system here needs reform to, probably not the reform you refer to but reform nonetheless. It is abused by a few at the cost to all. Again, no one starves to death here, we are so rich you can live by eating out of trash cans and many do. If you do not like eating out of trash cans you can get a job and work for a better life. That is what makes this country so great, if you want to do better America has the oppurtunity to do so. Here, we fear big governemnt, we saw what it did to Germany.

    On a side note, you do not see Americans telling the Germans how to run their health care system so why do the germans, french, canadians feel it necessary to constantly bash us? envy?
    Well, maybe they feel bad for the people in need in the US. I mean, I didn't realize how bad the healthcare system was in the States until I actually started living in another country. It's pretty mindblowing to see how it COULD be.

    What happened in Germany didn't happen because of "Big Government". It happened because no one cared until it was too late... and that is exactly what the situation is in the US currently. US politicians are pretty much mocking us every single day with their bullsh!t laws and hidden agendas. Think about that, my friend.

  2. #42
    bpm1's Avatar
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    lost in translation
    what gets me is everybody wants to come to the US because it is the greatest country in the world, bar none. now we deff have some probs in the gov and in gov programs, that being said it still surpasses all other countries the funny thing is people will DIE trying to get here and then after they do they start wanting to make it like the shithole country they left. my wife is mexican and before we got married she bought all the liberal bullshit they spew on all the radio stations and tv stations( those muther effers boo-ed ms usa at the pagent, they boo-ed the country that gives them BILLIONS a yr in aid and more).anyway my wife is an honest person as are most mexicanos i have personally known, after she heard the truth she recognised it for what is was and doesnt believe the horsecrap they feed in the latino media anymore. unfortunately most dont have anyone to set them straight and follow along with the crowd of haters which is ironic as most sacrificed everything they has to come to the geatest country in the world. now before all u latinos bust in saying im bashing ur people please understand i love the latino people and respect almost everything about them, unfortunatly most are mal-informed about politics, peace!

  3. #43
    Coop77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06
    In America and need health care? Get a job and be a productive member of society instead of a parasite.
    There are many Americans who are productive working people and cannot afford adequate insurance. Those people have children. Do those children not deserve decent health care because they're lazy?

    There are also many many people who DO have insurance and STILL do not receive adequate care. This is a focus of the film. Insurance companies make money by denying care. This is who you want deciding if you get treatment or not?

  4. #44
    Coop77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06
    Agreed, and so does the maximum 35-hour work week, with no paid overtime allowed, those that work more than 35 hours a week, get more time off, on top of the five weeks mandatory vacation and of course there are another dozen public holidays. In America we believe in working towards a better future through hard work, in Europe you believe in entitlement, you are owed everything. Maybe thats why America is the world leader in everything and the rest of the world will have to be stuck in the viewers seat hating us.

    "Americans, I think, believe more in future than French people... We think that the future will be worse than now, so we don’t have any reason to work."
    Corinne Maier, author of the bestseller "Bonjour, Laziness"
    America isn't the world leader in education. It obviously isn't the world leader in providing health care. We're the fattest. We pollute the earth the most. We have some of the highest crime rates and poverty rates in the civilized world.

    If the rest of the world hates us, it's not out of jealousy. It's because our current gov't ignores the voice of the international community and invades foreign countries.

    I'm not trying to be unpatriotic. I love and want the best for my country. It just annoys me when people mindlessly think USA #1 USA #1 USA #1 like they're cheering for a football team. That mindset may also have something do with people hating us.

  5. #45
    scriptfactory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coop77
    America isn't the world leader in education. It obviously isn't the world leader in providing health care. We're the fattest. We pollute the earth the most. We have some of the highest crime rates and poverty rates in the civilized world.

    If the rest of the world hates us, it's not out of jealousy. It's because our current gov't ignores the voice of the international community and invades foreign countries.

    I'm not trying to be unpatriotic. I love and want the best for my country. It just annoys me when people mindlessly think USA #1 USA #1 USA #1 like they're cheering for a football team. That mindset may also have something do with people hating us.
    Definitely. I'm glad that someone gets it...

  6. #46
    scaramouche's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coop77
    I'm not trying to be unpatriotic. I love and want the best for my country. It just annoys me when people mindlessly think USA #1 USA #1 USA #1 like they're cheering for a football team. That mindset may also have something do with people hating us.
    awwww its ok we brits dont hate u do we fellas

  7. #47
    holden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scaramouche
    corruption is a terrible thing,u expect it in some countries but not a so called world leader like the usa
    Notice my emphasis on "so called".

    At least their food is cheap. kfc costs half the price

  8. #48
    thetank's Avatar
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    im source cheks
    i live in canada, and after having been sick 18 months before i even got a diagnosis, i can see that with free health care, sometimes you get what you pay for...routine tests and antibiotics, sure its fantastic..get sick, something obscure, something that needs expensive tests, and you have to demand the tests you want, and sometimes go to several doctors, and wait several, several months before you get them if its not considered an emergency. i had to quit my job, and was on disability for months, and still waiting in line just to get a CT scan(had an extremely bad viral least that swhat it was later diagnosed as) am i grateful for free healthcare? i suppose..but im nto grateful for the way ive been treated by an array of doctors...and considering ive been paying for it technically, my entire life..its not really free anyway.

  9. #49
    Join Date
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    Ruckin with the Rozzers!!
    743 americans really wish you had it,

    seriously its saved my life i think 7 times........if i were in usa i would be dead,no chemo alone cost the nhs £40,000.00 (about $70,000.00) a month.not a joke cus my oncologist told me he had to convince the board of financers at the QE,birmingham to pay for it,and thankfully they did.

    it cost me f*ck all,if i was in usa it would cost around £240,000.00($400,000.00).not inluding 5 operations.

    god bless the nhs

    oh oxyplaitine got licence on sept 1st 2005 and i had it on 5th sept just a lucky boy

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