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  1. #41
    lightwaytbaby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WelshWarrior
    Hi all. It seems to me that this site has become awash with newbies. Now that is no problem in itself, but I just seem to see lots of dubious advice being added to threads.

    Just seems like the quality of advice has gone down. Anyone else notice this?

    Is it because the number of members has gone up more than the number of vets/senior members?

    What does everyone think?
    thats gonna happen...with new members, whoring the threads, trying to catch a will only get worse.

  2. #42
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    There will always be more newbies than educated members. This means, there will always be more threads/posts started by newbies, than quality threads/posts started by the more educated members. We only have a limited amount of quality members and a ton of newbies, but we still try our best to help everyone out as much as we can, but sometimes this is hard to do especially when this board is growing at such a fast rate and where most new members are newbies, and not to mention that we are not far from 100,000 members as well. If the educated members grew at the same rate as the newbies on this board, we wouldn't have this problem. Every board has this issue, some are better some are not as bad, some go through phases, things always change. That's why the newbies can do themselves and everyone else a favour by making things easier for the more educated members by using the research button more often.


  3. #43
    Booz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Ha Ha......newbs.....only if you knew when the great pinn was here.They were the days....More newbs means more money for the board.It`s all about money in the end.
    those were the days eh G.......................

    its not all about high post count here,just because a member has a high post count dosent mean they know shit about what they are talking about,half the time its because they have been whoring the lounge..................
    you should be able to gauge who gives sound advice or not by searching their posts............................

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  4. #44
    S.P.G's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImaGetBigger
    I think there are a variety of reasons for this. The foremost seems to me that the same questions get asked, day after day, by the endless flow of newbs that refuse to search, so some just get tired of sorting through all the bs to find the questions worth answering.
    This is so true especially in the workout forum at one point I was saving my posts to a word document to save me typing because I new I would be using the same posts a few times

  5. #45
    tadpoleboyy is offline Member
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    i try to only give advice based on my personal experience, not what i have read. So basically i just give my thoughts to those with eq/ test cycles, or dbol , thats all i have done. Unless its a legit study or somthing, then i refer to that.

  6. #46
    Joemeek's Avatar
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    I always found what i need to know through a technique called "search", it's a wonderfull thing that not many people seem to know about . The site is not as good as it was a few years ago IMO.

  7. #47
    RA's Avatar
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    Right on. If people are handing out shit let em know.

    Quote Originally Posted by mercedesdd
    Shit if you all feel like that and are going to start threads like this than you should at least name names !! If people are giving the wrong or bad info to any members on the board then shouldn't members dispute the info on the thread( not in the lounge) to dis credit the persons info so when newbies or anyone for that matter reads the post they can get a general idea on what is right and what is wrong... Not sure who you all are referring to with this thread but it can be definitely taken out of context and offensive.. If the quailty of advise is getting bad lets make it known who is giving it so it can be addressed. We make fun of people's post in the hall of shame thread for giving bad advise so why can we name name's here???

  8. #48
    TheDfromGC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WelshWarrior
    Hi all. It seems to me that this site has become awash with newbies. Now that is no problem in itself, but I just seem to see lots of dubious advice being added to threads.

    Just seems like the quality of advice has gone down. Anyone else notice this?

    Is it because the number of members has gone up more than the number of vets/senior members?

    What does everyone think?

    been declining for years, more members signing up makes traffic which makes money, having fewer quality members with good advice doesnt...

  9. #49
    WelshWarrior's Avatar
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    Lot of good responses here. I guess, firstly to put it into context I'd spent about an hour searching the new posts last night and just saw tonnes of the same questions and not as many useful answers as I used to. The responses on this thread point out the obvious answer - the invisible newbie search button.

    Also membership has gone up.

    Merc, I was not pointing the finger, certainly not at any vets. I wasn't clear enough in my earlier post, but I think you all are selfless and I respect you cos of the generosity of what you do. I'm not naming names, cos it'll look like brown-nosing, but you can tell by peoples posts that there are some who are informed, polite and always helping.

    It's just a shame there's one less with Imagetbigger now dead in his oven...

  10. #50
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by WelshWarrior
    Lot of good responses here. I guess, firstly to put it into context I'd spent about an hour searching the new posts last night and just saw tonnes of the same questions and not as many useful answers as I used to. The responses on this thread point out the obvious answer - the invisible newbie search button.

    Also membership has gone up.

    Merc, I was not pointing the finger, certainly not at any vets. I wasn't clear enough in my earlier post, but I think you all are selfless and I respect you cos of the generosity of what you do. I'm not naming names, cos it'll look like brown-nosing, but you can tell by peoples posts that there are some who are informed, polite and always helping.

    It's just a shame there's one less with Imagetbigger now dead in his oven...

    LOL !!!!! Imagetbigger is baked .....

  11. #51
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Interesting stuff being said about Lion and his products. Makes me feel a litle weary.

  12. #52
    Sir Lifts-a-lot's Avatar
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    good luck with lion.... not the cream of the crop in my opinion.

    Honestly, if we want the newbies to find the info for themselves, then lets just stop answering their questions.... Ignore them... after not getting any personal advice on their posts they will go search for it themselves.

  13. #53
    Big's Avatar
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    I don't want to ignore the newbs, but rather than just answer their questions I try to point them in the right direction for them to find their own answers. I think in any situation knowing the right answer isn't as important as knowing why the right answer is right.
    Oh, and the oven didn't take me out, but I really need to even up my tan now.

  14. #54
    10nispro's Avatar
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    There are requirements about source checks, and that's not guaranteed. Make some type of requirement about researching first before a post will be answered. I know that may be to hard but may be a start. I know I got blasted the first time and it sunk in. Unfortuanately I think the newbs that ask the questions are the ones who are going to do what they want, no matter what the great and correct advise is, but they need the quick know how and the pat on the back for doing it. Trust me I give advise all day and after time you want to ask them, what do they want to hear because apparently the correct answers that I am giving them isn't the one they want to hear. I tell them that the truth hurts, but it will help in the long run.

  15. #55
    10nispro's Avatar
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    Sorry if that seemed like a rant, but I respect all the vet/mont advise given.

  16. #56
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    man my left nut hurts

  17. #57
    10nispro's Avatar
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    lol....always rely and tai to break the mood

  18. #58
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by 10nispro
    lol....always rely and tai to break the mood
    Thats what I was thinking.. I knew Tai would find this thread sooner or later..... LOL !!!!!

  19. #59
    bpm1's Avatar
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    good job mods and vets, i agree that impatience and frustration can lead to threads that are sarcastic and negative.ive only been here for 8mnths now and lately ive avoided the quest and answer area because im TIRED of the newbs, i'll get back there soon enough and fight the good fight but i can only imagine seeing that stuff consistently for YEARS!!!, again i take my hat off to all of u who give and continue to give good sound advice, THANK YOU!!!!!

  20. #60
    bpm1's Avatar
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    and i hope u guy r fussing over lions probs with service lately, not the quality of the products, if the latter is the case i'd sure like to know

  21. #61
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    fvck i was just about to make an order to lion. ur making me think twice now...

  22. #62
    ecto9's Avatar
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    How about a new forum for vets only, that we all can read, that covers the issues that veterans are dealing with. I for one would like to see that.

  23. #63
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecto9
    How about a new forum for vets only, that we all can read, that covers the issues that veterans are dealing with. I for one would like to see that.
    Good idea !! Oh wait I am only a monitor not a vet and wouldn't be able to post all the bad advise I want to get out there !!! LOL !!!


  24. #64
    PEWN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mercedesdd
    Good idea !! Oh wait I am only a monitor not a vet and wouldn't be able to post all the bad advise I want to get out there !!! LOL !!!


    lol... yea please no more bad advice... we have had about enough...

  25. #65
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    lol man, why u gotta be striking matches in a gas chamber ><
    so so true. hehe

  26. #66
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by pewntang
    lol... yea please no more bad advice... we have had about enonew AR ross ?? everyone thatugh...
    just cant help myself .. May be I need to start my own website/forum bad advise by merc .com that way my fans can follow my awful advise... LOL

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by mercedesdd
    just cant help myself .. May be I need to start my own website/forum bad advise by merc .com that way my fans can follow my awful advise... LOL

    i will be the first member i promise...

  28. #68
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pewntang
    i will be the first member i promise...
    Do i smell defection in the air?

  29. #69
    PEWN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic
    Do i smell defection in the air?
    desertion from allegiance, loyalty, duty, or the like; apostasy: His defection to East Germany was regarded as treasonable.
    2. failure; lack; loss: He was overcome by a sudden defection of courage.

  30. #70
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    ahh what..

  31. #71
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic
    Do i smell defection in the air?
    Shit thats a hell of a website name Pewntang and mercs un anabolic forum !!! Watch out fellas ... LOL !!!!!!

  32. #72
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    lol pewn, you're a dictionary now?

  33. #73
    PEWN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mercedesdd
    Shit thats a hell of a website name Pewntang and mercs un anabolic forum !!! Watch out fellas ... LOL !!!!!!

    heres to the big time...

    lol pewn, you're a dictionary now?
    just trying to figure out wht you were talking bout...

  34. #74
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    lol, I like the sounds of that, un anabolic forum. To the big time indeed.

  35. #75
    BigLittleTim is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pewntang
    money .... rules all...
    Who would waste their entire day on-line, giving out free advice to complete strangers, unless he was getting compensated in some way?


  36. #76
    WelshWarrior's Avatar
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    One thing I think would help is including small words in searches. Annoys me when the key word you are searching for is "too small".

    I'm not saying this will stop the searchphobics, but I reckon it would improve this site.

  37. #77
    PEWN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WelshWarrior
    One thing I think would help is including small words in searches. Annoys me when the key word you are searching for is "too small".

    I'm not saying this will stop the searchphobics, but I reckon it would improve this site.

    yes ... this make me so mad some times...

  38. #78
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigLittleTim
    Who would waste their entire day on-line, giving out free advice to complete strangers, unless he was getting compensated in some way?

    I would. My compensation is hopefully keeping people from hurting themselves, and I still learn something just about every time I log in as well.

  39. #79
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImaGetBigger
    I would. My compensation is hopefully keeping people from hurting themselves, and I still learn something just about every time I log in as well.
    Good post !!!

  40. #80
    ecto9's Avatar
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    The search program software could use some improvement.

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