To Whom it May Concern,
I just wanted to take a moment of your time to pass on some of my new experiences that may or may not be due to my use of anabolics. I am 23 year old male and have done two cycles consiting of moderate dosages of Sust 250 and DBol (cycle one) and Test Prop and Tbol (cycle two). This past week I found that I was bleeding internally and had to go into the emergency room where I got blood tests and a CAT scan performed. It was found that I had a tumor of about 2.5 inches in diameter in my colon. Tests came back saying that the mass is still precancerous, but it must be removed immediately. The scary thins about conditions like these are that they are often symptomless until the tumor has been there for awhile. I don't have any pain at all right now and I didn't see this coming at all.

I'm not saying that my health issues are due solely to my use in anabolics, but I can't say that I fit the usual profile of a cancer patient because I'm young, fit, active, don't drink, smoke, or use any drugs (besides those listed above), and this condition hasn't been shown in my family. I will be undergoing a fairly serious surgery probably sometime this week to hopefully get me moving back onto a healthier path.

I just wanted you all to know that there are rare occurances where things like this may happen and you should take your health seriously. I never overused these anabolic susbstances either. The doctors say that this tumor must have been in me for some time because it is so large so just because you feel fine doesn't always mean that you are fine. I just wish you all the best of luck with everything and I encourage people to get screenings (i.e. colonoscopy, etc) at least every two or three years if you are going to have anabolics in your lifestyle.

I just want to say thanks to this forum because it's been a great part of my life learning and growing with you all, but I believe that I will be competing as a drug-free athlete from this point forth.

Best Regards,