I see these kinda awful threads appear now and again and I always think "i know how they'd feel if it was one of mine" and now I really do.

One of my cats has to be put down tomorrow. Two weeks ago he came in limping and wouldnt let himself be touched which is strange cause he's the friendliest most affectionate cat you could know. So he goes to the vet where its discovered that he has massive internal bruising in his right leg, his tail paralysed and his bladder destroyed as in, he cant use it. The vet said it's not consistant of a car injury but does seem like he's sustained a heavy blow which leads me to believe he's been ****ing kicked by someone.

After two weeks of being at the vets, even having accupuncture he still cant relieve himself and it makes me ****ing sad and ****ing angry.

How could anyone in their right mind do something like that to a animal, especially one far far smaller that that person? It's said that your pets give you unconditional love and they do and yet here he is, a cat that would go upto strangers to say hello and that happens to him. The worst part is he is only two.

If animals could talk I seriously think I could do time if I caught the person that did this to him.