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Thread: iPhone Questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    iPhone Questions

    So I went to the AT&T store yesterday and they didn't have any iPhones at that store, so I kinda browsed around and asked the sales rep a few questions.

    Basically, he told me to steer clear of the iPhone. He told me that it was a good phone, but it was using "older" technology.
    -It runs on a 2G network, as opposed to the newer 3G network that many of the new phones are running. He says this will make web browsing slower, etc..I'm no tech whiz by any means, so what was Jobs thinking using older technology? More profit?
    -The battery life is relatively short, and the battery can't be removed, so if something happens to it, you just have to replace the whole phone. People are complaining about the short battery life, etc...
    -The metal border around the outside, scratches very easily.

    I asked him what he recommended, and he told me the AT&T 8525.
    Here's the link:

    He said this phone has everything that the iPhone does(2 Megapixel camera, music, touch screen, etc..) but it has a 3G network, it has a full slide out keyboard, it's camera has a flash, you can add more memory, and it has a removable battery. So now, I'm leaning towards this one, instead of the iPhone.

    Anyone have any input about one or the other? Carlos?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Battery life is more referred to by how often it needs to be recharged.

    I think the guy doesn't have it so is just trying to get a sale

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Nah, 'cuz yesterday when I went, I just had to change some shit on my account. I told him I wasn't buying a phone, I was just browsing.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Aight so after doing some reading, Jobs didn't use 3G technology because the chip was too big and it drained too much battery...

    Carlos? How you likin' the iPhone? Any complaints?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    heres my review on it... my roomate has gone through two of them already....

    1. he barely droped it from maybe three feet off a wieght bench on the the tile and the screen cracked..... The second one he was on the phone walking on campus and it started barely raining... he put it straight away... but it already had gotten rain damage and the screen looked like a rainbow....

    2. The battery life is short and it dies very quickly if your using it as a ipod or video player browsing the internet.... if used as a phone, the life is long .... but if your buying a iphone your not buying it just for a phone....

    3. Sources told me that they are modifying it already and giving it a bigger hard drive and storing space... along with some internal issues... so if it was up to me and your phone is working good now... wait a little while and get the new one after all the bugs are worked out....

    4. The other phone you showed i have not seen yet but got good reviews on alot of tech web sites.... so the choice is up to you....

    Hope this helped buddy....

  6. #6
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    Mar 2007
    Yeah, I've been reading the reviews of both of them on CNET.

    Wow, with what you said it defiinitely turns me away from getting one right now.

    My phone has about had it, so I'm not sure what I'll do. I actually may buy a Samsung Blackjack, then get either an iPhone or AT&T 8525 in a couple months.

    Thanks pewntang.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Moms Basement
    you got it bud... the blackjack is cool and easy to use... very similar to the moto q..... and samsungs last forever....

  8. #8
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    It was originally intended for the Cingular network which runs on 2G technology. Unless you plan on using it for data like as a mobile modem then that really is not an issue. I am on Sprint so I think I'm going to get a HTC Mogul.

  9. #9
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    Wow, I just found out that if I get an AT&T 8525, I can download the Apple iPhone skin and my 8525 will operate like an iPhone. Pretty badass...

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotron
    It was originally intended for the Cingular network which runs on 2G technology. Unless you plan on using it for data like as a mobile modem then that really is not an issue. I am on Sprint so I think I'm going to get a HTC Mogul.
    Cingular/AT&T advertises 3g. My phone is with them and its 3g

  11. #11
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    i have an 8525...its an awesome phone, longer battery life than the iphone, and considerably cheaper if you get some mail in rebates with highly recommend it..

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    Cingular/AT&T advertises 3g. My phone is with them and its 3g
    At&t and cingular used to be seperate companies. AT&T's side of the network was developed with 3G in mind, Bellsouth decided that Cingular's network would be 2G for the time. The iPhone was in planning for Cingular way before AT&T and Bellsouth(who owned Cingular) decided to merge, and that is why the iPhone is 2G.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    i have an 8525...its an awesome phone, longer battery life than the iphone, and considerably cheaper if you get some mail in rebates with highly recommend it..
    Thanks man, it's what i'm leaning towards.

    Have you had any problems with viruses or anything? My friend's dad has one and he had virus problems or something, I didn't really ask him details.

  14. #14
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    TRUE knowledge, THE light
    I wouldn't even waste my $ on an iphone

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Price dropped to $399 for 8GB

    The 4GB model is "dead".

    A guy sent me a link at work today about this and the new iPod Touch
    ***No source checks!!!***

  16. #16
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    The 4GB is on clearance at the apple store online for $299.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja
    Price dropped to $399 for 8GB

    The 4GB model is "dead".

    A guy sent me a link at work today about this and the new iPod Touch
    That's more reasonable. I'm defnitely glad I didn't buy the fucker when it was $600.

    Yeah, the 4GB one is pretty pointless. That isn't enough memory to do a whole lot, so i've heard.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Titleist
    That's more reasonable. I'm defnitely glad I didn't buy the fucker when it was $600.

    Yeah, the 4GB one is pretty pointless. That isn't enough memory to do a whole lot, so i've heard.

    It's not a memory issue, more like a disk space issue. I never understand why people rush out and get something when the price is sky ****ing high, when if you wait a little the price will come down considerably.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  19. #19
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Titleist
    -The battery life is relatively short, and the battery can't be removed, so if something happens to it, you just have to replace the whole phone. People are complaining about the short battery life, etc...
    Bullshit. The battery can charge for 400 cycles. A cycle is COMPLETE drain until the phone turns off. After 400 cycle of charges the battery will only charge to 80-90% of the original capacity. Who ever told you to replace the entire phone is full of shit. Send the phone in for service and the battery will be replaced.

    Quote Originally Posted by Titleist
    -The metal border around the outside, scratches very easily.
    Not a single scratch on mine.

    Get whatever phone you want but the info you have about the iPhone is bullshit. I browse just fine using Edge. I get download speed tests of 40K a second. That is fine for browsing web pages.

    Do what you want but don't make a decision based on shit. You said the phone was out of stock. The guy trashed it to sell you another phone. If you want real info about the phone shop at an Apple store. They have a ton of phones on display and you can spend as much time as you want trying out all of the features. AT&T stores will have 1-2 on display and will kick you off if you take too long.

    I am 100% happy with mine and I'll buy the next rev when it comes out.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  20. #20
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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