Any guys here that can shed some light on this subject,

im sat here watching TV, some shaite documentary on about the Police (UK).
Ok... before i start slaggin them abotu how shite they are, im not wanting to really, but... they just are!

One guy gets arrested for chopsing i think, anyway takes 3 cops initially to get his arms. well one cop on each arm, the other guy was behing him kneeing him in the arse??? Do any of the US guys get taught this move??? I have a fair verierty of Martial arts and aint seen it at all, just wondering.

I can go on about many other incidents i have seen on these programms, Im a firefighter and i aint carrying the mantle of hating cops, and ok, fair enough, but there was a programme in the UK not too long back called Inferno 999, pretty much the same style programme only aimed at us (filmed in my station and 3 others surrounding). Im not a show pony, im here to do the business, fuk off with that camera you aint putting me on telly.
This makes me wonder what kinda cop would go on telly,
in my mind they are just promoting what a bunch of pricks they really are because htey look like they do such a bad job, i mean why go on national telly and show the general public you arresting people for such minial things, one was 3 students for pinching milk off a door step.
When compared to the likes of COPS or Dallas SWAT it makes anyting that comes out of the UK a pile of dog wank.

One here, now, football hooligans, haha, cops about 15 of em have formed a human wall to stop a gang of abotu 100 hoolies in to the open, shouting at them telling them to behave and how he has the cells empty esspecially for them. I just watched a programme last night bout football hooligans in Polonia, fvck me what a set of head cases them lot are!!! Id love to see them in the UK, the cops wouldnt know what hit them!!!! Love to see porky sticking his chest out then saying how the cells are empty for them, it would be ODPIERDOL SIE! (**** off). before you ask no i aint polish. No i dont support any form of hooliganism, i just love to see things going tits up, if you get me.
I cant imagien a similar thing happening in the USA either, i guess hter eis a discipline thing in that country where you fvck about you get ****ed up.

Yes it is a good thing and a bad thing, we are lucky here as you are pretty safe from taking beatings, but on the otehr hand its dangerous as you dont have a police force who can actually pro actively police, i mean you havea big bar fight, 45 headers kicking off, pigs get called, what happens? probably some spit arse (woman) tun up whit her moulten throusers on and Magnum boots on armed with a can of CS gas and a batton. yeah what you gonna do twatty bollox? even if the tactical unit arives, what you got? probably 10 to 15 cops who are possibly handy, still dont make much a difference i think, yeah get your battons armed lads, ok piggy ive had enough, ive been twatted over the head with a pool cue, and you comeing at me with a batton that is too light to do any real damage just pisses me off and makes me want to pick up that pint ot and ram it down your throat. (not my idea, its role playing a footy hooligan or something)
Does this shit go down like this in the US?

i guess what im actually trying to say is, if you get in a row with some fella, do you struggle takign them to ground and putting the cuffs off them requiring the aid of a few other coppers (6 or so)??

I dont hate cops, i dont hate anyone, just winds me up wen i see people takign libeties, i guess its coz im soft at heart and have never handled bullies with much care, but that is how i see it.

"slow down will you, whats a matta? fvcking bullied at school were ya?" billy bright getting arrested for a public order offence. The football factory 2004