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  1. #1
    Timm1704's Avatar
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    US visa questions: part 2

    ok i posted this thread awhile back regarding obtaining a US visa with a criminal record.

    US visas and a criminal record

    After the thread was made and all replies dried up, I got sentenced for a GBH assault in February 2007. I plead guilty to breaking a mans jaw due to one deliberate strike, no weapons involved. This was my first offence of any kind, and have had none since, and ofcourse, do not intend on getting any more. Have a glowing character refernce list, and have worked with children in various capacities before this incident.

    I was given a £1000 fine, 200 hours community service and a 12 month jail sentence, suspended for 18 months (meaning if I reoffend within 18 months, I do 12 months in prison). This in no way prevents me from doing anything as far as leaving the country is concerned, as I have paid off my fine and completed the community service.

    I had some good responses in the previous thread, but now that all circumstances are apparent as far as my punishment went, and that laws may well have changed in some aspects, I am asking the questions again.

    Q1: I have always wanted to wrestle in the USA, what are the chances of me optaining a working visa for a set amount of time, and possible citizenship?

    Q2: Might be planning a trip to Seattle in September, would I be ok to travel into the country for a holiday?

    EXTRA question: Would buying a house in the USA have any impact on obtaining a visa?

    Any firm information would be greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    Odpierdol_sie!'s Avatar
    Odpierdol_sie! is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timm1704 View Post
    ok i posted this thread awhile back regarding obtaining a US visa with a criminal record.

    US visas and a criminal record

    After the thread was made and all replies dried up, I got sentenced for a GBH assault in February 2007. I plead guilty to breaking a mans jaw due to one deliberate strike, no weapons involved. This was my first offence of any kind, and have had none since, and ofcourse, do not intend on getting any more. Have a glowing character refernce list, and have worked with children in various capacities before this incident.

    I was given a £1000 fine, 200 hours community service and a 12 month jail sentence, suspended for 18 months (meaning if I reoffend within 18 months, I do 12 months in prison). This in no way prevents me from doing anything as far as leaving the country is concerned, as I have paid off my fine and completed the community service.

    I had some good responses in the previous thread, but now that all circumstances are apparent as far as my punishment went, and that laws may well have changed in some aspects, I am asking the questions again.

    Q1: I have always wanted to wrestle in the USA, what are the chances of me optaining a working visa for a set amount of time, and possible citizenship?

    Q2: Might be planning a trip to Seattle in September, would I be ok to travel into the country for a holiday?

    EXTRA question: Would buying a house in the USA have any impact on obtaining a visa?

    Any firm information would be greatly appreciated
    I think the best thing to do is to contact the Canadian Embassy and let them know first off before booking a trip, we can only speculate on the facts where as they will tell you yes or no.

    Dont quote me on any of what i say about this timm..
    I have been asked a similar thing to find out for a colse friend who has gone away for a bit.

    I have dual nationality and my gf is Polish...

    With her as she wanted to become a citizen of the UK to become a british diplomat so that got me thinking what if... if in these circumstances im pretty sure all that would be needed is to go back to Poland change her name and come back under a totally different identity, being as corrupt as the Polish Governmnet are im sure they would let nothing slip to the UK nor would they care if you did time here either. And as its a European Union it would hold some water gaining access to the US if you were guaranteed work.

    On me Im born in the UK but have Irish nationality .. i wondered if i lived in Ireland for a while and kept my nose clean would the Irish Embassy tell the US anything? any guys over there throw up some answers for this (out of curiosity).

    Of you could at all do any of this you might stand a better chance and slip under the net.

    On getting a house im not sure that would make a huge amount of differnece, Vinnie Jones was up in arms not long back because the US were trying to kick him out, just because you own property there does not give you entitlement to go and live there or even visit.

    If you were to start a business i think that will give you a better chance... i cant remember what qualifies you to apply for green cards but it is something in the region of $1m invested in business and employing a number of people probably 15 or more.

    Maybe possible for you to buy a house another country and gain dual nationality there, then go to the US that way...?

    The only problem i can think of in this situation is that if the US were to ask for your background before you gained citizenship in that given country, they would then be directed to the UK and then the truth may come out causing obvious problems.

    Just for your info and to get you thinking a bit deeper...
    With Ireland i know they have taken a strict stance in immigration in the last few years, they have started refusing citizenship to people who go there to give birth (hoping to stay after of course). The irish policy is that if you have a child in ireland and are not citizens then you will not be granted an open visa and the new born will not be granted Irish Citizenship... i dont know if this is a first but it got my eybrows raised.
    Also if say for instance my gf wanted to become irish then she would have to reside there and work (pay taxes) for 5 years with no entitlement to health care or incapacity benefits etc. I would imagien that as the USA and Eire share close ties they are very similar, only difference being that Ireland referes to European Law. I would envisage that the USA has a very similar policy etc so going and getting hitched would be out of the question also.

    If you ask me its a catch 22 these days, the only ones that seem to get away with it are headers from 3rd world countries that are impossible to trace.

    I hope it works out for you and please let me know what you find out... if i hear anything or find anything in the mean time i will be sure to let you know. Best wishes with it all matey .

  3. #3
    soccer#3's Avatar
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    if i was u, i'd contact an american embassy and ask them these kinda questions.

    i'd not mention the assualt thing at all and i dont think the embassy can look it up somehow unless ur on interpols record which i doubt. just dont mention it at all. thats what i'd do.

    good luck

  4. #4
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Hurry up timm, we need more cool people in america, we are over run with fat people now Get a gun quick and enjoy

  5. #5
    Odpierdol_sie!'s Avatar
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    Goodcents, it said in the papers day before yesterday that on average teh UK is fatter than the US... just aswell timm dont fall in to that bracket then

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    Timm1704's Avatar
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    bump for more responses

  7. #7
    Timm1704's Avatar
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    again bump!

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    Timm1704's Avatar
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    haha jesus christ, where the fook do you get these things? i love that look of sheer disgust on her face

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