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    Post Royal Rumble Results

    WWE Royal Rumble Opener:

    Michael Cole and Coach introduced the show. The touted the HD broadcast as the first-ever for the Royal Rumble. For the first time in a long while at MSG they are using the small classic entrance way.

    Career Threatening Match
    Ric Flair vs. MVP

    Ric Flair gets on the mic before the match and he says that it has been an honor to wrestle all of these years in Madison Square Garden. There is no place like it in the world and he agrees with everyone who says that. His first match in MSG was in March 1976 before most of the people in the building were born. The level of respect that the fans have paid him over the years is unbelievable. As Flair continues to talk, he is interrupted by Montel Vontavious Porter’s music and Porter comes to the ring.

    Bell rings and the two circle the center of the ring. Flair does some stylin and profilin to begin. The lock up. MVP to the ropes and a shoulderblock on Flair. MVP taunts the crowd. We lock up again. Fans are very into this one with chants. Referee calls for a break as Flair is backed into the corner. The two lock up a third time, top wrist lock for Flair. MVP to the corner and another break. MVP slaps Flair, then Flair chops him back. A few more chops due to MVP and Flair bounces off the ropes, shoulderblocks MVP. Porter with a drop toe hold and follows with a kick to the temple.

    MVP with a Neckbreaker and a two count. Porter snap mare's Flair and applies a rear chinlock. Flair with a big elbow to MVP, followed by a chop block. He attempts the Figure Four but MVP kicks him off. Chops by Flair, followed by an atomic drop. Back to the well for a Figure Four. MVP rolls him up and gets only two.

    Porter with a whip of Flair, and a back body drop on him. He then charges Flair in the corner and hits a running facewash to the face. MVP pins him 1... 2... at three Flair gets the foot on the ropes. The ref did drop the three count though. MVP is arguing with the ref. Flair schoolboys MVP and gets a two count. MVP with a double underhook suplex and a two count.

    MVP plants Flair on the top rope now and he hits a superplex. Two count only for Porter. MVP slaps Flair two times and then puts him in a Fireman's Carry. Flair wriggles free and chops MVP twice then receives a shoulderblock and both men are down for the count.

    Flair small packages MVP and gets a two count. Quickly into a backslide for Flair, and a two count. Another chop by Flair, followed by a right hand, chop, right hand, chop, right hand, chops Flair to the ropes and then gets a knee to the face by MVP.

    MVP sets up the Playmaker but Flair trips him down and applies the Figure Four. MVP taps immediatly!

    Winner: Ric Flair


    Vince McMahon and Hornswoggle shared a moment about Flair's luck continuing. Vince then talked about his family's history promoting cards at MSG. Which brings Vince to his only bastard son. Vince played up the every-man-for-himself element of the Rumble. Same promo as on Smackdown. Finlay then snuck in and Vince explained the promo about not trusting anyone. Finlay asked Vince what he means by that. Vince curled his upper life and he told Finlay that you can't trust the little guy. Horny hopped in Finlay's arms and they walked off.

    Ringside, Ross and Lawler introduced themselves. They sent it to Mike Adamle, who was ringside in the front row. Adamle plugged Flair's opening victory, then said he was at MSG for Flair's first match. He introduced a video package on Jericho vs. JBL's feud.

    Chris Jericho vs. JBL

    Chris Jericho was introduced first, followed by JBL. JBL looking a bit out of shape. They two lock up and back into a corner. Referee calls for Jericho to break.

    A second lock up, and we have the same break. A third lockup now, and this time JBL slips outside of the ropes. JBL sneak attacks Jericho behind the referee landing punches. Jericho flies off the ropes and connects with a flying forearm. Jericho then unleashes punches. Y2J with a kick to the ribs, and another. JBL up and he tries a short arm clothesline but Jericho ducks and tries to apply the Walls of Jericho but too close to the ropes and JBL forces a break.

    Jericho hits a baseball slide onto JBL on the outside now and sends him into the fan barricade followed by the steel steps. Back inside we go now and Jericho hoisted up in the air and placed across the top rope, throat-first. Both men down momentarily.

    Big short arm clothesline by JBL, and another. JBL with a blatant choke across the bottom rope on Jericho, then turns him over and slingshots him upward into the underside of the second rope, throat-first.

    JBL has Y2J in the corner now and he delivers right hands. Jericho fights back with some of his own. Sleeper hold slapped on by JBL, taking Y2J down to the mat in the middle of the ring. Jericho back to a vertical base, battling out, ducks a big boot and delivers a clothesline on the rebound. Both men down for the count.

    JBL now connects on a big boot. then sends JBL to the ringpost, falling to the outside. Jericho is busted wide open. Back inside now and JBL going at Jericho with kicks. Jericho somehow battles back with punches and then Jericho goes for a Bulldog but JBL falls too soon, obviously messing up. Jericho then hits a drop kick and a Lionsault. Fans boo loudly. Jericho then follows up with a clothesline over the ropes to the outside. JBL tears off the top of the announce table and turns around, when Jericho grabs a steel chair and clocks him, getting himself disqualified.

    Winner by DQ: JBL

    After the match Jericho sends JBL back inside and throws the chair at him, then gets cable wire and chokes him out with it. Jericho stands on the announce table on the outside yanking on the tv cable choking out JBL from there.

    - Promo for WrestleMania 24 airs which is just 63 days away.


    Ashley knocked on Maria's locker room door and Santino Marella walked out instead. He said Maria is getting ready for the first HD kiss cam. Santino said her Maria can't say no to anyone or anything. Ashley said that's probably why she's still with him. Santino, unfazed, cut a promo about Maria not being interested in Ashley's boobie magazine. He cut a promo on Ashley being eliminated on Survivor. He slammed the door in her face to close.

    They introduced a video package on Edge vs. Mysterio feud.

    - We go into a promo for the Vickie Guerrero and Edge love storyline and the events leading up to Mysterio vs. Edge tonight.

    World Heavyweight Championship Match
    Edge comes to the match first to defend his title tonight.

    Edge gets in the ring and Teddy Long comes out and wheels Vickie Guerrero to ringside. Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins then come out and join Vickie at ringside to watch the match.

    The challenger Rey Mysterio comes out looking pretty serious and determined. Edge and Rey look at each other as Mysterio makes his way to the ring. Rey gets his usual huge pop. Mysterio was wearing a helmet of sorts over his mask that he took off before the match started.

    Edge starts off by pushing Rey and bullying him back in the corner a bit. Edge ties up Rey's arm and tries to wear him down, bending his fingers back.

    Edge gets dropped by Rey and they lock up again. Dropkick to the head and a 2 count by Mysterio. The match is slow taking off, Edge seems to be stalling. They go to lock up again and Edge kicks him in the stomach and tries to wear him down again.

    Edge sends Rey to the outside and hits him with a baseball slide. Edge tries to distract the ref and turns around to see the Edgeheads about to attack Rey on the floor. The ref sends the Edge heads to the back away from ringside.

    Back in the ring, Rey sets him up for the 619 but Edge rolls out of the ring. Dropkick by Rey and another 2 count. Edge propels Rey onto the top turnbuckle and he lands on his injured knee. Edge kicks him in the back of the knee and Rey rolls out to the floor to recover.

    Edge follows Rey outside and continues to work on the injured knee. Edge takes him back inside and slows down the pace of the match, still working on the knee and taunting him.

    Edge locks on a submission on Rey's injured leg and tries to make him submit. Rey holds on and throws Edge to the mat and tries to get up on one knee. Enziguri kick by Rey drops Edge on the ropes for the 619.

    Edge counters the 619 for a scoop slam and a 2 count. Edge goes back to work on the knee, bending it back and forth and really trying to hurt Rey.

    Edge continues to control the match, keeping Rey down on his injured knee. Edge taunts Rey and tries to expose the injured knee by removing the brace it looks like. Rey fights back, kicking Edge and hobbles to one leg. Rey counters Edge into a big bulldog and now both men are down.

    Both men are down and the ref begins the 10 count. They get up after 5 and try to fight each other but both men seem hurt. Edge rolls Rey up for a pin but Rey kicks him in the head. Near fall by Rey as Edge kicks out.

    Rey tries to fight back and gets another near 2 count. Rey looks frustrated as he climbs to the top turnbuckle but Edge gets up and catches him. Rey knocks him off the turnbuckle and hits the splash from the top onto Edge but Edge kicks out at the 2 count. Rey looks like he may have hurt his knee even more.

    Hurrancanrana by Rey sends Edge outside. Rey comes through the ropes on his stomach and DDT's Edge onto the floor. Back in the ring and another close 2 count by Rey.

    Rey goes running off the ropes but Edge catches him with a big kick to the face. Edge misses the Spear in the corner and Rey sets him up for the 619 and hits it perfectly. Rey climbs the top rope and hits the splash and goes for the pin. Vickie Guerrero pulls the ref's leg out of the ring at the 2 count and distracts Rey and the ref.

    Edge comes from behind but misses the Spear. Rey hits the 619 again but Vickie gets in the way and gets knocked out. Rey goes up top but Edge catches him with a Spear in mid-air and knocks him out. Edge goes for the pin and gets the 1-2-3.

    Winner and still WHC: Edge

    After the match, Edge and Ryder & Hawkins tend to Vickie Guerrero who is still knocked out from the 619 at ringside. They help Vickie back into the wheelchair as we go to replays.


    Ric Flair is backstage in the lockeroom and Mr. Kennedy is waiting on him. Kennedy starts to clap for him and says good job followed by a big WHOOOO. Kennedy says after he wins the Rumble tonight, he's going to have so much time on his hands between now and WrestleMania... Shawn Michaels walks in. Kennedy tells Ric Flair he will see him later to talk. HBK says can you believe that guy? His gimmick will never work. HBK congratulates Flair and says he knows he will win the Rumble tonight. In comes Batista who hugs Flair. Triple H walks in then and says tonight, the best man will win. Batista and Triple H come face to face and HBK gets in between them and says yeah, the best man will win and he will be wearing the brand new HBK t-shirt available on! Batista and Triple H walk off and HBK gives Flair the t-shirt as we go to a promo for the No Way Out PPV.

    Kiss Cam

    We see Hardy and Orton backstage getting ready for their match.

    - Maria comes out and warms up the crowd. She welcomes us to the first ever Royal Rumble kiss-Cam. The cam goes through the crowd and makes several couples kiss. Maria thanks New York and out comes Ashley Massaro.

    Ashley says she got a call from Hugh Heffner last week and he wants to know if Maria will pose for Playboy. Out comes Santino Marella. Marella says just stop it and tells Ashley he's going to make it perfectly clear - the answer is no. He says nobody wants to see Maria with no clothes on. Marella insults the NY crowd and the Meta, Yankees, Knicks and Rangers. Marella says the only thing you have to cheer for is the football team from New Jersey and goes onto insult the New York Giants and says they will choke at the Superbowl. A huge "LET'S GO GIANTS" chant breaks out.

    Ashley says this isn't Santino's decision and asks Maria if she is interested. Maria says she don't know and asks the fans if they want to see her pose for Playboy and of course everyone pops loud. Santino says he has a Royal Rumble to prepare for and win and says we will talk about this at a later time. He says I have a special friend for you Ashley and a person covered in all black walks in the ring. Santino unveils him to be Big Dick Johnson, in his little black thong with a New England Patriots logo painted on his chest. Ashley knocks him and and continues to kick him out of the ring. Ashley poses in the ring for the fans as we go to a promo video.

    - A WrestleMania 24 promo airs with a man pretending to drown to get Kelly Kelly, who is a lifeguard, to save him. Kelly rescues him and gives him mouth to mouth until Mae Young comes and takes over. The commercial ends with Mae chasing the guy around the beach.

    - The new WWE announcer is at ringside leading us into a promo video with Hardy and Orton. The guy slips up on Jeff Hardy's name and calls him "Harby."

    Jeff Hardy vs. Randy Orton

    - We see a promo video for Hardy and Orton plus the "Rooftops" video again.

    Jeff Hardy comes out first followed by the WWE Champion Randy Orton.

    Lilian Garcia does the ring introductions and the referee goes over the rules with both men as the bell is rang.

    Orton and Hardy measure each other up and we lock up and go into the ropes, back and forth. Huge chants for Hardy.

    The ref gets in between them on the ropes and Hardy shoves Orton back. Orton off the ropes with aggression but Hardy takes him down with a side headlock and two near falls.

    Hardy gets caught between Orton's knees in a headscissors but Hardy pops out and hit a big inverted atomic drop and dropkick on Orton and a 2 count. Orton takes control with a knee to the stomach and gets Hardy back on the ropes and taunts the fans. Hardy catches him with a clothesline to the floor and comes through the ropes with a huge dropkick. Orton flies back and the back of his neck bounces off the barrier. Orton's neck looked sick as it hit the barrier. Orton is just laying there as the ref checks on him.

    Hardy comes over the top rope and lands on Orton. Orton is still down, looking hurt as Hardy gets back in the ring and the ref continues to count. Orton gets up and stumbles over to where his WWE Title is being held. Orton starts to walk off with the WWE Title but Hardy stops him and they brawl infront of the announcers. Hrdy takes him back in the ring.

    Back in the ring, Orton counters Hardy and dropkicks him to the floor. Orton pulls him in and gets a 2 count followed by another 2 count. Orton continues to be in control and chokes Hardy right infront of the ref.

    Orton continues to beat Hardy down and taunt the crowd. Hardy fights back with kicks to the stomach and throws Orton over the top rope. Hardy goes to the apron and leaps off the apron onto Orton on the floor.

    Hardy brings Orton back in the ring and covers him for a close 2 count. Hardy backs Orton in the corner and goes running at him but Orton moves and Hardy hits the ringpost with his shoulder. 2 count by Orton. The WWE Champion grounds Hardy on the mat, wearing him down.

    Still on the mat, Orton is trying to make Hardy submit. Hardy fights back and they come back to their feet. Hardy comes off the ropes but Orton catches him with a powerslam and a 2 count. Orton takes Hardy back down and grounds him on the mat.

    Back on their feet, Hardy drops Orton with a neckbreaker. Both men are down as the ref begins the 10 count. Orton gets up first and the meet in the center of the ring and fight it out. Dropkick and clothesline by Hardy. Hardy hits the Whisper in the Wind by only a 2 count.

    Hardy kicks Orton in the head and he falls back into the turnbuckle. Big flying kick to Orton's stomach and Hardy climbs the top rope. Orton rolls to the apron and tries to get up but Hardy kicks him and sends him face first to the floor. Hardy climbs the ringpost and hits a moonsault on Orton to the floor on the outside. Both men are down as the referee checks on them.

    Back in the ring now, Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate but Orton counters it with an RKO out of nowhere. Orton goes for the pinfall and gets the 1-2-3.

    Winner and still WWE Champion: Randy Orton

    Randy Orton leaves with his WWE Title as Hardy tries to get up in the ring. Hardy finally gets up and the fans give him a huge pop.

    We go to Tazz and Joey Styles who hype the Royal Rumble match which is next.

    - Michael Buffer is out for our main event to do the ring announcing for the main event tonight, the Royal Rumble match. Buffer goes over the rules of the Rumble match and we're set to go.

    Royal Rumble Battle Royal

    The first man out is The Undertaker. The place erupts as The Undertaker makes his grand entrance to Michael Buffer's intro.

    A new Superstar will enter the ring every 90 seconds, Jim Ross reminds us. We have Jim Ross and Michael Cole on commentary tonight. The next man out to start the match with Taker is Shawn Michaels. Out comes The Heartbreak Kid to a huge pop.

    HBK and Taker go at it to start the Rumble match in the corner with fists and chops. Taker throws HBK over the rope but he comes right back in. Taker grabs HBK by the neck and throws him into the corner and begins to assault him. Tazz and Jerry Lawler as well as Coachman are also commentating. HBK gets flipped back up on the top turnbuckle and Taker comes with a big kick but HBK ducks on the apron. HBK comes off the rope and tries to eliminate Taker but gets caught by the neck and they go back at it.

    The next man out is Santino Marella. Santino tries to look big but gets Sweet Chin Music from HBK first thing. Taker scoops him up and tosses him over the rope. HBK comes from behind and tries to throw Taker over but has no luck. They go back at it.

    HBK counters the Old School by Taker and they keep fighting back and forth. The next man out is The Great Khali. Taker chokeslams HBK as Khali makes his way to the ring.

    Taker and Khali start battling but Khali lays him out with a big forearm. Khali backs Taker in the corner and starts stomping him. Huge "YOU CANT WRESTLE" chant towads Khali from the MSG fans. Khali catches Taker for a chokeslam but Taker grabs him for one as well. They struggle toward the ropes and Taker ducks a forearm and eliminates Khali.

    HBK tries to sneak up on Taker again and the next man out is Hardcore Holly. Holly comes in and begins working on both men. Taker with a big clothesline on Holly as HBK is still down on the mat.

    Taker lays out Holly as HBK gets back to his feet. HBK ries to throw Taker over the top rope but Taker picks him up and tries to eliminate HBK. Holly comes up and attacks both men. HBK and Holly now going at it in the corner. The next man out is John Morrison.

    Morrison hits the ring and avoids The Undertaker. HBK throws Morrison over the top but he holds on. Taker goes on to kick Holly while he is still down. HBK climbs to the top rope and hits the elbow drop on Morrison. HBK cranks up for Sweet Chin Music but Morrison catches it and lays HBK out. The next man out is Tommy Dreamer.

    Dreamer comes in and lays out both HBK and Morrison. The Undertaker comes in and drops Holly and Dreamer. HBK tries to eliminate Morrison again but has no luck. The next man out is Batista who rushes the ring and catches Dreamer and Morrison. Batista and Taker lock eyes. Dreamer comes in and attacks Batista but gets thrown over the top rope by Batista. Spear by Batista onto Morrison. Taker and Batista now fighting in the corner.

    The next man out is Hornswoggle! Everyone looks on as Hornswoggle stops at ringside. Hornswoggle climbs under the ring and hides as Batista spears The Undertaker. Batista tries to eliminate Taker but HBK interferes. The next man out is Chuck Palumbo who gets zero reaction. Morrison is trying to kick HBK out of the ring. Palumbo comes in and lays out a few Superstars.

    Taker throws over Morrison but he hangs on again. HBK comes over and continues to try and eliminate Morrison, who still hangs on. The next man out is Jamie Noble. Noble comes out all taped up and injured looking and goes right after Chuck Palumbo.

    Palumbo throws Noble on the apron and kicks him off. Noble is eliminated. It's down to Morrison, HBK, Taker, Batista, Palumbo and Holly. Hornswoggle is in it but he's still hiding under the ring. They call a trainer out to help Jamie Noble to the back.

    The next man out is CM Punk who comes in and hits a running knee on HBK, Palumbo and Morrison. Punk and Taker lock up and another knee to the face on HBK by Punk. Punk gets taken down by a big clothesline from Taker as he turns around and now Punk is battling with Palumbo who almost gets eliminated. Punk hits another knee on Palumbo which eliminates him.

    The next man out is Cody Rhodes who comes in and tries to eliminate CM Punk and then John Morrison. Cody saves Holly from an attack from the Undertaker and starts brawling with Taker. Batista and HBK now going at it. The next man out is Umaga.

    Umaga comes out in new red rights and cleans house with big clotheslines and punches. Umaga eliminates Hardcore Holly and fights with Batista.

    Umaga continues to pound on Batista. Cody Rhodes almost eliminates HBK, who hangs on yet again. HBK climbs up to the top rope and Punk catches him and throws him into the center of the ring. The next man out is Snitsky.

    Snitsky comes in and cleans house and begins t concentrate on John Morrison. Cody jumps on Snitsky's back and they get tangled on the ropes. Both men are able to hold on. Morrison is still trying to eliminate HBK.

    The next man out is The Miz who is #16. Miz rushes the ring and attacks CM Punk who is fighting with Morrison. Miz tries to eliminate Punk and gets some help from Morrison. Punk hangs on and they can't get him out just yet. Taker and Umaga are locking up in the corner as well. Taker tries to eliminate Umaga.

    Umaga holds on from Taker's attack. The next man out is Shelton Benjamin. Shelton runs in, takes Miz and Morrison to the top turnbuckle at the same time and drops them. HBK hits the Sweet Chin Music on Shelton and knocks him over the top rope.

    The next man out is WWE Hall of Famer Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka. Snuka comes in and starts fighting with Morrison and Punk and HBK. Taker receives some headbutts from Snuka and the WWE Hall of Famer is laying several Superstars out.

    The next man out is WWE Hall of Famer "Rowdy" Roddy Piper. Piper comes out and looks ready to fight, but a little out of shape. Piper and Snuka lock eyes and the two WWE Legends go at it in the middle of the ring as everyone else watches on. The rest of the match finally resumes as the next man out is Kane.

    Kane comes in and eliminates Roddy Piper and Jimmy Snuka. Kane starts cleaning house on Miz, Umaga and others, laying them all out.

    The Undertaker measures Kane up for a chokeslam but catches HBK in it instead and drops him. The next man out is Carlito who rushes the ring ready to fight with Cody Rhodes, Batista and CM Punk.

    HBK is knocked over the rope again but still hangs on. Punk and Morrison try to eliminate Carlito but he reverses it. Punk lays out Morrison but gets dropped by Carlito's Backstabber. The next man out is Mick Foley. Foley is the 22nd man out tonight.

    Foley comes in and starts fighting with Kane and Punk and Snitsky. Huge "FOLEY" chant from the MSG crowd. Foley backs Morrison in the corner with a series of punches then lays out the Miz.

    Several Superstars who have been in for sometime now are beginning to wear down. The next man out is Mr. Kennedy who comes in and goes after Cody Rhodes. Kennedy with a huge running kick on Cody's face. Kennedy with the Mic Check on Punk and Miz. Kennedy goes to work on Undertaker.

    Taker grabs Kennedy and drops him with a chokeslam. Taker runs and splashes on Sntisky, Umaga and CM Punk in the corner. Taker gets a second wind and stats cleaning house again. The next man out is Big Daddy V.

    Taker eliminates Snitsky. HBK comes from behind and eliminates Undertaker. Kennedy comes from behind and throws HBK over the top rope. Taker and Snitsky start fighting on the floor as HBK looks on. Taker drops Snitsky through the SmackDown announce table.

    Kennedy tries to eliminate Cody Rhodes but he hangs on. Kennedy comes back but Cody pulls him over the top rope and they both hang on. The next man out is Mark Henry who comes in and goes to work on Batista as Big Daddy V pounds on CM Punk.

    Hornswoggle comes from under the ring and helps eliminate The Miz. Hornswoggle goes back under the ring. Big Daddy V has Morrison and Kennedy in the corner trying to eliminate them. The next man out is Chavo Guerrero, the #26 man out.

    Punk and Chavo start fighting as soon as Chavo hits the ring. Kane eliminates John Morrison. Umaga tries to eliminate Carlito but he hangs on. Kane runs over Kennedy with a big clothesline. Hornwoggle tries to pull Mark Henry over the top rope but Henry pulls Hornswoggle in the ring.

    Mark Henry and Big Daddy V grab Hornswoggle but Finlay runs in before the clock even goes off, un announced and rescues Hornswoggle. Finlay leaves the ringside area with Hornswoggle.

    Kennedy and Big Daddy V are double teaming on Kane. Jim Ross announces Finlay has been disqualified for using his Shillegah on Henry and Big Daddy V and he didn't wait for his entry. The next man out is Elijah Burke.

    The camera cuts to Batista who is laying on the floor but the announcers play it off like he rolled to the floor through the bottom rope. Hmm? They show a replay of Umaga hitting a Samoan Spike on Batista and 'Tista rolling under the bottom rope so he is still in the match. Chavo Guerrero eliminates CM Punk.

    The next man out is Triple H who eliminates Cody Rhodes and goes to work on Big Daddy V. HHH eliminates Big V and goes to work on Umaga and then Foley. Foley and Triple H exchange blows in the center of the ring.

    John Cena comes out and the place blows up. The match stops and Triple H and Cena lock eyes. Cena rushes the ring for Mark Henry. Cena takes down Henry, Chavo, Carlito and eliminates Chavo and Carlito and then Henry.

    Cena and Triple H go face to face in the center of the ring and Triple H throws the first punch. They go back and forth and Triple H lays out Cena. Umaga comes from behind and attacks The Game. Batista hits a Spear on Umaga and then eliminates Kennedy and then Umaga.

    Cena and Triple H go face to face in the center of the ring and Triple H throws the first punch. They go back and forth and Triple H lays out Cena. Umaga comes from behind and attacks The Game. Batista hits a Spear on Umaga and then eliminates Kennedy and then Umaga.

    Kane grabs HHH and Batista but gets eliminated. It's now down to Cena, Triple H and Batista. The three men measure each other up. Batista tels them to come on, Cena says you can't see me! The three measure each other up again and Triple H tells them both to Suck It and all three men go at it fighting.

    Cena and HHH try to double team Batista but he levels them both with a clothesline. Batista counters the Pedigree with a Spinebuster. Batista tries for a Bomb on Cena but he counters it. Triple H eliminates Batista.

    It's now down to Cena and Triple H. HHH points at the WrestleMania 24 banner hanging from the ceiling. Cena and Triple H continue to stare each other down and get the crowd hyped. Triple H strikes first with a kick to the gut followed by punches. Both me fight back and forth in the ring.

    Cena hits the 5 Knuckle Shuffle on HHH and goes for the FU as HHH gets up. Triple H counters with a Pedigree and both men are down. Another FU attempt by Cena and HHH counters with a DDT. Triple H goes to throw Cena over the top rope but he holds on. Cena drops back and goes for another FU.HHH counters with a PEdigree attempt and Cena counters that and eliminates Triple H

    Winner: John Cena

  2. #2
    TheArtist's Avatar
    TheArtist is offline Member
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    i'm not really into wrestling... but i was when i was a kid. and i remember rick flair... and he was old then! HOW OLD IS THAT GUY!?
    he has to be 60 or 70

  3. #3
    DIESELPWR's Avatar
    DIESELPWR is offline Member
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    new jersey
    hes so old.. i cant wait for him to be finished with it.. at least quit wrestling.. he can come out and talk and whatever but hes just too old to be out there.. its gross

  4. #4
    facile's Avatar
    facile is offline Member
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    Oct 2007
    Watched it with my step-son.

    Rick Flair, How about Jimmy "The Superfly Snuka!" he looked like shit!

    John Cena seemed to have recovered well from his "injury"/Vacation and came back jacked up, his arms were enormous!

  5. #5
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    i didnt know anyone cared that much anymore about wrestling..........

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