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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01 View Post
    that show was crap!!!! how bout that dad saying AAS users are shotting in their veins.
    Taylor died in '03, you'd think he knew better

  2. #42
    liftin is offline Banned
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    some people on that show were so dumb and ignorant

  3. #43
    RANA's Avatar
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    I DVR'ed it so I will watch it this week, I can't wait to hear the BS

  4. #44
    Kennedy's Avatar
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    Does anyone know the name of the PRO steroid doctor from that documentary?

  5. #45
    doolo's Avatar
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    I'm pretty sure this only aired on the US channel, i only have Canadian . Can somebody put it on youtube or somthin for anyone that doesnt have the channel?

  6. #46
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kennedy View Post
    Does anyone know the name of the PRO steroid doctor from that documentary?
    ya, dr yesalis. I believe even anti steroid people use him as a reference. accroding to testnation, he is quoted by saying some thing along the lines of

    when asked if he thinks responsible steroid use for anabolic purpose is dangerous, he said something like "it would be a crime to say yes"

    I am a big fan of yesalis....

    as a side note

    has anybody been watching this channel for the last couple hours. the shows about the brain and anatomy have been really ****ing sweet

    its also sweet as hell how this site showed up. That show is on again, and that powerlifters wife is sexy as all get out

  7. #47
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    I was pretty pissed off when I saw this tonight. It brought me down form the high I had from the giants winning. I was watching it with my girlfriend and telling her every thing they would say almost verbatim like 5 mins before they would say it. The only thing I was wrong about was that they didn't evoke Chris Benoits name when they listed steroid related deaths. If they had I'd have tured it off.

  8. #48
    RaidersFan is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by doolo View Post
    I'm pretty sure this only aired on the US channel, i only have Canadian . Can somebody put it on youtube or somthin for anyone that doesnt have the channel?
    same thing happen to me

  9. #49
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    I'm rewatching it again on DVR....

    1. Taylor Hootens father should not be allowed on the air. He spouts the most biased, inaccurate, and dangerous information I have ever heard. Steroids are injected Intravenously... Since when? I have been speaking about the issue of ACCOUNTABILITY on this site for a long time. No one would ever think to hold his son accountable for his own poor decisions in injecting a substance into his body without any knowledge of their effects and consequences.

    2. The dark&gloomy music they are playing when they start listing the side effects. "Acne on your back and face, deepening of the voice, and hairloss." Wow, I can see how that really warranted the dark and gloomy music, those are really life threatening things.

    3. No mention of ancillaries. They fail to cover how the purported side effects are effectively managed with other drugs.

    4. It was a waste of time for them to interview the doctors. I say this because the doctors presented well documented facts, and then the voice over just put his own spin on the facts anyway, completely distorting them.

    5. The best comment was by far, that more alcohol related rage is committed in one day than in 50 years of steroid use . Yet, they marginalized that point he was trying to make.

    6. Everyone fails to mention that Chris Benoit was on enough Xanax to kill a horse and his blood alcohol level was also extremely high. But I'm sure it had absolutely nothing to do with either of those things.

    7. Once again a piece of journalistic garbage. There is no more journalistic integrity, it is all sensationalized bullshit with spin.

    Im thoroughly aggrivated...

  10. #50
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    Ohh yea, and I'm also aggrivated at the 5 other threads on this show. Seriously, one is enough...

  11. #51
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    Does any1 have the upload yet?

  12. #52
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    6. Everyone fails to mention that Chris Benoit was on enough Xanax to kill a horse and his blood alcohol level was also extremely high. But I'm sure it had absolutely nothing to do with either of those things.
    Did they mention him? I didn't think they did, but I only started watching half way through.

  13. #53
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    ps. davey boy smith, the british bulldog, was a cocaine user

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04 View Post
    ps. davey boy smith, the british bulldog, was a cocaine user
    Come on...Thats irrelevant in the smear campaign against steroids .

  15. #55
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by doolo View Post
    I'm pretty sure this only aired on the US channel, i only have Canadian . Can somebody put it on youtube or somthin for anyone that doesnt have the channel?
    Yea I was busy as hell last night ... Has anyone put it on youtube ( or on the web anywhere yet).. I really wanted to watch it but just didnt have the time ...

    Bump ??? Anyone ?? I would like to watch it ....



  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blome View Post
    .....I was watching it with my girlfriend and telling her every thing they would say almost verbatim like 5 mins before they would say it....
    lol...your girlfriend must have pissed at you...

  17. #57
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    I hope they don't interview me, we would really be fuked then

  18. #58
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by xero View Post
    lol...your girlfriend must have pissed at you...
    She left the room.

  19. #59
    bigt10 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    I'm rewatching it again on DVR....

    1. Taylor Hootens father should not be allowed on the air. He spouts the most biased, inaccurate, and dangerous information I have ever heard. Steroids are injected Intravenously... Since when? I have been speaking about the issue of ACCOUNTABILITY on this site for a long time. No one would ever think to hold his son accountable for his own poor decisions in injecting a substance into his body without any knowledge of their effects and consequences.

    2. The dark&gloomy music they are playing when they start listing the side effects. "Acne on your back and face, deepening of the voice, and hairloss." Wow, I can see how that really warranted the dark and gloomy music, those are really life threatening things.

    3. No mention of ancillaries. They fail to cover how the purported side effects are effectively managed with other drugs.

    4. It was a waste of time for them to interview the doctors. I say this because the doctors presented well documented facts, and then the voice over just put his own spin on the facts anyway, completely distorting them.

    5. The best comment was by far, that more alcohol related rage is committed in one day than in 50 years of steroid use . Yet, they marginalized that point he was trying to make.

    6. Everyone fails to mention that Chris Benoit was on enough Xanax to kill a horse and his blood alcohol level was also extremely high. But I'm sure it had absolutely nothing to do with either of those things.

    7. Once again a piece of journalistic garbage. There is no more journalistic integrity, it is all sensationalized bullshit with spin.

    Im thoroughly aggrivated...
    excellently put.

    i hate the bullshit spin and no one talks about all the pain killers benoit was on. those are some serious pain killers.

    people dont realize also they thikn the wwe is fake. well it is but the pain from jumping off a later or falling 10 feet is dam well real. these guys use some serious pain killers and their bodies take a toll ripping up and down the highway all year.

    they also never talked about the problems he had at home with his wife, the stressful life he lived never being able to see them, and the fact his son had a serious mental disability.

    they also never talk about how testosterone creates a sense of well being.

    and also the side effects they never talked about the durgs you can do to control them.

  20. #60
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    or- how davy boy wwf was a cocaine user

    When they talk about all these deaths, and liver problems, I love how they are never able to mention exactly what, and what dose, and how long they were doing it? was alcohol invovlved, were other rec drugs?

    I love how they never mention that an anabolic dose, say 500 mg, isnt really that much higher than HRT, and some people actually do use these substances responsibly

  21. #61
    MULHALLDAVID is offline New Member
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    hey, everyone. i have been workin out now the last 6 months i just feel like im toning up instead of gettin bigger. im taking bsn no explode for training use heard its good. im thinking about takin steroids but not sure which one to take. im not into getting huge just bit bigger than i am, if someone could help let me no. thanks

  22. #62
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    Any video yet?

  23. #63
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    I finally saw it last night on my DVR, I was very disappointed. It was about 5 to 1 when it comes to negatives and positives. Did you see when he talked about going to jail for possession of steroids , that was BS. When they showed the indictment it clearly showed possession with intent to distribute marijuana. I am sure he had some gear but to do time for that was BS...Having gear is a fine as long as you are not distributing it.

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by rana173 View Post
    I finally saw it last night on my DVR, I was very disappointed. It was about 5 to 1 when it comes to negatives and positives. Did you see when he talked about going to jail for possession of steroids , that was BS. When they showed the indictment it clearly showed possession with intent to distribute marijuana. I am sure he had some gear but to do time for that was BS...Having gear is a fine as long as you are not distributing it.
    In the UK and Canada, yes. In the United States, no. You can be busted for posession, and that's the law of the United States.

    If you're speaking from a moral standpoint, that doesn't matter. Those who enforce the laws are by nature bureaucratic thinkers... in other words, they don't think at all. Their job is to act in a regulated manner and a law is permission to do so, even for atrocities such as slavery or the holocaust. If those references are too abstruse for you, let's bring it a little closer to home. If someone makes a right turn after stopping at a red light in a deserted part of town at 3:00 in the morning, according to the law set forth by the Department of Motor Vehicles, it's no different than someone who runs right through a red light at 3:00 in the afternoon across the street from a schoolyard. Now anyone with an ounce of sense knows that the first person shouldn't be bothered and the second person should have his testicles chopped off with a rusty hatchet. But on the books, it's the same crime. So don't expect to talk any sense into those who enforce it.

  25. #65
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    ^^Yep, posession is definitely illegal, but the penalty is less severe. However, most of the time if you have any significant amount of AAS on you they are most likely gonna try to hit you with an "intent to distribute" even if it's a very small amount to you (one cycle). So if you had 100 dbols and a 3 vials of test on you than your definitely getting the "intent to distribute."

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blome View Post
    ^^Yep, posession is definitely illegal, but the penalty is less severe. However, most of the time if you have any significant amount of AAS on you they are most likely gonna try to hit you with an "intent to distribute" even if it's a very small amount to you (one cycle). So if you had 100 dbols and a 3 vials of test on you than your definitely getting the "intent to distribute."
    I agree

    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini
    In the UK and Canada, yes. In the United States, no. You can be busted for posession, and that's the law of the United States.
    I never said it was not illegal, I just stated you are more likely to get a fine

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    In the UK and Canada, yes. In the United States, no. You can be busted for posession, and that's the law of the United States.

    But on the books, it's the same crime. So don't expect to talk any sense into those who enforce it.

    Yes, as we know most of those who enforce said laws were repeatedly shoved into lockers in high school, had their heads dipped in toilets, and got the shit beaten out of them. In turn they are exacting retribution for being toolbags and would love to ruin your life, especially the big muscle bound guys who they identify with torturing them and making 4 years of their life an absolute hell.... Did I cover that good?

  28. #68
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    So did anyone upload a copy somewhere? I really would love to see this...

  29. #69
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    Also the fact of how depressed Beniot was. After the death of Eddie his buddy. He was all kinds of ****ed up. Nevermind steroid use that was already taking place before he lost his mind.

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