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Thread: Becoming Rich

  1. #1
    LawMan018's Avatar
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    Becoming Rich

    Okay, so I had a discussion my best friend's girlfriend's father who happens to be well off. I asked him how he went about doing it. He basically told me you have to follow what you do good, and make people work for you. And I'm just thinkin, that's easier said then done. For him he loves selling stuff and that's what he does to this day. He told me he started off working for a company who basically layed out the principles for being successful and he only worked there a short time before he was fired. And ever since the company "taught" him what he knew he's created several different companies from scratch over his lifetime and made fantastic money. Now not all of the companies made it but he was able to start from scratch after one failed and continued to build up money. Now it seems to me you can make good money easy, you just have to know how to do it. I'm just wondering if anything has happened to you guys similarily, and how you ended up making good money? I honestly know nothing about running my own business and whatever else it takes to make money (obviously). I'm going to continue to question this guy to divulge some tips but I was wondering you you "well off" guys have any tips for a poor college student.

  2. #2
    Beefkake31's Avatar
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    This is the best thing I can tell you, first find what you like to do. It has to be something you really enjoy and/or have a passion for. Now whatever that thing is you need to go at it and NEVER EVER stop and don't EVER quit until you get to the desired point you want to be at with whatever you want to do. It seems simple and obvious but that's the greatest advice you can get if you follow it.

    And in terms of getting there, if you want to know more about whatever it is you are going to do, the absolute best thing is internet forums. For example, I'm in real estate and contracting/development, now I can go to classes and I can read books but that will only help so much. But what helped me the most (I can say 80% of it) is forums. So for example, I'm in the real estate field, I went to the best forums (there's many bad ones btw) and there's a lot of knowledgeable members with years and years of experience and will answer any question you throw at them and you will find thousands of topics that arise that would never be seen in a classroom or book.

    And actually the easiest example is this forum. lets say you know nothing about steroids but you have a drive to have as much knowledge about it than anyone else, well this is one of the if not the best site for learning about it, I can say through the years I learned a lot about it and yes books could have taught me what steroids are, what they do, side effects etc. (which this site does) but you learn much more than just that on these forums.

    Basically to summarize the best thing I can say to help in my opinion is

    1. Do something you really enjoy or have a passion for
    2. Pursue it to death and don't give up, EVER, no matter what, no .. matter..what
    3. whatever you are pursuing get educated on it by reading on forums day and night until you are ready to take on the real life steps.

    These 3 steps have helped me tremendously so I hope that helps.

  3. #3
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    do whatever it is that will get you the future lifestyle you desire

  4. #4
    domeyeahaigh's Avatar
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    I am not well off, in fact, I am pretty poor (still in college) alot of my professors talk about how we can make so much money and this and that when we get out of school. All our lives people have told us don't chase the money, and honestly, it is becoming less and less attractive to me every day. Now, I enjoy nice things, but I am beginning to learn that if you don't have a passion for what you do, you won't be happy with it. If you are not happy with it, you will more than likely not be working at your full potential. So I am beginning to figure out what it is I enjoy, and thinking of creative ways to work that into what I will be doing in my career, the money is not something I am worried about as I know if I find something I enjoy, I will kill myself working towards it (think big biceps, defined quads, etc etc...)..I will be good, and the rewards will be adequate. Hope this helps law man.

  5. #5
    kman's Avatar
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    Without knowing your education, or skill level it is hard to tell you what direction to go. First off, this whole do what you love thing is a bit played out!!. If you can find a job that you love and make money doing it, great more power to you, but most times making money is a grind and you need to put your heart and soul into it, and sometimes it's not fun. I think creating your own opportunities, and coming up with creative ideas, while taking chances are important. Best of luck my man...

  6. #6
    Beefkake31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kman View Post
    Without knowing your education, or skill level it is hard to tell you what direction to go. First off, this whole do what you love thing is a bit played out!!. If you can find a job that you love and make money doing it, great more power to you, but most times making money is a grind and you need to put your heart and soul into it, and sometimes it's not fun. I think creating your own opportunities, and coming up with creative ideas, while taking chances are important. Best of luck my man...
    I forgot about that one, Lawman whatever you do you need to know that it has to be something that is your own and not under someone if you want to make some real money and the only way that is going to happen is, sometime during the course of all this you're going to have to take a risk when doing something that is your own, and you have to take that risk, I have to. People fear success believe it or not, they fear failure but you need to take that chance, it's a big factor and something that most people will never end up doing in their lifetime. But I'm not saying it's an easy thing to do by any means.

  7. #7
    LawMan018's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beefkake31 View Post
    I forgot about that one, Lawman whatever you do you need to know that it has to be something that is your own and not under someone if you want to make some real money and the only way that is going to happen is, sometime during the course of all this you're going to have to take a risk when doing something that is your own, and you have to take that risk, I have to. People fear success believe it or not, they fear failure but you need to take that chance, it's a big factor and something that most people will never end up doing in their lifetime. But I'm not saying it's an easy thing to do by any means.
    Thanks for the advice Beef, and everyone else. The only thing in my life that I have never quit on is working out and continuing to learn about nutrition, supplements, et. Anything to do with physical fitness (predominately bodybuilding). I obssess over it and I'm currently in a nutrition for athletes class and it's the only class I am actually interested in so I believe that is goal I should go with. I'm just not sure which direction to take with it, Personal Trainer, Nutritionist, etc.

  8. #8
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Well,,,,, if you plan on joining the service still, you definitely won't be able to get "rich" able to retire in 20 years but certainly not rich...

  9. #9
    Beefkake31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018 View Post
    Thanks for the advice Beef, and everyone else. The only thing in my life that I have never quit on is working out and continuing to learn about nutrition, supplements, et. Anything to do with physical fitness (predominately bodybuilding). I obssess over it and I'm currently in a nutrition for athletes class and it's the only class I am actually interested in so I believe that is goal I should go with. I'm just not sure which direction to take with it, Personal Trainer, Nutritionist, etc.
    If you want to make REAL money none of those things would be adequate. I mean you said RICH so trainer won't make too much and nutritionist would be ok but nothing close to rich. You need to get more of a mind set of OWNING related to health and fitness. And that involves getting educated on all that stuff and how to present a nice plan to the bank to get your loan since you're not gonna have capital to start with. I know I'm making it sound so easy but obviously it's not but that's where not giving up and pursuing it comes in. And btw, I'm not saying don't be a trainer or nutritionist if that's what you like, you said you wanted to be rich so I'm giving the response based on that. I mean unless you truly work harder and smarter than 99.9% of the trainers out there and become the trainer to the stars or something along those lines, but owning is still the way to go and more realistic.

  10. #10
    wascaptain5214 is offline Senior Member
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    i have a uncle by marriage who is a millonaire. i remember growing up in my pre teen years, id ask my aunt....wheres donald....always the same answer....offshore working. a few months ago, i was at his house for supper and we were bull corning. i asked him how he did it, what turned it for him. he told me it was luck, timing and hard work with long hours. in a nut shell......the oil field crashed in the early 80s, he lost a job making 200 grand a year. with his savings, he bought a little tong (oil field tool) company. he stayed with it threw the slump, for a few years he was a 1 man operation. now....he owns several oil field companies and is living very large, he is really down to earth and is a family man. also he is 65ish and dosent plan on retiring.

  11. #11
    rockinred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wascaptain5214 View Post
    i have a uncle by marriage who is a millonaire. i remember growing up in my pre teen years, id ask my aunt....wheres donald....always the same answer....offshore working. a few months ago, i was at his house for supper and we were bull corning. i asked him how he did it, what turned it for him. he told me it was luck, timing and hard work with long hours. in a nut shell......the oil field crashed in the early 80s, he lost a job making 200 grand a year. with his savings, he bought a little tong (oil field tool) company. he stayed with it threw the slump, for a few years he was a 1 man operation. now....he owns several oil field companies and is living very large, he is really down to earth and is a family man. also he is 65ish and dosent plan on retiring.
    This about sums up the real story for most. I know a couple that I grew up with and that about sums up both stories. I know many that work hard and make a good living (self included), but many the difference was timing and luck. So you have to give it your all hardwork and then maybe it happens maybe you go broke, maybe you just do alright. The main thing is if you work hard and you are dedicated, you won't starve. Patience is also key, there is no get rich overnight scheme.

  12. #12
    Lexed's Avatar
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    I heard the gay porn industry is booming

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lexed View Post
    I heard the gay porn industry is booming

    you just got pewned.....

  14. #14
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kman View Post
    Without knowing your education, or skill level it is hard to tell you what direction to go. First off, this whole do what you love thing is a bit played out!!. If you can find a job that you love and make money doing it, great more power to you, but most times making money is a grind and you need to put your heart and soul into it, and sometimes it's not fun. I think creating your own opportunities, and coming up with creative ideas, while taking chances are important. Best of luck my man...
    I agree. Chances are if you are doing something you love and are struggling to make it work or pay the bills. your not gonig to love it so much any more. I've had jobs i didn't enjoy but paid me very well. Know what at the end of the day when i cashed my check and had money to to what ever i wanted. I really didn't care how much it sucked. Figure out the lifestyle you want then decided if the job you want can support that.

  15. #15
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lexed View Post
    I heard the gay porn industry is booming
    ROTFLMFAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. #16
    longhorn814's Avatar
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    if you want to be financially independant, you will most likely never get there working for someone else or it may take you years of working for someone to build up to that kind of wealth. The wealthiest people in the world got that rich by having people work FOR them and investing in the right things. You basically have to change you way of thinking. Get some books and start reading. A few good ones are the Rich Dad, Poor Dad series by Robert Kiyosaki, T Harv Ekers "The secret of the millionaire mind" or any book Robert Maxwell.."thinking for a change" is a good one. These books will get you to start thinking differently about a lot of thinkgs. A lot of it comes down to your mindset and you cant be afraid to take chances

  17. #17
    im83931's Avatar
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    I think another point to be made is being willing to start at the bottom and work your way up. Most of the people I interview for jobs have no clue what it means to stick with something. They all want to be managers and no one wants to put in the time.

    Persistence and determination, luck, willingness to learn are all just pieces of the puzzle that will get you there. The majority of men (I am aware there are exceptions) dont come close to their earning potential until they are 30.

  18. #18
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    i hear the anabolic market is booming right now. with all the busts and now the media coverage from the baseball "epidemic" so sell some gear. just dont get caught. lol just kidding.

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    marry a rich guy

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    dam I cant find a link but I member one time they had a video on how u can make hunderds of thousand of dollars from beggin for money

  21. #21
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    i actually saw a news program about people who have decent jobs, houses and families. but they sit on the street corner and beg for money. or play a guitar on the subway stations. and make a boat load of money. on top of what they make at their regular jobs.

  22. #22
    UberSteroids's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kman View Post
    Without knowing your education, or skill level it is hard to tell you what direction to go. First off, this whole do what you love thing is a bit played out!!. If you can find a job that you love and make money doing it, great more power to you, but most times making money is a grind and you need to put your heart and soul into it, and sometimes it's not fun. I think creating your own opportunities, and coming up with creative ideas, while taking chances are important. Best of luck my man...
    Yes sir.

    Totally agree.

  23. #23
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    To obtain something that you have never had you need to do something you have never done.

  24. #24
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    when i want something i just take it. This usually results in me being arrested.

  25. #25
    LawMan018's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beefkake31 View Post
    If you want to make REAL money none of those things would be adequate. I mean you said RICH so trainer won't make too much and nutritionist would be ok but nothing close to rich. You need to get more of a mind set of OWNING related to health and fitness. And that involves getting educated on all that stuff and how to present a nice plan to the bank to get your loan since you're not gonna have capital to start with. I know I'm making it sound so easy but obviously it's not but that's where not giving up and pursuing it comes in. And btw, I'm not saying don't be a trainer or nutritionist if that's what you like, you said you wanted to be rich so I'm giving the response based on that. I mean unless you truly work harder and smarter than 99.9% of the trainers out there and become the trainer to the stars or something along those lines, but owning is still the way to go and more realistic.
    I know... But I was thinking of making one of those my major and have business as a minor. So when I get out I could perhaps create a business plan with the knowledge of nutrition and whatever else, along with my business background. And about joining the service, they've pulled my chain and ****ed around with me so much I'm about to give them the boot. If they need people so bad they need to actually treat em' like decent people coming in.

  26. #26
    BigLittleTim is offline Senior Member
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    Two rules for success

    How to have a successful career:

    1. Find out what you would do even if no one paid you to do it.

    2. Find a way to get them to pay you to do it.

    (Also the secret of life happiness, by the way.)


  27. #27
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    Funny this is brought up, my wife and I are looking into a small tanning salon. Its just paying a buisness loan for the next 5 years and not knowing if the buisness with make it that long. She is going to run it and I will stay working my full time job.

  28. #28
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    I have done okay I guess for myself. I've spent 15 of my 27 years on this earth working my ass off though.

    I have 5 houses, 4 of them are multi units I rent and then my primary residence. I own a roofing company and started doing that after I figured out how much money contractors were making.

    The key for me, was a good woman. Having a stable relationship helped a ton. You can't work long hours with out a good woman who appriciates the work you do. Granted it did not last, but that is what did it for me.

    People will tell you also, that money does not equal happiness. But most of the people I know get out of relationships and do not know how to make it with out another income to help. Let me tell you, I would be stressed like a mofo if I had to deal with that.

    The biggest thing I can suggest, is find somthing you can commit too. Don't be scared to fail, but don't plan on failing. 90% of people will not chase their dreams because they are scared that might fail at them. Organization is huge, dedicate a little time each day or each week to your dreams and you can achive them.

  29. #29
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-Dogg View Post
    I have done okay I guess for myself. I've spent 15 of my 27 years on this earth working my ass off though.

    I have 5 houses, 4 of them are multi units I rent and then my primary residence. I own a roofing company and started doing that after I figured out how much money contractors were making.

    The key for me, was a good woman. Having a stable relationship helped a ton. You can't work long hours with out a good woman who appriciates the work you do. Granted it did not last, but that is what did it for me.

    People will tell you also, that money does not equal happiness. But most of the people I know get out of relationships and do not know how to make it with out another income to help. Let me tell you, I would be stressed like a mofo if I had to deal with that.

    The biggest thing I can suggest, is find somthing you can commit too. Don't be scared to fail, but don't plan on failing. 90% of people will not chase their dreams because they are scared that might fail at them. Organization is huge, dedicate a little time each day or each week to your dreams and you can achive them.
    Excellent advice dude !!!!

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by pewntang View Post
    you just got pewned.....
    Damn, that girl in your avatar is gorgeous. Wow!

    Do what you love, live it, breath it and sooner or later if you put in the time and the effort, it will pay off.

    Another thing to do is "network", meet people in your particular field of interest.

    When you do meet people in your field. NEVER ask for a job etc. Simply meet them, talk to them and express your opinions (This will express your possible potential) with them. One thing lkeads to another and someone might remember you and drop your name if someone they know is looking for someone in your field.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  31. #31
    hunter7 is offline Junior Member
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    I don't post a lot but money and making more of it is my passion. i believe anyone can be a millionaire. Did you know if you opened an IRA at 18 and funded it with 3,000 for only 3 continuous years you would have well over a million by 65 assuming a 10% return. I believe the key is to educate yourself on everything from economics to investing to whatever your interested in and take advantage of educated people around you. When i want something i never pay for it out of my earned income but only from money i make off investments. Also be honest with yourself about your skills and talents i know a lot more wealthy people who own their own plumbing, or roofing or drywall companies then I do of people who werent that smart that went to college and are stuck in positions while other people with better credentials pass them by. College teaches you a skill to get a job to make money (important still) but i think its better to learn what to do with that money. my two cents. However, most people will never be rich because if someone gave them 30,000 they would rather buy a car than turn that money into 60,000 than 150,000 etc.

  32. #32
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    lol im not telling :D
    i got an idea..
    instead of all the vagueness he seems to be spilling out.. just email
    ASKANINJA and he will tell you how to get rich.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018 View Post
    Okay, so I had a discussion my best friend's girlfriend's father who happens to be well off. I asked him how he went about doing it. He basically told me you have to follow what you do good, and make people work for you. And I'm just thinkin, that's easier said then done. For him he loves selling stuff and that's what he does to this day. He told me he started off working for a company who basically layed out the principles for being successful and he only worked there a short time before he was fired. And ever since the company "taught" him what he knew he's created several different companies from scratch over his lifetime and made fantastic money. Now not all of the companies made it but he was able to start from scratch after one failed and continued to build up money. Now it seems to me you can make good money easy, you just have to know how to do it. I'm just wondering if anything has happened to you guys similarily, and how you ended up making good money? I honestly know nothing about running my own business and whatever else it takes to make money (obviously). I'm going to continue to question this guy to divulge some tips but I was wondering you you "well off" guys have any tips for a poor college student.

  34. #34
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018 View Post
    Okay, so I had a discussion my best friend's girlfriend's father who happens to be well off. I asked him how he went about doing it. He basically told me you have to follow what you do good, and make people work for you. And I'm just thinkin, that's easier said then done. For him he loves selling stuff and that's what he does to this day. He told me he started off working for a company who basically layed out the principles for being successful and he only worked there a short time before he was fired. And ever since the company "taught" him what he knew he's created several different companies from scratch over his lifetime and made fantastic money. Now not all of the companies made it but he was able to start from scratch after one failed and continued to build up money. Now it seems to me you can make good money easy, you just have to know how to do it. I'm just wondering if anything has happened to you guys similarily, and how you ended up making good money? I honestly know nothing about running my own business and whatever else it takes to make money (obviously). I'm going to continue to question this guy to divulge some tips but I was wondering you you "well off" guys have any tips for a poor college student.
    I have read all of Robert Kiyosakis books. They are are inspirational and teach you how to reprogram your mind like the rich. Not too much actual info. (except "the ABC's of real estate investing). I think these books are a great place to start. Start with "Rich Dad Poor Dad".

  35. #35
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    My plan for getting rich involvles waiting for mom and dad to die.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by hunter7 View Post
    I don't post a lot but money and making more of it is my passion. i believe anyone can be a millionaire. Did you know if you opened an IRA at 18 and funded it with 3,000 for only 3 continuous years you would have well over a million by 65 assuming a 10% return. I believe the key is to educate yourself on everything from economics to investing to whatever your interested in and take advantage of educated people around you. When i want something i never pay for it out of my earned income but only from money i make off investments. Also be honest with yourself about your skills and talents i know a lot more wealthy people who own their own plumbing, or roofing or drywall companies then I do of people who werent that smart that went to college and are stuck in positions while other people with better credentials pass them by. College teaches you a skill to get a job to make money (important still) but i think its better to learn what to do with that money. my two cents. However, most people will never be rich because if someone gave them 30,000 they would rather buy a car than turn that money into 60,000 than 150,000 etc.
    Yep, very true. Something to consider though. How much will 1 million be worth in 30 years? I would guess about approximately what $300,000 is today. That is NOT rich. That is comfortable.

  37. #37
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    Find a mentor.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    My plan for getting rich involvles waiting for mom and dad to die.
    lol.. thats f'd up

  39. #39
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    Thats my buddy from the Marines, He got out of the Marines, had a job making 50K+ got a felony assult charge, lost his job and almost everything, decided fitness was his lifestyle, and not just training people but building an entire knowlege base, and lifestyle changing experience. Poured his heart and soul into building a buisness, with huge goals, and hopefully going into corporate training, It doesn't hurt that he lives in Orange County and people have the money to spend and want to look good there. It didn't start out good, but now he clears well over 150K a year, with visions of millions soon, and is only getting more trainers under him and building more of a business, looking to buy a gym soon and just keep expanding, and hopefully building an online section as well. You just have to have a dream, a goal and be persistant. He is honestly the most dedicated person to anything he chooses that I know. If I had 1/2 the drive, and 1/2 the determination he does, I know I could be a millionare.

  40. #40
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    For me, if I can pay the bills and have enough extra to treat my family every now and again I don't care how much money I have. My daughters make me feel like the richest man in the world!

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