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  1. #1
    alphaman is offline Member
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    Congratulations to AR's Ron Paul Supporters!

    You will go down in history!!

    This is the best article that I have read in a long time... I don't know if I have ever read anything better. I wanted to share it with you all, as you have displayed vision, intelligence, and sensibility. At first glance, these things may seem simple, and undeserving of praise. But in today's world of complacency, misinformation, and fraud... they are substantially uncommon traits... as we have clearly seen in recent weeks.

    The US Constitution and the message of freedom are too strong to die without a fight!!You represent the possibility of a bright future!! "They have no clothes!!"

    Doug Wead, former special assistant to George H W Bush, wrote a blog entry yesterday entitled, "The Mouse that Roared." Here is what he wrote:

    The Mouse that Roared

    Well now, Republicans say, we have a nominee. That may very well be but there was only one clear winner in the confusing GOP nominating contest and it was not John McCain. The winner was Ron Paul. And the effects of his win will be felt for years to come.

    Ron Paul made a classic political mistake. He told the truth. In debate after debate he pointed at his party, his president, his fellow contenders for the GOP nomination, shouting aloud like the little boy in the proverbial story, “they have no clothes” and lo and behold, we looked and they didn’t. They were all naked.

    He showed that the conservative movement has lost its way, its moral authority and its logic. He showed us that we have become a red team versus blue team. That since we have decided that this is a political war and all normal rules are suspended, conservatives can do liberal things to win it. Conservatives can run up big deficits if it helps their side win. They can dole out needless pork if it elects another “conservative” to congress. They can go to war if it makes their president look like a leader and wins him another term.

    But in the process, Ron Paul showed us, that we have lost our way. We are no longer conservatives. We are fighting for power not for principles. We have become corrupted by the process and the only way back is to retrace our steps and find all the things we discarded along he way.

    Barry Goldwater lighted a similar fire with his Conscience of a Conservative. Its truth and arguments were so obvious and so honest that one laughed aloud while reading it. But Goldwater, himself, was doomed to political defeat. And Ron Paul had no chance to win this election either. One could see that when he first opened his mouth.

    And yet, the words and arguments of Ron Paul are still resonating. They still hang over this election. They are haunting and troubling. They are producing blogs and papers and books and like Goldwater’s revolution they will one day very likely produce their own Ronald Reagan. And when those heady days happen a small but hearty band of pioneers, who first had the nerve to join him and start shouting from the street, “They aren’t wearing any clothes,” will be able to say that they could see what the country missed. They were there when history was made.

    John McCain and his poorly chosen words, of staying in Iraq a hundred years, have almost guaranteed that he will be the answer to the trivia question, who was the Republican candidate who lost to the ticket that claimed the first woman and black for the presidency? Another question may very well be, “What other candidate ran that year and launched the movement that has dominated national politics for the last generation?”

    And the answer will be Ron Paul.

  2. #2
    jef is offline Member
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    Ron Paul gets me fired up like no other....welll not that I've ever been fired up over any politics but RP is the man. He is the only person in my life that will ever bring true change imo. All the others will lead the U.S. to destruction. I like how there's a RICO suit filing now for racketerring for msnbc, fox, nbc, abc etc for the way they are running their air time of the candidates and hiding ron paul's face when ever they can.

  3. #3
    jef is offline Member
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    I was leary on sending this email to you but I strongly believe that this needs to be heard.....This email is not meant to offend you or anyone else but to bring light and knowledge your way so that you can make an informed decision.


    All these political leaders talk about the country wanting CHANGE and what they are going to do to accomplish that. These speeches end up being nothing more than what we have been told and/or promised by every other candidate for the last many years and what happens? Nothing truly remarkable and we go further into debt, the value of the dollar decreases as inflation rises and we print money out of nothing that has no solid basis or backing, more laws, gun control, national id cards-chips on the get the picture.

    People need to quit watching the news and watch videos like those seen on concerning these political matters. It's the only place right now where there is NO media manipulation and you can view all the interviews etc. that the major media is hiding from the public and be able to form a legitimate conclusion on who you think will best change the U.S.A.

    This isn't about democrats, republican, liberal, right wing, left wing space fanatic whatever; it's about AMERICA and doing what is right.....Everyone owes it to each and every one of us to spend some time watching some of the links below so that you can see the TRUTH instead of what the corrupt mass media is feeding America.

    Who will actually abide by their oath to up hold the constitution and fight against corrupt political leaders and do what's right?

    Visit this site for many interesting facts and straight talking TRUTH....not smart answers designed to avoid the questions being asked of other political leaders that are round about ways of giving us a B.S. answer that is not actually an answer at all....

    Google Interview with Ron Paul

    Tavis Smiley's All American Forum (medicine and health care, war on drugs, welfare, oath to obey constitution etc.)

    Ron Paul CNN Debate 1.30.08

    YouTube Interview with Ron Paul

    MTV Debates 2.2.08

    Discussion View of Limited Government with Students

    Born Free Die Free

    Vote Fraud in New Hampshire caught on video NOT seen on public media

    NOT AIRED Larry King with Ron Paul

    Where will Ron Paul go after losing?

    Bill Maher smear campaign

    Arming the Middle East

    Fine info for the following at
    01. End the Patriot Act Immediately.
    02. End the IRS.
    03. End the Homeland Security Department.
    04. End the Iraq Police Action.
    05. End the private ownership of the Federal Reserve.
    06. End the national ID Card program.
    07. End the sending of jobs overseas.
    08. End the flood of illegal immigrants.
    09. End preemptive military strikes.
    10. End the "future" police state.(a)(b)
    11. End nation building & defend OUR nation, not others.
    12. End executive war powers. Congress alone can declare War.
    13. End the North American Union. Preserve US sovereignty.
    14. End the War on terror. Terror is not tangible. Therefore it cannot be won [EVER].
    15. End the onslaught of our freedoms and liberties by the Federal Government.

    Raise awareness of the 16th Amendment, 'ratified' February 3rd, 1913. The IRS requires us to testify against ourselves directly in opposition of the 5th Amendment. It is time to make a stand, join the rEVOLution, end the IRS (or at least Private Ownership thereof).

    Ron Paul's Freedom Principles:

    * Rights belong to individuals, not groups.

    * Property should be owned by people, not government.

    * All voluntary associations should be permissible -- economic and social.

    * The government's monetary role is to maintain the integrity of the monetary unit, not participate in fraud.

    *Government exists to protect liberty, not to redistribute wealth or to grant special privileges.

    * The lives and actions of people are their own responsibility, not the government's.
    Brief Overview of Congressman Paul’s Record:

    He has never voted to raise taxes.
    He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
    He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
    He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
    He has never taken a government-paid junket.
    He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.

    He voted against the Patriot Act.
    He voted against regulating the Internet.
    He voted against the Iraq war.

    He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.
    He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.

    Congressman Paul introduces numerous pieces of substantive legislation each year, probably more than any single member of Congress.

    I HAVE NEVER VOTED IN MY ENTIRE LIFE....UNTIL NOW.....THERE IF FINALLY SOMEONE WHO WILL DO WHAT IS RIGHT. PLEASE FORWARD THIS TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW. (when forwarding, please send using blind carbon copies bcc to protect everyone's email addresses from being made available to everyone)

  4. #4
    bigt10 is offline Member
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    Back The Way you Came
    excellent article.

    it pisses me off how can you vote for anyone else, either people are just stupid or something. he is the only one willing to deal with the real issues.

    people say the future but we are getting more fvcked every day as this nations balance sheet is going negative into the god dam ground.

    ""Fine info for the following at
    01. End the Patriot Act Immediately.
    02. End the IRS.
    03. End the Homeland Security Department.
    04. End the Iraq Police Action.
    05. End the private ownership of the Federal Reserve.
    06. End the national ID Card program.
    07. End the sending of jobs overseas.
    08. End the flood of illegal immigrants.
    09. End preemptive military strikes.
    10. End the "future" police state.(a)(b)
    11. End nation building & defend OUR nation, not others.
    12. End executive war powers. Congress alone can declare War.
    13. End the North American Union. Preserve US sovereignty.
    14. End the War on terror. Terror is not tangible. Therefore it cannot be won [EVER].
    15. End the onslaught of our freedoms and liberties by the Federal Government.""

    This is what america should be. what our forefathers wanted and had made. this was a free country.

    i cant disagree with a single one of those things.

    health care, etc he addresses some of the biggest problems.

    Patriot act, IRS!!!!, Federal Reserve private owner ship come on this one takes the ****in cake i dont know how people can blindly sit there knowing that a few individuals have more power then us the people and our own government gosh private owner ship of our own money supply

    Also thank god we can get rid of the homeland security and all these other wasteful spending federal departments. Theres no problem with a military but we need to defend our own country not waste money at war and policing the rest of the world.

    He also seems to the one of the only ones who is going to cut back spending. The solution is not to keep spending more, taxing more, and printing more money.

  5. #5
    soccer#3's Avatar
    soccer#3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    it offers some comfort

  6. #6
    bigt10 is offline Member
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    It makes me really sad to see how great of a country america could be, and how people are just so stupid and are watching it go to the shit every day.

    I hope this ron paul fever spreads to the rest of world as well.

    There is nothing worse than a central bank. All the problems you have allowing the country's money supply to be controlled by private hands.

  7. #7
    bigt10 is offline Member
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    Back The Way you Came
    Heres some quotes i dug up for you guys.

    2. In law, an agreement between two or more persons, falsely and maliciously to indict, or procure to be indicted, an innocent person of felony. Blackstone.

    Permit me to issue and control the money of the nation and I care not who makes its laws. — Mayer Amsched Rothchild, a prominent European banker in the eighteenth century

    If the American people ever allow the banks to control issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers occupied. — Thomas Jefferson

    I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. — Thomas Jefferson

    We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. We are no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominate men. I have unwittingly betrayed my country. — President Woodrow Wilson, 1916

    Here theres plenty more.

  8. #8
    convalescence69's Avatar
    convalescence69 is offline Associate Member
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    Ron Paul is a heroic intellectual, a fine human being.

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