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  1. #1
    midnight777's Avatar
    midnight777 is offline Associate Member
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    question about my credit with a gym personal trainer need help

    Last year in April, I signed up for personal training @ a gym. Well i put down a deposit of 759.00 for 12 months of personal training @ 360 a month. The guy never showed up. He would send me a text @ 11pm saying some bs story. He did this so many times the 1st month in a half. I finally said enough is enough. I read in my contract it said I could write to the place and cancel anytime. Well the place they used, I guess to finance me has sent numerous letters after i wrote them about the situation. They say I owe the whole contract. I spoke with somebody over the phone about a month ago. He said they had no record of a deposit i made. I still have the Receipt, which I am going to make a copy and send to them with another letter. What in the world is left for me to do. I refuse to pay this crap, when the loser trainer never showed up. I wonder how bad this will screw up my credit, it is not so great as it is now, trying to fix it... last thing, I need this stupid thing
    Last edited by midnight777; 02-15-2008 at 10:00 PM.

  2. #2
    StoneGRMI's Avatar
    StoneGRMI is offline Giggity Giggity Giggty!
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    That sucks. Stick to trainers that someone else has referred you to.

  3. #3
    wilson9d's Avatar
    wilson9d is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by midnight777 View Post
    Last year in April, I signed up for personal training @ a gym. Well i put down a deposit of 759.00 for 12 months of personal training @ 360 a month. The guy never showed up. He would send me a text @ 11pm saying some bs story. He did this so many times the 1st month in a half. I finally said enough is enough. I read in my contract it said I could write to the place and cancel anytime. Well the place they used, I guess to finance me has sent numerous letters after i wrote them about the situation. They say I owe the whole contract. I spoke with somebody over the phone about a month ago. He said they had no record of a deposit i made. I still have the Receipt, which I am going to make a copy and send to them with another letter. What in the world is left for me to do. I refuse to pay this crap, when the loser trainer never showed up. I wonder how bad this will screw up my credit, it is not so great as it is now, trying to fix it... last thing, I need this stupid thing
    Yeah don’t let them bully you. Call them and tell them they better correct the problem immediately or will report them to the FTC for fraud. They won’t know what that means. Then go to and file a complaint and call the local chamber of commerce in your area. Then bad mouth them as much as possible to everyone you know and absorb all the info you can along the way. You will either get the problem fixed or find out how. They cant bill you for a service that was not provided. If the financier is a third party then you may have to pay and sue the company the trainer works for to have them pay.

    If that doesn’t work there is probably a way to convince the trainer that paying the bill for you is cheaper than any future medical expenses.

  4. #4
    wilson9d's Avatar
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    oh and check your credit for free on the ftc website and read how to fix it. it helped me anything that’s old dispute the company probably wont even mess with confirming that it is derogatory.

  5. #5
    midnight777's Avatar
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    just filed a complaint with the ftc. I will fight this to the end. The trainer was a real jerk. He never showed up. I was probably there less then a month and he maybe cancelled 6-8 times. The thing that would get me, he would text me at around 11:30pm when he knew he was to train me @ 7am. The guy would not even call me. Sometimes I would show up and he wasn't even there. I will also contact all 3 credit agencies. I paid 759.00 up front. That was well enough for these low lifes. Anybody have any other suggestions.

  6. #6
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    anything you mail them send it registered. That way they cant say they didnt recieve it. I had that problem wit ha gym. I canceld and they never said they got it. And the credit agency asked for proof that i mailed them the letter.

  7. #7
    goodcents's Avatar
    goodcents is offline "body piercing & body jewelry expert"
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    If you paid with credit card (cc) then call the cc company and they will give you all of it back

  8. #8
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents View Post
    If you paid with credit card (cc) then call the cc company and they will give you all of it back
    has to be within 90 days of the purchase

    compalint FTC better busines bureau... file a complain there,, they will send a letter to the gym and try and mediate between the two of u...

    best is to File with your Attorney Generall <-- that usually gets business's pissed

  9. #9
    goodcents's Avatar
    goodcents is offline "body piercing & body jewelry expert"
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    oh shlt, didn't see the last year in april part I would of done something alot quicker

  10. #10
    goodcents's Avatar
    goodcents is offline "body piercing & body jewelry expert"
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    Small claims and alot of headaches I guess

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