View Poll Results: Do you cheat on your girl?

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  • Yes, whenever I get a chance

    7 10.94%
  • No way! I am lucky to have her

    40 62.50%
  • I have but not anymore/I was drunk

    17 26.56%
  • No, only because no one wants me

    0 0%
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  1. #41
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by paulzane View Post
    I always cheat on the wife and sometimes cheat on the
    Never get tired of that jokeit was getting too "preachy" here

  2. #42
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
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    Obama cheats on his wife, and he reads the koran after and then talks about america being a bad place and plots terror attacks. Thats what i heard on fox news anyhow

  3. #43
    goodcents's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BITTAPART2 View Post
    Obama cheats on his wife, and he reads the koran after and then talks about america being a bad place and plots terror attacks. Thats what i heard on fox news anyhow
    I thought he nutted on the american flag when he was doneps america does suck donkey balls compared to what it could easily be

  4. #44
    yamaha145's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by paulzane View Post
    I always cheat on the wife and sometimes cheat on the
    yes! at least your honest.

  5. #45
    Beefkake31's Avatar
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    I always had thoughts of it when I was in a relationship recently but when it came down to it I wouldn't because I would feel to guilty. But here's my take......

    If the right one comes along, you know, the one that is "different" than the others then I think there is a good chance I might have. But those things are rare and it has more to do with falling in love with another girl rather than just hooking up with them.

    I don't know I'm just babbling I guess, all I know is if I ever get married there is no way that I would, but that's a mission in itself (getting married).

  6. #46
    Papi93's Avatar
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    I don't cheat on my wife because I wouldn't want her to do it to me. No double standards.

  7. #47
    Conrad76 is offline New Member
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    I have never cheated on my wife but I cant say I havent thought about while using. I have been cheated on before I met my wife and the feeling isnt good. I just cant see her go thru that...i believe they call that Betrayal!! When you get betrayed in that way the trust is out the door and trying to make up prob wont work in the long run.

  8. #48
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  9. #49
    rager's Avatar
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    How many people are BS this thread. 40 percent dont cheat at all? If thats true thats great. I think it is lower though

  10. #50
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    this post can cause alot of trouble if your girlfriend knows your screen name

  11. #51
    dhriscerr's Avatar
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    I was thinking the same thing

    Not to mention, things get rough and rocky through a marriage, and what you vow never to do today, might change 6 months from now when your staring divorce down the face! And also, once your married people change, my wife and I did it like rabbits for 3 years until our first daughter came, sex went down hill fast, for almsot two years until our second one was born, and only now are we getting back to an acceptable range of 4-5 times a week. Girl friends, I say cheat away, fiance' and wives different story but I don't judge anyone that goes either way

  12. #52
    lotaquestions is offline Banned
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    i think that it is whatever you want. i have alot of married friends that cheat on their wives and have great marrages, in wich if they didnt than they probally wouldnt be together. there is no doubt in my mind that you can be absolutly in love with someone and still cheat on them, but it is up to you wether or not you can sleep at night. however i do belive strongly that there is a double standard between men and women on cheating and that it has to do with the # of previous partners youve had: 1-3 there is a more emotional connection with partners, 4-8 either way, 8-? sex is probally more physical than emotional.

    my history (3 different girls): cheated for 2 yrs, cheated on for 1 yr, faithful for 2 yr.....and check this CELABIT for 27 monts...give me props, it is the hardest thing i have ever done, im being faithful to my future wife (kinda if you dont count the first 19, lol)

  13. #53
    Chitown Raider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jfew44 View Post
    Think about this: What would you do if you found out ur girl has cheated on you?
    Kick her to the curb! Why be with a woman who doesn't respect you?

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