Quote Originally Posted by map200uk View Post
i get your point, i just mean surely there would be more idiots using if it was legal, as its legal theyd see no reason not to

then if anything happened due to misuse, can you imagine the public outcry that aas was legalized
Honestly, there wouldn't be any chaos at all. That's the biiiiig bullshit fear-mongering tactic the government and media likes to use about legalizing any drug. They like to say that as soon as something is announced as legal, it will cause complete panic and disorder as suddenly people all rush and converge at one moment into pharmacies to buy all their illicit drugs and everyone will be shoving each other out of the way smashing through the asiles trying to fight over the last bottle of pills as the pharmacy runs out of stock because everyone is going absolutely insane, and then people would start killing each other and murdering their families as they run out and start driving around high on everything causing panic and chaos and disorder and people juicing up until their hearts blow out of their chests and OH MY GAWDZ AAAHHH DRUGS ARE LEGAL! IT WOULD BE THE END OF THE WORLD!!! HOLY SHIT! SHIIIIIT!

Or... it would be clandestinely legalized and the only people who would be attentively monitoring such an issue would be people like you and me who already use steroids and others who are interested in the subject. As for the rest of the dumbass population, they'll see it fly by on the 2 minutes worth of coverage on the 6:00 news and these people will go on with their day.