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  1. #1
    Odpierdol_sie!'s Avatar
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    Economy: Britain Vs Poland

    In the last 4 years a total of 1 million Polish people have crossed the border to the UK, many are now returning back home.

    The Polish ecconomy has grown by 22% in the last 4 years.

    The UK ecconomy has grown by 11% in the last 4 years.

    The British Pound has lost a quarter of its value against the Polish zloty in the last year.

    Just a lil taster for you...
    All nice and dandy it aint! some rough times are ahead fellas...

  2. #2
    goodcents's Avatar
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    I'm in the us and we're already fuked and getting worse every day!!!!!!

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    Ecomony is worse every day yet everything cost more-food, gas, etc.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents View Post
    Ecomony is worse every day yet everything cost more-food, gas, etc.
    Funny that, i just watched a broadcast by a lib dem treasurer. Said that the lower class working pays 31% tax before they get their wage, where property developers only pay 18%... tell me where is the balance.

    Speaking on the original subject of Poles, the vast majority are general labour workers, builder plasterers etc.
    The UK has seen a dramatic increase in cheap labour over the last 4 years. I remember when there was every plumber painter brick layer etc crying out that they are being put out of work by cheaper and dare i say better tardes men.

    Taking in to account now the majority are going home again where does this leave the British trades man now? do they up their prices again and risk gettin gless work due to the average british family being £20 per week worse off than they were last year? or do they work for a pittance?
    taking in to account they are probably going to be paying 31% tax

  5. #5
    Pooks's Avatar
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    going by your handle, I'll take a guess, u're one of these British poles hehe

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks View Post
    going by your handle, I'll take a guess, u're one of these British poles hehe
    Haha few more people here catching on to that you know... no im actually Irish

  7. #7
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    The lower class doesn't pay 31% in the u.s. they don't pay shit, they live off my tax dollars which are around 28% and I'm far from lower class..Developers pay tax to the county on land they buy then tax to the city then tax when they sell it then there are all kinds of other fees. The poor have it easy in the U.S..

  8. #8
    goose is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by AMD64 View Post
    The lower class doesn't pay 31% in the u.s. they don't pay shit, they live off my tax dollars which are around 28% and I'm far from lower class..Developers pay tax to the county on land they buy then tax to the city then tax when they sell it then there are all kinds of other fees. The poor have it easy in the U.S..

    We pay 40% the top band

    Sweden is 50%.

    so your lucky

  9. #9
    Odpierdol_sie!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AMD64 View Post
    The lower class doesn't pay 31% in the u.s. they don't pay shit, they live off my tax dollars which are around 28% and I'm far from lower class..Developers pay tax to the county on land they buy then tax to the city then tax when they sell it then there are all kinds of other fees. The poor have it easy in the U.S..
    I use the term lower class loosely as over the past few years a newr type of middel class has evolved.

    Lower class workers can be classed by their earnings but not just their earnings, goes off life style etc. This class i think inclues me as pretty much everyone has debt hanging over them now and if you arent on the housing market and dont have alot of money behind you you aint gettign on the market.

    This is the class that cant get anything for nothing, ANYTHING i tells you...
    The higher classes can afford it, and the lowest class gets it as a hand out.

    On the 18% for developers, they recoup the VAT (value added tax) on capital gains etc.
    A loop hole that has been used for a long time is, if one was to buiild a house, they would have to live in it for 3 years to be entiled to capital gains tax exemption (if not VAT registered). this basically is a rule that if you are a business you can claim back the VAT on the property (17.5%). To get this you have to have a business turn over of £63000 p.a.

    say for instance i were to build a house now and sell it(with in the first 3 years) because of hard times, thats 17.5% that i wont see again where a developer would.

    again a tax on the poor

  10. #10
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    yep herevin liverpool we are flooded with poles and checks , i use to work in a meat facoey as a store man and now 90% of the people there are from poland/c.rep.....

  11. #11
    Odpierdol_sie!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4 View Post
    We pay 40% the top band

    Sweden is 50%.

    so your lucky

    Yes but its all relative.

    Sweden has a high tax band, but that means nothing.
    How many people in Sweden on average or above the average wage cannot afford to get on the housing market? Then compare it with the UK

    In the UK if you were to add in the income taxes and every hidden tax after it and were to deduct it from my monthly salary you would take alot more than 50% I woudl say you would be close to 70%

  12. #12
    shifty_git's Avatar
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    All i can point out is New Labour's and Tony Blairs election promise...


    what a lie that was!

  13. #13
    goose is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Odpierdol_sie! View Post
    Yes but its all relative.

    Sweden has a high tax band, but that means nothing.
    How many people in Sweden on average or above the average wage cannot afford to get on the housing market? Then compare it with the UK

    In the UK if you were to add in the income taxes and every hidden tax after it and were to deduct it from my monthly salary you would take alot more than 50% I woudl say you would be close to 70%
    Very true min wage in sweden is 10£ per hour

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Odpierdol_sie! View Post
    Yes but its all relative.

    Sweden has a high tax band, but that means nothing.
    How many people in Sweden on average or above the average wage cannot afford to get on the housing market? Then compare it with the UK

    In the UK if you were to add in the income taxes and every hidden tax after it and were to deduct it from my monthly salary you would take alot more than 50% I woudl say you would be close to 70%
    Regardless, its not about what i started the thread....

    Take in now that all the Poles think that the relitivity of the wage here doesnt go far enough to justify staying, so they go home to Poland.
    So they go home and earn a lifstyle that is reletive to them
    Over here the day of cheap labour starts to dimminish. Price work goes up. less of it goes around, less people have building work done as the price is too high. Even for the builders from Poland left here their price will go up as it will be a sought after skill.

    Anyway less work goes on, less houses get built for cheap prices, what impact is this going to have on the economy? less affordable houses? yeah liek they are now anyway. or will it go the other way and houses will fall in value? either way things like this are not good, but..... i dont care cos i love it when things go tits up bwahhahahahahah

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4 View Post
    Very true min wage in sweden is 10£ per hour
    see minimum in the UK i think off the top of my head is £5.30ph

    On what i said above, a builder to do work for you 4 years back??? probably £20ph
    then the poles came here and over night the price of a brickie, carpentor etc was like £5ph... no you are probably looking at £10 ph for a tradesman. Even today that is dirt cheap for a trade, but it has to end somewhere.
    With people having less income at their dissposal it looks gloomy for the trades man all round.

  16. #16
    goose is offline Banned
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    How much rent you pay sie?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4 View Post
    How much rent you pay sie?
    Ah im not one to disscuss my finacinal situation.
    But, i will say that when i first started renting, the price of a 500sq ft one bed apt in any are was from 450 pm to 750 pm(depending on where of course).
    When i last rented a one bed it was 700pm, some how the value of the property was the same (pretty much) as it was when i started renting 3 years previous.
    What gets me is that im a "key worker" (yeah ok wot eva). And now living in london have looked in to the "Key Worker" housing scheme.... dunno about you but i dont know many key workers able to affrod a mortgage of £400k. Yeah good scheme.... more like scam.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by shifty_git View Post
    All i can point out is New Labour's and Tony Blairs election promise...


    what a lie that was!
    yeah i know.. was walking pas a petrol garage today. 1.19 for a litre of diesel, i thought Fvck me! that gonna be 1.21 a litre in October.
    Who the fvck can afford that?
    Tabbing it i will be you can fvck your wheels i say.

  19. #19
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    give it a break-who cares

    i said for ages and ages we dont want the Polish here or the Romanians, we didnt need them

    a ) look at all credit card fraud etc

    who does it? a lot is by Romanians..i.e. the bp/shell garage cc fraud

    b) poles work for **** all yet have 1/3 babies thus costing us more in NHS than they pay in taxes? NICE

    at least they're going home mate

  20. #20
    CheddaNips is offline Senior Member
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    MMM my homeland. Poland. Jelfa is in poland. OMNAS!!!

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by map200uk View Post
    give it a break-who cares

    i said for ages and ages we dont want the Polish here or the Romanians, we didnt need them

    a ) look at all credit card fraud etc

    who does it? a lot is by Romanians..i.e. the bp/shell garage cc fraud

    b) poles work for **** all yet have 1/3 babies thus costing us more in NHS than they pay in taxes? NICE

    at least they're going home mate
    You really cant read between the lines can you.

    Im not going too far in to it, but at the standard rate of N.I contirbutons if one in 3 Poles was to have a child that would equate to £256 per week to pay for that one child.
    I dont know about you but i cant see a 1 child costing the NHS that.

    My missus is 30 weeks gone at the moment and ive never seen a Pole in the hospital of surgery when ive been there, ive seen plenty of other "races" but never a Pole so i really dont know where you are getting your info from.

    Secondly Poles arent in the same bracket as Romanians, you saying they are is like some one calling an Indian a Paki or saying a guy wearing a turban is a muslim.

    Credit card fraud has always been here, its just these people kicked the arse out of it bringing it to light quicker.

  22. #22
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    im guessing you vote labour? like all the poor/benefit/immigrants

    and i guess you dont read the mail?

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    and my figures are correct i read enough to know they are, and i do not agree with poles/romanians being in the EU-it allows them easy access

    nw before you flame me, as mine wasn't a personal attack

    if you read, you will see, we spent MILLIONS o childcare for polish children in Poland, where the parents are in the UK

    and as normal in some cases the children did not foreigners running rings round the UK...suprise suprise...but who foots the bill, ahh yes , we do

  24. #24
    shifty_git's Avatar
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    ermmm arnt you both making the same point? lol

    they came here, fecked things up, we paid for there children and wives back home, the works dried up here so there off home, economy's fecked cause of it, its cheapened british labour forces in the process, and now we have to live here and deal with it?

    that sum it up?

  25. #25
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    i think so yes, as i said mine wasn;t a personal attack im sure most of us feel the same

    as i said to everyone sure it sounds good cheaper labour..but it put a lot of people out of work, if a pole will work for 3.5 a n hr and u got a family you cant, so you gotta go on benefits, therefore costing us more

    so they helped to the downfall of our country in my view mate

    we shouldn't have Poland/Romania in the EU

    the rich countries, norway, sweden, denmark are ok, as they aren;t here to ruin things

    get me

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by map200uk View Post
    and my figures are correct i read enough to know they are, and i do not agree with poles/romanians being in the EU-it allows them easy access

    nw before you flame me, as mine wasn't a personal attack

    if you read, you will see, we spent MILLIONS o childcare for polish children in Poland, where the parents are in the UK

    and as normal in some cases the children did not foreigners running rings round the UK...suprise suprise...but who foots the bill, ahh yes , we do
    Yes i do agree and i know you are not flaming me. If you were it wouldnt bother me, everyone is entitled to theri opinion. The money you are talking about that is goign to ait children in Poland etc is not a token gesture from the UK, its a agreement between the better off nations in the EU to offer aid to the lesser developed nations of the Union.

    Yes it is us that foots the bill, but in retrospect of that situation the contributions that the labour force are paying in realistically go back in to the pot and then back to their own country so in essence they are boosting their own economy but in turn stabalising the UK economy.

    What i am getting at is, these people will not hang around long enough to get state pensions or make use of their stamps for health care etc. When they are gone their contributions are not going in to our pot anymore.
    We will always foot the bill when it comes to helping the lesser developed of the EU as will Germany and the other better off economys but the way the otehr countires like poland etc are developing they are the ones that one day maybe helping support our economy as it is performing better than ours and if things stay are they are or get worse that day could come sooner than exected but then again that was the whole point of the EU....

  27. #27
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    One may dwell on as to how the economy rose so quickly and stayed so high. As im sure no one will argue, house prices.
    But... in terms of the actual availibility of houses that are affordable then you have to search far and wide (now).
    Perhaps it was the Poles that caused this slow down by offering cheap labour? I would say it is more like British greed that is more to blame. As im sure you know, there are many many people on this island now that own one, two, three or more properties, and why? because they can and because they got on the market at the right time? or more like because they got greedy and inevitably caused their own countries economical demise.

  28. #28
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    yep it is greedy people, estate agents too who drive up the prices forcing people to pay over the odds for a house

    as for the Poles

    the UK will always be better off:P long live UK!

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by map200uk View Post
    yep it is greedy people, estate agents too who drive up the prices forcing people to pay over the odds for a house

    as for the Poles

    the UK will always be better off:P long live UK!
    says the man who just started a thread about moving to the usa! ha ha

  30. #30
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    ive paid my taxes etc-surely im allowed to move?

    i work 48hrs/wk pay my tax etc no benefits mate

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by map200uk View Post
    ive paid my taxes etc-surely im allowed to move?

    i work 48hrs/wk pay my tax etc no benefits mate
    was only winding ya up fella!

    personally i dont blame ya!

    another 10 years (when im 38) im out of here...

    2 much crime, 2 many scroungers, 2 many scummy chav estates, transport / fuel is a rip off, health system is a joke, useless government who never listens to the people its meant to represent, pensions are fuked, private pension is going to be worthless by the time i get to collect it... i'll stop there before i even get in2 it....

  32. #32
    goose is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by shifty_git View Post
    was only winding ya up fella!

    personally i dont blame ya!

    another 10 years (when im 38) im out of here...

    2 much crime, 2 many scroungers, 2 many scummy chav estates, transport / fuel is a rip off, health system is a joke, useless government who never listens to the people its meant to represent, pensions are fuked, private pension is going to be worthless by the time i get to collect it... i'll stop there before i even get in2 it....
    No council TAX Another happy brit.Sell drugs its very good money.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4 View Post
    No council TAX Another happy brit.Sell drugs its very good money.
    ha ha - what you guys have to remember is i used to live in ipswich...

    if any of you guys have ever been there you will understand why i feel the way i do.. maybe a tainted view. lol

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by shifty_git View Post
    ha ha - what you guys have to remember is i used to live in ipswich...

    if any of you guys have ever been there you will understand why i feel the way i do.. maybe a tainted view. lol

    I knew you was shifty

    No further comments.Hear the birds are quite dirty in ipswich,,

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4 View Post
    I knew you was shifty

    No further comments.Hear the birds are quite dirty in ipswich,,
    Dirty but in totally the wrong way!

    Was fantastic when i was younger n used to work in night clubs..

    Not so great now im getting older n all the girls have an STD..

    The rapes and murders have put the town on the map though!!

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4 View Post
    Very true min wage in sweden is 10£ per hour
    Acctually there is no legal minimum wage in sweden. The unions and employers sort that out themself. But the unions are very powerfull.

    Plenty of wages are far below 10£, when I worked as a personal assistant for disabled I got around 7£/hour, thats probably what the minimum is for the low paying jobs.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by map200uk View Post
    we shouldn't have Poland/Romania in the EU

    the rich countries, norway, sweden, denmark are ok, as they aren;t here to ruin things
    I truly belive those countries will be the future while we(the nordic countries, UK, France, Germany ect) will be the has beens. They are moving forward, we are struggling to stay where we are. We are lazy they are hungry for success. The future is theirs.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by map200uk View Post
    ive paid my taxes etc-surely im allowed to move?

    i work 48hrs/wk pay my tax etc no benefits mate
    Yeah sure you are allowed to move anywhere you feel, but in the BIG scale of things.

    Sure you moving wil make you happy but statistically speaking, the immigration levels in the UK over the last few years has more or less evened out. with up to 2 million known immigrants comeing in to the UK over the past 4 years. im pretty sure that the fugure for brits quitting the Isles are about 250 000 per year. so in reality the UK population is about a million greater than it was 4 years ago.

    Anyway, the majority of people comeing in are scroungers, the majority people leaving arre hard working tax payers. See where this is going?

    The people coming in will ruin a economy if enough time passes but added in with the people leaving will only aid to speed up that effect. Simply speaking, there will be less tax payers paying tax.

    So yeah its all nice moving becasue you are sick of people coming in ruining the economy but just remember there is not alot between you and them in those respects.

  39. #39
    bruteman is offline Junior Member
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    Everyone should just stay in their own country. It causes too much problems and controversy. One of the main reasons for this, and it is a touchy subject so it is never really brought up in the open, but one of the main reasons is because people don't want to see their country's race or ethnicity changed. With this present day globalization everyone is moving and mixing everywhere and if you say anything about it, you are labeled a racist. But, it has nothing to do with being racist or hating anyone else. I mean when you think about a city that was once 100% European becoming African American or Middle Eastern or whatever else, and completely losing it's ethnic character, it hurts knowing it's culture and citizens are fading away. Also, people are stressed out and worried about their future and financial situations, when the government is allowing immigrants to come in and not have to pay any taxes, to get free health care, and welfare, etc. while their own citizens are having to foot the bill for all of this. People are having a hard time just making ends meet these days. Just about all the countries in Europe are having a negative population growth. People can't afford to pay their house note or even bring a child into the world. Times are tough I tell you.

    Now, on the Poland vs. UK economy I will say this, I have been to Poland before and I don't see how anyone can think the UK economy is worse off. Until you go to Poland and see first hand how it is, then you will know. I feel so bad off for them, the country is poorer beyond poor. Hitler ruined the country. The effects of WW2 are still prevalent to this day.
    Last edited by bruteman; 03-15-2008 at 10:40 PM.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruteman View Post
    Everyone should just stay in their own country. It causes too much problems and controversy. One of the main reasons for this, and it is a touchy subject so it is never really brought up in the open, but one of the main reasons is because people don't want to see their country's race or ethnicity changed. With this present day globalization everyone is moving and mixing everywhere and if you say anything about it, you are labeled a racist. But, it has nothing to do with being racist or hating anyone else. I mean when you think about a city that was once 100% European becoming African American or Middle Eastern or whatever else, and completely losing it's ethnic character, it hurts knowing it's culture and citizens are fading away. Also, people are stressed out and worried about their future and financial situations, when the government is allowing immigrants to come in and not have to pay any taxes, to get free health care, and welfare, etc. while their own citizens are having to foot the bill for all of this. People are having a hard time just making ends meet these days. Just about all the countries in Europe are having a negative population growth. People can't afford to pay their house note or even bring a child into the world. Times are tough I tell you.

    Now, on the Poland vs. UK economy I will say this, I have been to Poland before and I don't see how anyone can think the UK economy is worse off. Until you go to Poland and see first hand how it is, then you will know. I feel so bad off for them, the country is poorer beyond poor. Hitler ruined the country. The effects of WW2 are still prevalent to this day.
    When did you go to Poland last?

    I was last there 2 years ago and i wil agree, it was cheap.
    Not the the point where i would be considered as in the top 5% of wealth in that country, far from it!.
    Walking in to McDonalds and you would pay about 7zl, approximately £1 sterling (at the time). When considering it was about £4 sterling for the same in London that is dirt cheap.

    Now im sure that price will be pushed up alot higher than 2 years ago.

    You are confusing the fact of WWII and communist rule.
    Poland only got free from the cold war era between 1989-1990, the state of the economic balance of that country has nothing to do with WWII.
    Saying Poland is poorer than poor is a bad stab at what you percieve to be a worse off country than yours.

    I cannot see where you find the relation of the economic well being of Poland being worse off than the UK. From the fact that at the moment the UK is economically more developed than eastern Europe has nothing to do with the stability of the Polish and UK economy.

    More buildings are being erected today than ever before
    House prices are on the rise.
    Borrowing is at a minimum.
    Well being is on the rise.
    Immigration is on the rise.
    Emigration is falling
    Taxes are not robbing the working man.
    Poland has alot going for it...

    Poland alike with many eastern EU countries in general have a better education system than the majority of the western world.
    School leavers are normally fluent in English, Polish, Russian and French.

    On top of this Poland has 4 seasons unlike the UK measly 1.5.
    Where i would you rather live?

    Look at the Economic well being of your country and say is it more stable?
    Look at family values in your country and say do kids have respect for thier elders?
    Look at immigration policies of your country and say will people rise up at people coming there and not pulling their weight.
    All of the above you can say yes to about Poland
    I know for the UK each one is a NO
    Last edited by Odpierdol_sie!; 03-16-2008 at 08:01 AM.

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