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  1. #1
    ohiomirage is offline New Member
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    6'7" 255lbs. Cant seem to gain Mass??

    Tall and lanky my whole life now I am 39 and have some weight on me. Ready to build bigtime, but in the past always just ended up in shape and wirey. Need advice, I have been told steriods is my only option. Have no clue what I should get started with. I had back surgery 1 1/2 years ago and decided I better get in shape. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks

  2. #2
    MuscleScience's Avatar
    MuscleScience is offline ~AR-Elite-Hall of Famer~
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    welcome to the board, read up on the educational threads thats a great place to start and will prevent you from asking silly questions and getting flamed for not using the search button like i did when I first got here.

  3. #3
    soccer#3's Avatar
    soccer#3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    dude ur huge. post this in the Q&A section. but first before lookin towards steroids i would look at ur diet.

  4. #4
    ohiomirage is offline New Member
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  5. #5
    ohiomirage is offline New Member
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    Yeah I am big but want to be BIG, LOL - thanks for advice

  6. #6
    DSM4Life's Avatar
    DSM4Life is offline Snook~ AR Lounge Monitor
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    Ill be the first to call this one :

  7. #7
    ohiomirage is offline New Member
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    Thats nice, dsm4 showing us ur pic like that!! Maybe I should check out ur other knowledgable threads at kindercare-ass

  8. #8
    soulstealer's Avatar
    soulstealer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Dude you need Food.... end of story.... food puts weight on you...

  9. #9
    DSM4Life's Avatar
    DSM4Life is offline Snook~ AR Lounge Monitor
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    If you want a serious reply then try and do some research and ask a serious question.

    "Tall and lanky my whole life now I am 39 and have some weight on me. Ready to build bigtime, but in the past always just ended up in shape and wirey."

    What does that even mean ?

    "Need advice, I have been told steriods is my only option."

    Who told you this your buddies that sit at home all day, drink beer and watch tv ? It takes work. If it was easy then everyone would be doing it. Your experience says 2 months, the last thing that should be on your mind is AAS.

    "Have no clue what I should get started with. "

    Which is why we have 100 stickys. I know they can be a pain in the @$$ to go through sometimes but i would rather your post read somewhere along the lines of "I read this sticky and have a question about ......"

    "I had back surgery 1 1/2 years ago and decided I better get in shape. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks"

    Start with the very basics

    1)Learn major movements (squat,dead,BB rows,bench,m-press) and how to execute each one properly . Heavy weight comes after you have mastered the movement.

    2) Diet which is the hardest part in my opinion.

    Hope it helps, next time be more specific. Don't take the defensive on my post they are purely meant for humor ...... noob

  10. #10
    ohiomirage is offline New Member
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    I'm sure I dont eat properly, but I do eat like a horse, my friend used to compete he said, that because my arms are so long that my biceps are too long??? That most body builders are not that tall. I will admit I know nothing about building other than b/s in High school. Have to start sometime I suppose, why I joined to learn.

  11. #11
    ohiomirage is offline New Member
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    thx dsm, I sat here half the day reading on here didnt know what exactly would be a proper question. And sry for my defense aint been here long enough to know the jokes from the jerks. U sound very knowledgable thx again.

  12. #12
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ohiomirage View Post
    I'm sure I dont eat properly, but I do eat like a horse, my friend used to compete he said, that because my arms are so long that my biceps are too long??? That most body builders are not that tall. I will admit I know nothing about building other than b/s in High school. Have to start sometime I suppose, why I joined to learn.
    First off your friends a retard.

    Everyone builds muscle the same way. You pound the hell out of your body then you feed it. How you grow and in what order you grow is purely genetic and can not be predicted . You have to put the time in day after day and just see the changes for yourself. Once you get more experienced you will learn what works for your body and what doesn't. As you learn what works for your body you will begin to make slight changes to your routine and before you know it you will have created a personal routine.

    If i were you i would focus purely on one thing at a time. Take a week or two to just learn movements and worry about diet later. Trying to juggle too much at once may confuse you.

    Take a look at this site for all movements:

  13. #13
    ohiomirage is offline New Member
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    Thx again and for the link, I left out when I was in the military I worked out religiously for over a year thats when like u said I realized I genetically was not improving. Basically, I am not made to be big, tall yes, big no. was down to 4 percent body fat back then now since the surgery fat body. I am currently using creatine with some results but nothing major. So its not a 2 month decision I am trying to make and u are probably right though too early to tell?? Its a mental issue with me I am a big guy just dont feel I am big, does that make sense? Thanks again appreciate the advise.

  14. #14
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ohiomirage View Post
    Thx again and for the link, I left out when I was in the military I worked out religiously for over a year thats when like u said I realized I genetically was not improving. Basically, I am not made to be big, tall yes, big no. was down to 4 percent body fat back then now since the surgery fat body. I am currently using creatine with some results but nothing major. So its not a 2 month decision I am trying to make and u are probably right though too early to tell?? Its a mental issue with me I am a big guy just dont feel I am big, does that make sense? Thanks again appreciate the advise.
    Its call Body dysmorphic disorder and most of us have it

  15. #15
    ohiomirage is offline New Member
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    Wow, guess u do know something lol.

  16. #16
    soulstealer's Avatar
    soulstealer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ohiomirage View Post
    Thx again and for the link, I left out when I was in the military I worked out religiously for over a year thats when like u said I realized I genetically was not improving. Basically, I am not made to be big, tall yes, big no. was down to 4 percent body fat back then now since the surgery fat body. I am currently using creatine with some results but nothing major. So its not a 2 month decision I am trying to make and u are probably right though too early to tell?? Its a mental issue with me I am a big guy just dont feel I am big, does that make sense? Thanks again appreciate the advise.
    Heres a hint bro.... those people arent walking out of your path cause they're polite they're walking away cause you scare them Its almost like you have something in your head that says... "you wont be big till you look like ronnie" and you listen lol

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