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Thread: Erbs anamoly.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Your mom's room

    Erbs anamoly.

    anyone else have this? i have 2 fused left ribs causing a disproportionate left clavical. it portrudes about half inch further out than my right clavical. they cant do surgery because its too close to my heart.

    this prevents me to get good left lat isolation. i can feel it and its really annoying/demotivating. it also has caused my left pec to be disproportioned as well.

    im afraid that if i blow up ill look like a freak of nature and make it more noticeable, but on the other hand building more mass in my upper chest will make the clavical less noticeable.

    if when the time comes and i do end up looking deformed, would small amount of synthol in the right areas help? is there hope in this? im not looking to be doing this any time soon im just contemplating if i should even continue on with trying to become big. would kinda be pointless if it doesnt look good you know?

  2. #2
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