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  1. #41
    rockinred's Avatar
    rockinred is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001 View Post
    I get this shit every week at work. So many guys tell me there either 1. a cage fighter or 2. They know so and so people. I just offer them a straightener around the back of the club. I do not get many takers, They all tell me there going to come and "get me". At this point i write them down my address and tell them not to wake me up too early.
    The cage fighters make me laugh. they train under a friend of mine who runs the only mma school for miles around. Once they realise i know the guy they usually become quite shy and explain they have only been going for a couple of weeks!
    good stuff....lmao...I like the part with giving them your adress.

  2. #42
    CollegeBoy85 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001 View Post
    I get this shit every week at work. So many guys tell me there either 1. a cage fighter or 2. They know so and so people. I just offer them a straightener around the back of the club. I do not get many takers, They all tell me there going to come and "get me". At this point i write them down my address and tell them not to wake me up too early.
    The cage fighters make me laugh. they train under a friend of mine who runs the only mma school for miles around. Once they realise i know the guy they usually become quite shy and explain they have only been going for a couple of weeks!
    Perfect beast your right Ive been doing martial arts and cage fighting for years and I hear guys in bars telling me they are this bad ass fighter and ive gotten to know every teacher from all the local schools so when they tell me they train at this place and I say I know there teacher they instantly change their tone and say well I just started lmao

  3. #43
    CollegeBoy85 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by nirish_mark20 View Post
    what they dont know? i never understand why people think about what people dont know about them- maybe you should think about "what do I know about him?"

    he could know 8 different martial arts and be an even better fighter.


    he might be a crap fighter and not know any martial arts, but hes got a gun or a knife in his pocket

    IMO, walking away gets so much more respect. everyone can seem tough, but your not always the toughest, and you dont know when youl come up against the toughest, so why run the risk?
    Ill always try to walk away but sometimes it isnt always that easy to do so. The gun and knife thing well it happens but you shouldnt go around thinking everyone has one. My point was that ppl try acting tough to people they think they can take and look cool punking which to most im a short guy. Everyone I ever met that knows martial arts usually tend to be laid back guys not the person with the tough guy attitude.

  4. #44
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    i love when guys talk shit to me. wherever i am i tell them i'm going outside and they can meet me out there whenever they want.

    the biggest mind **** ever, is when i am standing there ALONE with my shirt off, and this guy comes out with about 5 or 6 buddies. people can't imagine a guy who would go BY HIMSELF to kick someone's ass. i've actually had a guy say, "where are your friends?"

    best one ever though, a kid who was obviously from out of town kept running his mouth to me about some girl i'd seen about 2 years ago. what a ****nut. anywho, he is screaming SCREAMINg trying to be all intimidating and i have to admit, it wasn't working at all. he then tells me that, he and his boys are going to some old factory or barn or something about 5 minutes away and wait for me. so i call him on it. i told him i didn't know how to get there so i was riding with him, and i got in the passenger seat of his car. kid was BLOWN, had no idea what to do. half way there he started crying and said he didn't want to fight me. i got out and walked back to the bar, with 5 dollars i took from his car.

  5. #45
    soulstealer's Avatar
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    I'm of the school I try to avoid fights at all costs (as the law has a funny way of catching up with you for dumb shit ) but if someone lays hand on me their getting beat the **** up most people get punched in the face and it takes all the wind out of their sails anyway...

  6. #46
    Hollywood080's Avatar
    Hollywood080 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I'm the guy that everybody say they know!

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