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    jkilla13's Avatar
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    Persuasive speech

    Alright, I am giving a 5-7 minute persuasive speech on steroid use . I have chosen the side of pro-steroid . It is my job to persuade my public speech class why steroids take a bad rap and how they can be used, not abused, responsibly. Now obviously there needs to be an intro, 3 main body points with subpoints and a conclusion, plus visual aid, citations and all that BS. I am kind of just starting to brainstorm and looking for some help. What should the main topics I hit on and what could I use for a visual aid. etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I know it won't be easy to sway people on steroid use. Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    Hollywood080's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jkilla13 View Post
    Alright, I am giving a 5-7 minute persuasive speech on steroid use. I have chosen the side of pro-steroid. It is my job to persuade my public speech class why steroids take a bad rap and how they can be used, not abused, responsibly. Now obviously there needs to be an intro, 3 main body points with subpoints and a conclusion, plus visual aid, citations and all that BS. I am kind of just starting to brainstorm and looking for some help. What should the main topics I hit on and what could I use for a visual aid. etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I know it won't be easy to sway people on steroid use. Thanks guys.
    watch the "The Truth About Steroids " with Brian Gumble. If you google it or put a search into youtube you'll find it. There is some really good stuff in there and most of it takes the side of pro-steroids.

  3. #3
    jkilla13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hollywood080 View Post
    watch the "The Truth About Steroids " with Brian Gumble. If you google it or put a search into youtube you'll find it. There is some really good stuff in there and most of it takes the side of pro-steroids.
    Thanks bro, watching it now. Anyone else have input?

  4. #4
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    No matter which way you slice it, bad idea.

  5. #5
    BWhitaker's Avatar
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    Just a sidenote:

    I would not attempt to show that steroids have no potential negative effects or attempt to portray them as completely safe. Instead, focus on attempting to change the perception that they are totally harmful. That is, show the exaggerations of the media claims, the actual possible side effects, and the method a responsible user must take in order to both monitor and minimize adverse effects. Essentially, show that steroids can be taken responsibly and with a level of safety.

    Understand that your audience will most likely be very very weary to lean your way. By conceding certain points, such as "Steroids are associated with many risks, however....." The idea hear will be to begin the shift in your audiences perception.

    Once you have them shifting their perception, you should hammer the liberty interest of the individual. You want them saying, "Steroids actually may be used safely, and when combined with the evils of attacking individual liberties, we should therefore legalize steroids. Essentially your conclusion from here would be something like this: "While there are possible negative effects caused by steroid use , a responsible user can successfully monitor and minimize any health risk with proper measures. Additionally, an individual has a liberty interest in his own self...."

  6. #6
    jkilla13's Avatar
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    BWhitaker, great advice bro, I am definetly going to take that approach, that was extremely helpfull, thankyou very much.

    More input welcomed

  7. #7
    pumpd4lif's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jkilla13 View Post
    BWhitaker, great advice bro, I am definetly going to take that approach, that was extremely helpfull, thankyou very much.

    More input welcomed
    just keep in mind anything in exsesive amounts is bad for u,shit a woman drank a gallon of water in 15 min and died within hours.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by pumpd4lif View Post
    just keep in mind anything in exsesive amounts is bad for u,shit a woman drank a gallon of water in 15 min and died within hours.
    When was this?

  9. #9
    BWhitaker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rager View Post
    When was this?
    It was within the last year or so. It was a water drinking contest at a radio station...crazy shit.

    PS - Of course everything in excess can potentially be bad for you. However, even steroids in modest amounts can be potentially dangerous. My point was two fold. First, it is honestly the case that appropriate measures must be used in order to ensure the safest possible environment, and that a safe environment is, in fact, possible. Second, the concession is a powerful persuasion tool that is definitely needed here so the audience is not under the impression that the speaker is attempting to tell them it is totally safe. Additionally, it adds to the credibility of the speaker

  10. #10
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    There was a thread bout this awhile back. Ill see if I can dig it up

    here...there was some good points. it should help

    Roid Speech, Quick Help
    Last edited by xlxBigSexyxlx; 04-08-2008 at 07:24 PM.

  11. #11
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    Do the people ask u question afterwords? If they do, make sure u stay as calm with them as possible and be ready to repeat yourself over and over again.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by BWhitaker View Post
    It was within the last year or so. It was a water drinking contest at a radio station...crazy shit.

    PS - Of course everything in excess can potentially be bad for you. However, even steroids in modest amounts can be potentially dangerous. My point was two fold. First, it is honestly the case that appropriate measures must be used in order to ensure the safest possible environment, and that a safe environment is, in fact, possible. Second, the concession is a powerful persuasion tool that is definitely needed here so the audience is not under the impression that the speaker is attempting to tell them it is totally safe. Additionally, it adds to the credibility of the speaker
    Ok, I remember that now. It was a woman and she did die. The station caught wholly hell for that one..

  13. #13
    bd50's Avatar
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    try not to use the word 'steroids ' so much and say 'hormone replacement therapy' instead.

    search google for that and also testosterone therapy , you'll find some good articles to use.

  14. #14
    jkilla13's Avatar
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    Just wanted to say thanks to all the guys for their input on the speech. It actually went great as alot of my classmates are collegiate athletes and my professor was very open minded

  15. #15
    jkilla13's Avatar
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    a. Attention-getter: Steroids are associated with many health risks and can be potentially dangerous, however when used in the safest possible environment by the right individuals, I believe that steroids are not totally harmful.
    b. Thesis: While there are possible negative effects caused by steroid use , a responsible user can successfully monitor and minimize any health risks with proper measures.
    c. Relevancy: With all the exaggerated claims in the media today it is easy to say that steroids are everywhere including the local and national news, capital hill and even presidential speeches.
    d. Credibility (optional): Being involved in athletics for most of my life I have been in close proximity with many people using steroids and though I have seen some of the negative side effects, I have not witnessed anything life-threatening.
    e. Preview: First I would like to educate you on the use of steroids and how if used properly are not so bad, second I would like to dismiss all of the negativity spread throughout the media involving steroids and lastly I would like to discuss some of the people who gave steroids in sports a bad rap.
    Transition to body: Let me first begin by saying steroids can create an unleveled playing field, also we are assuming that we are talking healthy adult males practicing responsible use, this does not apply to women and children.
    II. BODY
    A. Main Point 1: Steroid Use
    a. Subpoint 1: History and background of steroids and steroid use
    -Rx drug, education, you need to know what you are doing or advised by someone who does
    -Steroids are all synthetic derivatives of the male hormone testosterone
    -there are negative side effects along with the positive
    -acne, male pattern baldness, breast tenderness, high blood pressure, cholesterol impact
    b. Subpoint 2: Proper use and not abuse
    -Use not abuse, anything excessive is bad, ex. water
    -appropriate measures must be used to ensure safest possible environment, and it is, in fact, possible
    -One must be responsible with a level of safety, monitoring effects through bloodwork
    -use does not resemble drug use but simply a part of a workout regimen athletes use to get bigger, faster and recover quicker
    Transition to next point: However, this is not what the media would have us believe.
    B. Main Point 2: Exaggerated media claims
    a. Subpoint 1: Everywhere, local and national, capital hill, presidential speeches, public enemy #1 and why?
    -Media only shows one side (“steroids are bad”) and blow up all negatives and show no positives
    -There are more important drugs, don’t waste our time or money, it’s not heroin
    b. Subpoint 2: No scientific data linked to death or even serious injury
    -With all the bad talk and negative portrayal, one would assume scientific evidence on steroid induced deaths or even serious health risks
    -There are none
    - Studies do exist on use of steroids and does provide evidence of negative side effects but none are life threatening or serious health risks
    -The New England Journal of Medicine did a study giving high doses of testosterone to healthy adult men and found just a few cases of acne and breast tenderness but no other side effects were noticed
    -National Institute of Health (government)
    Transition to next point: So how did steroids get such a bad reputation in the athletic world?
    C. Main Point 3: Steroids in Sports
    a. Subpoint 1: Lyle Alzado and Ben Johnson
    -1988Olympics – Canadian Ben Johnson beat American golden boy Carl Lewis and then tested positive for steroids
    -Lyle Alzado, the face of steroid use in the media, claimed that steroid use had led to brain cancer, he died 1 year later
    -Steroid experts agree that he did not die from steroid use, even his own doctor confirmed that there was no known association between his death and his steroid use
    b. Subpoint 2: Led to the anabolic steroids control act
    -1990- Passed by Congress and classified anabolic steroids as schedule 3 controlled substances
    -despite the fact that the American Medical Association, Department of Health and Human Services and the Drug Enforcement Agency all opposed the act
    Transition to conclusion: To conclude,
    a. Summary: Let’s recap, steroids have the potential to be bad if used improperly and abused however, on the contrary, they can and used responsibly every day. Several athletes have given these drugs a negative persona and gave the media fuel to add to the fire
    b. Restate/thesis: I would like for you to understand that while there are possible negative effects caused by steroid use, a responsible user can successfully monitor and minimize any health risk with proper measures
    c. Memorable close: Open your mind a little, don’t let the negative portrayal of steroids through the media effect your decisions. Make your own decision

  16. #16
    jkilla13's Avatar
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    That was the outline to my speech if anyone wanted to see it, thoughts are welcomed

  17. #17
    Hollywood080's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jkilla13 View Post
    That was the outline to my speech if anyone wanted to see it, thoughts are welcomed
    It looks like you did a really good job. Congrats on a good job bro! Do you know what you were graded for the speech?

  18. #18
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    No matter which way you slice it, bad idea.
    get a new topic dude......just my 2 cents

  19. #19
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    after reading the rest of the thread...congrats on the successful speech.....and it was good and interesting it appeared from the outline...

    personally, i myself would not do a speech on steroids ....I believe in laying low....but nevertheless, interesting topic, and I think its good that even a few people can hear the truth..

    overall good job

  20. #20
    Oki-Des's Avatar
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    In a persuasive speech you do not have to make the people believe it would be a good idea to take AAS, but rather understand the reasoning why anyone would. Then you will be able to persuade people to make a decision based on their immediate thoughts rather than previous preconceived ideas.

    If you explain that if there were a pill that would make doctors perform perfect operations or a pill to allow layers to win every one of their cases, you bet they would take it. Everything in life has a certain degree of risk. Considering almost every football player is on it and only a few have health problems, there must be something to the fact that they do offer some benefit.

    We always make up things in an attempt to scare the unaware away. It is just like if you whack off too much you will go blind. This is not true, but we all heard it when we were young.

    Good luck!

  21. #21
    System21 is offline New Member
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    Hey I was wondering if you can send me the speech so I can fully read it because it sounds interesting??

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    Quote Originally Posted by System21 View Post
    Hey I was wondering if you can send me the speech so I can fully read it because it sounds interesting??
    You do know this thread is well over a year old??????????

  23. #23
    System21 is offline New Member
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    yeah I'm aware of that

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    Quote Originally Posted by System21 View Post
    yeah I'm aware of that
    Oh good im glad you checked, did you also see that the guy your asking hasnt logged on in over a year???

  25. #25
    System21 is offline New Member
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    no i dint see that but I can tell you did

  26. #26
    J431S is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by jkilla13 View Post
    Alright, I am giving a 5-7 minute persuasive speech on steroid use. I have chosen the side of pro-steroid. It is my job to persuade my public speech class why steroids take a bad rap and how they can be used, not abused, responsibly. Now obviously there needs to be an intro, 3 main body points with subpoints and a conclusion, plus visual aid, citations and all that BS. I am kind of just starting to brainstorm and looking for some help. What should the main topics I hit on and what could I use for a visual aid. etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I know it won't be easy to sway people on steroid use. Thanks guys.
    Here's a "simple" outline that could help u sway their attention to U:

    1. Describe and define to them what a steroid is..

    2. List types of steroids (both articfical and natural) Give them examples.

    3. List and discuss benefits of steroid use : (a)...(b)...(c)...etc

    4. List and discuss side effects of steroid use or abuse: blah! blah!

    5. Discuss the legal implication steroids in different countries, say USA-v-China

    6. Summaries your points whether u think steroid is more harmful or not ...and thereby why u see the need to legalize it or not.

    Hope this help.

  27. #27
    J431S is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by jkilla13 View Post
    a. Attention-getter: Steroids are associated with many health risks and can be potentially dangerous, however when used in the safest possible environment by the right individuals, I believe that steroids are not totally harmful.
    b. Thesis: While there are possible negative effects caused by steroid use , a responsible user can successfully monitor and minimize any health risks with proper measures.
    c. Relevancy: With all the exaggerated claims in the media today it is easy to say that steroids are everywhere including the local and national news, capital hill and even presidential speeches.
    d. Credibility (optional): Being involved in athletics for most of my life I have been in close proximity with many people using steroids and though I have seen some of the negative side effects, I have not witnessed anything life-threatening.
    e. Preview: First I would like to educate you on the use of steroids and how if used properly are not so bad, second I would like to dismiss all of the negativity spread throughout the media involving steroids and lastly I would like to discuss some of the people who gave steroids in sports a bad rap.
    Transition to body: Let me first begin by saying steroids can create an unleveled playing field, also we are assuming that we are talking healthy adult males practicing responsible use, this does not apply to women and children.
    II. BODY
    A. Main Point 1: Steroid Use
    a. Subpoint 1: History and background of steroids and steroid use
    -Rx drug, education, you need to know what you are doing or advised by someone who does
    -Steroids are all synthetic derivatives of the male hormone testosterone
    -there are negative side effects along with the positive
    -acne, male pattern baldness, breast tenderness, high blood pressure, cholesterol impact
    b. Subpoint 2: Proper use and not abuse
    -Use not abuse, anything excessive is bad, ex. water
    -appropriate measures must be used to ensure safest possible environment, and it is, in fact, possible
    -One must be responsible with a level of safety, monitoring effects through bloodwork
    -use does not resemble drug use but simply a part of a workout regimen athletes use to get bigger, faster and recover quicker
    Transition to next point: However, this is not what the media would have us believe.
    B. Main Point 2: Exaggerated media claims
    a. Subpoint 1: Everywhere, local and national, capital hill, presidential speeches, public enemy #1 and why?
    -Media only shows one side (“steroids are bad”) and blow up all negatives and show no positives
    -There are more important drugs, don’t waste our time or money, it’s not heroin
    b. Subpoint 2: No scientific data linked to death or even serious injury
    -With all the bad talk and negative portrayal, one would assume scientific evidence on steroid induced deaths or even serious health risks
    -There are none
    - Studies do exist on use of steroids and does provide evidence of negative side effects but none are life threatening or serious health risks
    -The New England Journal of Medicine did a study giving high doses of testosterone to healthy adult men and found just a few cases of acne and breast tenderness but no other side effects were noticed
    -National Institute of Health (government)
    Transition to next point: So how did steroids get such a bad reputation in the athletic world?
    C. Main Point 3: Steroids in Sports
    a. Subpoint 1: Lyle Alzado and Ben Johnson
    -1988Olympics – Canadian Ben Johnson beat American golden boy Carl Lewis and then tested positive for steroids
    -Lyle Alzado, the face of steroid use in the media, claimed that steroid use had led to brain cancer, he died 1 year later
    -Steroid experts agree that he did not die from steroid use, even his own doctor confirmed that there was no known association between his death and his steroid use
    b. Subpoint 2: Led to the anabolic steroids control act
    -1990- Passed by Congress and classified anabolic steroids as schedule 3 controlled substances
    -despite the fact that the American Medical Association, Department of Health and Human Services and the Drug Enforcement Agency all opposed the act
    Transition to conclusion: To conclude,
    a. Summary: Let’s recap, steroids have the potential to be bad if used improperly and abused however, on the contrary, they can and used responsibly every day. Several athletes have given these drugs a negative persona and gave the media fuel to add to the fire
    b. Restate/thesis: I would like for you to understand that while there are possible negative effects caused by steroid use, a responsible user can successfully monitor and minimize any health risk with proper measures
    c. Memorable close: Open your mind a little, don’t let the negative portrayal of steroids through the media effect your decisions. Make your own decision
    ^ well done ..I must have missed it. lol

  28. #28
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I wrote an 8 page paper on this exact topic. PM your email and ill hook you up. I got an A+

  29. #29
    System21 is offline New Member
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    well hook me up man
    Last edited by System21; 09-13-2009 at 04:49 PM. Reason: dint like it

  30. #30
    System21 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ****** View Post
    I wrote an 8 page paper on this exact topic. PM your email and ill hook you up. I got an A+
    so whats your email

  31. #31
    cakuscht is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ****** View Post
    I wrote an 8 page paper on this exact topic. PM your email and ill hook you up. I got an A+
    You wouldn't happen to still have this papter would you? I'm also doing a speech on the same topic...

  32. #32
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I don't mind sharing it with you. However, you cannot recieve PM, so idk how this will work.

  33. #33
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    You might want to also include how these drugs can be used by people with muscle wasting diseases

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    You do know this thread is well over a year old??????????

    the original poster probably shredded that old paper by now.

  35. #35
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    Just tell them steroids are bad and that everyone who takes steroids has a heart attack and dies.

    I like the way everyone thinks steroids are the devil, because if they didn't then every little faggot would be taking them.

  36. #36
    cmr3399 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ****** View Post
    I wrote an 8 page paper on this exact topic. PM your email and ill hook you up. I got an A+
    I know this is old, but I too need to do a speech on this topic, your paper would be a great help....if you still have a copy saved

  37. #37
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    When steroids were classified as controlled substances the AMA was AGAINST it. Google stuff on that to incorporate in your speech. If Dr's didn't think they needed to be controlled substances and argued against it in congressional hearings that could be a good point to make and possibly expound upon. I don't really know the details but look into it.

  38. #38
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    I just read the first post cause im in a hurry.

    The truth is you'll never sway government and the public to accept steroids and this is why.

    Because of factors like social competition, people inherently wish that you would not do as well for yourself as you could. One poster spelled it out previously. It could be as simple as dieting to 8% or sub bodyfat. If your family is fat or not in the greatest shape, they will naysay you. Now in extreme cases like this, its not that your family doesn't love you. They do. But you doing well for yourself reminds them of how sad they are doing for themselves in different ways. Thus they will rant against your cause holding a banner of wanting to save you from yourself, when the truth is they hate what they see in the mirror and the only way for them to accept it is to reject your concepts. Concepts like hard work and sacrifices in the gym and at the table are what it takes to achieve the best results.

    There are deeper things at play of course. They can't be legalized unless they are perfectly safe. What is perfectly safe though? Is driving your car perfectly safe? Is going out for drinks with your friends perfectly safe? Is flying in a plane perfectly safe? Are over the counter drugs nyquil perfectly safe? What is usually perfectly safe is anything the government can regulate and make money off. That is "perfectly safe".

    I love how they (society / government) classify aas similar to a street drug. One person put it best: "(I would rather have a kid lifting and doing steroids, then sitting at home all day getting high and doing nothing but trying to get high again)".

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    Oh good someone bumped a 2 year old thread and I didn't notice

  40. #40
    deuce24 is offline New Member
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    I did a pro steroids in baseball speech in college

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