there goes TJM, chasing more tail. Atta boy!!!!
there goes TJM, chasing more tail. Atta boy!!!!
Everyone, male or female, wants a partner who has an attractive, sexy body.
The problem comes when someone cares more about their attractive sexy body than they care about you.
"and you even spoke to me and said:
If you're so funny, why are you on your own tonight?
And if you are so clever, why are you on your own tonight?
And if you are so very entertaining, why are you on your own tonight?
And if you are so very good looking, why do you sleep alone tonight?
I know... Because tonight is just like any other night.
That's why you're on your own tonight
with your triumphs and your charms, while they are in each others arms."
-Jeff Buckley
Hey man C I know she has a man... Thats why I said if anything Sorry bro's, Juice Girl is a little slice of perfection... But so is Audra
Ahhh sweetie, I'm 32 and 33 in two weeks.... You can rob the cradle with me any day sweetness.... Your an Intelligent woman who has a body that should be sculpted and put on display at a museum... A work of art you are beautiful!!!!!
2 words...........big koch...................
I agree with the bro that said some gals will try change a man if he's in shape to make themselves feel better.
When i started working out my ex hated it because she didn't 'want me to get huge & muscley then all the other gals would want me'
Needless to say that relationship didn't last haha.
most girls cant take it when a guy gets more stares and compliments than they do.
Really well built guys are much more rare than good looking women.
i am lucky that i have found a girl who has enough self confidence to admire my look and is proud of beeing with me. She even wants to show off with me sometimes
A lot of other girls are attention whores who look for approval everywhere. I feel those are also the ones who will cheat on you as they are most susceptible to compliments.
So bottom line Confident women like ripped BB type guys whereas insecure girls look for pencil necks / couch potatoes.
A master of cunilingus
I think this has a lot to do with why women dislike jacked guys who are outside of the fitness world.
I know lots of guys who simply see a big guy and talk trash about him automatically on spot.
A girl I know was talking about big buys last night and told me she did not like big guys in any form; jacked or tall. She said she prefered 6' tall men, 170lbs ish', tan, w/ abs. Maybe some are truely just not into big guys.
WHOA i thought you told me you were 18?? now this puts a whole new spin on things! j/k! my man and i are as tight as 2 pepole can be without being married~ we actually just bought a house together too! i'm crazy about him and he is about me too. wanna hear something heart still beats faster when i hear his car coming home. i know, i know....sick huh!
hey thanks fellas, i think the consensus respond here is that it varies. while some of you bank on confidence, money, shape, dick-size, lean body etc....none of u mention PERSONALITY. i think most women on average looks for a guy with the right personality, all other features hold constant. i think that's their MR. RIGHT GUY the man with the charming and caring personality that most women fall for regardless of his pocket or dick size. And i'm surprise none of the female members say that which conform indeed the respond to this question is that it varies from one person to another.
My lady kinda likes my body hard an my dick harder but she also liked that soft little blond thing we met at the beach yesterday an brought home for a "beer"lol but seriously guys...if we can somehow convince a beautiful lady to put up wit our sorry asses we best hold on to that cuz i dont kno bout anybody else but I'm a stinky nasty burpin fartin mofo an she luves me anyway Go figure huh Peace ICE
if a woman would get upset about me not missing a workout, to ****en bad. This is what I am and its what I do. Problem is, I am to smart for her anyway.
deleted, posted in the wrong damn thread
Last edited by IronReload04; 06-24-2008 at 06:02 AM.
hes got big balls, and shes got big balls, but ive got the biggest, balls of them all!!
If you are a man with ok looks, bur with good amount of money and are thinking of doing much more in your profession, you may be chosen by a real good looking woman. This does not mean a man who does not keep himself clean or has little sense of clothes. That is a must, but you need not look like a person who can go to any competition and win it on looks. Of you have money and ambitions; you can have your pick of woman.
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