I really don't understand some of you guys. Why would you call me an attention whore, because I ask questions. I'm not new to lifting weights but there was a lot of stuff that I found out that I didn't know. Things like dieting, workout splits, a gear (for sure). That's the reason I joined this board because it seemed to have a lot of information on it and people knew what they were talking about. Not like some other boards where there are a bunch of teenagers talking about everything else other than lifting and getting bigger.
I am glad that some people on here are mature enough to respond in a mature way and take things serious. Don't get me wrong, its ok to kid around sometimes, but to call me an "Attention Whore, a FAGGOT, and out of shape" when you don't know me is a little out of line and NOT called for.
It was my first time taken a needle, eventhough it was smaller, and I like the feeling so I tought that I would share it with some of the people on here that I consider to be cool people and cool to talk to. If you guys don't like my post or if you're going to have something negative to say, the don't open them or keep your negativity to yourself.
I could say something about your Avvy, 2 dudes kissing, and how I feel about that, but I choose to keep my comments to myself. I didn't say anything about your "Who's Gay" thread!
DSM, I sure hope that your age is less than 20, because you sure act like an abnoxious little prick sometimes and really bring attention to your sexuality in a bad way!
If i knew you were on the rag i wouldn't have joked around with you.
Funny i never recall anyone calling you a "faggot," are you trying to tell us something ?
One guy flamed you and not only did a moderator handle it but the owner of the site even stepped in. I think you need to lighten up...a lot.
When you flame at least use spell check before you post, its "obnoxious."
[QUOTE=B.E.N.;4046563]You have a pic in your avatar of needle injecting yourself...and then you start this thread...and you ask where the 'big boys' are??
You're trying to hard...ease up...the only person you need to prove anything to is yourself.
Agreed! None of us expect anything from you, nor do we consider you 'cool' for liking injections. It's like saying "hmmm, I love doing exams" when in reality, you only like them because you work your ass off to ace them.
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