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  1. #1
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    How do you do a haircut like this?

    I've been cutting my hair for like 6 years and do a better job than any barber I've met. But I also just do the basic buzzer fades and what not.

    Lately I've grown obsessed with getting a new look. So today I was looking at some pics, tried my own. And even though it looks a THOUSAND times better I'm curious if anyone has thier hair like this and if they know what kind of cut their barber does, and if its just wax keeping the "razors" in the hair.

    I did a v cut with the comb/ scissors/ and a bit of wax. It looks awesome but not quite the celebrity look.

    Anyone know anything about this type of style?

    It looks like a bunch of layored razors sitting on top of each other. But it also doesn't look like wax. When I put wax in my hair you can tell somethings in it (I use American Crew btw) their hair look clean but still holds a style. I don't get it.
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 07-06-2008 at 03:59 PM.

  2. #2
    beatango2008's Avatar
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    looks like they just rolled out of bed to me....... Did you try that?

  3. #3
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Yeh but I need to learn how to do it without the sleeping part.

    If I want to go out at 9pm I'd have to sleep for like 8 hours first and its not really convenient. =]

  4. #4
    StoneGRMI's Avatar
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    Each one of those appears to be a different cut. Just get good wax/gel with a medium hold and you'll be able to do it.

  5. #5
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StoneGRMI View Post
    Each one of those appears to be a different cut. Just get good wax/gel with a medium hold and you'll be able to do it.
    Yeh I'm thinking its 1) my wax sucks and 2) I don't have an actual styling brush.
    To get it decent I literally do one spike at a time with my fingers and its a pain in the ass & takes too long, but than again these dudes prob spend 4 hours with a professional hair stylist before the paprazzi sees them.

  6. #6
    ottomaddox's Avatar
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    This stuff rocks. It's by Joico.

  7. #7
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    /\ Awesome, will check it out thanks.

  8. #8
    NS's Avatar
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    you could upload the pics to your mobile phone, then show the barber/hairdresser the pics when you next go.

    I reckon they have had it cut into on top to thin it out without taking any length off, and when the minimal amount of brylcreem/wax is applied the hair is pulled.

  9. #9
    bigt10 is offline Member
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    i cut mine myself. i like a variety of cuts but i never go over one inch. it isnt hard. i find mine is better. ill cut it anywhere from 1-3/4 weeks and sometimes i switch the style up. I go from a variety of just brush cuts, to playing with the lenghts throughout and if i want to let it grow a bit more and style it with wax.

    i have areally good quality clipper and about 12 different attachments from like 1/16 of an inch up to 1 and 1/2 an inch.

    I use wax (beeswax) wax makes it look awsome much better then gel. actually dont use to much or youll mess it up.

    I have one problem though, the hair on the sides of my head isnt thick enough and to thin. what can you do make it look like it has more volume? i usually like wax but it doesnt look good on the sides.

  10. #10
    bigt10 is offline Member
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    what kind of wax do you guys use????

    I HATE gel the shit is messy, if it gets a bit wet it gets ruined.

    I have been using a beeswax lately what do you guys use. I dont know much about it.

  11. #11
    StoneGRMI's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox View Post
    This stuff rocks. It's by Joico.
    thats exactly what I use too

  12. #12
    Voice of Reason's Avatar
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    I hear all the hot celebs are rocking the flowbee cut.

    Last edited by Voice of Reason; 07-06-2008 at 05:45 PM.

  13. #13
    Glow2004 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    I've been cutting my hair for like 6 years and do a better job than any barber I've met. But I also just do the basic buzzer fades and what not.

    Lately I've grown obsessed with getting a new look. So today I was looking at some pics, tried my own. And even though it looks a THOUSAND times better I'm curious if anyone has thier hair like this and if they know what kind of cut their barber does, and if its just wax keeping the "razors" in the hair.

    I did a v cut with the comb/ scissors/ and a bit of wax. It looks awesome but not quite the celebrity look.

    Anyone know anything about this type of style?

    It looks like a bunch of layored razors sitting on top of each other. But it also doesn't look like wax. When I put wax in my hair you can tell somethings in it (I use American Crew btw) their hair look clean but still holds a style. I don't get it.
    Welsh men always have great haircuts....Not like that tho

  14. #14
    gst528i's Avatar
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    So what barbers do people use? I havent had a haircut in 4 months lol hahah. Do you guys go to franchise or stylist or barber sho ( real barber shop )

  15. #15
    numbat's Avatar
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    I think a lot of what you can do with your hair depends directly on your hair type. Some people have fine hair, some coarse etc. I can't get the rock star look outta my hair it just doesn't take. Hence the reason i use a number 2 and whack the shit off

  16. #16
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    I actually have been to a barber once in the last 8 years and it was like 2 months ago just because my older brother forced me and paid for it.
    I told them to cut it a specific way and HATED what they did.

    After I was told it was one of the best shops in town.
    They don't even fade right, a proper fade doesn't start 2 inches above your brows which is what they did. Its the lazy quick bs way of doing one.

    I just got sick of the short fade look and grew my hair in for like a month. I want the messy looking razor style. The gel thing doesn't work for me because its too guido/greasy looking.
    But this is pretty much how mine use to look, I just did a lower fade because I hate the high fades.

    I have really dark & thick hair. Girls liked my hair before but its too standard and I see too many guys with it, a lot of guidos in particular and I want something more elegant but at the same time less serious looking.

    I just see very few dudes who really do something cool with their hair, like Joey from real world lol.

    Don't misunderstand though I think his styles called a "Joehawk" and I think the vertical parelleled spikes looks stupid.
    + I'm not digging the gel/grease look.

    BUT the sides and sideburns I like.
    Kinda how the hair protrudes in little spikes over the side of his face. Thats what I want to do but with a short/waxed/razor look.

    I'll keep at it till I get something I like.
    I have some new waxes to check out though which is cool. I was always told American Crew was the shit, but not one person seems to use it here.

  17. #17
    Prada's Avatar
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    I use american crew its good stuff.

  18. #18
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Awesome, I thought so too. Its gotta be that I'm just using wayy too much. So hard because all you really need is a tiny amount and I'm usually in a rush before I go out.

  19. #19
    Prada's Avatar
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    I have really thick hair and its a little wavy, not straight totally. ITs also stubborn so I have to use a strong wax. This is the one I use.

  20. #20
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prada View Post
    I have really thick hair and its a little wavy, not straight totally. ITs also stubborn so I have to use a strong wax. This is the one I use.

    Ok cool, my hair is the exact same. Real thick and wavy unless its wet where it looks pretty much straight.

    I guess the stronger waxes are just denser so it would make sense to try something like that out. Prob why I find myself using more of the weaker wax and fvcking it up actually.

  21. #21
    Prada's Avatar
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    Yeah, If I need or were to put my hair up like the last pic you posted I need something really strong and d:fi will do it. Even in a club it stay up. For a more relaxed style(like most of the other pics) then a mild wax will do. Thats for me

  22. #22
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
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    This thread has caught the gay.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  23. #23
    Polska's Avatar
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    The only hair accessory a real man needs is a hat

    This thread is too metrosexual for me...

  24. #24
    gst528i's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prada View Post
    I have really thick hair and its a little wavy, not straight totally. ITs also stubborn so I have to use a strong wax. This is the one I use.

    Where do u get that? I have same thick hair that wavy unless wet.

  25. #25
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    i'll never use anything but this stuff.

    a pea sized amount and i can style all my hair. its awesome.

  26. #26
    Tock's Avatar
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    You're limited by the way your hair grows to what you can do with it. If your hair is fine and lays down flat, you're not a candidate for a flat top. If your hair is coarse and grows perpindicular to your scalp, you'll never get it to lay flat, especially if you cut it short. If your head is covered with cowlicks, you'll never get it to do much of anything, unless you grow it out and slick it down with Elmer's glue.

    Instead of picking a photo out of a magazine of male models with hair styles possibly unsuitable for your physiology, why not find a competant barber and give him a few tries to make something you like out of it?

    Regardless . . . all those haircuts you posted were done by hairdressers. No self-respecting barber would ever cut hair like that. It's way too sloppy around the ears, for starters. And cutting hair with a razor damages hair more than it's worth--picture taking a 4 foot length of hose and trying to cut it by sliding a blade along its surface the way hairdressers slide razors along hair. You end up with a section of hair that's cut at a diagonal, and soon after it's cut, it starts to frizz out because it's been mortally wounded. Then when you go back for a trim, they can't do it right, because they end up slicing the hairs they previously left long much shorter, and don't cut the short hairs at all.
    There's a reason why razor cutting blew over as a fad.

    And the reason why the franchise hair joints can't cut worth a d--- is because they can't find barbers to work in those places, so they usually hire hairdressers right out of beauty school, where they don't teach clipper cutting, razor shaving, or men's haircuts. Sometimes the franchises will give the new beautyschool graduate a whole week training on how to use a clipper, and then when they put them to work, they give 'em a time limit, and fire 'em if they take too long.
    Most states require haircutters to wash their hands and sanitize their tools between haircuts for the same reasons doctors have to do the same thing, but most of the franchise places don't even have sinks with running water for them to comply with the law (does yours?) . . .

    There's lots and lots I could get into, but I'll just recommend that you either "do" your own hair, shave it off yourself, or find a sanitary barbershop with competent staff that can cut hair and won't give you cooties (or bacterial/fungus infections), and yes, it happens more than you think . . .

  27. #27
    firmechicano831's Avatar
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    just roll out of bed and women dig it. lol

  28. #28
    bd50's Avatar
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    yea i'm a metro-sexual here too...

    i use a green wax from walgreens called "molding wax",, cant remember the brand right now but its strong shiaat..

  29. #29
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Yo bro...I have some seriously coarse and uncooperative hair... For many years I rocked the 'blowout' very short, usually a number 4...Anyway, right now I'm doing a fauxhawk and its working out pretty good. The main thing I think you are looking for is a styled look without the look of gel being in it. The stuff I use is below, its perfect for wat ur tryin to do....

  30. #30
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox View Post
    This stuff rocks. It's by Joico.
    LOL i used to use that when i had the Ruhl i just shave it but i used to do the ruhl cut all the time.....very much like what paul walker has above

  31. #31
    Prada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gst528i View Post
    Where do u get that? I have same thick hair that wavy unless wet.
    On the web or upscale hair salon have it.

    Beware its good only for those who have thick hair and want a strong, very strong hold with a dry look.

  32. #32
    toobigforyou's Avatar
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    I use the American crew paste. I think they hold well and don't give that shiny look.

  33. #33
    thetank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    I've been cutting my hair for like 6 years and do a better job than any barber I've met. But I also just do the basic buzzer fades and what not.

    Lately I've grown obsessed with getting a new look. So today I was looking at some pics, tried my own. And even though it looks a THOUSAND times better I'm curious if anyone has thier hair like this and if they know what kind of cut their barber does, and if its just wax keeping the "razors" in the hair.

    I did a v cut with the comb/ scissors/ and a bit of wax. It looks awesome but not quite the celebrity look.

    Anyone know anything about this type of style?

    It looks like a bunch of layored razors sitting on top of each other. But it also doesn't look like wax. When I put wax in my hair you can tell somethings in it (I use American Crew btw) their hair look clean but still holds a style. I don't get it.
    dear jesus. mods can someone please merge this and the gay thread together.

  34. #34
    DADDYDBOL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock View Post
    You're limited by the way your hair grows to what you can do with it. If your hair is fine and lays down flat, you're not a candidate for a flat top. If your hair is coarse and grows perpindicular to your scalp, you'll never get it to lay flat, especially if you cut it short. If your head is covered with cowlicks, you'll never get it to do much of anything, unless you grow it out and slick it down with Elmer's glue.

    Instead of picking a photo out of a magazine of male models with hair styles possibly unsuitable for your physiology, why not find a competant barber and give him a few tries to make something you like out of it?

    Regardless . . . all those haircuts you posted were done by hairdressers. No self-respecting barber would ever cut hair like that. It's way too sloppy around the ears, for starters. And cutting hair with a razor damages hair more than it's worth--picture taking a 4 foot length of hose and trying to cut it by sliding a blade along its surface the way hairdressers slide razors along hair. You end up with a section of hair that's cut at a diagonal, and soon after it's cut, it starts to frizz out because it's been mortally wounded. Then when you go back for a trim, they can't do it right, because they end up slicing the hairs they previously left long much shorter, and don't cut the short hairs at all.
    There's a reason why razor cutting blew over as a fad.

    And the reason why the franchise hair joints can't cut worth a d--- is because they can't find barbers to work in those places, so they usually hire hairdressers right out of beauty school, where they don't teach clipper cutting, razor shaving, or men's haircuts. Sometimes the franchises will give the new beautyschool graduate a whole week training on how to use a clipper, and then when they put them to work, they give 'em a time limit, and fire 'em if they take too long.
    Most states require haircutters to wash their hands and sanitize their tools between haircuts for the same reasons doctors have to do the same thing, but most of the franchise places don't even have sinks with running water for them to comply with the law (does yours?) . . .

    There's lots and lots I could get into, but I'll just recommend that you either "do" your own hair, shave it off yourself, or find a sanitary barbershop with competent staff that can cut hair and won't give you cooties (or bacterial/fungus infections), and yes, it happens more than you think . . .

    wow Tock...good post

  35. #35
    DADDYDBOL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Yo bro...I have some seriously coarse and uncooperative hair... For many years I rocked the 'blowout' very short, usually a number 4...Anyway, right now I'm doing a fauxhawk and its working out pretty good. The main thing I think you are looking for is a styled look without the look of gel being in it. The stuff I use is below, its perfect for wat ur tryin to do....

    i steal this exact stuff from my girl every morning...

  36. #36
    Kingweb50's Avatar
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    i use the american crew fiber when I do my hair in the morning

  37. #37
    gst528i's Avatar
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    How the hell do you cut your own hair?

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kingweb50 View Post
    i use the american crew fiber when I do my hair in the morning
    Yeah the fiber is decent, not strong enough, albeit it is quite strong but good. I just dont like the pasty residue.

  39. #39
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    This belongs in the homo thread

  40. #40
    Prada's Avatar
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    Its not like the thread is titled: "How do you guys get a clean shave for your legs"

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