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  1. #1
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    steroid pic in members pics

    honestly i have seen pics of guys in the members pics who are juicing and doing several cycles with poor progress,even the ones who claim they gained 20 and more pounds are having much of it fat gains and i see people commenting good progress,i mean wtf ??i dont wanna mention names but from what i have seen its weird,they dont even have a good base,which i mean a good lean mature muscular development,i was thinking of juicing soon myself but i will tweak and improve mu diet and see what i can achieve with it and seriously i do believe that i have a good base now but i would be much happier if i reach my goals naturally,anyone noticed that..

  2. #2
    Darksyde's Avatar
    Darksyde is offline Member
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    those bastards!

  3. #3
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    I hate those assholes. Personally, i think the lack of progress is because the hop on the juice and start working on getting higher #'s on their lifts, which isnt bad, but all they do is essentially strength training and dont get any size.

    Side Note: I see it at the gym all the time. People looking like they weigh about 120 and are benching 225lbs... please.

  4. #4
    VTliftVT's Avatar
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    its bc they think aas is magic and they have no idea how to train or diet which should be placed first and foremost in the regimen. you can put premium fuel in the car but if you dont know how to drive, your not going anywhere.

  5. #5
    200byjune's Avatar
    200byjune is offline Senior Member
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    hold on. what? steroids wont get me big? what a rip off

  6. #6
    doolo's Avatar
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    I see alot of fatties going straight to bulking. Ugly stretched out mofos are ruining their physiques for liefe. You can never go back to 100% tight skin after being fat. I know, i got these ****ing little stretched out love handles from when i was a fatty. I had no idea it was not 100% irreversable.

  7. #7
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    the problem is that some people here on the board are encouraging them by comments,i look at it and find it weird when people are asking me to wait.

  8. #8
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy View Post
    the problem is that some people here on the board are encouraging them by comments,i look at it and find it weird when people are asking me to wait.

    Difference is they dont listen, and you do. They dont understand steroids just makes you a bigger version of your current self. So if your a big fattie.. youll be an even bigger fattie.

  9. #9
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdamGH View Post
    Difference is they dont listen, and you do. They dont understand steroids just makes you a bigger version of your current self. So if your a big fattie.. youll be an even bigger fattie.
    i know that they dont listen and even me maybe stubborn at times,what i mean is how come people on the board dont tell them to stop juicing or that they dont look good and need to diet down for example,i see that happening rarely,people say you should have a good base before turning to juice well 200 or more lbs at 5 11 or so aint a good base,its not about weight..

  10. #10
    pump.joe's Avatar
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    I tend to agree. I have seen threads like the ones you are describing. I don't get it.

  11. #11
    Chubbosaurus's Avatar
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    Yeah I don't understand it. There's a guy that posts here and at EF under the name RexKwonDo; he's 120 lbs with 15% bodyfat and wants to jump on a cycle (of four drugs no less) and plenty of people are supporting his decision and giving him advice about it.

  12. #12
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    it seems that peoples idea of a good physique is completely different,maybe thats why,not sure ..

  13. #13
    dannyh11's Avatar
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    arnie in the 70's was the ultimate physique

  14. #14
    wmrebel is offline Junior Member
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    im 5'11 and over 200 pounds and im solid !

  15. #15
    sephiroth is offline New Member
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    Im 185 lbs . 6.1 , with 7% bf , is it to early to start cycling

  16. #16
    TJM7275 is offline Banned
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    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    I think that anyone who post's a picture should be given a certain amount of respect and not given shit for it.

  17. #17
    pyrothehitman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chubbosaurus View Post
    Yeah I don't understand it. There's a guy that posts here and at EF under the name RexKwonDo; he's 120 lbs with 15% bodyfat and wants to jump on a cycle (of four drugs no less) and plenty of people are supporting his decision and giving him advice about it.
    well he is gonna do it no matter what....its stuck in his head that he needs steroids and no1 can convince him not all we can do is atleast tell him how to use gear more safely...jmo

  18. #18
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pyrothehitman View Post
    well he is gonna do it no matter what....its stuck in his head that he needs steroids and no1 can convince him not all we can do is atleast tell him how to use gear more safely...jmo
    thats right,everyone says his advice but we cant stop anyone from doing what he wants to,just give our opinion no more,the point is the encouraging comments ..

  19. #19
    NCNPC29 is offline Associate Member
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    I don't think it's anyone's place to pass judgment on another person based on your beliefs or perceptions of when someone should use AAS. I think the best thing to do is give them information so they can be as informed as possible before making their own personal life choice. Flaming people and withholding info. will most likely just push someone into using that you "feel" shouldn't. Just my opinion.

  20. #20
    HORSE~'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NCNPC29 View Post
    I don't think it's anyone's place to pass judgment on another person based on your beliefs or perceptions of when someone should use AAS. I think the best thing to do is give them information so they can be as informed as possible before making their own personal life choice. Flaming people and withholding info. will most likely just push someone into using that you "feel" shouldn't. Just my opinion.

    Where the FUCK have you been dude??

    I see your brother around a few times a week but haven't seen you on in forever....

    Glad to see you back Bro !!!!

  21. #21
    NCNPC29 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HORSE View Post
    Where the FUCK have you been dude??

    I see your brother around a few times a week but haven't seen you on in forever....

    Glad to see you back Bro !!!!
    What's up BRO! Thanks, Glad to be back!! Took a Hiatus from life! lololololol....Back now and looking forward to competing in 09!!!!!

  22. #22
    HORSE~'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NCNPC29 View Post
    What's up BRO! Thanks, Glad to be back!! Took a Hiatus from life! lololololol....Back now and looking forward to competing in 09!!!!!

    Right on brother good luck with it....

  23. #23
    Nicotine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy View Post
    honestly i have seen pics of guys in the members pics who are juicing and doing several cycles with poor progress,even the ones who claim they gained 20 and more pounds are having much of it fat gains and i see people commenting good progress,i mean wtf ??i dont wanna mention names but from what i have seen its weird,they dont even have a good base,which i mean a good lean mature muscular development,i was thinking of juicing soon myself but i will tweak and improve mu diet and see what i can achieve with it and seriously i do believe that i have a good base now but i would be much happier if i reach my goals naturally,anyone noticed that..
    why not worry about yourself, then what others are doing?

  24. #24
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    everywhere and nowhere
    sucks for each his own though.....

  25. #25
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    just goes to show that steroids arent magic. diet and proper training are much more important

  26. #26
    cfiler's Avatar
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    There will always be people using aas, when they haven't even put 1 year into the gym.

  27. #27
    Narkissos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy View Post
    the problem is that some people here on the board are encouraging them by comments

    "Good going bro"

    "Those abs look solid under that 20% bodyfat... They're just ready to poke tru... Cut it up and you'll be a beast"

    Doesn't matter that 'cut', the poster will be the same weight as they were before starting AAS... because all they did was stick a needle in their ass and eat KFC.


  28. #28
    Diary of a Mad-man's Avatar
    Diary of a Mad-man is offline Associate Member
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    Everyone agrees that under 21-ish is too early to start for medical reasons.

    Beyond that, who gives a shit if someone's "base looks awkward". People look different. I see ugly or fat people at the gym every day, but I dont think they should blow their brains out. Yeah, some idiots dont get max gains from their cycles. Lets go around burning down poor people's houses for not making the best of their lives.

    I thought everyone was hip to the fact that everyone else on the planet is a dumb ass-hole. Big deal.

    Some of the people who judge everyone on their appearance on here act like a bunch of females. I constantly hear it. Who goes to a board to make fun of peoples physiques?

    I'm gonna go change my tampon now.

  29. #29
    MFT81's Avatar
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    I also agree, I think that 95% of the people who post pics during/after cycles dont look that great considering they actually used steroids . And then its really ironic that guys who post pics that look really good are natural (acording to them, I know we cant prove that but you get the point)

    Im not flamming anyone who has ever posted a pic on here, im also not flamming anyone who has ever used as ive not posted a pic and have used some grey market stuff

    Im just saying that if I had to pic there physique vs mine id choose mine almost everytime........

  30. #30
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Narkissos* View Post

    "Good going bro"

    "Those abs look solid under that 20% bodyfat... They're just ready to poke tru... Cut it up and you'll be a beast"

    Doesn't matter that 'cut', the poster will be the same weight as they were before starting AAS... because all they did was stick a needle in their ass and eat KFC.

    Just make sure its tender roast chicken

  31. #31
    Skully44420's Avatar
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    the way i see it is if somebody is working out and trying to get in better shape/healthier then good for them...some people just don't have the best genetics or have let themselves go and then they decide that they are tired off looking the way they do and start doing something about it...i was looking at inky e's pic thread the other day and i'll say he is an inspiration to me...i was up to 280lbs a year ago and then was like yeah i look i started working out again and started doing cardio...i'm at about 250 right now and still have a bit of fat to burn off before i do a cycle...but hey atleast i'm doing it right?

  32. #32
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skully44420 View Post
    the way i see it is if somebody is working out and trying to get in better shape/healthier then good for them...some people just don't have the best genetics or have let themselves go and then they decide that they are tired off looking the way they do and start doing something about it...i was looking at inky e's pic thread the other day and i'll say he is an inspiration to me...i was up to 280lbs a year ago and then was like yeah i look i started working out again and started doing cardio...i'm at about 250 right now and still have a bit of fat to burn off before i do a cycle...but hey atleast i'm doing it right?
    Your missing the point of his thread. He is not flaming people for trying.

  33. #33
    Skully44420's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Your missing the point of his thread. He is not flaming people for trying.
    oh my bad LOL...i thought he was...i read it the other day and just never replied...sorry

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skully44420 View Post
    oh my bad LOL...i thought he was...i read it the other day and just never replied...sorry
    No need to apologize...just take me out for dinner.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    No need to apologize...just take me out for dinner.
    LOLOL ...i only like the brown starfish when theres a vagina right next to it

  36. #36
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skully44420 View Post
    LOLOL ...i only like the brown starfish when theres a vagina right next to it
    Ok we will let a chick watch us go at it then.

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