Only one way to sort out youth today....Make them see what real discipline is like and teach them respect the only way proven to work effectively

1,Take them away from their home

2, Make them live in billets in a base far far away

3, Have them rise at 4 a.m for a p.t session in the freezing cold, over tired and starving hungry.

4, Make them square bash for hours on end followed by more pt in the freezing cold or blistering heat

5, Let them know that they will eat when told and sleep when told, speak move breath shit when told.

6, Make them take care of them self's and how to orderly arrange their attire for inspection.

7, When unruly send them for a chat with the Staff Sergeant in the guard room for a day or two.

8, Make them sign up for 3 years or spend 10 in jail

9, Take them at 17 (if not in higher education)

10, Break them down and rebuild them....

11, Offer them a real chance at a career in the armed forces.

And finally......

12, Take them as boys, return them as men

I think this is the answer to the UK youth culture and total disregard for authority.
It worked years ago, why wont it work now?
The past few decades have proved that sending young criminals to jail time and time again does not work.