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  1. #1
    breacherup's Avatar
    breacherup is offline Associate Member
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    Caleb Campbell drafted by the Lions must serve in the Army first

    Caleb Campbell a West Point graduate who was drafted by the Detroit Lions in the seventh round will not be allowed to play in the NFL until he serves two years in the Army.
    I for one applaud this policy, if Lt. Campbell's biggest dream in life was to play in the NFL he should have attended LSU, Notre Dame, Ohio State or USC. Instead he took a spot at West Point, and there were hundreds of young men and women who would have gladly taken his place in what they call "The Long Grey Line". He received a world class education 100% free of charge and frankly I think two years is a small price to pay, even if that time is spent in Iraq or Afghanistan.
    To his credit Lt. Campbell doesn't seem to be whining about this, which is what I would expect from a West Point man.

  2. #2
    smokeyd's Avatar
    smokeyd is offline Grade A Whore/Banned
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    better keep his head on what he is doing at the moment

  3. #3
    stpete is offline Banned
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    My only question is the timing.

  4. #4
    N*E*R*D is offline Banned
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    Well i dont know him , but if he took up an education free of charge and he was expected to serve in the army for the priviledge of that , then yes he should serve

  5. #5
    lex57's Avatar
    lex57 is offline Senior Member
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    who else but the miserable lions.............................

  6. #6
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
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    the controversy here is that there are other recent graduates playing baseball and hockey that werent held to this policy. - according to espn radio

  7. #7
    wilson9d's Avatar
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  8. #8
    brewerpi's Avatar
    brewerpi is offline Associate Member
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    The Profession of Arms should not be a fallback position, something to do if you can't play in the NFL. I believe that our young soldiers deserve officers who are focused on the mission. I agree with breacherup that if football were Campbell's priority he should have attended any number of schools where he would not be taking a slot that could go to someone who wanted to do nothing else but serve as an officer in the Army.
    Last edited by brewerpi; 07-24-2008 at 07:58 PM. Reason: grammar

  9. #9
    firmechicano831's Avatar
    firmechicano831 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well good thing that he's a man and is going to do his 2 years.

  10. #10
    StoneGRMI's Avatar
    StoneGRMI is offline Giggity Giggity Giggty!
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    On one side of things the Army is in the wrong here. They reversed their initial rule passed in 2005 that would have allowed him to play football then do his time in other ways for the Army. If the Army wouldn't have said he could play in the first place he would have never entered his name into the NFL draft.

    On the other side, he did commit to his time and should live up to his contract.

    PS: I hate my Detroit Lions

  11. #11
    brewerpi's Avatar
    brewerpi is offline Associate Member
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    Good news you are a seventh round draft pick-Bad News it's Detroit.
    I once did a two week "ride along" with ATF and the US Marshals Service in Detroit and I have been to Iraq.
    I prefer Iraq-better ROE

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