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Thread: Getting scammed.

  1. #1

    Getting scammed.

    Well my bro i talk to in a other non aas forum wants to buy some prescription medication from a website (Anti depressants ) becasue he will not go to the doctors as he's embarrased, ive tried talking him round but thats a dead end. So im not bothering nomore.

    I told him ordering somethg illegal online that you have more chance of being scammed as there obviously unregulated (Even though the pharmacy site he's ordering from does look legit), so i told him im going to post here as some bro's here have been scammed in a similiar way and let them tell you that ordering drugs from a website that you dont know is a sure way too get scammed(Hoping too knock some sense into him)lol,
    His reasoning for using this particular site is that its registered in a country where its legal too purchase these drugs without a prescription and that its quite easy too get these drugs into the country as he lives in the U.K (Pretty good reasons as there true, so i cant knock him there).As also ive ordered my own gear in the exact same circumstances but they wasnt prescrip meds. And i trusted my source.
    So you advise him guys, and tell him your thoughts as i will be sending him the link.

    P.S. I have not named or posted the link to the site im talking about as im not sure on board rules as to posting a site that does prescription medication.
    Let me know if any of you guys know the rules.
    Last edited by N*E*R*D; 07-29-2008 at 08:50 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    i wouldnt worry so much about being scammed. But anti-d's would be the last thing i would want to take with out a script. There are loads of sides and different ones work different ways. Something not to play with

  3. #3
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    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i wouldnt worry so much about being scammed. But anti-d's would be the last thing i would want to take with out a script. There are loads of sides and different ones work different ways. Something not to play with
    You are FORTUNATE to get scammed this time. You have NO idea what you are getting into when it comes to psych drugs.

    You may be taking a anti-D for problems OTHER than his, and mess him up even worse! Without even meaning to do it.

    Your intentions are good, but could even end up deadly bro.

    If he won't go to the docs, then he is NOT to take drugs.

    How old is your brother?

    Go to Barns&Nobles and get a book by Eckhart Tolle called "The Power of NOW"

    I've read it when I had similar trouble. Things make more sense. I found answers to things I didn't even have questions for.

    It's safer than the mystery pill bro

    Make the right choice

  4. #4
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    Those are the last things I would buy online. If hes really dealing with depression why the hell wouldnt you go to a doctor? Just get help the right way.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by jokers99 View Post
    P.S. I have not named or posted the link to the site im talking about as im not sure on board rules as to posting a site that does prescription medication.
    Let me know if any of you guys know the rules.
    Rules? I know a few, thanks for not posting the link.

  6. #6
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    the three oh!
    One thing is viagra or cialis, but when it comes to mental wellbeing and health...NO fukking way, not me.

  7. #7
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    i dont really see why nooo fukking way, because i know when i went to a doctor he just threw em at me, if i didnt like em he threw some other ones at me haha

  8. #8
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    1) You are not your brother. The reaction WILL be different from your own.
    2) Before prescripts, get a psychological evaluation.

    If you have the chance to NOT FVCK SOMETHING UP, DONT.

  9. #9
    Well he's read all this and he's said he's having second thoughts now, so hopefully mission accomplished. Thanks guys

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    no way in hell would i take something like that without seeing a doctor first...just tell him its way too dangerous and not to be embarassed because its something millions of people deal with and its nothing to be embarassed about

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