Well my bro i talk to in a other non aas forum wants to buy some prescription medication from a website (Anti depressants ) becasue he will not go to the doctors as he's embarrased, ive tried talking him round but thats a dead end. So im not bothering nomore.
I told him ordering somethg illegal online that you have more chance of being scammed as there obviously unregulated (Even though the pharmacy site he's ordering from does look legit), so i told him im going to post here as some bro's here have been scammed in a similiar way and let them tell you that ordering drugs from a website that you dont know is a sure way too get scammed(Hoping too knock some sense into him)lol,
His reasoning for using this particular site is that its registered in a country where its legal too purchase these drugs without a prescription and that its quite easy too get these drugs into the country as he lives in the U.K (Pretty good reasons as there true, so i cant knock him there).As also ive ordered my own gear in the exact same circumstances but they wasnt prescrip meds. And i trusted my source.
So you advise him guys, and tell him your thoughts as i will be sending him the link.
P.S. I have not named or posted the link to the site im talking about as im not sure on board rules as to posting a site that does prescription medication.
Let me know if any of you guys know the rules.