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  1. #1
    arenawarrior is offline Banned
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    I hate cardio but..

    But its a must.. im trying to cut down more body fat before i start cycle.
    I go to bed at 9:00pm and wake up well try to wake up at 6:00am to go run but end up keep hitting the snooze till 7am. Then hop in shower and go to work.

    I blame my girlfriend for turning me into a old man and going to bed so early ( im 22)

    Any tricks you have to get the motivation to get outta bed?

    Any spray scents that are like an alarm that get you up?
    Nodoz (caf pills) by bedside and take one when u snooze it?

    I have to learn quickly because fall semister starts again soon and ill be working and school full time and my classes will END at 9-10pm then i gotta study and then sleep around midnight.

    THEN wake up.. ill die!


  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    considering where you posted this, you should humor me and slide a steroid question in somewhere.

  3. #3
    Jakspro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    considering where you posted this, you should humor me and slide a steroid question in somewhere.
    Bahahaha - Witty as usual my friend.

    Now, as far as waking up in the morning, honestly, you have to learn to love cardio. Ya, you hear it all the time: Your desire for change must be greater that your acceptance of complacency. When your alarm goes off, think of a mental image of our goals, realizing that in order to achieve them you have to wake up, should motivate you enough.

    I'm in a similar situation - bed at midnight, alarm at 6:30, 25 min snooze, wake up. What works best for me is a long snooze period. I think of it like a grace period. If I'm really really tired I'll take the whole 25 min snooze, if not I'll just try to keep my eyes open for about 5 min. After that I'm completely refreshed.

  4. #4
    RANA's Avatar
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    Great cycle and PCT...LOL ???????????????????????????

  5. #5
    arenawarrior is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    considering where you posted this, you should humor me and slide a steroid question in somewhere.
    i want to wake up.. so i can shot up..

    Thanks big =)

  6. #6
    arenawarrior is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jakspro View Post
    Bahahaha - Witty as usual my friend.

    Now, as far as waking up in the morning, honestly, you have to learn to love cardio. Ya, you hear it all the time: Your desire for change must be greater that your acceptance of complacency. When your alarm goes off, think of a mental image of our goals, realizing that in order to achieve them you have to wake up, should motivate you enough.

    I'm in a similar situation - bed at midnight, alarm at 6:30, 25 min snooze, wake up. What works best for me is a long snooze period. I think of it like a grace period. If I'm really really tired I'll take the whole 25 min snooze, if not I'll just try to keep my eyes open for about 5 min. After that I'm completely refreshed.

    you sound exactly like me.. i snooze 5 mins at a time.. for like 30 mins.. Maybe push my snooze backa bit more.. Or keep my eyes open like you said..

    I posted my cycle yesterday with my diet.. just fine tuning things before i start sometime next week after vacation ( ill be getting drunk every day with my girlfriend in san diego)

  7. #7
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by arenawarrior View Post
    But its a must.. im trying to cut down more body fat before i start cycle.
    I go to bed at 9:00pm and wake up well try to wake up at 6:00am to go run but end up keep hitting the snooze till 7am. Then hop in shower and go to work.

    I blame my girlfriend for turning me into a old man and going to bed so early ( im 22)

    Any tricks you have to get the motivation to get outta bed?

    Any spray scents that are like an alarm that get you up?
    Nodoz (caf pills) by bedside and take one when u snooze it?

    I have to learn quickly because fall semister starts again soon and ill be working and school full time and my classes will END at 9-10pm then i gotta study and then sleep around midnight.

    THEN wake up.. ill die!

    The only one who can motivate you, is YOU! You need to look in the mirror, take the screw out of your head, and go for it! Take yesterday for example. I was exhausted after work. I wanted nothing more than to get on the couch, relax and watch the Olympics. But then I looked in the mirror and said "Are you 100% happy at what you see"? I got my ass on my bike and road almost 20 miles.

  8. #8
    Freakish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BUYLONGTERM View Post
    The only one who can motivate you, is YOU! You need to look in the mirror, take the screw out of your head, and go for it! Take yesterday for example. I was exhausted after work. I wanted nothing more than to get on the couch, relax and watch the Olympics. But then I looked in the mirror and said "Are you 100% happy at what you see"? I got my ass on my bike and road almost 20 miles.
    I like that bro!!!! ITS ALL YOU!!!!you gotta own that road honestly what did he want a magic pill to get motivated enough so he can take other magic pills??not gonna happen

  9. #9
    arenawarrior is offline Banned
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    im just not a morning person.. im sure there are others who arent.. and what they do to get up lol.

  10. #10
    Freakish's Avatar
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    yip lots of peeps arent morning people but they force themselves outta bed instead of hitting that snooze button!once you up and training you feel great

  11. #11
    arenawarrior is offline Banned
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    ya... i liek the idea of moving my snooze back.. or keeping my eyes open for 5 minutes.. sounds like a good plan

  12. #12
    passthetest's Avatar
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    Not many steroids can help you wake up...look in the showering section

  13. #13
    arenawarrior is offline Banned
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    im not talking about steroids .. im talking about waking up to do cardio.. sigh.. guess steroids **** your brain also.

  14. #14
    itraylor is offline Junior Member
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    I wake up at 4 AM and though it sucks the actual trick is to just get up. Once you get up and start moving just knock out the cardio. The trick is to just get up! Once you see the results you may be a little more motivated. An alternative is to just knock out cardio when you are done working out, thats what I do. Just keep it moderate so you dont become catabolic. Good luck.

  15. #15
    arenawarrior is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by itraylor View Post
    I wake up at 4 AM and though it sucks the actual trick is to just get up. Once you get up and start moving just knock out the cardio. The trick is to just get up! Once you see the results you may be a little more motivated. An alternative is to just knock out cardio when you are done working out, thats what I do. Just keep it moderate so you dont become catabolic. Good luck.
    thanks ha.. thats what i was thinking.. after work out..

  16. #16
    Phate's Avatar
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    try drinking a ton of fluid right before you go to sleep, then set your alarm for 645 650 655 700 ,use your cell phone if you have to, by the second or third time you hit the snooze button your gonna have to piss like a racehorse

    also you could sleep with your cellphone in your hand, the loudness close to your body coupled with the vibration should startle you awake and get your heart racing

  17. #17
    arenawarrior is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    try drinking a ton of fluid right before you go to sleep, then set your alarm for 645 650 655 700 ,use your cell phone if you have to, by the second or third time you hit the snooze button your gonna have to piss like a racehorse

    also you could sleep with your cellphone in your hand, the loudness close to your body coupled with the vibration should startle you awake and get your heart racing
    Phate.. your always great with advice.

    I use my cell.. and use the MOST ANNOYING ring for alarm.. But its far away i should just sleep with it next to my ear.

  18. #18
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    you sleep 9 hours and its not enough? is your morning cardio carb depleted?

  19. #19
    T_Own's Avatar
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    i think the new balance "love running" commercials are good inspiration so they got me going earlier this summer getting ready for soccer.

    but don't worry, i'm not a morning person either, i have to set my alarm for 11 haha.

  20. #20
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Face it, if being big and cut was easy then everyone would be that way. This sport is all about self discipline and the people who excel at it have mastered that aspect of it. There are always a thousand reasons why you can sleep and extra hour, skip a meal or convince yourself you really dont need to do those last two reps in the squat rack. If you cant motivate yourself to get out of bed to do cardio you should probably find a different hobby or just be content with yourself exactly how you are.

  21. #21
    arenawarrior is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Face it, if being big and cut was easy then everyone would be that way. This sport is all about self discipline and the people who excel at it have mastered that aspect of it. There are always a thousand reasons why you can sleep and extra hour, skip a meal or convince yourself you really dont need to do those last two reps in the squat rack. If you cant motivate yourself to get out of bed to do cardio you should probably find a different hobby or just be content with yourself exactly how you are.
    Thats true.. but im also not looking to get into body building or strength training. ive done sports all my life, football, rugby, wrestling ( waking up at 4am to get to the mat, by 6am)

    Put on a plastic bag and run to loose those 6oz of water weight.

    But i was conditioned to wake up that early i busted my knee and got outta shape.. only reason im doing a cycle is because im lazy..

    I dont want to spead the months and months to get into the shape I was when i can roid and get to where I was.

    The hardest part of anything is the first 3 weeks, because then you get in a routine. IE: You set your alarm for 7am, you wake up that way for 3 weeks and you start waking up before your alarm goes off because your body is use to it.

    Eat right, take a shot twice a week, lift hard for 3 months. and then maintain and look great..

    or I can eat right, lift hard for a year.. and should be close to where i was?

    People want instant gratification, im not like anyone else. You want results now.. reason why you roid.

  22. #22
    Freakish's Avatar
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    not really bro,alot of guys have reached their natural potential from years of dedication and cant gain anymore natty thats why they use gear

  23. #23
    Freakish's Avatar
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    but as u said it'l take 3wks of forcing urself to wake up and then it'l be routine!3wks is just a drop in the ocean,so get it done bro!goodluck

  24. #24
    QuadPower's Avatar
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    One rude way to force yourself to get up... make sure your alarm is at the farthest corner of your room from where you sleep. The point is to have to get up and walk a little before you shut that alarm.

    Trust me, it's extremely irritating, but for me personally, once I'm up and moving I manage to not get back in bed.

    Another thing, try to go to bed as early as possible, even if it means not pissing away time on the internet. The longer you sleep, the less tired you feel in the morning, which means the easier it is to wake up.

  25. #25
    arenawarrior is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freakish View Post
    but as u said it'l take 3wks of forcing urself to wake up and then it'l be routine!3wks is just a drop in the ocean,so get it done bro!goodluck


  26. #26
    Ostrich's Avatar
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    Cant believe everyone is giving advise when we dont even know his stats.

  27. #27
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ostrich View Post
    Cant believe everyone is giving advise when we dont even know his stats.
    He's asking for advice on getting up

  28. #28
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by arenawarrior View Post
    Thats true.. but im also not looking to get into body building or strength training. ive done sports all my life, football, rugby, wrestling ( waking up at 4am to get to the mat, by 6am)

    Put on a plastic bag and run to loose those 6oz of water weight.

    But i was conditioned to wake up that early i busted my knee and got outta shape.. only reason im doing a cycle is because im lazy..

    I dont want to spead the months and months to get into the shape I was when i can roid and get to where I was.

    The hardest part of anything is the first 3 weeks, because then you get in a routine. IE: You set your alarm for 7am, you wake up that way for 3 weeks and you start waking up before your alarm goes off because your body is use to it.

    Eat right, take a shot twice a week, lift hard for 3 months. and then maintain and look great..

    or I can eat right, lift hard for a year.. and should be close to where i was?

    People want instant gratification, im not like anyone else. You want results now.. reason why you roid.
    w/o diet and training figured out how far do you think you will go on 2 shots per week? If you had these perfectly developed you would go further w/ just the changes in diet and training then you would on any amount of gear.

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