View Poll Results: Do you trust cops?

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  1. #41
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bd50 View Post
    cops dont get a dime from tickets they write. it all gets split between the city, county, state, dmv.

    now if they go to court on a ticket that is being contested, then they make overtime.
    Where does their salary come from? Do police departments have money trees inside them that they pick $100 bills from on payday to pay all the cops?

  2. #42
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE WHO View Post
    you have to look very close at a man or women who wants power over there fellow citizens
    " they are traders among us".
    +1 Well put.

  3. #43
    wascaptain5214 is offline Senior Member
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    cops are just people, some good, some bad. i worked along side with some, again some good, some bad. but do i trust know way too many untrustworthy ones. the same ones that poke there ass every day, will bust a bro for doing the same thing.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Voice of Reason View Post
    I trust cops... One time there was a cop, a man struggling with his marriage, got trapped in a high-rise building by a gang of "terrorists" planning a major robbery. The terrorists were holding me and many of the employees hostage, including his wife. This New York City police officer, battled the terrorists, while arguing with the deputy LAPD chief, who was leading dozens of LAPD officers who were unable to do much to stop the terrorists. Eventually, this cop managed to save me and most of the hostages while killing most of the terrorists and thwarting their plan. That cop was awesome I'll never forget him.

    Its all coming back to me now....think i was a hostage too.

    Yippee-ki-yay, motherfuncker!

  5. #45
    sooners04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    Everything is about one give respect you receive it and vice versa.... I voted yes, but it boils down to that for me. It can be a fully decorated badge or a homeless person and even a type of criminal that uses juice, it really boils down to respect given to one another in conversation.
    PERFECT answer, can't get anymore perfect than that. You hit it on the nose!!

  6. #46
    sooners04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 40plusnewbie View Post
    Where does their salary come from? Do police departments have money trees inside them that they pick $100 bills from on payday to pay all the cops?
    It's called taxes from the businesses in the city that pay for city/county employees which pays for fire departments, city roads dep etc.... and only $.11 of every dollar goes to ALL city employees, while $.51 goes to the schools. ALL the money from tickets goes to the schools in Nebraska except $2 that goes to the Law Enforcement Academy.

  7. #47
    MuscleSportMag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bd50 View Post

    now if they go to court on a ticket that is being contested, then they make overtime.
    This is not accurate. In most cases, cops are not allowed to incur OT to go to traffic court and will actually have their shift changed or modified so that will not happen.

  8. #48
    NATE0406's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5ifthCitizen View Post
    the end
    haha.. most times cops go to court when they are on duty bro. so no they are not making overtime. you protesting some dumb ass charge that you are prolly guilty of and taking a cop off the street for a few hours thats about all that is happening. not only that but the mojority of cops are on salary.

  9. #49
    sooners04's Avatar
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    Your both right and wrong. Cops CAN get paid OT if they are off duty and the department is okay with it. Otherwise they get nothing if on duty and they can adjust their schedule accordingly.

  10. #50
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sooners04 View Post
    It's called taxes from the businesses in the city that pay for city/county employees which pays for fire departments, city roads dep etc.... and only $.11 of every dollar goes to ALL city employees, while $.51 goes to the schools. ALL the money from tickets goes to the schools in Nebraska except $2 that goes to the Law Enforcement Academy.
    Is there a higher authority than the cops that also works for da gubament, and therefore also gets paid by da gubament that tells the cops or the cops bosses to bring in no less than x ammt of $ from tickets?

    What would happen if the police department in your town and the 9 closest towns to you all of a sudden stopped turning in any traffic tickets? Do you think anyone would notice? Do you think anyone would be upset? Why?

    Let me tell you why, tickets are a TAX. Gubament taxes or gubament doesn't exist. If a group of cops whose job it is in part to write tickets stop writing tickets for any length of time they will be punnished and eventually transferred or fired.

    I don't care if the money from tickets goes into gubament box A and money from toll booths goes into money box B and money from gas tax goes into money box C...gubament works together and someone is gonna get chewed out if the police stop bringing in TAXES via TICKETS.

  11. #51
    sooners04's Avatar
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    ALL but two dollars goes to the school and it is against the law to make cops write tickets. I can't remember the last "ticket" I've written, but I can still make traffic stops. It's against the law to punish cops for not writing tickets.

  12. #52
    MuscleSportMag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sooners04 View Post
    Your both right and wrong. Cops CAN get paid OT if they are off duty and the department is okay with it. Otherwise they get nothing if on duty and they can adjust their schedule accordingly.
    Tell that to the NYPD.

  13. #53
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sooners04 View Post
    ALL but two dollars goes to the school and it is against the law to make cops write tickets. I can't remember the last "ticket" I've written, but I can still make traffic stops. It's against the law to punish cops for not writing tickets.
    That even makes me like cops LESS as a whole. I figured they HAD to do it. Now I learn they CHOOSE to do it.

    Some kid going 90 on the highway, fine.
    Someone going 45 in a residential area with lots of kids, fine.
    But seat belt tickets and cell phone tickets and speeding tickets on the highway when people are going with the flow of traffic and it is by their CHOICE? They dont have to make any quota? Their boss never made reference to getting up the ticket numbers next month?

    That is another KNOCK for cops in my book.

    And like I said before, if cops jobs were simply kept to responding to reports of violence and to reports of property crime I doubt very many people would dislike them (only wife beaters and bank robbers, and thieves, and violent bullies).

    In fact if cops were kept to the tasks of dealing with property crimes and crimes of violence everyone would LOVE them as they are rapid responders to life threatening situations, putting themselves in harms way to save a stranger and catch a villian. That makes them hero's.

    But when they give teenagers shit for smoking grass and bark at drivers while giving tickets treating them like dogs, and are completely unapproachable on the street for casual chat and typically have a look about them like they are a prison guard on duty on one of the tears in a maximum security prison....they are acting like the general public is the enemy.

  14. #54
    sooners04's Avatar
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    When I pull someone over I am looking for more than just whatever the initial stop was for. Most cops I know are like this. They stop someone for speeding and look for warrants, suspended license odor of alcoholic beverage/drugs etc.... At least at my department there are few who write actual citations. As far as personalities go, most cops have NONE, so regardless if they are working or not, they are probably just unapproachable ALL the time.

  15. #55
    sooners04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleSportMag View Post
    Tell that to the NYPD.
    Like I said, if the department is okay with it. Im sure NYPD's budget can't handle THAT much overtime so they have to adjust. The union contract was agreed on that my department will pay for court time.

  16. #56
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sooners04 View Post
    When I pull someone over I am looking for more than just whatever the initial stop was for. Most cops I know are like this. They stop someone for speeding and look for warrants, suspended license odor of alcoholic beverage/drugs etc.... At least at my department there are few who write actual citations. As far as personalities go, most cops have NONE, so regardless if they are working or not, they are probably just unapproachable ALL the time.
    So then your admitting that pulling people over is a SCAM to invade their privacy. That's another mark against them.
    If they are swearving all over the road, or racing through a residential neighborhood, fine. But profiling or pulling people over for stupid crap, or worse...following them because in your opinion they are 'suspicious' and waiting until they make some minor infraction with traffic law that harms no one and using that as an excuse to invade their privacy, your original goal as soons as you seen bad dude.

    If someone looks suspicious run their plate. If it doesn't come back stolen or the owner isn't a felon, move the f on and leave us people alone.

  17. #57
    sooners04's Avatar
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    Pulling them over for speeding or ANY traffic violation is absolutely legal and fine. Im just saying Im not going to give someone a ticket for having a headlight out. I don't follow anyone, if they are committing a violation then Ill stop them. Even if I run their plate and they are a felon I don't care unless they are committing a traffic violation. Timothy McVey, the bomber from Oklahoma City years ago was caught because he had a taillight out, and 99% of the drunks I arrest are from stopping them doing the things you call stupid.

  18. #58
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    And again, I've been busting on cops quite a bit here. But keep in mind that I have had drugs planted on me and threatened to keep my mouth shut about it. I have been held in handcuffs (without offering ANY resistance) and beaten unconscious. I was not charged with a crime of violence or a property crime (and the sarge withdrew the drug charge).

    Another time I was slammed to the pavement face first while cuffed and played 'waffle face with'. Then transferred to some other cop buddies of theirs so I was taken to Roxbury, MA and put in with the gang members back in the 80's when shit was bad in that area with gangs and murders, real bad. That was after they permanently disfigured me by smashing my face into the cage going 70 and slamming on the breaks. My charge? Disorderly conduct. I was drunk and talking loud on a street corner.

    Another time during an interrogation a cop pretended to plant a pill bottle on me to see if he could agitate me. He pointed to the exit and dared me to run.

    If cops were confined to responding to crimes of violence and property crimes (theft) EVERYONE would LOVE them. But no, they need to be in everyones business trying to toss cars all the time to find substances that 2 adults chose to exchange product for money.
    And the drug war increased violence massively. Many cops killed, not because of class 1 and 2 drug sales, but because of class 1 and 2 drug sales UNDER PROHIBITION.

    Tell me why I sould not listen to everything these cops, ex dea, narcotics officers, etc say about the failure of the drug war:

    the video is free and about 1/2 way down the page on the right hand side.

  19. #59
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sooners04 View Post
    Pulling them over for speeding or ANY traffic violation is absolutely legal and fine. Im just saying Im not going to give someone a ticket for having a headlight out. I don't follow anyone, if they are committing a violation then Ill stop them. Even if I run their plate and they are a felon I don't care unless they are committing a traffic violation. Timothy McVey, the bomber from Oklahoma City years ago was caught because he had a taillight out, and 99% of the drunks I arrest are from stopping them doing the things you call stupid.
    It might be legal, but not 'fine' in my book. Owning and beating slaves used to be legal. Legal does not make something right or good.

    And rolling through a stop sign going 1 mph is not dangerous at all. If you have reason to believe they are intoxicated based on the way they are driving, as in they are driving unsteady/erratic then fine, but they don't have to drive like a scared 70yo lady to be a safe driver.

    Im a very agressive driver. Don't speed much but drive agressively in a city known for agressive drivers. I have not caused an accident in over 20 years.

  20. #60
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    And if you're argument is that they come around and harass you for "no reason," then where are you making yourself available to them to do so? If it's that street corner where all sorts of trouble seems to emanate from, then it may be time to find a better place to spend your time.
    I got a warning ticket for driving at the posted speed limit, from a Sherriff's deputy in a bitty town in east Texas. The idiot didn't like my long hair, and most likely pulled me over because of my long hair.
    Another time I got pulled over for riding a moped in a city park. Cop made me walk heel-to-toe on a painted line to see if I was drunk (of course not!) . . .
    An unmarked TV van filmed a Dallas cop who picked a gay guy at random (in the gay neighborhood) and beat the living s--- out of him. Made great TV, but the guy had a few broken bones. Was a huge scandal for the cops . . .
    A few other Dallas cops framed a bunch of innocent people by passing powdered sheetrock as drugs, and a bunch of people ended up in jail for a few years, until the fraud was exposed.

    Not all cops are like that, but enough of them are to make me not trust 'em.

  21. #61
    sooners04's Avatar
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    Well if I can take a drunk driver off the road just because he ran through a stop sign then I might have just saved a life. Maybe you don't like the reason I stopped him/her but I got a drunk off the road. Not every drunk swerves or drives erratic, I've never arrested someone because they were swerving or driving erratically.

  22. #62
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    I just have no reason to not trust cops....

  23. #63
    bd50's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 40plusnewbie View Post
    And again, I've been busting on cops quite a bit here. But keep in mind that I have had drugs planted on me and threatened to keep my mouth shut about it. I have been held in handcuffs (without offering ANY resistance) and beaten unconscious. I was not charged with a crime of violence or a property crime (and the sarge withdrew the drug charge).

    Another time I was slammed to the pavement face first while cuffed and played 'waffle face with'. Then transferred to some other cop buddies of theirs so I was taken to Roxbury, MA and put in with the gang members back in the 80's when shit was bad in that area with gangs and murders, real bad. That was after they permanently disfigured me by smashing my face into the cage going 70 and slamming on the breaks. My charge? Disorderly conduct. I was drunk and talking loud on a street corner.

    Another time during an interrogation a cop pretended to plant a pill bottle on me to see if he could agitate me. He pointed to the exit and dared me to run.

    If cops were confined to responding to crimes of violence and property crimes (theft) EVERYONE would LOVE them. But no, they need to be in everyones business trying to toss cars all the time to find substances that 2 adults chose to exchange product for money.
    And the drug war increased violence massively. Many cops killed, not because of class 1 and 2 drug sales, but because of class 1 and 2 drug sales UNDER PROHIBITION.

    Tell me why I sould not listen to everything these cops, ex dea, narcotics officers, etc say about the failure of the drug war:

    the video is free and about 1/2 way down the page on the right hand side.
    ok bro, so u were fukked up by a few bad/dirty cops,,, get over it, it's happened to a few of us in different ways.. sue the city/police dept if you can. not all cops are dirty like that. if they were to get caught, they DO GET JAIL TIME, trust me.

    i had a bad surgeon scar up my stomach during what should have been a simple "out-patient" procedure. sooo does that mean i will never trust any doctor, or seek medical attention when my family or i need to??


    Last edited by bd50; 08-14-2008 at 10:57 PM.

  24. #64
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    I dont mind cops at all, they are not where the hypocrisy is. It is in our policies as a whole. I was watching real vice cops or some show on SPIKE TV. I was watching them spend my tax dollars on busting a small time petty criminal for selling his prescription drugs. He is looking at a manditory 25 years in prison. Now you cant tell me that after 25 years in jail he will be better for society and rehabilitated. That is hypocrisy at its finest.

  25. #65
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bd50 View Post

    i had a bad surgeon scar up my stomach during what should have been a simple "out-patient" procedure. sooo does that mean i will never trust any doctor, or seek medical attention when my family or i need to??

    There is no 'hospital wall of silence' where your reports would be altered saying you refused to submit to anestisia and started attacking a nurse and were injured as a result of that, NOT bad surgery. And when interviewd the dozen or so at the hospital who knew the dr screwed up would not lie their asses off, disregarding your rights even though you were the victim, as a matter of routine they way all cops do.

    Citizen review boards for ALL police departments!

  26. #66
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    I dont mind cops at all, they are not where the hypocrisy is. It is in our policies as a whole. I was watching real vice cops or some show on SPIKE TV. I was watching them spend my tax dollars on busting a small time petty criminal for selling his prescription drugs. He is looking at a manditory 25 years in prison. Now you cant tell me that after 25 years in jail he will be better for society and rehabilitated. That is hypocrisy at its finest.
    If your smart enough to know this I would hope that cops would be as well. Looks like a clear case where they should have overlooked it to me.

    btw private prison industries have lobbiests who lobby congress for mandatory minimum sentences and increased time for all sorts of crime. They are for profit prisons so the more laws they can influence being passed that gets the most ppl in jail for the longest ammt of time is their goal as a prison corporation. That is where their profit comes from.

  27. #67
    Crest is offline Senior Member
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    i got a speeding ticket the other day because there was a officer with a speed gun standing 500 meters up the road from a static speed camera, catching people acceleration up by a couple of miles per hour after the speed trap, what a ****ing rip off

  28. #68
    Crest is offline Senior Member
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    its not so much the officers (in most cases) is the policies and other crap that they follow or get told to do that i dont trust

  29. #69
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    hell no. they are human just like everyone else. with their faults and such. no way. i dont trust anyone but my own mother. plain and simple.

  30. #70
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    I dont have a record.

    Cops are assholes throughout the entire courthouse when I go to Jury duty.

    Cops are assholes every time I go to a football game (sober or not). Either in the stadium or from my parking spot to the front gates.

    Cops are assholes when your mom has a seizure and breaks her nose falling on the back porch. They search under your bed for your father who is out of town, who may have beat her ass.

    Cops are assholes when I am downtown or at the beach, minding my own business, telling me to "get the **** out of here" because its 2:00 am, and I am standing there waiting for my girlfriend to come out of the building.

    Cops were assholes when my house caught on fire.

    Cops are assholes just when I have to be within 2 ft of them at the gym.

    Cops are definitely assholes when they pull you over, but the Razorback, Cubby, Five-O, nut hugger will tell you thats my fault because I was in the wrong for speeding on the interstate (cops speed through my neighborhood).

    Cops are assholes

    Is it there jobs to be assholes? Or is it just a coincidence? Should I trust an asshole? Nah.
    Last edited by Diary of a Mad-man; 08-15-2008 at 10:36 AM.

  31. #71
    Flex-Appeal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    define trust.
    the definition of trust is....Two cannibal's giving each other a blow job!

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Most people who hate cops are criminals or have been at one time.
    and some of us are minorities in the south and have been treated like criminals at one time or another.

  33. #73
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    good rule of thumb: Don't trust them, keep your mouth shut if you're under any scrutiny, lawyer up.

  34. #74
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    Cops in my country, specially in my region, are the new caciques.
    I don't trust them, I don't like them and they should be removed and bring back the old cops, who where incopetent but al least they didn't go ballistic for no reason and constatly use verbal and fisical violence just to show how though they are and win some respect which they don't have and will never have.

  35. #75
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
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    Off duty: they are just like you and i. On duty: complete piles of shit

    I initially thought police were good guys and pretty normal on duty, however over time i found this not to be the case. I have been thrown against a wall for saying '**** you officer' by a policeman, even though i was referring to my friend who just got his officer card for the army and didnt even realize he was there. All the subsequent times they sit there and try and ask you questions so that you implicate yourself in a crime. I was charged with a lot of crap because my friend sung like a ****ing canary, only to get it thrown out by the crown attorney of all people. Apparently, they dont have to tell you that you have the right to remain silent until after you are arrested.

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