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  1. #81
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    I think I finally see where 40plus is coming from, conceptually at least.

    I was not around back then so I can't compare cops at that point to cops now. So I have to judge cops from my birth which was after the war on drugs started.

    If I saw a universal decline in the way cops were, I might be the same way.
    But in my lifetime, I have to respect cops, because they don't make the laws, so I can't put *any* blame on them.

    But I also have to wonder is it *just cops that changed, or society as a whole?
    Cops prob were better and more polite, but I bet citizens were too. (before WOD)

    So when you fast forward to this point, society as a whole being worse, cops being worse, sure it makes sense from that perspective, cops are worse than what they were. But I also don't believe cops can behave like they use to, and that theres a great reason why they changed.

    And that reason has nothing to do with cops being bad, but the system as a whole being corrupt, and cops simply being pawns of the system.
    In that respect, cops are good people.
    They keep society civil.
    And we need them more then any aspect of society to keep the little bit of peace and order we have in our daily lives. So if you have anything bad to say about cops (which is what this whole thread is about) maybe should imagine what your life would be w/out them, realistically. Than you should try practicing some humility for what they actually do an a daily basis.

    and after that, protest the war on drugs and end up on youtube like the girl this thread was about.
    I just wrote a long response that timed out so this is going to be more brief. Imagine if your job was to protect people from violence and theft (or do what you could in that regard) and drugs were as legal as alcohol or cigarettes. No guns to protect them. No sellin of them in the projects (no jackass dropout can compete with CVS). No dealer buyer disputes that erupt into violence. No scanning for potential users. Your sole worry would be the behavior of people, if they are endangering themselves or others.

    That would free up a hell of a lot of time for police training, weight lifting, schooling, practice drills, public relations, etc.

    And then 10% of the population (all hardcore and occasional drug users) would not be the 'enemy'. They would be people with problems, candidates for medical treatment or drug treatment.

    No more drug dealers in the ghetto, they cant compete wiht CVS any more than they can compete with CVS now. Drastic drop in volence over drug issues. Sure, there are still going to be fiends who wind up dead, but not from hot shots and not from imporperly mixed batches because the H dealer got distracted while mixing and had 1/2 of his product super potent and the other half almost all cut.

    And the way it is now with drugs both the seller and the buyer want to keep their activities secret from the police. If there are disputes they don't want to involve the police because extra charges can be put on them. If it was legal they could readily call the police for help.

    CVS could be passing out narcan shots with H to reduce od's. They could also pass out health info flyers for educational purposes.

    And just like i don't stop off at the liquor store before work to pick up a pint of whiskey, I'm not gonna stop off at the pharmacy to pick up some H before work either. Are you?

    No matter what we do 1% of the populatioin is going to be addicted to drugs. Jails don't help them, they make them worse. Let doctors help them the best they can and focus cops energy on protecting citizens from violence and thefts. That is the cops specialty and that is what eveyone loves about cops.

  2. #82
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    I'm not sure exactly what we were arguing about anymore.

    I agree with that 100%. Jails def DO NOT help drug addicts and its a shame what they actually wind up doing to them in the long run.
    But what we were arguing about?

    I don't know anymore lol. I think what the worst part of everything you say is the fact that it makes so much logical sense, & the reasons for what we *actually have today I'd imagine have everything and nothing else to do but with politics & greed.

    Maybe America will learn some day.

  3. #83
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post

    Maybe America will learn some day.
    If history has shown us anything, its that we do not remember our history..

  4. #84
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    lol so true so true

  5. #85
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    I'd imagine have everything and nothing else to do but with politics & greed.
    And bro, they are brainwashing cops to make them think they are doing good by fighting the so called war on drugs when it is friggin unwinable. And one of the consequences of that is they are putting police officers in a position where their is a much higher likelyhood they will be murdered while on the job, and for what? The friggin drug war is unwinable so why in the hell are politicians putting cops in harms way like that?

    I think cops have enough to worry about just dealing with robberies and assaults. They shouldn't have to worry that they could get shot anytime they pull someone over unless it's an 80 y.o. lady. In the old days the chances of that ever happening were super slim because only escaped convicts or wanted murderers or wanted bank robbers would be the ones who would do something like that.

    Thanks to the drug war now there are potentially hundreds of thousands packing heat and ready to use it to keep their ass out of a 20 to life sentence for having some chemicals in their cars.

    So thanks to our government bro cops are being murdered in a war that can not be won and being pumped full of propaganda and hoopla about all the difference they are making.

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    that's an interesting view point......i'm gonna have to disagree......i'm "free" in this country right? so i should be free from being bothered by stupid **** cops that don't really have a clue how to do their job.....especially when 4 or 5 of them cumulatively don't even reach my IQ......why would i listen to such morons?
    No this in not a free country it is a country with Freedoms seemingly less then when it was founded but..... Police are here to maintain order and to bring to justice those who defy our laws. Are they perfect no, are our laws all just all the time no. You go up against the law or the law enforcer you lose. That code pink loser should not get in the face of a police officer. These Code pink morons are the worst type of vermin out there, they spit on the flag and our troops.

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    no question in my mind if that was my relation my family would have gone to war right then.......i keep telling them we should move to brazil or something
    yeah right go move to brazil and the police there will shot you in the head instead of shove you over. this is still the best country in the world. Count your blessings, you have food, clean water, a safe home with heating and air, a car, electric, a shower, clothes, shoes, you can go to any school you want do what you want. I am not saying things are all peachy i am one to agree that this countries days are limited because of the corrupt government and a people who dont care about the future so long as they can live for today. The power is in the PEOPLE not in the oval office. We the people have the reset button.

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreeDOOM View Post
    No this in not a free country it is a country with Freedoms seemingly less then when it was founded but..... Police are here to maintain order and to bring to justice those who defy our laws. Are they perfect no, are our laws all just all the time no. You go up against the law or the law enforcer you lose. That code pink loser should not get in the face of a police officer. These Code pink morons are the worst type of vermin out there, they spit on the flag and our troops.
    "I may not like what you say, but I'd die fighting for your right to say it"- The persons name who said this escapes me right now, but those are my feelings regarding Code Pink.

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreeDOOM View Post
    yeah right go move to brazil and the police there will shot you in the head instead of shove you over. this is still the best country in the world. Count your blessings, you have food, clean water, a safe home with heating and air, a car, electric, a shower, clothes, shoes, you can go to any school you want do what you want. I am not saying things are all peachy i am one to agree that this countries days are limited because of the corrupt government and a people who dont care about the future so long as they can live for today. The power is in the PEOPLE not in the oval office. We the people have the reset button.
    The power is in the people who question and oversee government, Americans are no longer free thinkers but only a land full of sheep and blind followers who have been taught they need government to survuve when in reality the government needs the people to survive.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    "I may not like what you say, but I'd die fighting for your right to say it"- The persons name who said this escapes me right now, but those are my feelings regarding Code Pink.
    It was Voltaire my friend, ironically he was French.

    He has a couple more quotes I like also.

    1. A witty saying proves nothing.
    2. Common sense is not so common.
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 09-04-2008 at 10:32 PM. Reason: forgot something.

  11. #91
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    If you're encouraging your woman to confront riot cops, than your a *****.

  12. #92
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    Be a man and fight.

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