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  1. #1
    moregunsthanroses's Avatar
    moregunsthanroses is offline Associate Member
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    Death and health problems

    I've mostly been a lurker around here over the years. Party because I'm a perfectionist, somewhat antisocial and naturally anxious.

    I've got really bad luck with health problems, last fall I took letrozole and I ended up with peeling lips. I think my liver is screwed that's why I'm sensitive to medication. Vitamins exasberate things as well. I'm not blaming letrozole as it shouldn't do that and I should have stopped right away once I noticed the extreme drying.

    I had been having a bit of irritation below my lower lip after applying lip balm and smoking up that was quite minor and it only lasted 15-30 minutes. I was using this cream elidel, that had been shown to cause cancer in some cases.

    3 months ago I go on vacation within a few days my lower lip starts burning(the vermillion border) and it swells up. This caused me alot of anxiety, it continued when I got home. I had a real rough time getting in a car crash and having a bunch of other issues.

    My skin got worse considering all of these issues, burning on the sides etc.. I ended up having sex with a few girls over the course of a few weeks.

    I started feeling really weak, having some neuropathic(it felt like fireworks) feelings around my lower lip, feeling really unwell ontop of things.

    two months ago I noticed the lymph node in my neck was swollen, as well as a swollen salivary gland on the inside of my lower lip

    This sit in doctor and my dentist didn't seem to think much of it at the time. I ended up getting 2 fillings put in.although you can't tell if a salivary gland is benign or malignant from just looking at it you need a scan or a possible lip biospy. I think they may have overlooked cancer because of my really dry peeling lips.

    I started getting intense muscle and joint aches/ pains, headache, fatigue, sorethroat, some neuropathy around my mouth this time more severe. The neuropathy got progressively worse over the course of 3 weeks it was so irritating and painful words can't even describe how bad felt it felt.

    The neuropathy got better but I still have some thickening of my gums on the inside, with alot of bumps that are swollen glands. This is also a warning sign of cancer. My jaw seems to have receeded on that side as well.

    At the moment I'm feeling irritaiton all around m mouth mainly at the vermillion border the place where your most likely to get cancer on your lip.(it seems to be coming from the inside) I have no diagnosis at this point but I did have my Immunoglobulins checked IgG is 6.84 with a range of 6.80-18.00 IgA is 1.23 with a range of 0.60-4.20 and the IgM is 0.30 with a range of 0.40-3.00 low levels are a sign of cancer.

    I've been having severe muscle ache and cramps, joint and bone pains, headaches, extrme fatigue,itching all over , red dots on my skin as well as broken capillaries, swollen neck lymph nodes. Bascially just pain and irritation all over. sometimes my neck node is tender. I've noticed my face is losing some of it's pigment in certain places.

    I haven't worked out in a month and a half when I got the , even then my #'s were dropping with good nutrition and rest while keeping the volume light.

    Thanks for this site it has alot of great info, working out was something I really enjoyed doing.

    This is basically my worst nightmare come true, I didn't even know it was possible to feel this bad. I know this sounds emo but everyday is a huge struggle I just don't understand it all, I just wish I could be healthy, I'm only 22.

    There's so much I wanted to accomplish with my life, I just can't take much more physical pain, with no cure in sight. I should have been more forceful with doctors making them do a lip biospy and, thinking that time would make things better. Maybe a MRI or cat CT scan will show something.

    I'm scared of death, yet at the same time I hate being in so much pain it's really making me miserable. I'll admit I've thought of suicide I just can't bring myself to it even though I don't see any hope in sight.

    I wish I was just being emo but the reality of the situations is that things are really that bad.

    Don't take your health for granted I know I did, I made quite a few bad desicions yet at the same time I have extremely bad luck.

  2. #2
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
    Hoggage_54 is offline Suspended or Banned either way gone!
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    Wow bro. I wish all the best health to you. Try and keep your head up. Letting your loved ones see you so down will only make things harder on them.

  3. #3
    VeraDeMilo's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear you are in pain. But if I understood everything u said correctly, none of the doctors diagnosed you with anything. I'm not joking here, this is a serious question. Is there a history of mental illness in your family? OCD specifically. and/or Hypocondia. You have already stated a social disorder and anxiety. And with thoughts of suicide, the next doctor I would see would be a psychiatrist. I'm not trivializing your situation or trying to downplay your symptoms, but our mental state has a drastic affect on our physical well-being. I wish you the best with whatever it turns out to be. Just try to stay positive.

  4. #4
    moregunsthanroses's Avatar
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    Thanks hoggage. It can be really hard everyday is a struggle. Medicine may help but I'm worried about SSRI's as they can cause peripheral neuropathy(when you come off them) and I have been having alot of that lately. Theres other stuff like seroquel which can help via dopamine but it doesn't fix my physical issues.

    One doctor thinks I have Lyme disease. He has a bunch of supplements for that to boost my immune system. alot of the supplmements irritate my skin so I'm gonna add one at a time and see from there. I have so many symptoms it's hard to narrow it down to one thing or another, who knows maybe it's one main thing and some smaller complications like a thyroid or type 2 diabetes. As I have had an insaitable thirst for as long as I can remember.

    I've only seen my family doc once I got some bloodtests, I need to go tommorow or the next day for Thyroid and fasting glucose on top of some others I've already done. I saw a sit in doc twice I got a HIV test and a was worried about my lip etc.
    I need to show him the bloodtests I got from the intergrative doctor as well.

    I'm not really OCD some would say BDD (although when I looked better I felt better body or skin wise so I don't think it's really BDD more related to reality) BDD is slightly related to OCD. I never worried about my health until I started feeling so bad.

    I wouldn't really call it a social disorder, I wasn't that bad before 3 months ago mainly just antisocial into my own kind of lifstyle eating working out, playing games watching tv in my spare time. I would smoke marijuana and that would make me anxious and not want to go out. I stopped that but with all the other problems things have increased 10 fold.

    I did have an extremely stressful few months skin probs(continueing), paranoia(it was really bad at one point it's all gone now), I quit dexedrin and marijuana before my vacation. I thought people were out to kill me it was really bad, my lower lip burning and swelling musta have played a roll in my mental state and or vica versa

    on the morning of friday the 13th This girl said I tried to rape her friend which was a total lie, we made out and grinded I suggested sex she was like I'm on my rag. I got upset even though I heard it before and left the club.(really stupid move I drive fast when I'm upset and combine that with liqour) I got in a crash, ended up with a DUI. I can get depressed and emotional when I'm drinking even without all of the other issues, I called my dad since he's a lawyer he was in the UK and they let me out I had no one to pick me up. I didn't have my phone or wallet with my stuff. I was frusterated walked outside a few metres and in the path of a security car in the parking lot. They locked me up in this tiny room with blinds that didn't work, I kept stressing about it all. Finally quite a few hours later some lady came in and I told her about the past few weeks and more about my life, although they said I would be out by noon. I gave them enough info for them to put me in the pysch unit. I am way too open and honest by nature..

    This stressed me out even more I couldn't get a good sleep, my skin started burning on the sides within a couple days. I was off my antibiotics and this other cream, had to wait for a doc to approve it on monday. The sides of my nose started burning I'm really allergic and the air quality was horrible. some people in there really sketched me out although there were a few nice relatively normal people. I worried alot about my xgf who was in there after I made sex video and when she asked I told her abou tit and showed her she said it turned her on.(again I didn't think stupid move there,). She started hearing voices etc.. Physically my body took a beating from the crash, blackeye cuts on my face from the security, my lips were really bad from drinking the crash ,the sun damage, and they're just bad to begin with.

    I had sex with this asian girl a week before the crash incident.
    I got out after 5 days and everything had taken it's toll on me. I got home and started drinking about everynight. I had sex with this other girl crystal, who was a bit of a headcase herself. And this other girl heather I boned a few days afterwards.

    I think I got herpes from one of the girls I was with Viruses and or stresses are known to trigger alot of diseases, syndromes and autoimmune conditions.
    especially since my body was really damaged, physically and mentally with everything I'd gone through in the last 30 days when I had sex with those chics. Something like chronic fatigue syndrome would suck.

    All I really know is how I feel physically and it's really horrible, it's pretty much unbearable. Everything seems to go wrong like the facial swelling,jaw loss, peripheral neuropathy. from the dental work now 6 weeks later. I get tingling and burning above my upper lip on the side around there at times where there is swelling.

    There are obviosly some serious underlying complications I just really hope they're ones that are fixable. I'd much rather have some mental condition where you can just take a pill and be alot better for me it isn't that easy.

    I was pretty much a failure(in most peoples eyes except I was mostly happy) although I was feeling relatively normal with my few normal health probs, anxiety, what some considered BDD. That's partially why I decided to quit drugs so I would be less anxious talk about a backfire.

  5. #5
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    You want a hug ?

  6. #6
    moregunsthanroses's Avatar
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    haha dsm a hug wouldn't be too bad..

    Sorry about my ranting it's just that well things are so horrible. no one really understands how it is to be in someone else's shoes.

    All I really want is to wake up and feel alive... So many health problems it's unreal.

    Maybe god's testing my willpower to see how strong I am inside.

  7. #7
    Voice of Reason's Avatar
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    Valtrex, Xanax, a physical, STD test, therapist, psychologist... (etc,etc,...)

    and for your own research.

    Take care my friend.

  8. #8
    PT's Avatar
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    what makes you think that this is your worst nightmare come true? dry lips? there are kids on there death bed and your worried about dry lips. if the dr's cant find anything but your still convinced there is something wrong then maybe its time to see a shrink because you may be a hypochondriact. im not trying to be rude here by any means but you dont seem to have any serious problems yet suicide has crossed your mind
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  9. #9
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    very sorry to hear this bro. i hope for the best for you. keep your head up and let us know how things are going.

  10. #10
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Why haven't you addressed these issues with your doctor? It may sound cliche, but even when it comes to healthcare the squeaky wheel usually gets the grease. If you are having all of those symptoms and your bloodwork is coming back with some flags, then why haven't the doctors gone further and done the necessary tests? I would recommend you get into see them right away.

    I would say you are really jumping the gun going right to cancer, which is probably the worst case scenario. Fortunately for you, a lot of things can manifest themselves in the same way, and just from reading your post and symptoms, the first thing that came to my mind was some sort of autoimmune disease. But honestly, you are addressing your symptoms in the wrong forum, you need to show this list to your physician. If you are unable to get the necessary tests done, then you might want to consider a trip to the USA in order to get the proper care that you need in a TIMELY fashion.

  11. #11
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moregunsthanroses View Post
    haha dsm a hug wouldn't be too bad..

    Sorry about my ranting it's just that well things are so horrible. no one really understands how it is to be in someone else's shoes.

    All I really want is to wake up and feel alive... So many health problems it's unreal.

    Maybe god's testing my willpower to see how strong I am inside.
    Whenever i feel down , i look around and look at all the things i do have instead of the things i feel i am suppose to have.

    Written by Patrick Ward
    Thursday, 06 September 2007

    "Don't Take Life for Granted"

    Taking something for granted means that you assume it will always be there. On the whole it's very easy to take several things for granted living in the United States; running water, telephone service, electricity, food on the store shelves and the like. Even other "developed" countries can't always keep these services going like we do in the U.S. Because we consistently have so many amenities, there is an assumption they will always be there when we need them. So then if the electric goes off for several hours, we can panic and think we can't survive without it - but before the electric went off we weren't even thinking about electricity and how easy it makes life to live.

    I use the example of electricity because our electricity went out in August for almost a whole day. It happened at 9:00 PM, just as I was about to watch a movie. Since I couldn't do that, I just went to bed thinking the power will be back on any minute. I woke up about 1:30 in the morning and it still wasn't on. I started to think "What if the power is out all over the country?" I began imagining terrorist plots and mass pandemonium to the point that I almost called my parents in Ohio to see if they had power. I refrained and tried to calm myself down. Eventually the power came back on the next day, and I don't think I've ever felt so relieved about having electricity. I suddenly became very thankful for all the benefits electricity provides in my life.

    This matter of being thankful for what we have has been on my mind lately, and I believe it's a very appropriate issue for strengthening families. Nothing upsets the typical parent more than an ungrateful child. When children take things for granted, we call them "spoiled" and rightly sermonize about how much we sacrifice so they can enjoy those piano lessons and wear such nice clothes and eat all that healthy food. Parents usually feel like they don't get enough acknowledgements from their kids about these sorts of things. Sometimes we're tempted to just take all the things our kids take for granted away from them until they can fully appreciate what they have.

    In reality though, that approach is putting the proverbial cart before the horse. The best approach is to first take a strong and searching look at our own attitudes of gratitude. For just as we can see our kids as "spoiled" there is somebody out there who could say the same of you and me. Indeed, our children not only model our behavior but also our attitudes. If we act spoiled so will they. Hence, this is how developing an attitude in which you don't take things for granted can strengthen your family.

    I've been paying more attention to the mantra of "don't take life for granted" since I met Billy about one year ago. Billy has a condition that slowly has taken away his ability to move. In grade school, Billy could walk and function almost normally. As he grew up, though, his condition became more active and he slowly lost nerve function to his muscles. By high school age, Billy was confined to a wheelchair. Now, he needs help with every aspect of his daily life.

    Over the year that I have known Billy, he has struggled to keep even what he used to take for granted - his ability to speak, see, and hear. The nerve deterioration has left the muscles in his eyes weakened and unable to focus. The muscles connecting his inner ear don't function properly, and forming words in his mouth takes concentrated effort. He gets out of breath easily because his diaphragm is weakening. Billy says that he says to himself now "If I could only see..." whereas two years ago he said "If I could only use my hands..." Ten years ago, it was "If I could only walk..."

    Throughout Billy's ordeal, he's had to learn how to accept what he has now rather than focus on what he has lost. As a result, the main message he tries to get across to people is "take nothing for granted." When he hears people complain that they have a headache or they've had a long work day, Billy recognizes they are taking way too much for granted in their lives. Billy tells me that most people don't see what they have. Another way to look at it is that people don't realize what they could lose.

    I am trying to find an awesome article i reada while back.It's about the power that the mind can have over ones well being. Once i find it ill post for you.

  12. #12
    inky-e's Avatar
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    Hey Bro...I'm saddened to hear all that you are going through, the body has an amazing way of healing itself....try to think positively and live in the moment...easier said than done..I know....I'll have a good thought for you and keep you in my prayers.....feel better!

  13. #13
    moregunsthanroses's Avatar
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    Thanks for the support, prayers and comments it's appreciated

    It's not just dry lips PT. I've had dry lips for years now. I know it can be hard for someone to understand what another person is going through in words. By burning on the sides I mean below the corners in a one inch square area, maybe a bit bigger. All around the bottom lip area is where I was having peripheral neuropathy, I still feel alot of sensations in that area. Some in the upper left area too after getting some dental work, the burning was mostly severe on the lower left area after the dental work.

    I do throw alot of things out there because I am feeling extremely horrible it's easy for one to think I'm a hypocondriac, epscially since I admitted to being paranoid in the past. Yes there are people who have dry lips and other little symptoms and they think the worst but I have so many other symptoms I don't think your statement is fair.

    When Diagnosing complex cases you rule things out even then you can't be totally certain all you can really say is I don't see any evidence of that disease or syndrome.

    I've just started seeing my family doc and my other doc is refering me to an interalist as well as referring me for a MRI or a CT scan to further evaulute things.

    Godfather you're right I did jump the gun on the whole cancer thing, partially because I feel like I'm dying at times I think it has to be something that serious and I do have alot of similar symptoms.While some things do point to cancer most likely isn't my problem but at the same time you can't rule it out.

    I'm seeing my doctor on thursday he should have alot of my bloodwork in by then hopefully my cholesterol, LDL/HDL, glucose, and thyroid tests are in by then. I just did those saturday morning.

    Something like Protein in my urine may be indicative of alot of things. Your right if things aren't getting done here in a timely fashion something like the mayo clinic might be needed.

    On some of my older bloodwork I have very low Cholesterol LDL and low HDL. On my old thyroid work
    My TSH is 1.11 with a range of 0.20-6.00
    Free T4 19.1 with a range of 8.0-22.0

    While still within the norm from what I'm reading a low TSH and High thyroid level indicate hyperthyroidism. Cholesterol , HDL are responsible for your hormone levels like Testosterone . With all that said no wonder why I had a hard time putting on Mass. I don't have my test levels but from way back I remember the range was like 15-35 or something like that I was around 17-18

    I did get checked for ANA antibodes, on average 50% of people with autoimmune diseases develope ANA antibodies. Depending on which disease it could be higher or less

    I am thinking it may very well be some type of disease/autoimmune disease that affects blood vessels and muscles.

    It sucks being so irritated it really makes me miserable especially when I wake up I keep on trying to go back to sleep until finally I can't and even then I feel totally exausted. It puts me in a really bad mood to start the day off. Soon thereafter I start feeling tingling and prickling skin sensations, minor compared to the full on neuropathy of a month ago. For a while there I was sleeping with my feet off the bottom of the bed because I would wake up and my legs would ache really badly.

    Over the year that I have known Billy, he has struggled to keep even what he used to take for granted - his ability to speak, see, and hear. The nerve deterioration has left the muscles in his eyes weakened and unable to focus. The muscles connecting his inner ear don't function properly, and forming words in his mouth takes concentrated effort. He gets out of breath easily because his diaphragm is weakening. Billy says that he says to himself now "If I could only see..." whereas two years ago he said "If I could only use my hands..." Ten years ago, it was "If I could only walk..."

    Throughout Billy's ordeal, he's had to learn how to accept what he has now rather than focus on what he has lost. As a result, the main message he tries to get across to people is "take nothing for granted." When he hears people complain that they have a headache or they've had a long work day, Billy recognizes they are taking way too much for granted in their lives. Billy tells me that most people don't see what they have. Another way to look at it is that people don't realize what they could lose.
    DSM that's a good way to go about things. An attitude of grattiude can really help. sadly though I worry about how I could have avoided this whole situation and I would have been my "normal self". The thing is I may have been predispostioned to whatever I have, I just know deep down inside if I made different desicions I wouldn't feel the way I do know, it haunts me.

    I agree most people do take things for granted I know I did, I still do to some degree albeit I have it worse off then pretty much everyone not counting 3rd world countries.
    Last edited by moregunsthanroses; 08-31-2008 at 08:20 AM.

  14. #14
    TranscriptionFactor's Avatar
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    Hmm...could you resummarize in a format as follows
    Subjective symptoms (e.g. fatigue, tingling around hip, burning around lip)
    Objective physical findings (e.g. any swelling, discoloration)
    Lab results (I saw some, did you have Hepatitis titers, Lyme titers, any other labs other than ANA, e.g. ESR, CRP, HLA-B17....also any Biopsies?)
    Radiological findings (said you'd have a scan..)
    Other stuff: family history, when are symptoms worse/better, current meds, substance abuse much do/did you smoke and or chew (oral cx - but unlikely)

    Well this is certainly confusing and distressing, though it may not be as bad as you think.

    Basically the question is whether this is (in order of likelihood)
    1. Rheumatologic - autoimmune
    2. infectious - some virus
    3. metabolic
    4. some component of metabolic with psych. component

    Please follow up with any addl info from your docs.
    Obviously I can't diagnose your problem, and wouldn't presume to take over that call, but perhaps point you in a direction for more pointed inquiry.


  15. #15
    moregunsthanroses's Avatar
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    ok Subjective.

    Tingeling and light stinging up and to the left of my upper lip. Where there is swelling as well. On the inside there are many bumps, from what I understand Swollen salivary glands. This started after the dental work. I have some minor irriation in my upper molar that was worked on but only when pressure is applied. No irritation on my lower molar but there is swelling around that area as well. more recently palpitations

    Extreme tiredness and fatigue. Headaches. Muscles cramps and weakness mainly in the extremities(specifically legs but also my lower back and arms), feeling unwell.
    . Tingleing burning and stinging all along the lower half of my mouth the vermillion border ,This varys quite a bit throughout the day it may be pratically unoticeable at times and others it's hard to concentrate on anything. Swollen neck lymph nodes, at times I feel pain in my left neck lymph node. Joint and bone pain, itching all over not as bad lately. Sometimes I feel pain my my testicles, maybe there is some slight swelling im not too sure.

    Objective. Swelling/edema skin redness, dry skin. what looks to be permanent flushing of some blood vessels around my mouth. On the left corner there is a red spot, I'm thinking it may be some type of reaction here to the dental anesthesia by itself or more likely because of some other condition. Some jaw recession on the left side(with the most recent dental work). Difficulty swallowing food, constant thirst. Urination alot of times in the night, Foamy urine. Red spots as well as broken capillaries (telangiectasia).

    The lower part of my mouth seems to get more irritated when I take supplements, I also experience much more intesne itching all over my body when taking them. Heat, intense cold, and stress seem exaserbate things as well. This makes me think my kidney or liver is involved somehow.

    Current meds: not much really I may take a Phosphatidylcholine(lecithin)Acidophilus. every other day or so, Biopure whey protein with immunoglobulins, there are alot of other supplements this doc wants me to take but I'm reluctant since they make me feel worse. I was taking other things like alpha lipolic acid, fish oil, vitamin D.

    I was taking doxycycline for a while there supposedly it can trigger some blood vessel issues, I was also using elidet on the sides of my nose for a while, and around my mouth before the burning started. It's an immunosppresant cream and I ended up stopping in the hosptial since u had to wait a few days to get both that and doxy approved. Maybe the stress and stopping Elidel and doxy and then starting back up played some roll.

    Family history my aunt had MS, I've had uncles with a history of substance abuse. I smoked weed for most of my life one or two times a day sometimes more. I was prescribed dexedrin as well. I smoked about half a pack for few years, I did quit a few years ago.

    I really hope the swelling goes away, that would suck big time if it was permanent damage, it feels irritating as well. If I didn't feel it I could forget about it easier. I worried about my looks before and with all of this it's too much on top of all of the other symptoms. Why didn't I cancel those fillings I should have known, I was worried about an allergy( causing some of my mouth symptoms) I actually wanted to get them to remove a filling on the right side I was stupid and thought it was not a molar but that's what it was. So I went in explained some of the mouth irritatation the nurse stuck 2 q-tips in my mouth right away with numbing gel I expelained to her about the swollen salivary glands and how I was worried about an allergy. The dentist came it and was like oh it's just probably the salivary gland pressed on a nerve. I should have told them no or whatever but they did the work and now I have a swollen face.

    Hemoglobin 169 137-180, Hematocrit .49 0.40-.54, RBC 95 82-100 ,MCHC 343, 320-360 RDW 12.8 % 11.0-16.0% , Platelet count 258 150-400, WBC 8.8, 4.0-11.0 Neutrophils 4.8 2.0-8.9 , Lymphocytes 3.0 0.7-3.5 , Monocytes 0.7 0.0-1.0, Eosinophils 0.4 0.0-0.7Basophils 0.0 0.0-0.2

    Seidmentation rate 0 0-10, Fibrinogen 2.9 1.6-4.1

    Sodium 144 133-145, Potassium 3.6 3.3-5.1 Chloride 106 98-111, C02 content 25 21-31, ALT 43 1-60, Calcium 2.40 2.10-2.55, CK 85 0-195, Creatinine 95 50-120

    Ferritin 145 22-320
    GGT 16 11-63
    Vitamin B12 389 155-800
    C reactive protein 0.9 0.0-8.0
    Rheumatoid Factor quant 0
    Monotest neg
    DHEA 8.1 2.2-13.0
    Estradiol 84 <160
    Immunoglobin A 1.23 0.60-4.20
    Tissue transglutaminase IGA <1.0 0-20
    Vitamin D 77.5 80-200

    Immunoglobulin G 6.84 6.80-18.00
    Immunoglobulin A 1.23 0.60-4.20
    Immunoglobulin M 0.30 0.40-3.00
    Immunoglobulin E 23.7

    No biopsys. I was reading that Low immunoglobulins are a sign of cancer yet high levels are a sign of autoimmune diseases. I got tested for HIV 6 weeks after 1 girl and 8 weeks after another it came back negative. Hep A, B , C were negative I have B antibodys because of a vaccine.

    Although with HIV if my immunesystem is really low via the immunoglobulins(ones body produces antibodys from immunoglobulins) one would think it may take longer then 6-8 weeks for my body to produce antibodys. supposedly 6-8 weeks is 90% unless you have a weakend immune system u should produce antibodys by then.

    I should be able to get copys of my other bloodwork I'm getting, I'm feeling so horrible I think I just may go into the hospital for some other tests later today. maybe seen an ENT I had sinus surgery before and he did it as well as hes the one who I saw about my horrible allergys.

    I just want to feel normal again.

    Are you a doctor TF?

  16. #16
    TranscriptionFactor's Avatar
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    yes, MD, not a rheumatologist but I know a bit about the field.

    Labs are all ok, I wouldn't worry about the Ig's being on the low side. Especially reassurring is that your ESR, CRP and RF are ok. Repeat your HIV in a while, but I doubt that's going to be positive. Try to get ANA and HLA-B27 tests

    Some more questions: do you have true weakness of your extremities, or you just feel weaker, tired? when and where are joint pains? In the morning? more than one joint at a time? does this pain get better with movement/exercise or worse? location and description of the headaches?
    Were taking doxy for what? (That can treat Lyme.) Did you have Lyme titers test? Any travel to 3rd world places?
    Are you depressed?
    Finally, what does dentist think?

  17. #17
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Yeh dude I'm no doctor but a lot of those symptoms really ring with when I had lymes.
    I was a fvcking hell. Pain, numbness, tingling, weird nerve feelings when I touched myself, (like I'd feel it on another part of my body) and LOTS of tiredness and fatigue.

    Even after my first round with meds it didn't go away. Took like 4 months before I started really feeling better.
    I actually hope this is what you have, rather then something more severe.


  18. #18
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    I did get ANA antibodys test it came up negative. I'll remember to ask my doc about HLA-B27, as well as Lyme titers.

    ATM I'm worried about Edema from the dental anethetic, swollen face, tingeling, itchiness, light stinging its very preoccupying I don't get a break from it. It makes it almost impossible for me to zone out and enjoy anything. I put some rolled up knleenex up there in my mouth and it feels not nearly as bad, which makes me think that's it a material allergy.

    Yes I am very depressed I find doing the littlest things very hard mostly since little things are very irritating, I'm postive almost all if not all of my depression has to do with my phyiscal symptoms. Is it possible to have permanent edema from a adverese reaction to a dental anesthetic?

    My headaches are usually on the top back part of the head, sometimes the middle as well.

    I'm not sure what you mean exactly by true weakness of your extremeities. But yes my legs do feel very weak at times they ache just sitting there. Arm weakness and cramps. Laying on my back holding my phone up my forearms feel weak just sending a text message., pain in my arm many hours later after getting blood drawn.

    My joint pain hasn't been as bad lately but it's mostly my knees, ankles ,sometimes in my hands/fingers, other times my bones ache like my shin bone, mostly the lower body.

    I was taking doxy to help with some inflammation when my lower lip was burning. I also thought it may help me as when I had burning years earlier I thought it was part of the solution.

    No I didn't have any lyme titers done. The doctor who thinks I have lyme is a Integrative doc he has a MD but also works with non traiditonal aspects of medicine he has a ton of supplements in his office. It's a definite possibility but I think he sorta narrowed in one one thing after being in a conference and hearing my symptoms.

    I did travel to mexico just over 3 months ago.

    This other dentist wanted me to wait for things to clear up, but I think it's unlikely give how much time has passed. I noticed when he gave the local anesthetic I didn't get that heart racing kind of feeling. I may have very well had some type of adverese reaction. I'm going to give the dentist a call tommorow who did the work, and find out what material he used. I'm planning on going to see a Prosthodontist as well.

    I should also add a few years back I had my top front two teeth which were chipped fixed, maybe a month or two later I developed an irritation of my upper lip swelled and looked red, it slowly got worse. It had me down and anxious a few months passed I went on vacation and the burning got extremely intense. I came home and was pretty miserable, I did research etc tried some creams to no avail. Then I thought about the dental fillings in my front two teeth. I noticed when I put gauze in there it felt better and some of the redness and swelling seemed to disappiate. I got him to remove most of it and then I went back later and got all of it out. I should also add I did get on some antibiotics a week or so later after I got him too remove all of the material. The pain went after soon after the material was removed and the antibiotics were started. Which had me unsure if it was the dental fillings on the antibiotics which cleared it up. Although I was left with pretty damaged lips from letrozole and other vitamins, maybe allergys cause dryness as well.

    At the time The integrative doc I was seeing had me on alot of supplements as well, I was also on letrozole this is the start of 06 and I did have peeling lips that time as well. He was trying to fix my upper lip swelling and burning. I was getting vitamin IV's not sure if they put vitamin A in there I was also taking many supplements orally which contain vitamin A. The dermatologist told me stop all the vitamins as I was a walking pharmacy. My lips healed up fairly well after stoppin the vitamins, Who knows maybe a dental allergy is really drying on my lips as well, as I have stopped letrozole over half a year and I'm not taking much for vitamins.

    At the time I had also been using Metrogel around my nose for a long time which could have triggered that I don't know but it was my upper lip area. For some reason I had convinced myself it was the antibotics which cured me thinking it was sebrrahic dermatits or perioral dermatitis .

    This is partially why I was concerned an allergy as I did have a right molar put in late last fall, I did start the letrozole around that time. and then a few months later I developed some redness below my mouth on the sides(dermatitis) it was more noticeable on the right. I stopped the letrozole my lips were already damaged(I was on a high dose for too long much longer then years earlier). I had some acne in that area as well I should add partly due to my second PCT. I got on antibiotics doxycycline for a month it got better I also had this cream elidel that I used for the irriation on the creases of my nose(pinkness redness, whiteheads) I read that was good for dermatitis/ezcema so I used around my mouth with some success, and tapered downwards over time. Around feburary or so I noticed when I would smoke marijuana or put on too much lip balm the lower part of my lip the vermillion border would feel irritated, it was also red in that area.. And then my lower lip started burning on vacation in May, very similarly to my upper lip burning when I went on vacation years earlier.

    I did have some VEGA machine testing and I showed reactivity to all dental materials with methacrylates and dimethacylates. the composite material in my mouth is an epoxy resin, composed of many irritating substances, for a person with sensitivities.

    Recently i've been experiencing Palpitations which I do find a bit odd. nothing too bad compared to my other symptoms.

    Hopefully I have a few things that are fixable like a dental material allergy, Lyme disease, or maybe even a combination of a thyroid disorder and type 2 diabetes.

    I do notice more itching after I eat.

    That's probably way too much info but hey.

    Thanks for Bo I might need it, and thanks for the help and concern TF
    Last edited by moregunsthanroses; 09-02-2008 at 04:39 AM.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by moregunsthanroses View Post
    ATM I'm really worried about what I'm fairly certain is Edema from the dental anethetic, swollen face, tingeling, itchiness, light stinging at times its very preoccupying. It makes it almost impossible for me to zone out and enjoy anything. Yes I am depressed I don't know if the edema will ever clear up, especially since it's always there and irritating

    I'm not sure what you mean by true weakness of your extremeities
    I meant, like when you try to do leg extensions are you doing significantly less? Or leg press? Do you have any muscle atrophy (loss)?

    Follow up on the Lyme's....and the oral complaints - IDK, I leave that to my colleagues the dentists

  20. #20
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    Sorry bro I hit send way earlier before I typed the whole thing out, honestly I haven't even tried to work out I've been feeling too bad over the past month and a half. yes I do have leg atrophy but even before that I was doing less and less overall on my lifts.

  21. #21
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    I just don't understand..

    I went to the hospital since I was feeling so bad they keep me in for a while took some blood, the doc says he thinks it's something autoimmune and I get a pill of prednisone I don't know why I took it now I feel worse, itchy my facial nerve damage or emema or whatever it is doesnt feel better only worse. I can't sleep, I'm more anxious my hearts palpitating really hard, I feel itchy.... Even though I'm very exausted. They didn't seem very helpful or thorough I should have gotten a CT scan but I didn't..

    I need a miracle so this nightmare can end... Everthing that I try to make things better just makes em worse it seems.

    He wants me on it it for 5 days at 50mg It will make me feel even more weak, more anixous and gives you insomnia.

    I do feel some tooth irritation when I put pressure on. Who knows whats up it's all so confusing. Maybe it's a minor abscess or just some type of edema. I just wish I felt normal i don't deserve this.

    Maybe I should have gone for my 3 month follow up for HIV before taking a immune suppresor. TF do you think I should take it for 5 more days or just stop after the one dose?

    I'm just not sure how I feel so bad and everything goes wrong.

    My hearts pounding. I know I sound like a hypocondriac but I did get those weird sensations around my mouth a few weeks after I was with a certain girl a few days after another. and I had malaise, slept for a week staight 12 hours. then more symptoms. My lower lip was already damaged to begin with.

    I have a bunch of red dots on my hand where they had the IV in
    Last edited by moregunsthanroses; 09-03-2008 at 05:44 AM.

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