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Thread: Height debate?

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    BTM0085's Avatar
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    Height debate?

    Hey guys, Im wondering why do Ronnie Coleman and Cutler get so much props..I mean there both 5'9 thats average at best, while they are freakishly muscular dont you need some height atleast to be a "total package" and have a well rounded strong physique?I mean most athletes, strongmen, bouncers, heavyweight fighters are mostly well over 6 foot. I mean you stand Toney Freeman next to Coleman, Freeman IMO looks much better. I mean why is height no issue in bodybuilding but in almost every other aspect of american culture? I dont know many young lads that would say they wish to grow to be 5'9 range. And also if a 6'4 200 lbs man benches 300 with long arms, and a 5'9 200 lbs man benches 300 with short arms whos got the better bench in your opinions?

  2. #2
    Kratos's Avatar
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    I'm 6'3'' so I think that's the height of the ideal human lol. A lot of little dudes get into bodybuilding though to make up for lack of height.

  3. #3
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by willieboy36 View Post
    Hey guys, Im wondering why do Ronnie Coleman and Cutler get so much props..I mean there both 5'9 thats average at best, while they are freakishly muscular dont you need some height atleast to be a "total package" and have a well rounded strong physique?I mean most athletes, strongmen, bouncers, heavyweight fighters are mostly well over 6 foot. I mean you stand Toney Freeman next to Coleman, Freeman IMO looks much better. I mean why is height no issue in bodybuilding but in almost every other aspect of american culture? I dont know many young lads that would say they wish to grow to be 5'9 range. And also if a 6'4 200 lbs man benches 300 with long arms, and a 5'9 200 lbs man benches 300 with short arms whos got the better bench in your opinions?
    that statement discredits your entire thread

  4. #4
    BTM0085's Avatar
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    just my opinion im entitled to it...I say so becuase HEIGHT DOES MATTER in my opinion..Also Freeman is a lot less Blocky...Id put money down Coleman could kick Ronnies ass too

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    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by willieboy36;41***41
    just my opinion im entitled to it...I say so becuase HEIGHT DOES MATTER in my opinion..Also Freeman is a lot less Blocky...Id put money down Coleman could kick Ronnies ass too
    well since they're the same person and all....

  6. #6
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    well, first, its not about who can kick whose ass.

    second, shorter guys obviously pack on muscle easier and look better in that sense

    thirdly, I dont really care personally

  7. #7
    TranscriptionFactor's Avatar
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    Freeman IMO looks incredible. But I am 6'6" and have thin joints and lighter bones. I can never hope to be, nor would I even want to be, as massive looking as Coleman or Cutler, even with all the food, juice and training in the world. I read Freeman didn't even become a pro until his late 30's b/c it took so much time to develop his frame. This makes me feel better for being such a slow gainer. My ideal is more the Zane type, because that's more realistic for me.

    I am seriously more impressed by a guy like Lou Ferrigno who was 6'5" and yet massive, than a guy who is 5'9". And yes, guys who are shorter than me annoy the hell out of me with how much they can bench, and the fact that they can look huge with 17" arms, whereas on me they just look like nothing special.

    But everything has its advantages and disadvantages, that's how God made us, to work together.

  8. #8
    Voice of Reason's Avatar
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    I've thought about this before and thought that there should be a division for guys under/over 6'0" since they don't have to work as hard as taller guys (filling up a balloon effect). But since professional BB is small time not worth the effort.

  9. #9
    audis4's Avatar
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    which is why I'm going to be a 6'2" monster

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    "Maximus"'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by willieboy36;41***41
    just my opinion im entitled to it...I say so becuase HEIGHT DOES MATTER in my opinion..Also Freeman is a lot less Blocky...Id put money down Coleman could kick Ronnies ass too
    Just my opinion, I'm 5'9 - 180lbs and I'll put money down that I can knock the sh!t out of you in less than 3mins... no matter if you are 10'-500lbs.

    Respect to you bro; I'm not disrespecting you. Just that height has nothing to do with bodybuilding etc... now, it is debatable that in any sports there are advantages/disadvantages due to physical traits... there's much more to it than just looks or physics itself.

  11. #11
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by "Maximus" View Post
    Just my opinion, I'm 5'9 - 180lbs and I'll put money down that I can knock the sh!t out of you in less than 3mins... no matter if you are 10'-500lbs.

    Respect to you bro; I'm not disrespecting you. Just that height has nothing to do with bodybuilding etc... now, it is debatable that in any sports there are advantages/disadvantages due to physical traits... there's much more to it than just looks or physics itself.
    I'm 5'6 and 185

  12. #12
    Dukkit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    I'm 5'6 and 185
    awww your so cute and cuddly!!

  13. #13
    Reed's Avatar
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    UMMMMMM- Ronnie is 5'11'' Geez Ruhl I thought you would have caught that.

    If you look at the 4 Olympians won ran in it for years at a time the shortest was Dorian who was 5'10''. Arnold was 6'1'' (alot of debate on his height), Dorian was 5'10'', Lee Haney was 5'11'' and Ronnie was 5'11''. I do think you need a certain wow factor because its much easier to pack on size and weight at a shorter height. Who wants an Mr. Olympia thats short because IMO it looks a little ridiculous. Seeing someone that is considered short (5'8'' and under) with that much muscle IMO wouldn't represent the being of a Mr. Olympia. Its needs to be a combination of everything with height included.

    Me and my friends were talking about this when we were watching a Canadian strongman on TV who was 7 foot 405 lbs and saying imagine if he could get the look and be a Mr.Olympia. He'd be having close to a 500lb offseason. Now that would be the ULTIMATE MR.OLYMPIA.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reed500 View Post
    UMMMMMM- Ronnie is 5'11'' Geez Ruhl I thought you would have caught that.

    Seeing someone that is considered short (5'8'' and under) with that much muscle IMO wouldn't represent the being of a Mr. Olympia. Its needs to be a combination of everything with height included.
    Ruhl isn't gonna like that, he's just a little guy

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    I know. No offense to Ruhl or any of the shorter bodybuilders but it is what it is and as bodybuilders we're here to critique ourselves to the fullest extent not play patty cake

  16. #16
    "Maximus"'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    I'm 5'6 and 185

  17. #17
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by willieboy36 View Post
    Hey guys, Im wondering why do Ronnie Coleman and Cutler get so much props..I mean there both 5'9 thats average at best, while they are freakishly muscular dont you need some height atleast to be a "total package" and have a well rounded strong physique?I mean most athletes, strongmen, bouncers, heavyweight fighters are mostly well over 6 foot. I mean you stand Toney Freeman next to Coleman, Freeman IMO looks much better. I mean why is height no issue in bodybuilding but in almost every other aspect of american culture? I dont know many young lads that would say they wish to grow to be 5'9 range. And also if a 6'4 200 lbs man benches 300 with long arms, and a 5'9 200 lbs man benches 300 with short arms whos got the better bench in your opinions?
    Well, i think it has alot to do with DNA

    1. It just "seems" that the average height guys are more likely to have longer muscle insertions.

    2. It just "seems" that average height guys have fuller muscle bellies

    3. More often then not, average height guys are at better leverage when lifting weights allowing them to grow more muscle because they can more safely expose themselves to greater weights.

    4. Proportionally, muscles just look better on average height guys

    5. and most importantly, average height guys have better proportions.

    6. Alot of it is hidden in the mystery in DNA, alot of questions that no one can answer in this point in time.

    for example. just look at your average arm on a guy who is 6'5. Its just not going to be full and look large.....proportionally, he is ****ed

    so overall, taller guys dont have the symetry average height guys have

    and here is another point, since you seem to think that many guys are "to short" to do bodybuilding. It stands to reason their is an upper limit as well. so bodybuilding is all about being in the right "height range"

    and whether or not you can handle it, that range is idealy 5'9-5'11.....slightly lower and slightly over is still excellent. anything under 5'6 and over say 6'3 is going to make things real tough

    their, theirs a some pretty concise answers for you

  18. #18
    Chode Logan's Avatar
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    To me, height has a huge impact. BBers under 5'9 or 5'10 just dont impress me visually as much as the taller ones. Although I still greatly respect what they have achieved, I do believe it takes away from their "wow" factor. That being said I don't think it's fair to not allow someone to be Olympia due to their lack of height. And yes most bodybuilders are short because A) they are trying to make up for their lack of height by becoming jacked up (small man complex) B) it is easier for them to become developed. It's a fact, shorter muscle equals less muscle.

    That being said I still think guys like Lee Priest are amazing. I'm not tall (5'11) but I can still sympathize with the taller guys on how much work it takes to properly fill out a longer muscle, cause I have sort friends who pack on size at rapid rates with less work.

  19. #19
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chode Logan View Post
    To me, height has a huge impact. BBers under 5'9 or 5'10 just dont impress me visually as much as the taller ones. Although I still greatly respect what they have achieved, I do believe it takes away from their "wow" factor. That being said I don't think it's fair to not allow someone to be Olympia due to their lack of height. And yes most bodybuilders are short because A) they are trying to make up for their lack of height by becoming jacked up (small man complex) B) it is easier for them to become developed. It's a fact, shorter muscle equals less muscle.

    That being said I still think guys like Lee Priest are amazing. I'm not tall (5'11) but I can still sympathize with the taller guys on how much work it takes to properly fill out a longer muscle, cause I have sort friends who pack on size at rapid rates with less work.

    not less work.....better genetics perhaps???? The only real "work" is intensity in the gym and food intake. Genetics does the rest and you cant do a damn thing about it

  20. #20
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    i just wanted to add one more thing........

    the whole "short guys do it to make up for not being tall, short man complex blah blah blah blah"

    thats a bunch of garbage. lots of different people at different heights lift weights. lots and lots. average height guys make it to the top. it is wrong to assume that average height guys have a complex. lots of guys lift, only the elite ones make it to the top. it happens to be the average height guys.

  21. #21
    Chode Logan's Avatar
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    Well I do believe in the short mans complex thing. Hell I'm 5'11 and I wish I was 6'3. I like feeling powerful, and with me not being dominantly tall, I try to do it with size. So I imagine that feeling would be multiplied greatly with guys around 5'6 (not all, just the ones who like to feel/look all of us do).

    I'm not saying everyone of course that would be stupid, I just mean in general.

    And yes genetics are most of it. But when you have less circumference to fill out, you take a 5'6 and a 6'2, put the same effort in and they both gain the same weight in muscle, who's gonna look freakier? the shorter guy of course because the smaller surface of the muscle means much more developed smaller area of muscle.

  22. #22
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    well, I am 5'8, some family members have elite bodybuilding genetics. I do it because I like it and am good at it. nothing more nothing less.

  23. #23
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    Well I do it cause I like it aswell, it's part of my life. But that being said, I do it to feel good and look good. And I enjoy looking different than the majority of people, and I'd imagine the large percentage of people who train regularly feel the same way.

  24. #24
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by willieboy36;41***41
    just my opinion im entitled to it...I say so becuase HEIGHT DOES MATTER
    What are your stats? Please post a photo.

    Quote Originally Posted by willieboy36;41***41
    I'd put money down Coleman could kick Ronnies ass too
    Huh? Ronnie can kick his own ass? Where you drunk or high when you wrote this?
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  25. #25
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    What the hell does bodybuilding have to do with fighting anyways. Especially fighting oneself........

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chode Logan View Post
    Well I do believe in the short mans complex thing. Hell I'm 5'11 and I wish I was 6'3. I like feeling powerful, and with me not being dominantly tall, I try to do it with size. So I imagine that feeling would be multiplied greatly with guys around 5'6 (not all, just the ones who like to feel/look all of us do).
    Just because you feel insecure about your height and wish you were taller doesn't mean everyone else has the same insecurity. I am 5'6." I LOVE my height! Always have, always will. I competed sports growing up and was told every day I was the perfect height for my sport. I wouldn't change a thing. I've had taller guys call me short before like it was an insult. I wasn't offended. I said And?

    I've never understood why men care so much about height. You have the body God gave you, make the best of it an be happy with what you got.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  27. #27
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    i cant even fathom being 5' 6" no offence

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokeyd View Post
    i cant even fathom being 5' 6" no offence
    Nor I 6'2". No offense.
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokeyd View Post
    i cant even fathom being 5' 6" no offence
    i'm with carlos. I dont know what the big deal is. I've never had any problems being 5'6. It never stopepd me with girls. THe only people ever to say shit were guys when they were pissed at me. Seems they had more of a problem then me.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i'm with carlos. I dont know what the big deal is. I've never had any problems being 5'6. It never stopepd me with girls. THe only people ever to say shit were guys when they were pissed at me. Seems they had more of a problem then me.
    I think guys who are insecure about their height think everyone else is to make themselves feel better. "Well I'm taller than that guy over there! Ha! he's hating me right now! Hey shortie!"

    My height has never stopped me getting laid. I've topped guys 5'2" and 6'7". My height made no difference. They still bent over for me. I do prefer to date guys around my height though. Wider variety of sexual positions.
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  31. #31
    Chode Logan's Avatar
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    I'm not saying there's anything wrong with being short, nor did I ever say that every short person wishes they were tall. But if you are trying to say you don't want to be big, then that's a lie because as your picture shows, you are big (you look good by the way) And I'm sure a lot of guys who are 6'4 already have that feeling cause they dwart most people, so it'd be LESS common for them to have that desire because they stand out enough as it is! So people with less than average heigh who want to be big have to build their body to do so, I never once claimed to speak for everyone, but it makes sense to me.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chode Logan View Post
    nor did I ever say that every short person wishes they were tall.
    Yeah you did, you said "in general." You feel that way. A lot of us don't.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chode Logan View Post
    Hell I'm 5'11 and I wish I was 6'3.

    I'm not saying everyone of course that would be stupid, I just mean in general..
    Quote Originally Posted by Chode Logan View Post
    But if you are trying to say you don't want to be big, then that's a lie because as your picture shows, you are big
    Wanting to carry muscle on my frame and body shaping has nothing to do with height. I like a muscular look. That doesn't equate wanting to be taller. For you maybe it does, but not for me.
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  33. #33
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    i agree with carlos 100000% on this one.
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
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    I'm 6'6". In high school I was about 6'3 1/2 and maybe 175lbs, not a stick but certainly felt skinny, and that was the complex I developed in myself. There was another dude who was 6'2" and like 145, not very successfull with the chicks but hitting on them like crazy - he was and still is just overbrimming with ridiculous self confidence. I was not confident. So obviously its all in the head.
    Anyway, the only thing I ever felt towards my fellow "shorter" guys was that occassionally I really felt some of them had some antagonism against me and wanted to humiliate me - me of all people. I felt this in my professional life with some guys who were in a position of power over me..and was kinda like - dude - I am not the one, I'm was not the jock a-hole who grabbed the girl from you or stole your lunch money - b/c I did gradually fill out over the years and perhaps looked like I had always been filled out. Anyway I used to be the most self conscious, "out of my way to be nice and gentle" kind of guy and its taken me a long time to find the happy medium.

    I guess the point I'm trying to make is I'm tall, and people always seem to say stuff like "damn you are so lucky" or "I wish I could have some of your height" and don't realize how uncomfortable I had been with myself. And average to shorter guys have tons of advantages they may not realize. Its a bitch to get clothes that fit me, sitting in a plane/bus even car is tight. Shorter guys win marathons, excel at gymnastics, diving, soccer and many other sports. And IMO the best build for a special forces soldier is either average to short, lean without much bulk.

    They ought to just have height classes for the Olympia, just like they have weight classes for UFC.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT View Post
    i agree with carlos 100000% on this one.
    ...and you're 5'11!
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  36. #36
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    K Carlos well that's cool. Just my opinion, I don't look at people shorter than me and assume "I bet they wish they were tall". Regardless, I don't think Mr.Olympia should be chosen due to height, just overall. That being said if height comes into play in helping the overall package, it can be very impressive. Maybe I assume more people would like to be tall because to me a tall and ripped physique is very impressive, so to me that is desirable. Everyone has a different idea of what looks good.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chode Logan View Post
    Everyone has a different idea of what looks good.
    Indeed. Like a lot of you guys think Wolf looks good. I do not. His physique does not impress me.
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  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E View Post
    Indeed. Like a lot of you guys think Wolf looks good. I do not. His physique does not impress me.
    Really? Well then I guess that's the best example then, cause to me he symbolizes the exact look that I see as desirable. It's all good.

    Height classes in the O is a tricky subject though, it COULD work, but then what? Do you have an overall winner or do you have another class? So we would have an "under 202 Mr.Olympia", a "Under 5'9 mr.olympia" (or whatever the hell height), and an over? I don't really know if that would work too well...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chode Logan View Post
    Really? Well then I guess that's the best example then, cause to me he symbolizes the exact look that I see as desirable. It's all good.

    Height classes in the O is a tricky subject though, it COULD work, but then what? Do you have an overall winner or do you have another class? So we would have an "under 202 Mr.Olympia", a "Under 5'9 mr.olympia" (or whatever the hell height), and an over? I don't really know if that would work too well...
    When you're competing as an NPC amateur you have an advantage in your weight class if you're shorter. Stand me onstage at 5'6" 198 next to a guy who is 5'10" 198 with similar symmetry and conditioning I'm going to blow him away. I'm going to look much thicker.

    Once you reach pro level, taller guys have an advantage. They can carry more muscle on their frame. But IMO, taller guys tend not to appear as thick or symmetrical. Look at Quincy Taylor. Now if you get a guy who is 6'2" and he can come in as thick as Ronnie with symmetry then yeah, I'll give him props. But when I look at a physique, their height does not come into play.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

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