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  1. #1
    Dinosaur's Avatar
    Dinosaur is offline Member
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    magazine suscribtion YES vs NO

    back 4 yrs ago when i use to waste my money by subscribing to bodybuilding magazines cause i wanted to know and understand more about bodybuilding, after i tried it for 6 months i just noticed that it was not benefiting me in any shape or form, the only thing i could get out of my money i invested into this ball.....crap 300 pages is devotion of the magazine people to pushing worthless powders and pills to the new genaration and charging thousandsd of dollars in profits per page. can u understand why these magazines refuse to print the truth about supplements? for instance to criticize the way this labs conduct their business by bringing shitty products to the market and making big bucks by advertising them in this magazines .
    how many times can we experience disappoint when using supplements, yet continually believe the newest advertising campaign! a several years ago body of mine, who had been vigorously trying to gain muscle mass. conclude that one could print up a fancy lable, wrap it around a bottle of urine, and sell it to those searching for a muscle buillding or fat loss solution. maybe he can even call it " super lemon testastorone booster" i guess we re lucky he didn't decide to enter the supplement industry.
    as newbie or even amateur bidybuilders will sometimes try any new or popular supplement promising muscle gains or fat loss. regardless of how bad it taste, how awful it smells, how much it costs. knowing this, supplemnt companies will do anything to convince you that their products are so "steroid like". inclung paying premium endorsement rates to professional bodubuilders such as M.r olympia winners. if you 've seen ronnie dvd "relentless" clearly he was endorsed by N.O xlode companie as well as jay cutler, gustave...etc they got big off Nano Vapor I have attached somd links as u will find down the page.
    some of this products do work but to a minimal degree. espaecially, when u hit that plato you know for sure that its time to pack your butt and luggage and take that long trip to the dark side.
    sometimes the way i think about it its like those abdominal machines claiming to " shape, firm, and tone that sagging middle" and bringing very defined man who got payed by that company and has 6 abs showing from behind the t-shirt. this how i see it, nothing but an over priced plastic salad bowls.

    one more thing to mention before i close my subject: if you think about this products they are introducing to us every month we get hit with a brand new name that promises us to make us gain a reasonable size. yet, its the same crap that didn't work for the old recipe, but when u campare it to the real gear you find that the names didn't change they are the same for over 50 yrs " deca " is still "deca" "anabol" is still " anabol"...etc they advertise for them selves. no need to change names.

    if you learn only one lesson from bodybuilding or what im trying to illustrate it would be:
    proper diet, excercice, knowledge is the only road to gaining muscle and /or losing fat.

    I hope you don't missinterpet my article.
    comments r welcomed so we can share our personal experience together in order for everybody to benefit.[/B]
    Last edited by Dinosaur; 09-15-2008 at 12:09 AM.

  2. #2
    stallion_1 is offline suspended
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    no !!!

  3. #3
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    i wouldnt bother subscribing to any of them. you can learn everything online for free and get better info

  4. #4
    Chode Logan's Avatar
    Chode Logan is offline AR's Ravishing Maestro of Anabolic Tastyness
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    I like Muscular Development, still packed to the jumblies with bullsh1t adds but I enjoy the slightly more cracked out, ex-con honesty they provide in their articles and it's amusing and honest. The Weider ones are pretty much donkey jizz though.

  5. #5
    DSM4Life's Avatar
    DSM4Life is offline Snook~ AR Lounge Monitor
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    They are all 100% junk in my opinion.

  6. #6
    MuscleSportMag's Avatar
    MuscleSportMag is offline Associate Member
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    MD is the best one if you want to subscribe. They tell it like it is and although they have a ton of ads, too, the mag is stacked so there's some good editorial. You get Vanetino's 2 columns, as well, so you know there's always something to read in there. Plus they put a nice cheesecake photo spread of some hot broad.

  7. #7
    Dinosaur's Avatar
    Dinosaur is offline Member
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    well my comments here are not whether i want to subscribe or not but rather to share my experince with some of the magazines i use subscribe to about 4 yrs. so i gave my opinion that they were not worthed as some of the members have said here.
    intenet world is much much better and and u get to ask and share your opinion plus its free.
    hopefully this is useful to the newbies who are the first victims to this market.

  8. #8
    widowmaker2's Avatar
    widowmaker2 is offline Senior Member
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