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Thread: Speed Dating

  1. #1
    Ammar's Avatar
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    Speed Dating

    Has anyone been to one of things? My best friend went Sunday and he says he loved it, met some cool chicks. Just curious to whatever thinks...Personally I think its kinda weird but I might give it a shot!

  2. #2
    Chode Logan's Avatar
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    To find love or booty?

  3. #3
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    everywhere and nowhere
    where do they have this at?

  4. #4
    bigt10 is offline Member
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    sounds fun, and ya for a relationship or booty??? Ya what kind of places have these events they do sound fun.

  5. #5
    StoneGRMI's Avatar
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    A few buddies of mine have gone to them a couple times and usually trashy, dumb, fat chicks show up they say. One time I was out at a restaurant/bar and saw it going on but it didn't look like something I could do.

  6. #6
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    cant say i could see myself doing it

  7. #7
    Ammar's Avatar
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    Mostly just to meet new chicks I guess...if I say booty or relationship it would definitely be booty.

    Have you guys ever tried That site is easy booty!

  8. #8
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ammar View Post
    Mostly just to meet new chicks I guess...if I say booty or relationship it would definitely be booty.

    Have you guys ever tried That site is easy booty!
    ive browsed through there just out of boredom, i live in a smallish town and most if not all of the girls on there are fat/have kids/have a mental disorder etc

  9. #9
    Ammar's Avatar
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    So what are you saying Amorphic? You are not attracted to that type of girl? haha

    I am just getting really sick of meeting girls at the bar, I need some variety.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ammar View Post
    So what are you saying Amorphic? You are not attracted to that type of girl? haha

    I am just getting really sick of meeting girls at the bar, I need some variety.
    i havent met anyone ive been attracted to for like 3 months. bar setting doesnt work for me and most other girls i meet just do nothing for me. i'm too damn picky.

  11. #11
    daem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    bar setting doesnt work for me and most other girls i meet just do nothing for me. i'm too damn picky.
    Well spoken!

    Most are usually in shock when I say something elegant or intelligent given I'm a pretty good looking guy.

    It's like "Wait a second, you can't be good looking AND smart"

    Having high expectations always makes you more desirable anyway, and I think girls can sense that a mile away.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by daem View Post
    Well spoken!

    Most are usually in shock when I say something elegant or intelligent given I'm a pretty good looking guy.

    It's like "Wait a second, you can't be good looking AND smart"

    Having high expectations always makes you more desirable anyway, and I think girls can sense that a mile away.
    my expectations have hurt my relationships more than helped. usually i end up wanting too much out of someone that cant give it and it all blows up.

    i havent been able to find anyone i can relate to in like 3 months now, its crazy

  13. #13
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by daem View Post
    Well spoken!

    Most are usually in shock when I say something elegant or intelligent given I'm a pretty good looking guy.

    It's like "Wait a second, you can't be good looking AND smart"

    Having high expectations always makes you more desirable anyway, and I think girls can sense that a mile away.

    You should consult Ruhlfreak.

  14. #14
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    my expectations have hurt my relationships more than helped. usually i end up wanting too much out of someone that cant give it and it all blows up.

    i havent been able to find anyone i can relate to in like 3 months now, its crazy
    i know bro, my last gf was like back in february, i realized it's just easier for me to have lots of gfs then to be exclusive, takes away alot of the pressure that comes with a relationship, i like it at least

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    i know bro, my last gf was like back in february, i realized it's just easier for me to have lots of gfs then to be exclusive, takes away alot of the pressure that comes with a relationship, i like it at least
    i might go down that route just to raise my ego a little. ive never been the type so its a bit of a challenge for me to pick up a bunch of girls. (not like im unattractive or anything but i have a pretty intimidating look which can work against me at times)

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    i might go down that route just to raise my ego a little. ive never been the type so its a bit of a challenge for me to pick up a bunch of girls. (not like im unattractive or anything but i have a pretty intimidating look which can work against me at times)
    i'm the same as far as the look goes, just try to go around all day with a nice smile like you're loving life and after a little while you will notice it's easier to talk and pick up people cause you start to project this positiveness all around you that people like

  17. #17
    Ammar's Avatar
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    I was in a relationship for about 1.5 years until that I am single I just want to meet as many women as possible, not necessary for sex but just for company. If more comes from it then cool but if not then at least I can say I met them and nothing clicked. I am just running out of spots to meet good looking, smart ladies!!

  18. #18
    Chitown Raider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    You should consult Ruhlfreak.

    Better not

  19. #19
    bigt10 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    i'm the same as far as the look goes, just try to go around all day with a nice smile like you're loving life and after a little while you will notice it's easier to talk and pick up people cause you start to project this positiveness all around you that people like
    noooo this guy has got it. exactly.

    its hard to explain you just need to be freindly, positive, and confident that what is really the sexiest or most attractive thing. if you are hot or look good that just seals the deal.

    but phate is 100 % right.

  20. #20
    VeraDeMilo's Avatar
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    Me and my buddies used to go watch a local semi-pro baseball team play every thursday during the summer because its dollar beer night at the stadium. One night, the section in front of us had a speed dating thing going on. I guess everyone met at the stadium. They sat you next to someone new until the team made 3 outs. then you moved onto the next person until the next 3 outs were made. So by the end of the game you met and chatted with 18 different members of the opposite sex.

    In theory it seemed like a good idea and looked like it could be fun. But the girls on that particular night all appeared overweight, ugly, aging, or crazy. (or all of the above in some cases)

  21. #21
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    i know bro, my last gf was like back in february, i realized it's just easier for me to have lots of gfs then to be exclusive, takes away alot of the pressure that comes with a relationship, i like it at least

    of course as soon as i say this i get a girlfriend, but she's badass, and older than me so it's cool, her maturity level is up to mine and i think it's gonna work well, hopefully at least

  22. #22
    Ammar's Avatar
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    I think the speed dating thing is going on hold for now...

    but as far as what you guys are saying about going around being positive and smiling that definitely is true. I mean just around my office at work all the girls "love" me because I am friendly...older women around here think I am sleeping with all of them because they visit my cube haha

    Just have to be careful between confident and cocky...but no girl wants a guy that is not confident. Gotta have that swagger.

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