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Thread: I need HELP!?!?

  1. #1
    Jenseno9's Avatar
    Jenseno9 is offline Member
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    I need HELP!?!?

    Ok so this morning I was awoken by a city police officer. He had a misdemeanor citation to serve me. Here is what happened.

    There has been some thefts at my gym recently. I guess cars in the parking lot. While into my way in yesterday I notice an old beater car with its windows down and the doors are unlocked! Now when I say its a beater I mean its like a 1985 honda or some shit. WELL the officer tells me that there is video of me stealing the ****ing faceplate out of the car. Which is 100% percent false. Yes i admitted to being in the car but no way no how did I steal anything out of that pos car. I know that either A. the owner of the gym had an employee park there pos there and are framing me for stealing the faceplate, or B the lady that is listed as a witness is retarded and assumed that I might as well stole the faceplate bc I entered the car. Now there is no way on gods earth that I would steal a f'in face plate of a stereo deck. I know much about the car audio business and now that it has no value. Plus this mexican pos car was more of a pos inside than it appeared from the outside! (I have a phoenix gold xs amp and phoenix gold 15in xmax carbon fiber sub in an spl box in my grand cherokee).

    so monday i am going to my family attorney. Can I file a lawsuit against them for slander etc? I swear to god that I didnt take that f'in face plate. Can I get in trouble for simply opening a car door thats unlocked and trying to put up the windows?

    I went by the gym today to see if that car was there and I will check everyday until i see it. At that time when i see that pos car I am hoping that the face plate for there pos cd player is left on it. And I can snap a picture on my phone.
    1. Will my phone (Iphone) record the date somehow of when the picture was taken?
    2. Should I only show this picture to my attorney?
    3. Should I even pay for an attorney if I can get this picture? Im assuming that they won't always take off there face plate or that it wasn't stolen by someone else.
    4. The officer told me that the video had been sipenoed? How can this help my case? Can I ask for more of the tape. Ie Prior to me entering the car to see if someone else did?

    This whole scenerio is only made worse by the fact that I have been trying to enlist in the United States Marines for the last couple months. WHAT ELSE COULD GET IN MY WAY. I already stupidly got a DUI labor day weekend that is holding me up bc I have to clear that up first. (I refused to take a breath test but asked for a blood or uninalysis at the station).

  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Why were you inside that car ? Straight away I see some guilt there dude, I am sorry. But these days nobody does a good deed for anybody, and of course if they see you inside somebody elses car then they are going to blame you for something

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    as above, would you walk into a house that had its door open and just sit down? seems a bit dogde to me!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    GUILTY... not looking good mate good luck

  5. #5
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    i would also like to know why you entered the car? i leave my car unlocked all the time and if i saw you in it i would of beat the living hell out of you
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  6. #6
    lcstriker07's Avatar
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    He said he got in to roll up the windows.... If it was an old beater I would have assumed there was nothing of value in it and not bothered though. Go to your lawyer tell him EVERYTHING and I dunno if it's a great idea to go back by that car. If you're just going to the gym I guess you could inconspicuously park next to it and look from there.

  7. #7
    lcstriker07's Avatar
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    Just remember.... Deny till you Die bro!

  8. #8
    binder's Avatar
    binder is offline Member
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    ok, your story doesn't make sense. I see POS cars all the time and never feel the need to go roll up their windows.

    If it was as nasty as you say, why would you get in it?

    what the hell do you care the windows are down?

    why did you have to get into a car to roll the windows up? you can just open the doors and roll them up and shut them without getting INTO the car.

    sorry man, your story sounds shady. I would never get into a random car unless it was on fire and a small child was trapped in it or something.

    Also, if you rolled someone's windows up to be a "good person" why didn't you walk into the gym and announce it that someone left their windows down and you gladly rolled them up? I would probably just have told people at the gym that someone left them down and left it at that.

  9. #9
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
    RuhlFreak55 is offline Purveyor of Thor's Hammer
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    i agree, story doesn't make a whole lot of sense.......plea insanity rofl

  10. #10
    binder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    i agree, story doesn't make a whole lot of sense.......plea insanity rofl
    that will probably work based on this story. I would definitely agree this story is insane. (although clinical insanity is a condition where a person performs an action repeatedly expecting different results)

  11. #11
    bd50's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by binder View Post
    ok, your story doesn't make sense. I see POS cars all the time and never feel the need to go roll up their windows.

    If it was as nasty as you say, why would you get in it?

    what the hell do you care the windows are down?

    why did you have to get into a car to roll the windows up? you can just open the doors and roll them up and shut them without getting INTO the car.

    sorry man, your story sounds shady. I would never get into a random car unless it was on fire and a small child was trapped in it or something.

    Also, if you rolled someone's windows up to be a "good person" why didn't you walk into the gym and announce it that someone left their windows down and you gladly rolled them up? I would probably just have told people at the gym that someone left them down and left it at that.

    guilty bro! no one is going to buy the "i was just in the car to put up the windows" defense..

    come on,, you fukked up and were snooping around the car for shit to take.

    you got a burglary and/or trespassing charge pending.

    end of story.

  12. #12
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    never ever never screw with someones vehicle.......although the other day a girl that lives next to me had her interior light on in her Liberty and i couldn't get her to answer the door and i was tempted to see if the door was open and i could get it to turn off

  13. #13
    binder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    never ever never screw with someones vehicle.......although the other day a girl that lives next to me had her interior light on in her Liberty and i couldn't get her to answer the door and i was tempted to see if the door was open and i could get it to turn off
    ya, that would have ended bad.....especially since it was probably night.

  14. #14
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by binder View Post
    ya, that would have ended bad.....especially since it was probably night.
    i went to walmart and she must have come out and gotten it

  15. #15
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Again, GUILTY.

    You went into the car so your done for. On top of that they have it on video, tell bubba i said hello.

  16. #16
    KatsMeow is offline Stupid
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    No matter what you entered a car without permission regardless of if it was a POS or not. You had no business entering it and you can be charged with criminal mischief as well just for admitting that you entered it, but it sounds like they have video so you better get your story straight. And from now on stay out of places that you have no business.

    And no, you can't sure for slander, because a normal person wouldn't just enter a car without being told it was ok, so the judge is going to look at it as though you have criminal intent, and so would any other normal person.

  17. #17
    binder's Avatar
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    and addition to Kat's point: slander is spoken false information. The fact that they have video of you in the car means it is fact therefore not slander. Also, did he say anything defacing you? he just served you with a subpoena. No where on there does it state you are guilty. That's for the court system to decide.

  18. #18
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    i just got arrested for entering the girls shower room at the gym. I just wanted to let one fo the girl know she forgot to lock her locker. Thats what i get for being a nice guy

  19. #19
    binder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i just got arrested for entering the girls shower room at the gym. I just wanted to let one fo the girl know she forgot to lock her locker. Thats what i get for being a nice guy

  20. #20
    warchild's Avatar
    warchild is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    too many holes in the story. you sound guilty, just tell us the truth

  21. #21
    Thug Nasty is offline Associate Member
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    Who knows?
    I'm guessing this isn't going to end well for you.

  22. #22
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by binder View Post
    and addition to Kat's point: slander is spoken false information. The fact that they have video of you in the car means it is fact therefore not slander. Also, did he say anything defacing you? he just served you with a subpoena. No where on there does it state you are guilty. That's for the court system to decide.
    Plus the cops can lie all they want. It is a common tactic they use to get suspects to open their mouths and talk.

    Cop "we have a witness that saw you shoot person x and whe have it on a survailance camera too"

    You "no way, I didn't shoot anyone, I just punched him and took his walkman and smashed it because he slept with my girlfriend"

    So the cop lies and says you shot someone and there is a witness and video, both of which are lies. As a result he gets to confess to crimes.

    "The cop lied" isn't a defence against the crimes you just confessed to. Don't confess to crimes to the police unless you want to be convicted of them. Also, don't trust cops when they are investigating you bro. Plus there have been a few threads on here recently about why you should never talk to the cops and why it can never help you and only hurt you. Someone posted up a link to an excellent video of a law professor breaking it all down. Check that out and don't ever make that mistake again.

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