Well, just wanted to share a little. I recently decided to get my ass back in the gym, the reason being that i stopped working (I was working terrible hours in a small town which gave me very little time to work out, and only in the morning(which I can't stand)) and went to a University in my country's capital which has more flexible opening hours and also makes working out and focusing on my body easier.

Anyway, haven't worked out for like.. 6 months.. and in that time I got fat (I put on 14 lbs of fat). Started going back to the gym last week on monday and BOY have I lost strength! My bench has gone from 242 lbs to 198 lbs!

But I believe that it won't take me long to get to where I was if I eat right and train hard (and yes, I truely believe it will only take me like two months).
I also started to keep a food and workout journal (which makes a difference, I recommend it for everyone.. it shows just how much difference there is between eating right and eating wrong) which is awesome (my girlfriend actually suggested it, although she never works out).

Anyway, just wanted to share with you guys.. and also I have a question for you (and I know the lounge maybe isn't the right place but.. this thread is more about me sharing my story than you answering these couple of questions.. admins you're welcome to move the thread if you think it's in the wrong place).

I calculated on some website my nutritional needs and it says that I need 3700 kcals a day, and I'm weighing about 108 kg/238 lbs. My goal is to drop down to 95 kg's (and I'm not trying to do that fast, the goal is 95 kg / 210 lbs for next summer. I find that my comfort zone, and also my girlfriend doesn't want me to drop more weight than that, nor does she want me to be over 220 lbs / 100 kg).

Do you think 3700 calories a day is the appropriate amount for me to loose weight (slowly) and regaining my strenght (faster than loosing fat )?

And oh, btw. Stats are:
190 cm / 6' 2
108 kg / 238 lbs
21 years old.

Thanks in advance.