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  1. #1
    HORSE~'s Avatar
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    Ike= My house, barn and shop all 3 condemned!!!

    Well just got done meeting with my insurance adjuster toady and fema yesterday and they decided to condemn all three structures....

    I knew my barn was for the most part wiped out and my shop looked like a bomb went off in it but I didn't realize the structural damage that the house had actually sustained....I live on a little over 3 acres and have an acre and a half pond behind my house and a hedge row in between the pond and house so I hadn't actually seen the entire back side of my house until today....I have been waiting on a friend to bring over a front end loader so that I could make a path to the back of the house and not get snake bit trying to walk through all the high ass grass and up rooted tree's....Well today we got a path cleared and two big oak trees and a willow tree had fallen away from the house....I already knew that they had fallen but what I wasn't able to see was that they completely up rooted and had ripped out all off my sewage, water lines and electric lines that where buried under the house....My house is on block's and stands about two feet above the ground....Well apparently the water lines and sewage lines have been leaking under the house since the storm so now I have 2 feet of and water touching the bottom decking of my house.....

    After we finished taking notes on the out side we went into the house....Now I already knew that the ceiling's in four of rooms had fallen in due to roof damage and water leaking in but I had not been into the attic yet because we could not turn on the electricity and still cant turn it on because we have electrical wires twisted and mangled all over the place....So any way get into the attic with our flash lights and there here joist cracked twisted and in some places completely dislodged from the roof....After seeing that the adjuster decided it wasn't safe to be up there and we came down and went to the front of the house to try and see what kind of condition the floor joist where in....The front part of the house is slightly higher than the back so we where be able to see the parts that weren't submerged in water....I had noticed prior to today that the roof was slightly sagging on the right side, well when we got down and looked under the house we saw why....the cinder block's on that side of the house had almost all been either shattered or had just been completely pushed out of there setting's....After seeing all of this I have no F#cking clue how the house did not just completely split in two or three different pieces....

    So it looks like I will be without a house, barn or shop for several months....Insurance will for the most part cover everything but it is a real pain in the ass....I have horse's and dog's spread all over the place at different friends house's....It takes damn near half a day just to drive from place to place feeding and watering them....I think I am burning up around four hundred dollars a week just for the gas it takes to go back and forth to feed them....

    All that being said I got off allot better than many other folks....None of us or our animals where injured so I do feel blessed for that....Right now I am staying at my mom's house cause I had no idea that the damage was so severe and that it would take as much time as it is going to take to repair ....So Monday it look's like I'll have to go and find an apartment or something until we get all this shit sorted which is going to suck ass, I am used to being able to walk around my property in my underwear and piss of the back porch in the middle of the night plus I hate f#cking people now I am going to have them right on the other side of the wall from me....

    Anyway my weekend suck's hope yall's is better than mine....

    Holy shit this is a long ass F#CKING post!!!!

  2. #2
    DCI's Avatar
    DCI is offline Productive Member
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    Shit man sorry to hear all that. Ye in on the coast seem to get ****ed over by the Hurricanes only good thing about Ireland we get none of that shit.

    We all have challenges in live I suppose this is another one. But from I got from them challenges they'll either break ya or make ya.

  3. #3
    HORSE~'s Avatar
    HORSE~ is offline yeah
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damien_C View Post
    Shit man sorry to hear all that. Ye in on the coast seem to get ****ed over by the Hurricanes only good thing about Ireland we get none of that shit.

    We all have challenges in live I suppose this is another one. But from I got from them challenges they'll either break ya or make ya.

    Yea this really ain't shit, I've been though allot worse and made out just fine....

    Just venting I guess....

  4. #4
    KatsMeow is offline Stupid
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    I'm sorry to hear that Horsey...I hope you can pull it all together.

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear bro, my offer still stands if you need extra hands.

  6. #6
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Really sorry to hear this Horse, what a pain in the ass. Well at least it was insured and you can build again. I think I am going to lose my house as well but because of the Hurricane sweeping the Financial markets

  7. #7
    zimmy's Avatar
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    Dude...just count your blessings tha tthe insurance company ok'd your house damage.

    I have major foundation problems from the raining making the dirt wash away adn they are like "um ...that's not storm damage"

    After my cut me a check for 90 bucsk and says thanks for playing.

  8. #8
    Reed's Avatar
    Reed is offline AR's Pitbull ~Vet~
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    Good luck buddy, everything will work out.

  9. #9
    HORSE~'s Avatar
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    Thanks Kat's, Big,kale Zimmy Reed and anybody else that has posted since I wrote this ya'lls kind words do help to ease the stress....

    It just came as a real shocker to realize how much damage was actually caused....

    Big my friend you have now idea how much that offer means to me buddy, I really do appreciate it....I just have to clear my head and figure out where to start....

    Kale buddy if the financial hurricane takes your house your more than welcome to come over to my place, we can pitch tents and camp out by the pound lol....

  10. #10
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    i hope they let you use the scraps to build a new farm or something.

  11. #11
    DCI's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HORSE View Post
    Yea this really ain't shit, I've been though allot worse and made out just fine....

    Just venting I guess....
    It mightend be shit but it's still a pain in the arse all the hassle of everything. Not the same as your problems but I crashed my car nearly 6 months ago and it still aint right yet pain in the balls plus extra shite that has happend.

    Ahh it's good to vent. Helps from hopping someone's head off the floor in the gym lol

  12. #12
    PT's Avatar
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    see horse thats what you get for saying what you did to me. just joking bro, im sorry and i hope things pick up
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  13. #13
    HORSE~'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT View Post
    see horse thats what you get for saying what you did to me. just joking bro, im sorry and i hope things pick up

    Yep karma's a bitch!!!!

    That's the last time I'll ever say something nice to you that's for sure....

  14. #14
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by HORSE View Post
    Thanks Kat's, Big,kale Zimmy Reed and anybody else that has posted since I wrote this ya'lls kind words do help to ease the stress....

    It just came as a real shocker to realize how much damage was actually caused....

    Big my friend you have now idea how much that offer means to me buddy, I really do appreciate it....I just have to clear my head and figure out where to start....

    Kale buddy if the financial hurricane takes your house your more than welcome to come over to my place, we can pitch tents and camp out by the pound lol....
    Thanks man I might just have to do that. You know all this is God showing his rath because of this dont you ??????

  15. #15
    HORSE~'s Avatar
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    DUDE I am ROTFLMFAO , so wrong but so God damn funny!!!!!

    BTW I actually love that song....

  16. #16
    Gears's Avatar
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    Being able to deal with problems like this make men.

  17. #17
    paulzane's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear HORSE ..... best of luck in the future!

  18. #18
    wascaptain5214 is offline Senior Member
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    good luck bro, yall got it hard this time. i got roofers doing my house this week end... they almost got it finished up. i tell you its a mexican crew and them boys know how to work.

  19. #19
    0tolerance's Avatar
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    terribly sorry to hear that you lost all that!
    that was a shocking hurricane.

    Take your check from the insurance and run to australia, we dont get hurricanes or tornadoes at all here!

  20. #20
    PT's Avatar
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    i just read your post again and i really feel for you bro. i wish you lived closer so i was able to help you because i cant even begin to imagine how horrible that would be. im glad to see your keeping your head up and i really hope things pick up for you bro.
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  21. #21
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by 0tolerance View Post
    terribly sorry to hear that you lost all that!
    that was a shocking hurricane.

    Take your check from the insurance and run to australia, we dont get hurricanes or tornadoes at all here!
    What school did you go to ?. You ever heard of Cyclone Tracy ? Thats the one that totally destroyed Darwin

  22. #22
    StoneGRMI's Avatar
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    Best of luck! Just be thankful nothing happened to you, your family or your animals.

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