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  1. #1
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    Exclamation just bought my ticket to tihland

    im gonna be there for 6 months and hopefully get a good cycle in im pumped

  2. #2
    Banelord is offline Associate Member
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    juicing and ramming, that is good.

  3. #3
    MercyDog's Avatar
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    good luck

  4. #4
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  5. #5
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    its gona be sick

  6. #6
    KZRSOIZE is offline Associate Member
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    You dont have to go to a 3rd world country to get big and bang, unless of course you cant get laid not sure how the food is there but if you cant eat nutritious meals your not gonna get big.....good luck and dont bring home anything you didnt take if you know what i mean...and remember the little boys will still get you put in prison...

  7. #7
    j4ever41's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifter18 View Post
    im gonna be there for 6 months and hopefully get a good cycle in im pumped
    wish i was going, whats your line of work?

  8. #8
    Voice of Reason's Avatar
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    Have fun in tihland, I don't believe your going to a country you can't spell lol...

    Last edited by Voice of Reason; 10-28-2008 at 11:32 PM.

  9. #9
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    i saved up alot and took out a loan and my parents are gona pay some im 19. and they told me when i graduated i could go on a big trip

  10. #10
    Older lifter is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by KZRSOIZE View Post
    You dont have to go to a 3rd world country to get big and bang, unless of course you cant get laid not sure how the food is there but if you cant eat nutritious meals your not gonna get big.....good luck and dont bring home anything you didnt take if you know what i mean...and remember the little boys will still get you put in prison...
    What makes you think this is a 3rd world country????, I live here and it's medical etc is top notch. So many think that people here just want to get out, i can tell you most don't,,, just because it is a different culture does not mean it is backwards,,,, just different, ask the thousands of flangs that live here......

  11. #11
    big_k's Avatar
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    Have fun, I went on a Euro Trip on my own for 3 months. One of the best experiences of my life.

    Although do you plan on training while there?

    Its my only biggest regret, I stopped all lifting, ate shit, and gained weight, lost muscle, and came back chubby.

    Next time I travel I will train at least twice a week.

  12. #12
    QuieTSToRM33's Avatar
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    Why are you going to Thailand ?

    Plan on training some muay thai ?

  13. #13
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    no easy acess to roids and ima train to get bigger

  14. #14
    firmechicano831's Avatar
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    LOL, I would of gone to Mexico. Sit in Cabo or Cancun right on the beach and go get some juice right around the corner. Come back layout and watch the barbies in bikinies walking around.

  15. #15
    Kratos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifter18 View Post
    no easy acess to roids and ima train to get bigger
    That's why you're going there? you must be joking. 19, you should be in school finishing high school. Cause anybody with a brain would know there is no reason to go traveling around the world to find steroids . Not to mention you don't need them at 19. Fix the spelling in your title.
    Last edited by Kratos; 10-26-2008 at 11:56 PM.

  16. #16
    CSAR's Avatar
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    Congrats on going to Thailand. Stupid doing steroids at 19.

  17. #17
    firmechicano831's Avatar
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    bro just diet, hit the weights hard and results will start to show.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifter18 View Post
    no easy acess to roids and ima train to get bigger

  19. #19
    Darksyde's Avatar
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    what is with the absolute pussitude of our young generation these days? dam kid, man up and put your time in.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifter18 View Post
    i saved up alot and took out a loan and my parents are gona pay some im 19. and they told me when i graduated i could go on a big trip
    let me guess you don't leave until June or July.
    Cause that's when you graduate. You're not 19, more like 16/17.

    You're going to be disapointed when you realize steriods don't do as much as you think, you loose your gains, and life is for the most part unchanged. You could make almost equal progress natty at your age even if you really are 19. Have any friends going with you? Think about your career plans. Your priorities are all kinds of messed up.

  21. #21
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    my parents held me back a year so i could be better at football also im going to online courses when im there

  22. #22
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    I guess since I was 17 when I graduated that doesn't mean everybody is.

    No chance for playing college football? There are some crappy teams out there that need players too.

    I'd say 9/10 times the online courses end up being a waste cause kids never finish the degree in the school the courses are affiliated with. They rarely transfer, and how much work are you going to put into them? Make sure you don't loose another year forgetting to apply to schools before the deadline. You could end up wasting 2 years before starting your freshman year of college for a stupid steroid cycle, that is if you want to go to school.

    It's sad to see another high school kid today that thinks steroids are the best thing ever. I expect you to be very disapointed.

    If you have no friends going with you, it could be a pretty boaring trip. Watch out for the lady boy's.

    But anyway, you don't need to go to asia to get roids dude. That's just over the top ridiculous.

  23. #23
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    Never mind dint want to open that can of worms...

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeputyLoneWolf View Post
    Never mind dint want to open that can of worms...
    what's that? the high school logic can? why not? his thinking doesn't make sense and it's that simple.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    what's that? the high school logic can? why not? his thinking doesn't make sense and it's that simple.

    No not at all. I'll pm you.

  26. #26
    KAEW44's Avatar
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    I've been in Thailand for a year now,there are many good gyms and lots of gear, but supplements and nutrition suck big time, the GNC here only carries old school GNC brand name products and also a local Thai supplement product which i can guarantee you is underdosed and sucky and chalky like it was a protein shake made in the 1980's!!

    The only way to get a great diet here is to go to the posh import supermarkets which carry lots of awesome food, which is also awesomely expensive!!

  27. #27
    Older lifter is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by KAEW44 View Post
    I've been in Thailand for a year now,there are many good gyms and lots of gear, but supplements and nutrition suck big time, the GNC here only carries old school GNC brand name products and also a local Thai supplement product which i can guarantee you is underdosed and sucky and chalky like it was a protein shake made in the 1980's!!

    The only way to get a great diet here is to go to the posh import supermarkets which carry lots of awesome food, which is also awesomely expensive!!

    Lol,,,,, supp's are the problem, Thai slaps 90% of these types of things. There is a very good way around that problem but not for those just there on holiday.
    Mate, i would not call Carefore, Big-C or lotus,,,,,POSH???? Where did you shop the Paragon? in Saim. never shop there
    My food shopping is reasonable considering the amount i buy.

  28. #28
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    Post Do You Have Non-BB Goals that Would Help Your College Applications?

    What is the overall goal of your travel? I hope it's not to find steroids , because you are under 21.

    However, if it's related to college, the travel itself might be OK. For example, if you want to study international relations or marketing or a language.

    The British, Dutch, and German kids backpack overseas after high school before college all the time. They call it "gap year" and often they try to find volunteer work in some village to put on their resume/college apps. They will go someplace in a developing country and find the project there, because the volunteer programs here are often big ripoffs that charge volunteers thousands of dollars to participate. Lonely Planet has a site about this.

    If you have a travel plan made out, backpacking/hosteling can be fun just in itself. Just be careful of women, pickpockets, diarrhea (there goes the bulk!), cheats in markets, changing money etc. I second the comments about diet. It can be hard to get the right amount of protein and healthy meals. I traveled some in Latin America years ago (didn't lift then) and lost some weight even though I tried to eat properly.

    I think the corresp. courses might be a waste of time. Better to graduate, file all your college apps for 2010 or whatever, do the gap year travel, and then start college.

    So maybe define your goals. If you have a solid gap year plan that will look good on a college application, then fine - spend the time abroad.

    If you're just going for juice, women, and song, then no...better to go to college after h.s. and not skip the year.
    Last edited by Strategus; 10-27-2008 at 10:16 PM.

  29. #29
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    chicks with dicks...yuckie

  30. #30
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    Maybe while on the trip he will have an epiphany about his life and purpose.

    Who are any of us to tell him not to do something he saved up money for and is excited to do?

    I'm not a fan of him taking steroids , but we all have to learn life lessons the hard way some times.

    The timing sounds a little off and his age really doesn't scream enlightenment, but to each their own...We all have different ideas about what constitutes happiness and what we want to do with our lives.

    This is no different than him moving to Colorado to become a ski bum for the winter. No opinion found on a message board will change his mind, so we should all just wish him on his way and tell him to keep us informed about his trip.

    Good luck!

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by daem View Post
    Maybe while on the trip he will have an epiphany about his life and purpose.

    Who are any of us to tell him not to do something he saved up money for and is excited to do?

    I'm not a fan of him taking steroids , but we all have to learn life lessons the hard way some times.

    The timing sounds a little off and his age really doesn't scream enlightenment, but to each their own...We all have different ideas about what constitutes happiness and what we want to do with our lives.

    This is no different than him moving to Colorado to become a ski bum for the winter. No opinion found on a message board will change his mind, so we should all just wish him on his way and tell him to keep us informed about his trip.

    Good luck!
    I agree, I say you go for it man. People are made by their experiences.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by daem View Post
    Maybe while on the trip he will have an epiphany about his life and purpose.

    Who are any of us to tell him not to do something he saved up money for and is excited to do?

    I'm not a fan of him taking steroids , but we all have to learn life lessons the hard way some times.

    The timing sounds a little off and his age really doesn't scream enlightenment, but to each their own...We all have different ideas about what constitutes happiness and what we want to do with our lives.

    This is no different than him moving to Colorado to become a ski bum for the winter. No opinion found on a message board will change his mind, so we should all just wish him on his way and tell him to keep us informed about his trip.

    Good luck!
    I agree life experiences are great, I have several friends who have traveled the world while I've been stuck working. I'll always regret not going and doing the same. I almost did move to Colorado to be a ski bum as well.
    I was complaining about motives, a steroid cycle is a poor reason to go.

    To the threadstarter, good luck, enjoy your trip.

  33. #33
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    bro you're gonna have a blast, i personally think those are the hottest girls in the world. make sure you strap up,

  34. #34
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    i got offerd a scholorship but declined

  35. #35
    jmax is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifter18 View Post
    i got offerd a scholorship but declined
    oh c'mon!!

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmax View Post
    oh c'mon!!

    You do know this thread is like 2 years old, im sure he's not going to hanging on for your reply...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  37. #37
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